Amazing Spiced Carrot and Lentil Soup Recipe! So Simple! Protein Packed!

Make our amazing carrot and lentil soup in no time at all.

A handful of fresh ingredients complimented by our natural Garam Masala spice blend.
This soup is a good source of protein, vegan friendly and can be made in large batches

You can pick up our blends at

Full instructions:
1 Onion-finely chopped
4 Carrots-finely chopped
1 400g tin/pack of lentils-drained
2.5 tsp My Garam Masala Blend
3 Garlic Cloves-crushed
1 tsp Sugar
300ml Vegetable Stock (can use a good quality vegetable stock cube)
1 tsp Salt
1tbsp Tomato Puree
Small handful of Coriander- roughly chopped
Add a couple of glugs of olive oil to a pan, add the onions, garlic and carrots and soften for around 10 minutes
Add the 2.5 tsp My Garam Masala Blend and stir through
Add the lentils, 300ml of stock and stir
Add the sugar and tomato puree then season with the salt
Finally add the coriander
Bring to the boil and then turn down to a simmer
Cook for 30 mins, you will want to check it every 10 minutes and stir, you can add a little extra water if it starts to thicken too much
I like to leave it chunky but if you want it smoother, once cooled you can put it into a food processor and blitz

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