Chili Garlic Wedges |  Crispy potato Wedges Recipe | Easy Potato Snacks Recipe | Toasted

A must try recipe loved by both kids and adults. Crispy Potato Wadges Recipe Perfect for Lunch box.
Chili Garlic Wedges | Crispy potato Wedges Recipe | Easy Potato Snacks Recipe | Toasted

Ingredients :
Potato 3 medium size
Soak for 30 mins & washed well
Boiling water
Boil for 5 mins
Let it cool down
Flour 1/4 cup
Salt to taste
Oregano 1/2 tsp
Paprika powder 1/2 tsp
Water 1/3 cup
Mix well
Boiled potatoes
Coat well
Fry until golden brown medium flame
Butter 1 tbsp
Garlic 3 cloves
Saute for 1 mins
Chili flakes 1 tsp
Coriander 2 tbsp
Mix well

Music –

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  1. Sorry this is embarrassing but can someone tell me why the flour mix stick to the bottom of my pan?

  2. Omg I’ve just made these with a vegan curry from another YouTuber and they were the best wedges I’ve made. They were so delicious and crispy and were a winner in our house. Thanks so much for this recipe, this won’t be the last time I’ll be making them 😊

  3. this video was literally a piece of art and you definitely should be a film maker because it was perfect and the music was awesome throughout the whole thing

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