I almost thought about skipping dinner but then I realized I have a bag of potatoes about to go into full on sprouting mode so I spontaneously made this and I’m very glad I did! It’s made lazy but a healthy and delish meal!

(This was a spontaneous make so no measurements but it’s easy enough you got this!) Some tips&directions tho👇👇

👩🏻‍🍳[Roasted Potatoes w/Greek Yogurt]

👉I cut some buttery yellow potatoes into bite sizes and tossed it with
• light cooking olive oil
• salt & black pepper
• paprika, onion&garlic powder
• dried rosemary&thyme
👉put the dressed potatoes on lined baking sheet and make sure to leave some room between the potatoes to crisp everything up nicely
👉 bake at 400F for 20min, flip&bake another 20min then put it on high broil for a few minutes in the end to really crisp up
👉serve while hot on a bed of greek yogurt and drizzle lots of EV olive oil, sprinkle some chili flakes & black pepper


Ok, I realized I mentioned getting into more plant-based diet but my greek yogurt really wasn’t😂 You feel free to opt in for any non-dairy yogurt tho!💛

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