These savory ricotta and potato puff pastry tarts are a perfect Christmas appetizer that are hassle-free and easy to make! This potato and ricotta puff pastry tart is made with spiralized potatoes and a flavourful ricotta filling, topped with fresh herbs and baked to get a golden brown flaky crust with butter puff pastry!

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Pepper mill:
Cayenne pepper:
Garlic powder:
Onion powder:
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Garlic press:
Bread knife:
Pizza cutter:
Basting brush:

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#christmasrecipes #christmas #christmasfood #ricotta #appetizerrecipes #appetizerrecipe #appetizeridea #appetizerideas #puffpastryrecipe #easyrecipe #easycooking #tart #puffpastryrecipes

The holidays are right around the corner Christmas  if you celebrated is about 10 days from now and I   want you to have a great FEG appetizer option in  your back pocket shall you need it so let’s not  

Go around too much just make sure to hit subscribe  hit that Bell icon it really helps out the channel   especially on the holiday time and let’s see how  to make this amazing easy potato tart recipe all   the ingredients and instructions are linked  down below I have my puff pastry it’s already  

Been thawed in the fridge overnight that’s what  I prefer and you want to first start by working   on your potatoes this is a rusted potato and I’m  going to use my spiralizer and the slicer option  

To really just cut them up into basically srls  that’s what I like to call them Swirls and uh well   you can break them into smaller pieces but you can  really just work with it just as is we’re going to   season these potatoes with three spices Cayenne  Clic powder onion powder increase or decrease  

The Cayenne for your specification for your taste  and if you don’t like spice try substituting it   with Paprika instead then add some molten butter  as well then just really massage those potatoes   get those spices all around and underneath those  potatoes set that aside for now now here’s some  

Garlic and going to add some butter mic rip that  for a c couple of seconds and we have a quick   garlic butter we’re going to use that to brush the  pastry but set that aside for now in the meanwhile  

We have our rotta mixture and this is going to  be the base and the bed for the potatoes to lie   on we’re going to like add some more hop into that  ricot by adding some maple syrup into it the ricot  

Is already kind of sweet and that Maple will  just help to kind of accentuate and exaggerate   those flavors and then that lime juice is going  to cut through the spice of the potatoes and that  

Sweetness and just add a nice Umami to the dish  you need to give it a quick mix taste it and then   adjust it to your liking now fresh herbs I’m using  some sage and some Rosemary for sage the best way  

To chop it is like Snoop Dog just stack up the  leaves biggest to the smallest roll it up tightly   and then slice away and then pluck the leaves off  your Frozen herb and just ch and just chop that

Up now puff B Tre is rolled out on my baking  sheet yeah there are two layers of pass and   paper one that came with the actual puff face  tree but I always like to have an extra layer  

Just for an easy clean up especially during  the holidays now you want to imagine a 1 to 1   and 1/2 in boundy around the pastry where you  will not put the recorder and everywhere else   you’re going to just follow the line lines the  edges of that puff pastry sheet and just have  

A nice even layer of that frotta now you’re  going to add some of your freshly chopped   herbs but not all of it just lightly sprinkle  evenly sage and rosemary all over and then just   start layering your potatoes try to get some  lift on those potatoes try not to like layer  

All the potatoes completely flat the different  heights and the way that you lay the potato will   affect the edges that are crispy versus soft  it’s going to add like a nice fun Randomness   to this tart try to keep one even layer though  don’t stack potatoes over each other to like  

Make two layers it’s just going to that’s just  going to make cooking it much harder then you’re   going to start folding the puff pastry and just  create edges on each side so go ahead and fold it   nicely and I will just top those potatoes with  salt and freshly crushed pepper and then brush  

Some of that garlic butter from earlier along  the edges and try to get the garlic bits around   as well and then whatever is left just kind of  sprinkle it and throw it around the middle and  

It’s going to be incredible because now this  is going to go in an oven heated at 375 fits   and we’ll cook for anywhere between 25 to 35  minutes basically what you want to look for   is for the the pastry to get nicely golden brown  the potatoes to get some color and be completely  

Cooked and you can easily just like take the  potato and just kind of press it and see like   if it basically smushes and once you get that kind  of color the cook it’s all done then let it cool  

For like 5 10 minutes because puff bastry just  becomes flakier and tastier as it cools down and   to protect the edges as you slice it I like like  to first kind of use a bread knife or a serrated  

Knife and cut those edges so that you don’t get  too many flakes and then just Roll Along like a   line with a pizza wheel that’s the easiest way  to cut and serve this without any hassle and  

I hope that this video was not a hassle got  you a nice fix veg appetizer that’s always a   nightmare to think about in your back pocket happy  holidays everyone and I’ll see you on the next one


  1. Oh my goodness Anadi you have knocked it out of the park with this one 😊😊😊it looks and sounds fantastic 👏 😊😊thank you for sharing 😀 😊

  2. Paprika is a great idea since I'm not much for spice. I LOVE potatoes and anything with puff pastry is tops on my list!! It looked SO good when it came out of the oven. Great tip on using the serrated knife and then the pizza cutter to cut these. I think I might want to try this as a holiday appetizer, maybe for the new year. Thanks for this video, Anadi! 😃❤

  3. Hey Anadi!! This tart is calling my name!! I love anything with ricotta cheese and the potatoes are such a great idea. I’m stealing this for my next party!!

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