Voici un délicieux mezze libanais Labneh et zaatar,
une recette pleine de saveur qu’on sert surtout au petit déjeuner, parfumée a la menthe et à la grenade puis arrosée d’huile d’olive et zaatar.
Une recette facile à préparer et qui apporte un peu de soleil dans nos assiettes

Labneh, much like Greek yogurt, is a Middle Eastern strained yogurt. It’s creamy, rich and sour in flavor and way thicker than regular or Greek yogurt.
You will love this appetizer recipe in which labneh is drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with salt and Za’atar (a Middle Eastern herb mixture)

 You simply cannot miss out on this Mediterranean Labneh dip! Sprinkled with fresh pomegranate seeds and served with pita chips, this dip is the perfect appetizer


  1. Hey m'y friend, your food is always colored, like your painting tableau….both are art…tks a lot for sharing your cooking…

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