Kolokithokeftedes are Greek Zucchini fritters. This recipe is keto, low carb & gluten free. It uses almond flour & psyllium husk instead of regular wheat flour.

My recipe is full of wonderful fresh herbs. Parsley, dill, mint, oregano, basil. Spring onions & shallots. Lemon zest & juice. The herbs make it fresh & fragrant.

I made a large batch of these for my friends Easter celebration, (keto, gluten free, & baked) and they were gone before the end of the night. I got so many compliments on them too! Not one person noticed that they were missing regular flour or that they were not fried!

For the full recipe, click this link:

Kolokithokeftedes or Zucchini Fritters Gone Ketolicious

Instagram @onxeniastreet



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