A friend told me about an old classic known as an apple sauce pie. We decided to give one a try using some home made apple sauce we made this year. It came out delicious and we will certainly make it again in the future.

2 eggs
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup butter (Melted)
1 cup apple sauce
2 tbsp flour
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 9inch pie shell

1. Preheat oven at 350 degrees
2. Place prepared pie shell into pan
3. Mix all remaining ingredients
4. Pour mixture into prepared pie shell
5. Bake for 45 minutes (may need to bake longer if not set)
6. Let cool and enjoy!

2 – 2.5 cups applesauce
2 – 3 tbsp cornstarch
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 – prepared pie crust

1. Preheat oven at 350 degrees
2. Mix all ingredients and pour into prepared pie shell
3. Bake for 35 – 40 minutes.
4. Let cool and enjoy!

Thank you for taking the time to watch.

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************ROCKY CREEK HOMESTEAD*****************
After battling Psoriasis for years, I discovered the power of quality food and its positive impact on my skin condition. This sparked my desire to raise my own quality food. So come along with our Family as we transition from urban living to small self sustaining family farm. Learn from both our successes and failures in hopes it may inspire others to try new things. We entered into this journey with no prior experience and hope to provide many laughs and learning experiences. We learned most of how to do what were doing from watching others and hope to be able to provide a similar learning opportunity to anyone else who may benefit from this. Thank you for coming along with us on this journey and we hope it is enjoyable for you and your family.


  1. Amazing video, mate! In longer videos on YT (10+ mins), I would normally skip straight to the recipe, but I watched and listened to every minute of your video. Thanks for sharing this recipe and welcoming us into your home (virtually).

  2. > Isis

    I have been looking for applesauce recipe my mom use to make this pie but I never get the recipe but I will be making thispie.

  3. That looks good, like a custard pie. My mom made applesauce pies when I was a child. She just used applesauce, spots of butter, a little flour and allspice between two crusts. By the way, you don’t need to prick your pie crust on the bottom when you fill the crust before you bake it. When you bake an empty pie shell, that’s when it gets pricked so it won’t bubble up.

  4. Hi, ur pie looks delicious. Can u please compare the recipes. Yours "sets" well. I was wondering about friends..2 cups of sauce with no eggs seems like it might not "set" and cut into slices.. (though mayb the cornstarch does that). Also how do u like it with brown sugar as opposed to white sugar?
    Thanks for ur time

  5. Just googled what Can i do with Applesauce? Which i love but wanted a bit “more”, ya know? Happy i found your video. Will be making this right now. Wish me luck and many blessings to you and your family!

  6. I made this pie, and it was a huge flop! Tasted good but it never set up? Then I went back and watched the vid again and realized what I did wrong.. I took it out of the oven at the 45min mark, which means it didn’t bake long enough, I went back and watched the end of vid and you let it bake longer lol oops! Wish I would’ve watched the last 5mins of vid and mine would’ve been a show stopper like yours but I guess I was too impatient lol 😂

  7. Thank you for taking the time to let us know what you were doing in the recipe. I'm not a big baker, but like to try. My Dad was a constant Baker but never let us in the Kitchen to learn, so I rely on Bakers like you. You have beautiful children. New Subscriber.

  8. Looks soooooo delicious excellent my kid is gonna be love those recipes wonderful, thanks for sharing the channel.

  9. Made this and I keep asking myself why apple pie is always made with whole apples …it just makes sense for a even bite to do the sauce or maybe a blended apple filling so it’s like yam pie maybe ppl prefer that squishy slightly crunchy apple but I’d rather not have that ina a pie ….I made it with a crumble top and Carmel drizzle …feel like it need egg tho want that middle even firmer …it’s firm without it tho

  10. You won a new subscriber for sure. You are quality and you children are adorable. Can’t wait to meet the wife.

  11. New subscriber here, thank you for the delicious recipe. I made this pie and it is outstanding one question though how should leftovers be stored?
    Thanks, Mary

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