Chef Pero sticks around for bonus round and we discuss the prep, planning, sourcing, inspiration and food combinations that make his menu great.

NO CRYING IN THE COOLROOM is a chef industry podcast dedicated to the milk crate conversations, kitchen battle-scars, and shared psychological traumas of a lifetime lived in hospitality.

Tim Kershaw – a comedian; and Lachie Sheridan – a food influencer, are two no-nonsense Ex-Chefs who found a recent friendship in their shared experiences as young kids growing up in the very hard, very real, very underpaid culinary world. Now friends residing in Perth, Tim and Lachie sit down with a kitchens list of current and ex-culinary guests to peel back their own psychological layers and use this podcast to re-live kitchen culture, tell horror stories, discuss current food trends, and share their new life’s outside of hospitality …. And! Rip-on the celebrity chef movement and any other food trend bull##it that’s popped up in the last 10 years.

NO CRYING IN THE COOLROOM is our little world that re-creates all those things that are usually never seen or said outside of a the safe confines of a dark basement kitchen.


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Bonus round let’s go that’s how it goes I’m very excited for bonus round we’re back I’ve never been more excited to know so much about around and be part of something so bonus first thing in bonus round we’re going to hand out prizes to Our Guest

Yes come on pis yes or no crying in the cool room so what happens we should explain this a bit you get into a bucket you get to pull something out with your broken arm everyone that comes here has to break their arm before they do it this hurts yeah he’s

Crying so okay okay stop put your arm down or hold your arm up whatever you need to do so you pick a number out of here y it relates to something mhm um we may or may not have borrowed in the past from places and this is your is your your

Prize okay just for coming on the show cuz you’re such a cool guy oh than thanks FKS oh here we go oh number eight what is it what is it what is it number eight all right come on this is actually one of the two ones all right so now

It’s not in the room so now that bonus round gets crazy bro I tried to warn you you wouldn’t listen come on sen what yeah what do you like a nice nice little baggie to put your syringes in what do you reckon we got out there that’ be

Useful there’s a lot of cluttering yes it’s actually our rubbish from the day these these were well stolen items so I put a lot of effort well cuz when we talked about I like I don’t think I have that much in my house that I stole from kitchens and

Then I went looked was like oh [ __ ] random balsamic from oh my God what here we go work calls in the bonus Round what you get here you go what have you got oh [ __ ] yeah you to tell the listeners what you got what what you’ve won I’ve won I’ve done four glasses that could be used for setting B crem CR BR crem caramel me um drinking water these are for me I think they’re

Not mine okay they oh they’re definitely for me I would say the same I would say the same thing yeah definitely for setting dessert a dessert in you won some dessert cups you won and a hesan sack H and Sack what’s this HH and Sack oh Hesh and Sack you’re welcome why

Would you [ __ ] yeah why would you steal a Hesh and Sack what is it you you to tell the the macrobiotic sea salt made by the ancient action of sun and wind on pristine Australian seawater I mean oh my God does it go out a date why would

Someone describe how you make salt I mean I think they these are probably the best prizes I’ve ever won being an ethnic to this country this is this is the best thing I’ve ever got I what your Visa wasn’t good enough buddy you expect more obviously come

On as good humans uh Tim and I like giving back we do so the may or may not be some things we borrowed um congratulations on receiving stolen goods and my daughter made you a little bracelet too but this is just because she knows this is because she knows you

Oh [ __ ] yeah now this is a present there you go I’m wearing this on my good hand you tell her it’s she measure you other hand yeah that’s all right that’s good stuff yeah she’s got your name on it name on it and it’s got love hearts

Going have to make everyone a bracelet now no [ __ ] them I get bracelet it’s got um they’re actually Croatian colors they are but you wouldn’t have noticed that cuz I’m a piece of [ __ ] she’s got all the details happening that’s fantastic why you your daughter’s far more um what’s the word professional

Better more awesome detail think of any adjective F not a moralistic oh sick thanks guys I feel spoiled all right cuz we’re just buttering up cuz now we’re going to go through your menu and [ __ ] bonus round menu time I’ve been looking forward to doing one of these

This is this cuz don’t you remember when uh you and the chef boys all used to go out or something and you come across a menu and then you’d all sit there and yeah act like wankers [ __ ] [ __ ] talk and you know we were talking about this in the car

Over and then I was like how much I [ __ ] ha like going through other people’s menus and yeah but it’s all good oh you did marshmallows [ __ ] do marshmallows better we [ __ ] we [ __ ] invented marshmallows everyone becomes Lebanese [ __ ] the we’re do in the car

[ __ ] we one more minute 62° EGS we do our 61.9 yeah nextra 10 minutes bro then we spin it no complaints day [ __ ] you Kuma there’s nothing more pretentious nothing more pretentious I’m going to tell you the degree of the egg oh what do we got let’s go we’ll go we’ll get through

These we’ll get through these these little things to start with nice and easy house for Cas show oil and balsamic that’s fine let’s go fine whatever start with bread be like that yeah I love bread housemade we yeah a lot of people say house fasha but they don’t actually

Do it so that’s we appreciate that you do so someone’s on that every day every day you make a life or two lives on Friday Saturday yeah I think having bread having uh housemade Bread on all menus good good task who gets it The Apprentice I think we just whoever gets

To it first we share a prep list at work yeah so it’s who whoever walks in first is it an enjoyable job or most people like oh I’ll put it on it’s it’s incredibly easy you mix six things together in a bowl prove it knock a bag

Put in a tray bake it for 20 minutes yeah it is um it is easy but I would say a lot of places uh I think it’s one of the things you do take for red if you haven’t had it as an apprentice or something so like

It’s as much as that would piss you off as an apprentice it’s [ __ ] you know what I mean yeah but then you leave and you realize that you know there’s a you know a chef who’s never made bread yeah you got to have that now it’s easy now

It’s easy yeah anything special on your balsamic it’s the 12 year AG balsamic from Simon and Johnson it’s it’s good [ __ ] Johnson and Johnson oh Jesus Sim Johnson not as discounted as us be John no no I heard that balsamic didn’t work just keep jabbing him just keep pouring it it’ll be

Fun olives from good Great Southern Groves kirsty’s a great rep she gets our truffles for us in Winter as well and olives W yeah mad [ __ ] shout out to Kirsty yeah Western Australia good good Olive country hey yeah yeah mean it’s not as good as grease but pretty good I

Think it’s good they have heaps down Citrus parsley comfy garlic classic dude yeah keeping it fresh gral and olives this next one I’m very interested in Lion’s Man Mushroom arist toini yeah arini arini oh that was close Italian skew if Italian skew yeah so you’re skewering mushrooms yeah

Liines made mushrooms um marinated in um pomegranate glaze uh on fire yum chard what what do you got like a little Korean barbecue or you’ve actually uh no we’ve just got a just a grill cool just straight onto that the pomegranate glaze tends to caramelize it quite quick so you get a nice

Um like you know [ __ ] it called ceiling SE yeah yeah on it yeah looks good yeah looks tastes good are they from the mushroom yeah the mushroom guys shout out to the mushroom guys Adrian are which mushroom guys that’s what they called oh are they yeah [ __ ] yeah

There’s a few there’s a bit of a mushroom Maia around Western Australia few people no these guys are cool man they’ve got all these cool never known these guys I used to sell mushrooms when I got out of cheffing I sold mushrooms for a bit at a market are we talking

About edible mushrooms or uh both depend what you said yeah depending on how much money I needed yeah and Macadamia cream yeah um Macadamia soaked in water just made like a almost like a mayonnaise without any oils or there’s a little bit of oil no egg so

Like an egg free Macadamia mayo and emulsify it a little bit vegan style actually yeah and with um it wasn’t intentionally meant to be vegan it just sometimes it happens yeah and we flavored the Macadamia cream with um finger lime so you get that nice zest

Yeah this is quite a like a Punchy dish I saw on your other menu you had finger lime as well so you’re a fan I love I love fingering alone man yeah finger limes are great uh lion man just a variety of mushroom yeah just wanted to do

Something different to other people yeah and he showed you that or you already knew about L uh we’ve been using him on and off for a few years through dishes but they’re quite good at like you they almost like look like cauliflower but they sort of like peel away oh is that

The one I was just about to ask which one that was I never remember the names yeah you know one the real white one yeah there’s I think there’s turkey tail which is like a big bulb this is just like a ball oh maybe that is Li and then

You just like peel it off so we peel it off marinated eat them raw yeah they do yeah did that and really good for your brain great for your brain apparently yeah so you’re actually like it’s I should eat more it’s like a healthy um

Good dish yeah and what made you do that you were just like I want to put these things together or you saw something else we had a zucchini flour dish on for about a year and we were like [ __ ] those flowers we need something different and yeah

That was one of Claire’s dishes she she was like oh I got this idea for this and I was like hey let’s go okay yeah so great dish yeah and zucchini flowers suck because piping stuff in there um we just did it for a little bit too long

And what were you doing in them we did you were filling them yeah we did um go ctii once like a like a Greek cheese soft cheese and then we did labar and then we did yeah then we stretcher at one stage so we just got to a stage

Where we just like stop this stop this yeah I mean they sold great people love them though hey yeah so probably load on the next menu to be honest yeah but like to be honest if you sit there I want to order like four of those like I don’t

Want to prep them yeah but also I’m so automatic prepping that [ __ ] like pop out all your little bits pop it out the stam yeah got to pop yeah that’s that’s actually a good point I watch someone I actually watch someone without stopping them do like thousands once without

Taking the statement out and I just watched him does that make a difference J I couldn’t have cared less so and then people ate them I didn’t hear of like Mass deaths yeah thatting but it was it was just like one of those things it’s like maybe he know maybe he knows better

Maybe he doesn’t know it was just one of those things I don’t want to get inv at the of day just [ __ ] Stu I just watching him go he’s okay and also I don’t want to be the guy to show him how to do thousands more cuz like he he

Would have to then yeah re you take out of a thousand then you feeling a th what he’s doing is just yeah I mean like the most the most of we do like 30 at a time so I wasn’t s disc well you can just get these zucchini flowers all year

Round yeah they are in season so fromour though no it’s it’s weird with veg and wa cuz my um M’s family run like a they Supply like Growers drop them off veggies and they sold to all the suppliers and what happens is like the up north season starts

And it’s all everything’s kind of always in season in wa as well which is a really weird thing to say so like the jro season and all like the north stuff will come in but when it comes to zucchini flowers I found it better during winter because then they’ll Dr

Grow it in um what are they call those houses the Hydroponics and you and you get more shelf life out of them wait can you get them in W yeah you can get them all all year around oh [ __ ] that’s cool yeah right now would be the time I’ve it’s a

Great time but you don’t get the longevity on cuz it’s really hot so when they transport them they don’t transport them in anything cool so they get quite wied so if if you’re doing a zucchini flow dish it’s almost better doing it in winter cuz you just get just a better

Flower yeah yeah you get a more crisp bigger and you just have to pre-order it which is fine right that’s the worst when they’re all like stuck together G yeah yeah they serve it on those like there’s nothing wrong with it just like [ __ ] I throw more a b Chef you just need

Seven more yeah you got to try and find seven out of a whole box you start folding on top of the thing and [ __ ] whatever that weird cheese is just leaking over the Ben I’ll just take one off this guy and like plaster cool you got um you got a

Cheeseboard on here yeah look you know very nice you want to say anything about your cheeses oh they’re good cheeses yeah they look great yeah honeycomb yeah what a wind you do anything else with your cheeseboard you put some fancy [ __ ] on there no just keep it keep it quite

Classic honeycomb Quint um crackers sometimes we make lvos when we can be bothered and we’re not too busy but nice L the chase speak for itself me board yeah Pate yeah making it yeah yeah legendary good I’m a big fan yeah do you get after do you make it you like

Something I like to do no I love making P but every everyone in the kitchen enjoys making it so it’s it’s it went on the menu about 3 years ago we haven’t been able to take it off and it’s just become a yeah are you doing big massive Vlogs of

It do we do we do it in like set it in two Sixers and then we quel out of portion yeah Wicked yeah that’s cool yeah same as when you’re were a it’s [ __ ] good yeah cuz there’s always leftovers when you quelling it out exactly serve it on the fresh ficara I

Reckon I would live that’s what I used to live off was probably Pate P it’s weird how you get to that point in your career or just like I just want this stuff oh but like who who would have thought when you started out that’s where you

Got toz that’s what you want is you want the leftover bit in the corner with the burnt bread and that’s hot and you just want to that’s like the best thing of your day yeah but also that’s the best tasting [ __ ] ever yeah yeah P’s when you started out imagine thinking that’s what

You were going to like no yeah going do all the fancy [ __ ] you would never think that you would never think that yeah or what you like what I used to drop in a bowl for myself to eat was like the best tasting [ __ ] but it was just like

Yeah but like you just like think about it you [ __ ] it was the ends of the yeah ends of the stakes or whatever it was I was carving and then the bit the Jew or the goats cheese in it as well like [ __ ] oh leftover chips with [ __ ]

Jew or i’ be like I love that just I love that you know like just whatever’s left in the the the maybe the veg side SA or something like a bit of a baby carrot action or something throw in there and just straight over like like

You’re a baby just I love it are you eating full meals in the kitchen or you snacking on P I’m probably snacking on Pate yeah snacking on pate and Kudo and raw that I think that comes down to um being busy as well yeah but also what

Your career has been before then that is a habit I always I just used to never take breaks not not that you didn’t have them now it’s just that I’d rather just have this little snack yeah keep moving keep going don’t stop moving yeah rather

Than rush to have a break it used to annoy me sometimes i’ rather when for what reason like what the [ __ ] you going to do realistically what are you going to do sit down for half an hour and eat a heavy meal like it’s just the worst

Thing that you could do at that time so I prefer not to rush you can all go do that and I’ll just like chug along yeah and get it get my section looking beautiful yeah and the service is smoother yeah that’s what you’re looking forward to right it’s like a better

Service if you take 30 minutes out it doesn’t feel I don’t know it doesn’t feel like you’re going to have boy your body’s ready to shut down cuz you just sat down now can’t let it think that it’s over that [ __ ] [ __ ] you got to

Get a get up for this [ __ ] now is you’ve never stopped it I mean like sometimes I see like people you know in the kitchen they’ll be like have a Noy at 4:30 and you’re like what the [ __ ] are youing dude a mistake is what they’re doing did

You tell them that that’s a massive mistake would make that would make me go into a coma yeah yeah 100% I would just be like [ __ ] this [ __ ] me [ __ ] my life selling my house yeah you get real Angry hey when you’re full and you got to keep moving

Yeah I think it’s even like a habit for my body now like as soon as I eat a meal it kind of like shuts down yeah yep even now we’re getting old too we’re getting old that’s what happens all right I think we I don’t know you have got no names for things

Like there’s no entree main dessert or anything it’s just a list of [ __ ] list of [ __ ] yeah which is good well should be called list of [ __ ] yeah it’s a list of [ __ ] order order appropriately I say want it or don’t want it that’ be [ __ ] cool it’s a very lucky menu you

Want it or don’t I don’t give a [ __ ] it’s a list of [ __ ] I think you you get it the the the first thing is always the most prominent and then it sort of goes from like smaller to Big to bigger yeah so you get you two desserts at the

Bottom and just sort of Flows In I love it all right you’ve got a formula two desserts at the bottom very nice airoom tomato uh golden beetro charred yogurt yeah just a salad yeah yeah fresh nice heirloom tomatoes shout out to Les brings us nice vegetables occasionally he’s a [ __ ] big Greek

Malaka little beetroots yeah yeah just little beets roast them uh no we boil them and then marinate them in like white balsamic olive oil yeah what are you doing with all the leaf and [ __ ] no they just they just come in they just he cuts it all cuts it all yeah oh

What a guy they prepping their own veg no but good for them probably sells them to somewhere else I reckon he would he would yeah there’s no way you wouldn’t yeah would you sell his Shard the tops of him no could do fell Kil [ __ ] box for sure

Yeah you could do you could put it in the salad mix yeah masculine you could 100% I would you could cuz those little I used to grow a lot of veg so growing those little guys is like that’s not [ __ ] bad tasting [ __ ] though golden

Yeah no no the the leaf on any of any of those ones yeah if it’s small good I think the bigger the be gets they bit get way [ __ ] but then like there so from like the size that you get it to the size that they get to might be a

Couple of weeks like most of the work is done yeah so there’s no way that you’re are not making money on that whole [ __ ] that’s all I’m saying it’s all about making money it is wild asparagus green Harissa pine nut and Herb yeah just yeah cool child wild asparagus um

We do um like a pine up paste with um preserved lemons and then it gets toasted pine nuts on top green haesa just Hera with everything green rather than red stuff it’s not as spicy and yeah it’s like doubles up as like a nice little lree slide dish yeah big seller

Yeah yeah it sounds like a massive seller yeah Wicked dude and then you just put herb on the end you’re like [ __ ] it if I want to put more got some more her I’ll [ __ ] put them in Deal could be oregano could be micro this micro that I’ve got Harissa but [ __ ]

I might go extra you don’t know got all this all these [ __ ] tops of these [ __ ] herb Place Plus herbs you don’t like herbs what’s wrong with you I like that chicken liver pate Cognac and pear gel Char bread yeah that’s the faka it’s the one and you

Went with a gel yeah I just find gel’s a bit more um you can do more you know you get your ratios right with that and a certain liquid you can tend to mm be more sort of free in what you do with it rather rather than the traditional Pate

Accompanyment yeah like trying to boil everything down and make something a consistency that you can use yeah where you just just put in the thermo yeah yeah out a gel cognac so there’s [ __ ] some cognac in the kitchen is there there is there’s always booze that explains the arm brother

For insurance purposes I was not drunk I don’t want to get this guy fired yeah exactly give your job you can’t have it in the kitchen the rules were if there’s anything like Cognac and stuff you’d have to go and ask a front of house manager every time really that

Sucks so [ __ ] dude oh we’ve never had to deal with that yeah you didn’t and but also like I’m at the end of my career where I was like that’s cool at least it’s there for me to use me yeah exactly but I’m like more

Annoyed you know I just want to grab it do the recipe but ear on of my career I’ll be like that’s mine you’re like you mean down it I would drink the [ __ ] out of it I’d I’d nip I’d put some fine yeah so there is reasons why they do that

Yeah you ever caught anyone getting into the jail just in the we had one one past employee that I won’t name and shame but no it wasn’t it wasn’t you he’s he’s left all his lives there still oh no one stole them but they’re there the back they’re there we’re just waiting yeah

They’re still there it’s been about 3 years that’s a walk out wow what a kitchen you Now’s the Time hey can you put them in the bucket yeah I might put them in the bucket yeah do do you want him he’s got he’s left his berys and his

Knives there and an apron imagine if we gave someone someone else’s berys someone else’s knives dude that’s brutal he’s a full knife well one at a time hopefully well I just don’t want to dig around in it okay let’s just sort I mean that we can sort that out yeah I I was

Digging around in that [ __ ] here’s some fish here’s a knife roll with no knives in it there is it I don’t I don’t think we’ll show where this where this stuff is coming from but it’s like this massive veg container that you can also get you can also win the

Coner I’ll I’ll bring you the stuff you can donate it to your to your three years and no one you’re just like no one touch it well I I think we made the rule we wanted him to come back and take it and face him yeah yeah own yeah so

Was like no we’ll wait so hopefully he might see this he might not he he knows who he is and what did he do he was into the jail he was just drinking on the job and then he decided to to um add on hours onto his clock offs and then we I

Was just like never sacked him or anything I just said there’s no shifts from next week not busy enough and then I think I think he found out and that was it quite Fade Out yeah it was a fade out yeah but he didn’t come back for his

[ __ ] that’s that’s not too bad didn’t come back for a [ __ ] I would have come back for my stuff and then just sat at the bar I wouldn’t have cared that’s the thing that’s what I mean like like yeah no one cares I still I still like the

Guy I want to go on record knowing like I still love you come back anytime your stuff’s there but you can also get some respect by coming back I went back to a couple of places after massive fuckups and like you don’t really face the music

But as long as you put your head in and yeah but grab your [ __ ] then good I don’t judge people if they have drinking problems or anything like I don’t I don’t care like but at the end of the day don’t steal from work like stealing [Laughter]

Blatantly Bara oh this is great Bara Peach capacho haut salsa [ __ ] lemon and FASA that a fashi just [ __ ] everywhere dude you know these you know Western stream people man just put bread you said it was like an easy job but someone’s baking 20 fash a day

Yeah to do another one have you done this dish you seen it uh I wasn’t even listening cap I was thinking about you about the guy fudging his hours like what [ __ ] really you weren’t a fan or I don’t think I’ve ever met him or you were not a fan of someone like

Buffing the hours no it’s just I was just like that’s so ballsy cuz it’s such a provable thing but it’s like I mean you know what I mean yeah it’s one of those things you just like I don’t think de down no one really cares if you take

A beer or something home or have a NP but when you’re like trying to like [ __ ] the head chef over with these like fudging hours yeah especially during Co times when it was like businesses weren’t doing well yeah yeah but there was like like he you couldn’t fudge it if someone was trying

To take the hours off you do you know what I mean like if if if everyone’s doing the right thing about you that’s when you can fudge it if people are trying to [ __ ] you they always know when you’re there there yeah so it’s like you’re kind of [ __ ] him yeah he must

Have been super drunk cuz who doesn’t know the head chef is like looking at every single hour yeah yeah got do everything yeah KAC was strong but it’s even like when you like clock off and like it’s got GPS where you clock off [ __ ] yes oh it does too yes like that’s

Oh cuz you’re clocking off from your phones I hate that [ __ ] yeah but it’s like I thought it was on a piece of paper my brain was like one guy on a piece of paper with like an razor yeah like an idiot but it’s all technology uh pach kach anything just a

Good good um yeah yeah just happy dish you know fresh seasonal peaches sliced thin you know ball of Bara put on top yeah is anyone um Haring hazelnuts yeah it’s yeah that was a job I did in my day you hated it uh yes a lot it it like a

Little bit goes a long way with that one so it’s like like a nine will last you you know half a week so it’s not not a not a bad job I remember harving a lot of hazelnuts they had to be perfectly hared yeah no [ __ ] around cool lemon’s good uh

Crudo misto yeah so just like a variety of fish instead of like just doing King Fish it’s like Kingfish trout and scallop Kingfish oh Coral trout and scop yeah [ __ ] yeah man pistachio so you’re you’re a KN guy I love nuts pistachio and green tomato yeah good call yeah so

Pickled and saffron so you get a nice little zestiness from the pickled green tomatoes and Stu you look like a texture dude yeah I think you have to be soft crunchy sauce tart yeah it’s a good dish that’s awesome dude and sells well sells well yeah yeah I think that would be a

Ripper hey it’s probably one of your best sellers uh yeah yeah it would be yeah C trout go up and cutting everything thin what’s happening just it yeah cutting everything thin and just giving everyone off laying it out yeah pre pre- prep that uh you probably can

Pre- prep about like eight to 10 servs a day and then just have everything else on ice and then off you go then crush it yeah nice man what’s the seafood like good yeah we’ll go from Endeavor Endeavor foods and been looking after us all year really well so no complaints do

They have scops in Western Australia uh Seas is yeah but it’s like Yeah from X mouth or yeah or like rotto rotto yeah but they’re like thin as [ __ ] and they’re not they’re not like small and sweet they’re just small and they don’t they don’t um so someone forcing the

Issue are they yeah but even expensive as well yeah but even if you want to like um uh sear them up on one side they just don’t sear they just like [ __ ] they just like liquidy or whatever yeah so even if you drw them out even if you at

Drw them out overnight on a Chucks they’ll still [ __ ] up I don’t know what it is yeah we sweet we get the Sashimi grade like I think the Japanese import scops do you yeah I usually Jesus Christ everyone get to the old laundry my God yeah I would rather eat that though

They’re not to be honest with you they’re like price-wise they’re probably just a little bit cheaper than the locals wow and they’re like really good scallops but you know don’t want to be you know going on a podcast and saying that we use imported Seafood but [ __ ]

Done it now so yeah but like it’s [ __ ] tasty though yeah at the expense of what also I’m sure it looks like you use heaps of everything local yeah everything is basically yeah yeah yeah uh all right let’s get through the mains and we’ll have a good one roast fennel

White bean P this is it ricio yeah in something leak yeah sour sour leak yes so the ridicu is um um is is they have like a Venetian Way of um pickling ridic ridic and S and it’s like um to S down onions and then put like raisins and a

Little bit of chili and then make like a pickle mix that’s better yeah so so it’s almost like a it’s like a vegetarian main you know like I didn’t want to do like a YY or anything bit too heavy for summer and it’s yeah so just a

Heap of roasted fennel and served with ridicu and white bean Puro can eat my dick yeah yeah that’s so hard when you when you do something like that it’s [ __ ] so good even cooked we’ve been putting raisins in and sweetening it up and maybe that’s exactly what it

Wants yeah that seems a very like [ __ ] Italian just cook the [ __ ] out of it a bunch of stuff but like you keep it in water over like 3 days bucket of water and and keep flushing the water out and takes the bitterness out yeah so

It’s it’s good you’ve seen it in salads though hey oh it’s the [ __ ] dog [ __ ] yeah and you can see it before you even eat it you’re like oh [ __ ] off it’s like a yeah it’s just nasty yeah so what the [ __ ] uh and the roast fennel are you

Doing like a what are you doing a whole roast fennel or something uh quarter it and then like um marinate it and um like fennel dried fennel seeds and um basil olive oil and they’re just like high heat in the oven yeah yeah cool man yeah

Oh you are doing a pasta dish cuz last time I talked to you doing um hand past though W yeah yeah so that one’s another one yeah istrian yeah dude why have you got so many big words on this dish you’re trying to show off or some [ __ ] well it’s it’s a

Croatian don’t get upet don’t get upset you can’t say the word I knew it was croa there’s a reason you’re reading this not me it’s like history food you just start taking like a little Tik Tok of it you’re like ridiculous yeah yeah it’s it’s it’s it’s a Croatian

Um style of um or pasta variety where they just go flour and water and salt and like you you you pinch it out of a dough and roll it in your hands and you get these like big like this fat worm like noodles yeah yeah cool yeah it’s

Cool that’s wicked very labor intensive but Shark Bay prawns delicious those prawns are killer yeah chili and garlic and parsley oh you know how to do it yeah a simple one but it sells well yeah you know your customers though it sounds like you’re [ __ ] on point these are

People that are finishing work sometimes hey coming in and stuff coming out of business and offices and [ __ ] you got some sick [ __ ] regulars bro yeah like really cool guys oh we got Bruno we got Bob still got them all yeah still got all of them I hated them when they first

Came in cuz you’re like here they go again but then you just after a couple of days you’re like [ __ ] yeah it’s a vibe yeah it’s a they just bring the party they yeah yeah cool it’s a you should we should go there man because

It’s like the venue is real cool cuz the bar is awesome it’s really old like uh yeah doesn’t looks old but it’s like a I don’t know something about the venue makes you think it’s like had Good Vibes its whole life or something it’s something like a good Juju yeah I’m all

About that important yeah it’s good yeah it’s good Korean Fried Chicken we [ __ ] left field let’s get an Asian one in there I can’t I can’t get rid of that can’t get rid it I can’t get rid of Korean Fried Chicken pickles barbecue and Japanese fry for years it’s so good

Dude it’s impossible yeah so good so I mean I mean [ __ ] funny dude this is such a well balanced beautiful menu yeah and what is this is an old dish before you got there uh it was the first day I helped at the laundry knel was helping them out as well Neil Jackson

And he did this like Korean Fried Chicken um PoBoy that was like a Ango Street Festival and it sold so well and he’s like oh you know let’s put the cream Fried Chicken on or like cuz when I was taking over he’s like yeah yeah so

We put it on and it’s just you just can’t take it off be I think there’ be riots in the street if we took it off so yeah is there a salad under it or something n just [ __ ] Fried Chicken mate pickles barbecue sauce yeah housemade barbecue sauce we Bri the

Chicken yeah it’s you got your own secret spices yeah yeah we’ll make our own kimchi for it now as well oh [ __ ] yes you were doing that anyway right no we just had the pickle daon before now we got the pickle cucumber we got the kimchi cucumber and kimchi

Fenel yeah gone really like leaning into it yeah we know it’s on here you know it’s on here we might as well do it yeah exactly I mean like I mean I think when the guy from the West came to review us he was all like oh it’s all about

Diversity in the old laundry cuz they got Korean Fried Chicken there must be a Korean guy in the kitchen I was like is this Broadfield no this the new guy oh all right he’s all right can’t call out everyone’s he’s a good dude you’ve been so careful for the first 10 episodes and

Letting it Loose yeah but okay no he’s a good dude he’s a good dude I’m fine with it that’s I love some some of the food critics I actually like yeah believe it or not I just don’t like that guy we’ll get one in actually you mentioned that

Yeah we need to get food CR in we get a food um get Simon in s Collins he’s good we need to get a I want to get a healthy in as well uh Health Department person what do you call him oh am my um friend’s wife’s the health inspector

Health inspector well don’t get Jack banister all right who else shouldn’t we get in I’m just Jo I’m just joking Jack Jack banister is a lovely healthy I just remember his name cuz he had the coolest [ __ ] name for a healthy Jack banister Jack banister Jack banister is

Here [ __ ] it actually cool dude get the cockes off the floor he comes in like a full trench coat he’s that he lovely Comey Comey all right we’re going over time so let’s [ __ ] get it done uh lamb rump smoked yogurt broad beans snow pea lamb you [ __ ] bang just

We’re back to your menu we went to K for a second and we’re back to reality whoops it Acy cool man you still doing the lamb R yeah big fan yeah forever it’s such a good cut hey yeah great cut what a win that’s my favorite s for for an hour at

58 and marinated and geralt and wax and a few other bits and pieces and then just charred and oven for three minutes minutes and that’s it uh were you guys holding them in the SV no we just service no we just go straight so we SV them and go straight from the fridge

Onto the onto the grill and then oven them for 3 to four minutes and this say bang on bang on medium Every Time medium good call just under medium Yeah medium medium rare there’s a there’s a cook between medium and medium rare bro you know that we’re trying to push this that everyone

Already does yeah it’s called medium medium rare yeah tring to make something up that everyone’s already doing smoked yogurt is is killer dude you got a little Smoking Gun uh no we just go old school [ __ ] burn the burn the burn the water on smoke the yogurt smoke just put a cigarette in

Your mouth youve got your old creation grandfather comes over smokes what I liked about the old laundry when I before I even did any shifts there was like the was like there’s there’s nothing fancy there we can do everything but this is one of my Apprentice it was

Before any of the uh Toys came in or [ __ ] smoking exactly but it was like yeah but you can right you can turn anything into a smoker you can any anything into a smoker bit this pan isn’t it at the end of day set [ __ ] on fire and [ __ ] and trap it exactly

Yeah yeah and snow peas yeah raw no it was uh just um [ __ ] sauteed and butter and mint and you just needed a vegetable for the side yeah [ __ ] I need some green on this [ __ ] plus herbs uh Mar fish very nice mojama that sounds cool yeah it’s um chuna

Pudo chuna Pudo yeah so they they get the loines of the chud and they they dry it and cure it and then we just shave it on top [ __ ] is that tasty [ __ ] it tastes like pushuna that’s sick where’d you find that grosser no no I’ve known for

It for a little bit but yeah it’s nice here you can use it to like put it through dips and stuff and it’s pretty cool or in a sandwich there was that thing about Baga for a while no one knew what the [ __ ] was going on you just

Smash Baga in something and you’re like just why does it taste better than everything else but now it’s Bonito hey uh yeah it’s all sort of similar sort of vibe I mean this is different actually can fully eat the yeah that sounds awesome that’s a wicked thing and look

At this [ __ ] dude 300 G black anger Sirin Italian greens mushroom butter bam how much is that dog 46 oh just under just under the 50 Mark [ __ ] yeah got to keep it under the 50 man this I got a $240 steak the other day 2 kilos oh from

Where um SED Meats was a may may what’s the [ __ ] it’s a Wago may I don’t know whatever I haven’t it yet RI fck the [ __ ] am I doing with this [ __ ] eat it yeah [ __ ] eat did you eat the whole thing I haven’t eaten it yet I

Put it on my Tik Tok like what the f someone told me how to cook do I’ll do it as it just like a whatever and then no one’s even game they’re all like how you how much you pay for that [ __ ] like whoa look at that [ __ ] honestly if

Someone said dip it in I would just do it obviously and then I’d cook it good but yeah it’s kind of what people do they never did it n plus wagu oh looks white this is Snow White that’d be so light do it filling I don’t know you want to cook

It take it into the restaurant I’ve got a month off he’s not even going to be in the restaurant just come over come to his house Chef special ask for our one ask one of our friendly weight staff it’s been on the menu since the [ __ ] 1600s that’s [ __ ] cuz none of our

Way stuff friendly yeah I know because you’ve told them that they’re friendly so you had to just remember they’re friendly you can ask them yeah or they or you don’t want to sell it cuz they’re like oh let’s get something else yeah I was going to ask for it but like I know

They’re not friendly cuz it didn’t say could you get one of the friendly friendly we stuff just ask anyone is what you should write daily Chef special just ask anyone [ __ ] whatever ask the table next to you who knows are you a fan of desserts are you a dessert guy I

Love desserts so you’re you’re into it you’re not just like throwing it off like [ __ ] whatever love love the desserts yeah Berry and violet semi froto chocolate crumbs coconut yeah nice dude why why’d you go for it it’s cold and we have a freezer right next to us

So yeah on the near the pass and it’s convenient you went bury in Violet I like I like violet Violet’s good yeah drinking V I don’t know what drinking vo is it’s the Violet lure so just [ __ ] yeah you would chocolate crumbs very nice coconut anything special with a coconut I just coconut

Crumble through it yeah nice man and then chocolate Maris marqueis I say Mar I say Marque yeah Mar yeah sesan pepper ice cream dude nice one right at the end he’s pulled one out mandar this is fusion fusion if it tastes good no one gives a [ __ ] I was

Just saying doesn’t matter doesn’t matter sichan pepper ice cream and Mandarin those two things together that’s a good call I like that chocolate orange chocolate Mandarin yeah marries well with the seson yeah yeah so do you have to do anything special to make the ice cream no just

Just Infuse seson peppercorns into your cream and milk and then off you go did you just keep like you’re testing it right were you just keep pumping it up and see see how far you could get the sesh one up before it was like deadly no started with a tablespoon and that

Was it and that’s good enough it was good enough tast this is this is exactly why every person should listen to this podcast is because you talk to a chef about them men you’re like no I just [ __ ] put shesh one in it and it’s

Done that’s it I woke up and I was inspired by the morning Jew you haven’t you haven’t said the word I’m a racist so I used Mandarin yeah well when the you know when we can always we had two half bags is [ __ ] someone ordered yeah the

Chinese used Mandarin so I did M I was going to go there cuz you’ve gone French Chinese very cool man great menu thank you for sharing with us that’s fun I love doing that kind of [ __ ] where’s your tiu tiu it’s not on the menu I’m not seeing

A panac cotter either actually to be honest guys I love the Teru yeah that’s cla’s recipe cla’s ter [ __ ] cool actually I knew that apologies iconstruct stop being so misogynistic misogynistic hopefully it was deconstructed Tac no it was like proper sco recued was constructed that’s a dish that actually

Is constructed yeah rock on [ __ ] great that was bonus R how was it oh it was very um it’s very different to the nor isn’t it but I’m still on cloud Cloud9 after getting my prizes yeah you’ve been a legend you’ve done two hours of podcasting with a [ __ ] up arm

We did an hour and a half and then we had bonus R like wait what’s what bonus the yeah my arm really hurts so like back at home thanks for coming in dude we appreciate it thank you and yeah just uh clap where’s the hand clap can I do a

Shout out to the to the people at work yeah [ __ ] yeah go for it yeah yeah just want to say thanks to to CLA no try and Izzy for being mad dogs yeah they’re just awesome and also want to say thanks to Kristen the wife for putting out my [ __ ]

For the past [ __ ] 13 years she’s all right I’m going to jump in that and say thanks to cell for putting up the same [ __ ] for that [ __ ] yeah nothing from you that’s cool no that’s cool I Love Ken she’s awesome I love keran but she

Wasn’t there for my chef career so I had to do it on my own that’s that’s hilarious I didn’t even I didn’t I for the first time never put together that we just like I met we basically the same I met my wife at work yeah very early on too yeah as

Apprentice so nice one fellas good job thank you see you all out there

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