How to Make The Best Branzino (Mediterranean Sea Bass) *Quick and Easy*

How to Make The Best Branzino (Mediterranean Sea Bass) *Quick and Easy*
Hi guys, In this video, I will be showing you how to make my all-time favorite fish. This has to be one of the easiest recipes in my book, but it tastes absolutely divine! I hope you guys give it a try and I will be looking forward to the thanks in the comment section :).

Best Branzino(Mediterranean sea bass) recipe:
Olive oil
Lemon juice
Mediterranean sea bass
I use a fair amount of each ingredient and dont have specific measurements. Be sure to refer to my video to see exactly how its done 🙂

Quick summary:
1) Place your oven on Brioler low and let it pre-heat for roughly 10 minutes
2) Season your fish and put it under the broiler (inside the oven)
3) Set a timer for about 7-8 minutes depending on your oven. Make sure to keep a close eye on the fish in the last minute!
4) Flip the fish over and repeat step 3
Dont be afraid if your fish will burn a little bit, its going to taste amazing!

Enjoy your Branzino my loves
Love, Svetlana

Music by Alundra – Smile –​​​​​


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