Go southwestern with layers of spicy green rice, smoky beans and rotisserie chicken in a cheesy chipotle sauce.


  1. Too much clothing hanging while she's cooking. Long chain, long sleeves, open jacket, easy to get caught on fire 🤯

  2. This is a good recipe but why is the audience acting like she’s Jesus Christ himself feeding the 1000 with some fish and 2 loafs of bread 🤣

  3. The chicken is beautiful, the rice very clever, the black beans perfect (I use chorizo for the paprika flavors). Add anything you like, such a avocado, tomato salsa (tomato, lime, coriander/cilantro) extra sour cream/cheese, lettuce, pickled onions (in lime and white wine vinegar). Make it for big crowds and you'll be loved for it. This is 100% the best Burrito I have eaten (made or bought), it is simply perfection. Thank you Rachel.

  4. Hello,
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  5. Thanks Rachel. I’m watching you while drinking my pumpkin latte from my mug. It reads “Kids are for people who can’t have dogs.” Sorry about your dog Izzabo.

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