Happy New Year!!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laurenonesi/
Photography Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laurentorresphoto/
Tiktok: @laurenonesi

See you in the next one!

Welcome back to another video my name is Lauren we are officially home in North Carolina it is currently 2:40 on New Year’s Eve we were supposed to come home yesterday but we Ben kind of had a little stomach bug and and so we just

Like extended it a day I have a cold so we’re having a super laid-back New Year’s we’re just going to cook a nice dinner and I’m going to attempt to unpack everything we’re about to go grocery shopping I cleaned out the fridge and I’d really love to decorate but if that

Has to wait till tomorrow that’s fine so yeah we’re going to the butcher Market to get some meat for tonight we’re doing um steaks with with I’m going to do like a roasted garlic mashed potato and then probably broccolini and then like a horseradish cream for the steak and then

Um we’re going to go to Whole Foods and just do like a full stock for the new year and we’re trying to do all this today because the stores areen open tomorrow and we’re also stopping at an apartment to look at it I mean we don’t

Love the location so if we pull up and we’re like we just would not live here then we’re not even going to go in but long story short Ben’s allergy have been really bad in this house and we want to buy next year so we’re kind of

Like maybe we should just like take a step back for a year save a bunch of money and like downsize and put a ton of stuff in storage so we’re going to go look at this complex that we found because it’s new we like it but we don’t

Love the location maybe so it’s also like hard to give up our location because we love where our house is but yeah that is the plan Okay we are back we just got done putting everything away I didn’t do a full grocery haul because I feel like they can get really repetitive but we’re also in the process of restocking like supplements and vitamins in the house especially because I have a cold so we

Got zinc chewable vitamin C and an Elderberry syrup so I’m going to take all of those today it’s currently 4:30 and I still have to wash my hair I definitely want to decorate I think I don’t know if I want to decorate more or unpack more but I need to figure that

Out and then do that one first unpacking before we decorate okay I guess I’m unpacking but we got Pub Subs on the way today and I’m eating my other half I got like a green a green filled turkey sub so I got tomato lettuce spinach green peppers banana peppers dill pickle

Salt and pepper and then it’s black pepper turkey American cheese and mayonnaise and then I got the five grain bread which is like a pretty good a pretty decent option for being on the road it’s really good it’s like really fresh I usually don’t get this many

Veggies on a sub and then I have to peel like all of the outer bread off because cuz it hurts my jaw so bad so I end up having a pile of bread at the end eat this and then wash my hair and then unpack wow this lighting’s so bad I want

To put white lights on the ceiling because of this but our ceilings are really high so we’d have to have our landlord come or buy a ladder which like we just don’t need a ladder right now we didn’t didn’t get to look at the apartment because the leasing office was

Closed so we’re going back Tuesday was kind of like what we expected on oh that’s from your client it is so nice and and those shirts but sorry about this lighting I mean it’s just so bad but um yeah it was kind of what we expected the location

Was just like very average it’s like behind like big stores and stuff but we would just save so much money and the unit that we wanted looked really nice like we could see it from down like where we parked so we’re going to go back on Tuesday and look I’m like halfway done

Unpacking this is H humongous that’s a beast my dad got me a m i don’t even think this does it justice how big this pot is but my dad got me a huge pot to make sauce which I’m really excited about because when he was here my pot wasn’t big enough it’s

Really nice also just unboxed this package from trani they sent us like a bunch of their plant protein packets they have all different flavors and they were pretty good I lik the vanilla the best they had oh and the peanut butter was really good but it’s a

Really really clean brand and they sent collagen and I’ve been looking for a good collagen I almost bought one at Whole Foods today so really excited about that we are done with everything except for de decorating so we’re going to do that tomorrow it’s 8:30 I’m making

Coconut rice and a horseradish ioli for the steaks we have two ribe eyes and then I’m going to make like an herb salad with tahini which can you get the tahini also got this recipe book for Christmas which I did ask for it’s personalized so I kind of had to ask for

It but it is from a brand called papier papier I don’t know papier how to say it I have a couple journals from them and I like love their books I did think this was going to be bigger like a recipe book size but it’s fine so it says

Lauren and Ben’s recipes because we always create recipes and we don’t write them down and then we forget how to do it so then it has a breakdown of the pages this stuff isn’t personalized this is just like how their recipe books are but then like at the beginning of each

Section so this is like the breakfast section obviously you can write down the recipes and it’ll say which page it’s on and then a recipe page AG looks as so so it’s like a two-sided recipe card but I thought this would be really fun to start like writing down our recipes my

Camera died so we are now done with dinner but I can show you the final product I have the coconut rice over here which doesn’t look exciting but it tastes so good the steak come on and then my famous salad famous in this house with Ben it’s his favorite salad

I’m going to share an in-depth recipe soon for sure but we have a salad Hors rid a sholi and then we’re having too Chicos Through the Arbor In the Garden Room Happy New Year it is officially New Year’s Day and it’s much later in the day we made a big breakfast and meal prepped went to the beach and went on a walk we just got back from the gym we just both sat in the sauna I wish they

Had like a joint sauna which I know for a gym wouldn’t really work but it would just be nice to like sit in there and talk um but we just got back showered and Ben’s taking a cold shower I was like no I’m not doing that still have a cold so that’s why

We did the outside walk got some sun but I’m about to make a parfait I am not a yogurt girl so if you don’t like yogurt either there’s a chance that you would may be like this it’s like the only way that I can eat yogurt and I really do

Like having yogurt as an option of like some protein and like a sweet snack that you can have balanced with like healthy fats and like some healthy granola and stuff I go through phases where like I can’t even stand the thought of eating it and then other phases where I love it

And right now it sounds really good so you also don’t like yogurt maybe give this a try um this is the coconut but you could always you know try whatever flavor you like this is like the only one that I enjoy I’m going to get the ingredients

Out all right so I used to also count macros like 9 years ago I did it for so many years and I loved couny macers I still think to this day like I Balan my meals a lot better because counting macers is so visual like you learn how

Much protein carbs fat Etc is in like everything you eat obviously and it’s just kind of good to know for life you kind of know like a good estimate of what you’re eating so I think there’s downsides to it too but at that time in my life it worked really well but I

Would make this parfait every single night so I have yogurt um you can kind of do whatever toppings you like I like to do a little bit of hemp and then I also like to do walnuts which I have to refill our jar but I just think walnuts

Give it the best flavor I’ve done almonds peans you can do whatever kind of nut but do that for a healthy fat I have some local honey you can also do maple syrup I don’t like honey again I like it in this I don’t know like what

Happens in my brain when I make this and then a banana which I usually do half and then I think I’ve talked about this before this is our favorite granola for Smoothie bowls and for parfit if I’m eating granola with milk I like the purely Elizabeth brand but this brand in

General it’s called one degree Organics and it’s such a good brand it’s pretty affordable and it’s all organic life estate free like it’s literally labeled Life aate free which is awesome and I just like really support this brand so they have like good cereals good grenola

Good oats if you’re looking for like a gluten-free organic [Applause] oat so I guess and this like technically isn’t yogurt it’s skir I think is how you say it and it just tastes different it’s not like bitter like yogurt is it’s not Tangy it’s like just kind of like

Smooth I mean it it definitely resembles yogurt for sure but I just like it so much more I just like to cut it really thin it’s so weird how scents can bring you back to a certain time in your life like when I smell this parfait I I can

Like picture the apartment I lived in when I counted macros and like what I was doing at that time of my life it’s just so weird I would literally I ate this every night for like a year and a half so I guess that that’s why and then the granola sprinkle some on Top and then the one thing I forgot to say was cinnamon there you have the parfait it’s just so yummy and it’s like nice and balanced I think this has yeah 15 g of protein so probably like 20 with the nuts which is like good for a nice

Little meal small post workout Etc so or breakfast would be really good too so currently making our first pot roast I was going to do it in the crock pot but didn’t know it takes like 8 hours so we reverted to a dutch oven and that is

Going to go in the oven see how it turns out we’re doing a classic pop H roast mashed potato sauerkraut dinner I’m not like the biggest fan of sauerkraut but they say it’s good luck and we didn’t have any the last couple years and we could use

Some luck this year cuz we need a good year Lu we need some luck we need everyone to just stay healthy and safe but I do like this I typically get the one that’s blue but this is all they had so we’re going to like heat this up or

Add it to it I’m not really sure yet but it is pretty good and it’s really good for your gut if you don’t like kimchi this is is a good alternative to kimchi so that is what we’re doing all right I am about to take this mask off

This is the mask that I did it’s the mask I always do I’ve had it in so many videos um and then I’m using my goto moisturizer which all of the words came off of but this is the new one so it’s the skin better it is expensive

But it works so well and then I’m going to do some tanning drops so Rose turned out amazing amazing we already took like half of it out but it turned out so good the sauerkraut some gravy and then some mashed potatoes ooh fancy some spin drift I want some

Parsley yeah yeah just a little bit like one or two little sprigs oh she’s pretty looks so good so proud Happy New Year’s babe wow happy New Year this go in our new cookbook this is should be the cookbook this should be recipe numer Uno ooh yours looks

Different it’s cuz you don’t have 8 lbs of butter on your mash potatoes like I do I like my mashed potatoes half butter yum this looks great okay we’re going to end the Vlog here hope that you guys enjoyed I hope you had a great New

Year’s super comfy clearly um and I will see you in the next video bye

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