Easy Pizzelle Recipe

Southern Italian Style Pizzelles
This recipe comes to us from a time when the original cast iron hand irons that were first produced by the blacksmiths in the Abruzzi region of Italy. Some who like a much harder and heavier pizzelle cookie prefer this recipe:
6 eggs
2 cups sugar
1 cup butter, margarine or oil melted
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 teaspoon anise seed (optional)
7 cups of all purpose flour
4 tablespoons baking powder
*This is not my recipe but copied from the booklet that came with my Aurora Pizzelle maker.*
Brand: LetPot Hydroponic Grow System
Brand: Wondermill Junior Deluxe Plus
Brand: Paderno Apple Peeler With suction Cup
Brand: O.M.R.A 2200 #4 Manual Tomato Press
Brand: Salton Vitapro food Dehydrator
Brand: 23 Quart Presto Pressure Canner
Brand: IKEA Shelving OMAR Galvanized Steel 36 1/4 x 14 x 37 in. x 2units
Brand: FoodSaver® 2-in-1 Automatic Vacuum Sealing System with Starter Kit, v4440, Black Finish
Brand: Airpro: Zacme Pasta Maker Accessories Attachments for Kitchen Aid mixer.
Brand: (manual) Marcato Atlas Pasta Machine, Made in Italy, Silver
Brand: LODGE 8.5 x 4.5 Inch Seasoned Cast Iron Loaf Pan SKU: BW8LP
Brand: Vitantonio Ravioli Maker # 510
Brand: O.M.R.A. 2810 Electric Tomato/Fruit Press, mine is very old.
(It was originally discontinued and now they have made this model available again!)
Brand: Fitville

Mailing Address: P.O. Box12534 Martinway Plaza,
Weston, On, M9R 4C7

Good morning everyone I’m back I’ve decided to do a little bit more Christmas baking and I’m probably going to make pelis today and perhaps in another day or two I will make candied pecans I did go out and buy another whole bag of pecans because I do

Go through them and I think that both the pelis and the candied pecans will make a lovely candied uh cookie platter for my Christmas so here we go okay and to make pelis I have pulled out my trusty pelli Baker that I’ve had for God knows how how long 30 years

Maybe longer and um I I’ve kept the box and I just put it back in the Box because I don’t make these every day so I just uh put it away when I’m not using it I know that some of you are aware of what a pizelli is and others aren’t but

It it’s just a cookie and it’s uh very basic ingredients but the issue is you need this iron and it is very similar to a waffle iron let’s see if I can bring this up closer but it’s much flatter um there is the indents are quite a bit

Smaller so the Pressed cookie it takes this shape and as you can see you can do two of them here on this uh unit and uh one pattern on one side one pattern on the other so it’s a checkerboard I guess and a flowered pattern with this particular one now this is

More of the modern electrical ones and I know that there are some antique ones available on eBay I’ve seen them and I’ve seen people try to fog them off as waffle makers and they are not waffle makers but the concept of using them is exactly the same now the Peli Baker the the

Particular one I had came with a recipe book for uh different uh pizelli recipes um some of them are very thin and crisp and I think that is the kind that most people tend to make um and then there is the Tangi orange and rum flavor that sounds awesome actually um

But what I tend to normally make is the southern Italian style pelis which are a little bit heavier uh a little bit more um solid so what else do we have here uh instructions obviously on how to care for the unit and of course in Fr French and it and English because everything

Here is in French so I think I have most of the recipes outlined at least the ones that are here yes okay so oh yeah and swirl pizelli so many people have suggested that we couldn’t resist almond pizzellis okay so there are a few different variations here and I

Definitely choose what you think is um interesting for you once again I just always seem to um lean towards the southern Italian style pellis okay and I think I’m only going to make a half batch the southern Italian pellis say to use six eggs and uh I’m definitely going

To go with a half batch because I think that’ll be more than adequate and I will likely be adding you know I’ve made I’ve made tone I’ve made you know the n it and I’ve made um fruit cake and I’ll probably end up making some Candi pecans

As well so and maybe something else who knows but this is why I’m thinking that a half recipe here should be adequate okay I have assembled all my ingredients and since I’m going with a half measurement I’m using three eggs and I have one cup of sugar that’s already ready and I

Have a half2 cup of butter now they say it should be melted but this is soft and hopefully it’ll work out for me uh vanilla extract one teaspoon now I have my homemade vanilla extract that I’ll use and I have some there as well and 7 cups

Of flour uh sorry for the full recipe it’s 7 cups for the half recipe it’s 3 and 1/2 cups and I have that sifted and measured out a teaspoon of Ana seed now I have homemade Anis extract that I made myself so I’ll be using some of that so

These are both homemade extracts that I made I can put a link to that if you’re interested and baking powder so so all my ingredients are here I just have to mix them up in a specific way at this point so it wants me to beat the eggs

And the sugar together first and I’m going to use my mixer because I’m lazy okay so the first thing I’m going to do is put my eggs in there and whip them up a bit and now I’m just going to add my sugar and mix this up for a while Okay now I want to add my Butter I suppose the butter should have been melted but it’ll work out anyway okay and at this point I’m going to add the vanilla and the Anice and we’re going to do a teaspoon of each probably at this point so teaspoon of Anis oh that smells wonderful and a teaspoon of

Vanilla and and that too smells amazing okay we’ll mix all this Up and now I’m going to add 2 tspoon of baking powder and last but not least I’m going to add in the flour a little bit at a time Here and it does have a dough likee consistency that’s what they’re asking for so I’m just going to mix this up a little bit more clean up my work environment and we’ll start making the pelis okay my pizelli iron is hot I have transferred the dough onto a dish you

Certainly don’t have to do that but I just wanted to uh be able to do that myself I’ve got a place to put my cookies after they come out so they can cool and um one thing we should do is coat this with a little bit of butter

To start so that they don’t stick and both sides this is considered a non-stick surface but you still want to uh make sure that nothing does stick okay so that’s ready now I’m just going to take oh half of a scoop maybe a little bit more than

That and put the cookie dough down on the and let it Let The Press do the job just like a waffle iron it’s exactly the same idea and as you can see there’s a lot of dough and and now you know why I probably just made a half batch

Certainly a full batch you would have many many many cookies and now it depends on the crowd you’re going to be serving whether or not you want a larger batch or not just give these a few minutes I’m going to test this now okay my first ones

Never come out perfect but it’s a good place to start looks like I need to put a little bit more um something more to loosen up the dough on this okay those are my the ones I eat okay let’s put some more butter on that probably and it’s usually the first ones

That cause you grief and after you get going they tend to um just fall off on their own okay let’s do this again they still taste good there you go after a while you get a feel for them just a little bit more keep this you won’t have to butter it every time

After a while but the first few seem to need some Luber Are Yep these are fine and I do just use a knife to just loosen it up and pick it up with my hand it’s been a while looks like I do have to butter it every every time I keep forgetting how much uh the first ones are always a problem

But this this batch is turning out just fine in a hurry to get these done okay last ones and it is just a monotonous job to do these but but they are so worth it okay job’s done again for another year so at this point we just unplug this this is an

Electric iron so I’m just going to unplug it let it cool and then we’ll give it a wipe down with with a damp cloth and that is it that’s how we make pelis and as you can see we have a lovely batch here and they’re just going

To sit here and cool off as well and then we’ll just put them on a tray with some other types of cookies as well okay okay and the recipe says that you can use oil or margarine and if you’re going to make huge batches of them some people might substitute it for

Oil or margarine I’m not a fan I prefer to bake with butter and butter is all I’ll use I’ll make less if I have to if I can’t afford the butter but so far I can afford the butter and I want the real butter in my treats hope you enjoyed this video and

We will catch you on the next one bye for now


  1. My family is from the Abruzzi region. I haven't made pizzelles in years. I put a pizzelle maker in my Amazon cart earlier this week because I've been wanting to start making them again for holidays.

  2. I'm with you on the butter issue! I buy the Irish butter for eating and the Kirkland butter for baking. Just checked out the electric pizzelle irons on Amazon and I'm sure there will be one in my immediate future! Thank you🇺🇸😎🇨🇦😂

  3. Those looks so good. I've never heard of them. I differently want to try these. I would use real butter, no substitute. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Thanks Toni! Your recipe looks good, as I like anise, but the almond is also sounding very nice. Either way, I would probably eat more than is good for me. 😁

  5. My favorite. I won't buy the maker because I'll eat way too many of them.
    Toni, they look amazing.
    PS, your not lazy, just using a tool that makes your life easier.

  6. I think it might be tangy, ( rhyming with sang) not tangee. Meaning it has a tang( a little sour) taste to it, like oranges and lemons have. They look beautiful!

  7. I totally agree with you about cooking & baking with butter {unsalted} instead of oil or margarine. I like to add the salt myself. It's been years since I had a good Italian Pizzelle cookie. I had some with powered sugar {traditional} and I had some half dipped in chocolate. Oh so good. The recipe I use has a drop or two of Fiori di Sicilia in it- Go easy, a little bit goes a long way. It's the special Italian traditional flavor that takes it over the top in my opinion.

  8. TY for all of the time, dedication and candor that you put into your knowledgeSHAREs with the world!Your recipes for the homemade Anise extract and Vanilla extract would be AMAZING!! Blessings to you/Mark and your family.

  9. I don't make cookies too often anymore, basicly because I will cookies for breakfast, lunch and dinner if there is a batch in the house! 😆🍪☕

  10. Thank you for showing us how to make these Toni!! I am thinking a Pizzelle maker is in my future. The Pizzelle are so beautiful and I always thought they would be way too hard for me to make, but you have me thinking I can do this!! Merry Christmas!!

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