Halal Cart Style Air-Fried Chicken & Rice Quick and Easy Recipe

Halal Cart Style Air-Fried Chicken and Rice

✳️Boneless skinless chicken thighs
✳️2cups Basmati Rice
✳️Shredded lettuce
✳️Greek Yogurt
✳️All Spice
✳️Onion powder
✳️Garlic powder
✳️Minced Garlic
✳️Lemon Juice
✳️Salt & Pepper
✳️Chicken bouillon (or chicken stock)

1️⃣ Marinate your chicken with Olive oil, salt, pepper, coriander, cumin, allspice, onion powder, garlic powder, turmeric, paprika, minced garlic and lemon juice and let sit for at least 30min-1 hour.
2️⃣In a pot add 2tbs of salted butter, cumin, turmeric, and chicken bouillon mix and simmer then add rice and toast for a few minutes. Then add about 3 cups of water or chicken stock if you didn’t use chicken bouillon. Bring to a boil then reduce to a simmer for 20min.
3️⃣Add your marinated chicken to the air-fryer in 400deg for 20+min flipping halfway till chicken is at desired color.
4️⃣Get your vegetables prepped while chicken is cooking
5️⃣For the yogurt sauce in a bowl add 1-2 tbs of mayo and 2-4 tbs of nonfat plain greek yogurt with a little black pepper and water to thin out the sauce a bit.
6️⃣Once chicken is cooked, diced and arrange your plate however you’d like and enjoy!

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