Check my website,, for the full story, recipe ingredients and more details. Enjoy!


  1. Yeah Boyeeeee…. If you have a question or comment, please go to the Foodwishes website and post it there. We'd love to hear from you. Thanks for watching. Enjoy!!

  2. hey chef john, i've come to pay respects to your content at this ancient shrine of a video

  3. Wow,, 15 years ago! Anyway, thanks for the inspiration. I still have a ton of blanched fava beans from my garden. This will be next weeks lunch, with some nice sourdough bread (skipping the Chianti for now… )

  4. I saw a bean hack once where chef added bean to vinaigrette and mirowaved it for like 3 minutes. He said the heat helped the beans absorb the liquid faster. Once cooled, you can add onions, celery, carrots – leg of choice.

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