Fondue Tutorial – How to make the original Swiss cheese fondue

In this exclusive tutorial, Sepp explains how to make the original Swiss cheese mountain fondue. The fondue recipe consists of secret and carefully selected ingredients and a variety of Swiss cheese and is part of an indigenous heritage of Swiss mountain people. Enjoy the best fondue ever made, recommended by award-winning chefs around the world including Paul Bocuse himself.

#recipe #switzerland #cheesefondue

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  1. Dear Sir: I used your calculation to determine heating time requirements. Gruyere is about 32% wt fat, approx weight of chess 500g, 2000 meter height (Tirol area) amounts to about 0.08 min. (4.8s), I propose a Fondueschmarrn factor of 1×10^2 to 2×10^2 for the correct time (at low heat) that makes for about 8-16 minutes. …. Hope your hound is ok. It's been a few years now.. Thanks for authentic lesson!

  2. I was looking for an original fondue recipe then I saw this very elegant man in this beautiful scenario, so I thought that this would be the best recipe on YouTube. I don't know if the recipe is the best or original at all, but this is the best fondue video ever. Thanks for sharing this

  3. Im dying…… i cant fucking breathe. When he racks the baking powder and then just streaks it across the table. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. His dry delivery is perfect. 5/5 ⭐ Rip to all the grandfathers out there.

  4. GO VEGAN 😉🐮💕

    VONDUE statt den Missbrauch, das Ausbeuten und bestialische Töten der wehrlosen Kuhmütter weiter zu finanzieren!

  5. This was one of the most hilariously enjoyable fondue videos we have ever seen. Of course, we didn’t learn anything about correctly making fondue, but The Professor was so serious and deadpan about the steps to follow. Great stuff!!

  6. Beste Vorbild für die Schüler und Schülerinnen 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  7. So many hilarious parts… "Don't cut the cheese with a knife"… Ends up using it…
    Cuts the cheese in small pieces… Ends up throwing a giant block of cheese.
    And the dog eating from the fondue pot😂… Loved it!

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