In this video, I will show you how to make pomegranate molasses from fresh pomegranates in nomadic life. Pomegranate molasses is a thick and tangy syrup that is used in many Persian dishes, such as fesenjan, ash-e anar, and salad olivieh. It is also a great ingredient for marinades, dressings, and desserts. You will learn how to extract the juice from the pomegranates, how to boil it down to a syrup, and how to store it for later use. You will also see how nomadic people live and cook in Iran, and how they preserve their traditions and culture. This is a simple and delicious recipe that you can try at home with pomegranate juice or fresh pomegranates. I hope you enjoy this video and don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more videos like this!

Greetings to all dear companions, please subscribe to the channel to support us, like the video and hit the bell to be notified when we upload a new video. Miss, hit the pomegranates first Give me the ladle The paste is getting ready I will bring tea and eat together

Drink the tea before it gets cold sour it is delicious ? Delicious and sour – Madam, please bring the pickles so that we can prepare them – OK Give me the dishes so we can wash them – By the time we reach the road, it will be night – Yes, far away


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