Day 1713
Compassionate Eating/Raw Vegan/Fruitarian/Lissatarian/Whatever!




🥗 Salad:
1 head romaine lettuce
4 heirloom tomatoes
1 long English cucumber
1 red bell pepper
1/2 cup red onion rings thinly sliced
🥗 Dressing:
1 lemon, juiced
5 medjool dates
2-3 cloves of garlic
2 tbsp tahini
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp dried oregano
1/8 tsp hot pepper (optional)
Blend with 1/2 cup of water. Add more water if you like it less thick.

🥗🥗🥗 SPAGHETTI (Recipes in my Dips n’ Dressings and Meal Plan Volume 2)
🥗 3 spiralized long English cucumbers
Marinated veggies were marinated in my “rawmen” sauce (recipe in meal plan 2)
🥗 Marinara: Recipe in Dips n’ Dressings recipe book but you can also find it by searching “Lissa N8 spaghetti” here on YouTube 💗

🌀 Or follow Nate on instagram @rawnattyn8

K2 (sometimes):
(Sometimes) Iodine


Comment if you have questions, and you can find me all over social media too:

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💛 Snapchat: @lissarawvegan
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Fruit on!! xo Lissa

Hello my friends welcome to another list video today’s video is of what I a day and I start my morning with lime water and I added mint to that one then I proceeded to peel my papaya I had this delicious ripe papaya ready to go

Uh peeled it and then chopped it in half scooped out all those seeds now you can save the seeds if you want you could wash them and dry them and put them into a pepper grinder if you want it you can add those to your salad they have a

Little bit of a peppery taste and then I enjoy my breakfast my giant papaya it was so good then as a snack between breakfast and lunch I had two bananas and two mangos I got all of these amazing heirloom tomatoes at the Strathcona farmers market in Edmonton I can get a case of

Those tomatoes for 30 dollars 20 pounds and they are absolutely amazing so I had this huge haul of tomatoes so I decided to make a Greek salad the dressing is in the description below with a creamy Greek we’ve got some tahini some dates oregano garlic and lemon juice a little

Apple cider vinegar pour a little water in there and blend if you find the dressing a little thick you’re always welcome to add more water to get it to the desired consistency we have all of our Greek salad ingredients chopped up some romaine lettuce some cucumbers all those

Delicious tomatoes and some red onion topped it with a little bit of paprika and dried oregano this is such a refreshing hydrating beautiful Greek salad and I enjoy these quite often for lunch sometimes without the tahini to make it low-fat but I wanted to have a

Creamy Greek today so that’s what I did then for dinner I had been marinating these mushrooms broccoli and red onions in the dehydrator I spiralized three long English cucumbers and then I made a tomato sauce to mix with the dehydrated vegetables mixed that together now the reason there is a

Little bit of steam going on in this bowl is because I let the sauce blend for about two minutes in the Vitamix at which point it does warm up a little bit and it has a little bit of steam so here are my noodles and my chunky mushroom

Marinara sauce with broccoli added you can find this recipe in my dips and dressings book you’re more than welcome to head over to my website and grab a copy of that if you like you can also find the recipe to this on my youtube channel I did film one with Nate it’s a

Spaghetti recipe video so here we go today I had over 2600 calories of goodness I entered everything into chronometer to the best that I could and this is again just a rough estimate it’s not exactly how much I had probably I mean all fruits and vegetables are going

To have different ratios of nutrients and calories depending on when they were harvested how right they are there’s a lot of factors that come into play but chronometer is a really great tool to use to get to know what your new tree is and how much you need to get

Everything that you need so today with the vitamin D supplement and a b12 supplement I hit 100 percent of my nutrition goals everything looks great look at the calcium well over 1200 iron looking great all the minerals looking absolutely awesome I did get enough selenium this day I got over a hundred

Grams of fiber and my fats my omega-3s are there everything looks absolutely epic protein 63 grams now I wanted to check to see where I got my selenium so you can tap on the name selenium and check out where your top sources are so mushrooms tahini great

Sources and then I also want it to check my protein and see how we got 63 grams tomatoes cucumbers lettuce there’s protein in all plant foods just amount matters how many you eat and then I wanted to also check my vitamin E because that’s a tends to be one that

People are concerned about it seems but my tomatoes and everything else seems to add up just perfectly fine so if you like this video you guys please click like and subscribe to my channel to get notifications for more you can find all of my raw vegan recipes at Pei hip comm

Slash raw food romance the link is in the description below I also have printed versions on Amazon you’re more than welcome to head over there and check those out you can find me on instagram and twitter at raw food romance on facebook Lissa’s raw food romance and on snapchat lissa ravikant

Until the next video guys enjoy lots of fresh hydrating fruits and vegetables and fruit on you


  1. I think you're the most creative raw food recipe artist ever! I can't wait to try this!! 🤤 Thank you so much for sharing! 😄💖🙏🌈

  2. Beautiful video and a delicious day of eating! It's amazing how those nutrients add up! I was curious about the selenium and vitamin E and zinc targets, because those are more challenging to hit, then you showed the sources, yayyy!

  3. 😋🤤🤤omg I need me a dehydrator ASAP because that last salad looks so Amazing and delicious 🤤

  4. Oh my gosh. . . I just made the greek dressing for my lunch salad. . . can't say anything except for WOW!! This is fantastic!!! Thank you!!

  5. Another day of inspiration! Thank you thank you thank you! Can’t wait to try the dressing and sauce… and to get your books!

  6. Looks great! Can you tell me what mixer you have? I have a big Vitamix and a small attachment but neither are good for making dressings. Either too big or too small! I'm thinking I may need something small and low. The ingredients either get lost in it or they get stuck in it. Arrgghh!

  7. good videoLooks delicios but I cannot understand many says thar mushrooms are toxic if one does not cook them.Does marinating take away the toxicity?

  8. hello-I always see that you use chronometer to track your nutrient info. I have recently started using this-I am so lost on how to use this thing-but that is another story. why doesn't Iodine show up. it shows up, but doesn't tell you at the end of the day what amount of Iodine you consumed. does it not track that? thank you!

  9. By golly, Lissa, you have done it again. This Greek dressing is delicious! Thoroughly enjoying my lunch today.

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