Corn Dog Recipe - Fast and Easy

I am making Corn Dogs today at Deep South Texas. This recipe is fast, easy, and delicious. The whole family will love these corn dogs. Recipe ingredients are listed below. I added some spice to mine, but this is totally optional.

Corn Dogs
6 to 8 Hot Dogs
3/4 cup All Purpose Flour, 128 gm
3/4 cup corn meal, 126 gm
2 Tbsp. sugar, 30 gm
2 tsp Baking Powder, 8 gm
1/4 tsp salt, 2 gm
1 cup whole milk, 250 ml
1 egg, slightly beaten
6 to 8 – 5 in bamboo skewers, 13 cm
1 quart+ cooking oil for deep frying, 1 liter+
Deep fry at 350 F, 177 C

Optional Spices
1 tsp ground jalapeno powder, 4 gm
1/2 tsp onion powder, 2 gm
1/2 tsp garlic powder, 2 gm


  1. Oh my! They look delicious! And I have always thought that it was very hard to make homemade corn dogs. I had it pictured in my head as a disaster. I guess I was worried about the batter coming off every where. Thank you for clearing up the process for me and the recipe. You can bet I’ll be using this one bc I’m tired of the nasty corn dogs from sonic that are so grease soaked! Even the frozen ones are better than the ones at sonic.

  2. After watching a couple of garden videos, this one came up. So here I am at 7 o’clock in the morning, sort of awake, and NOW, wanting corndogs.😊 Can’t wait to try your recipe; thanks for sharing it.

  3. My son's 11th birthday is June 27th and I was looking for birthday food inspiration 💡 and I have found it! Thank you from Australia 🦘🦘🦘

  4. These are so good and easy to make. Thanks for all you do! I look forward to your videos 👍

  5. Hello from Belgium 🙂 I've tried the recipe first in a big donut maker and the result was good. Today I've received my Corn Dog Maker and I was happy to make some professional Corn Dogs with your recipe. The Corn Dogs tasted very good. Thanks for sharing the Corn Dog Recipe 🙂

  6. Larry, you're awesome! Thank you so much for this, going to make these on the weekend to relive my childhood 😀 Best wishes from Canberra, Australia!

  7. Wow… Those look real tasty 😋 thanks for sharing this with us, I'm definitely going to be trying it. You have a new subscriber 👍 thumbs up buddy……

  8. Wow!!! They turned out AMAZING!!! I really want a plate full of your homemade corn dogs now! It's 3:00 a.m. so I'll have to wait to try them.

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