Best Chewy Peanut Butter Cookies


White sugar 1 cup 187g
Brown sugar packed 1 cup 200g
Butter 1 cup 230g
Peanut butter 1 1/2 cups 400g
2 large eggs

Flour 2 3/4 cups 400g
Baking soda 1 1/2 tsp 6g
Baking powder 1 tsp 3g
1/2 tsp salt

Pure vanilla extract 2 tsp

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——————————————————————————#D3culinary #peanut butter #peanut butter cookies #foodie #chewy peanut butter cookies #baking #cookies #easy recipe #David #learn to cook #dessert #sweets #Best

Uh Hello everyone david here and i’m glad you stopped by for today’s adventure i want to show you how to make peanut butter cookies not crispy ones but the best chewy peanut butter cookies you can make i’m inviting you to explore these cookies with me shall you

Now in a bowl or stand mixer we’re going to cream together until smooth one cup or 187 grams of sugar one cup or 200 grams of packed brown sugar along with one cup or 230 grams of softened salted butter Now beat two large eggs before adding to the creamed sugar and butter we will continue to mix until well combined the next ingredient to add will be one and a half cups or 400 grams of peanut butter now it’s your choice if you want to use creamy or crunchy

Today i’m using a dark roast creamy peanut butter you want to mix this until well incorporated Once incorporated it’s now time to add in two and three-quarter cups or 400 grams of flour you can add the flour in all at once or as i’m doing add in in small batches now between batches of flour we will add one teaspoon or three grams of baking powder

And a half a teaspoon of salt one and a half teaspoon or six grams of baking soda now mix the batter until all dry ingredients are well combined and the last ingredient to add will be two teaspoons of pure vanilla extract continue to mix for another few minutes

To ensure your batter is nice and creamy so now you have a few choices however the thing to keep in mind is you’re going to have to chill your batter in your refrigerator and do you have space with that said your choices are that you can roll the batter into golf ball sized

Portions as i do in my mrs field style chocolate chip cookies if you haven’t seen that video click the link below in the description you can also use a couple of spoons and make drop cookies or you can roll the batter into the form of a log with a diameter about two

Inches or five centimeters once you have your cookie batter prepared the way you want it it’s now time to chill in the refrigerator for a minimum of 30 minutes longer if you have the time and this is an important step in order to have chewy peanut butter cookies so

Please don’t skip it while the batter is chilling let’s preheat the oven to 350 degrees fahrenheit or 177 degrees celsius once chilled simply slice the batter into equal thicknesses and place on a parchment-lined cookie sheet now bake the cookies for 12 minutes in our preheated oven and do not use the fan

Assisted option for baking after 12 minutes remove from the oven and they will look slightly undercooked allow them to sit on the hot cookie sheet for about another two minutes before transferring to a cooling rack if you use a spatula be very careful as while they are hot the cookies are very

Fragile and could break these delicious chewy peanut butter cookies are baked enjoy with a tall glass of cold milk or a hot beverage like tea or coffee thank you for watching and if you’re new to my channel and enjoy cooking don’t forget to subscribe liking my videos show me that you care

For those that have subscribed thank you for your continued support until next time this is david from d3 culinary for all things yummy


  1. Just made these & dough is chilling….just a heads up, the eggs are not listed in the ingredient list from the description box. I re-watched the video & made sure there are eggs, but in case someone is only using the written recipe, it would be a good thing to add eggs. Thanks for the video…based on the dough, I anticipate these will be tasty!

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