Roasted Duck Sales Exceed a Thousand Monthly!

This restaurant offers a total of 8 ways to enjoy duck dishes,
ensuring that no part of the duck goes to waste.

With meticulous preparation by the chef,
the tender and juicy duck meat has attracted a large number of customers.
In addition to the delicious meals, the chef also performs a duck cutting show at the table!

This restaurant is extremely popular,
so if you want to experience their duck dishes,
be sure to make a reservation in advance!

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✨Product in This Video✨
Whole Peking Duck / 烤鴨 (1隻)
$41.32 USD / 1280 NTD

Stir-fried Duck Bones / 醬爆鴨架
$4.84 USD / 150 NTD

Duck Bone Soup with Pickled Cabbage / 酸菜鴨架湯
$6.46 USD / 200 NTD

Shredded Radish Pastry / 蘿蔔絲餅
$1.61 USD / 50 NTD

**Location information**

#Duck #RoastDuck #PekingDuck #BeijingDuck #TaiwaneseFood #TaiwanFood #DuckRestaurant #台灣美食 #鴨片館 #烤鴨 #北京烤鴨 #北平烤鴨


  1. Derinin derinlermesine kızarmış olması ve etin sulu bir şekilde pişmesi mükemmel fakat bir müslüman olarak islami koşullara uygun olarak Besmele Allahü Ekber sedalarıyla kesilseydi yerdim.Pekin ziyaretimde beni önemserseniz bunu yapmalısınız.

  2. 這家本人吃過兩次,但是不是去餐廳吃,而是外帶店買烤鴨,只是沒多好吃,小黃瓜也沒必要,外帶店一鴨兩吃三吃都有,本人都是三吃680元,紙盒包裝是不錯,只是機車不好帶,本人反而比較推北平烤鴨、九合烤鴨、金饌烤鴨、林福記烤鴨。

  3. утка как утка,да и лук как лук).магия названия–по-пекински и не более.

  4. That whole dishes cost around 3400 INR. Maybe not so expensive there but in here it's unaffordable by many people.

  5. Столько работы, возни, чтобы, потом, маленькие кусочки утки с лепёшкой подать на стол. Можно за это время значительно проще, приготовить и подать утку целиком.

  6. 現在有的烤鴨店.為了省事.鴨子毛都不 仔細拔.直接用火燒.烤出來的鴨子又黑又乾.有些皮膚摸起來還粗粗的.那麼懶乾脆不要做就好了.

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