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Блюдо из КАРПА! Вот как нужно готовить!! Рыба в красном соусе! Просто, Быстро, Вкусно!!
Блюдо из Огромного САЗАНА! Вот как нужно готовить рыбу в соусе

Recipe Rezepte Rezept
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#Recipe #Rezepte #Rezept

About the sea, the sea sang, betrayed to the rocks and for a short time the dawn illuminates in the sea Take me to the distant distances of the small sails

Oh, you are in short, friends Hello everyone With you Hello my good ones Oh you, my good friends Marat, clean hands to all Shalom and in gloves Happy New Year to all Oh and now yes guys and that they had a rest, everything was fine, the head

Ached and stopped being healthy. In short, we have for you Uh-huh, I’m telling you That’s how I want two lies, but Mara says Let’s do one at a time because I have the following recipe for some

Specimen since Today, Alina, guests will call our mother, in the end, it’s right. And why are we all running around the market for her? Yes, we’re running around the market, it’s time to prepare something. Uh-huh, otherwise many people think that

We are preparing her with these dried fruits, not a catering department, somehow using semi-finished products, and feeding her. I understand, we buy it and bring it in, comrade. Mom, it will be delicious for you today. Oh, so you’ll cook one. Well, yes,

And the second one tomorrow, and the second one in Chinese, which I already said Yes, there’s no lips today, Katya. Don’t rush things, we’ll cook one today. I wanted to say in Moroccan and what not If we have Moroccan spices correctly we will make fish in red tomato as

You wanted that’s what your panties are about today there will be a competition which is more beautiful Marat our recipe or hers these mini bikinis mini bikini Of course more beautiful mini bikini I wanted

To give you a compliment Come on, this is what I love this is about the song about the song this is like in life I accidentally started singing You first, uh, looked at me with such a look as if I had confused You

And then you took it and he continued like this in life Maratik I’ll come up with something He always supports me But if he comes up with something I have to ask first Yes Seryozhenka old Khayam lives happily

Jokes along with beer sells sings songs he has a tune you want Go to the cooperative B the noisy city of Odessa is not there Tararam I’ll say a few words for the press and for the lovely ladies And where did you go with her Kat

To chop so I’m calling you on a date Come with me to the deck As they wrote to you Hello Baba Katya my dear dear Yes the Lipovan sazanchik are real lip days yezhkin you cat

Today we are waiting for guests Uh-huh You are there when you sell all the crucian carp on delivery Yes, and guests come to us All kisses I drove you hear how it is, of course I have no beard but a real lipovan Christmas tree-sticks

The beginning of the year and we have a second video and only for the fish Mom dear Yes, because I love her very much Well Katyusha Beware Marat Tell me what size the fish should be the same, a good

Steak that is not thin And you will cook steaks, wait for 2 centimeters with pono like mine, I understood well that you you’re laughing just funny like in my previous recipe I cut

The Christmas tree sticks in the same way Oh you’re a real beauty Listen, have you already seen kidneys here Nabu Beni Katya you’re our Verba Yoshkin you’re a cat She’s day and night And in the spring in general her you can’t stop her Why are you oops

Ponytail this is of course a joke Mara let me touch you by the hand You look May Ivanna told you to come for an ax in short Ma Ivana Kiss the Christmas tree you sticks what did she

Say that she has such an ax lying around that this ax is baby talk you understand yes, but this is not the same ax When they used to do this to those naughty little melons,

I don’t know, ask him ay-ay-ay like the floor Well, then I need a mask too, ugh I was already scared that you were crunching your knees with your hedgehog like a pebble for crunching with you

And your knees, my dear Mara, these are such pieces, yes, everything is gorgeous, well, it’s just a bastard like him Look, it feels like there are no bones in this fish, that it flies quietly, flies off strongly almost into

My eye, I just don’t know, I would give Marat a try And whatever he needs Yes, I offered to dig for him and didn’t agree So we lost him for 4 days Listen, what a great guy you are. Well, I love this work.

And yesterday I was standing, in short, I understood, I’m digging a garden and I’m thinking, Well, I need it. Well, I’ll be there. Well, potatoes It’s unlikely that I’ll plant it there Well, well, tomatoes Well, two bushes are enough, well, sow the grass, but on the other hand Well, it’s beautiful and

Also how pleasant, and work ennobles a person so that the Earth can breathe Mara Yes, it’s like a woman needs to get a massage all the time and need to dig into it all the time so that it doesn’t heal in the bathhouse, otherwise the damn thing will get busy

Take care of the handy cut of heads there in the ear, it’s not varnya, it would be necessary to cook it soon Ew, don’t talk so ugly, it’s not varnya, it’s me, in principle, What did I say? I just thought, said yes, that’s enough and a corner Yes,

Yes, why leave it on your ear What kind of person are you? It will be on your ear, everything will be fine Okay Katyunya with this head, let’s make a wonderful ear with me. Come on, come to me What Marat I’m starting mine You

Take it There, whatever you need there, there are cleaners Help yourself, it’ll be like home here everything is so homely, so vodically so lovely Yes, you are gorgeous Yes, it hasn’t been like this for a long time, yes, the two of us really, without children this time, we

Celebrated very well, we had a great time, we loved each other, mother Dara for 5 minutes and then it was like in a fairy tale and then they hugged each other and lived happily ever after Yes, it was not

Very good; indeed, a lot of people invited us to our place. We decided not to invite anyone to our place and it was like home. No, because New Year is a family holiday. I absolutely agree with you;

I had a couple of experiences times in restaurants, including in Odessa. And I didn’t like it at all either in Israel or in Odessa. I also love being at home quietly and peacefully; before Katya, I

Used to celebrate all these holidays in restaurants at work for 20 years. As I understand it, yes, at work . You understood correctly, worked, worked, worked, and in short, it has already reached such

A state. Well, how is it about Gruberova, it’s holidays in me, you know, well, for me it’s a holiday, well, any day, it could be Monday, Tuesday, the first or the fourth, Absolutely no difference, yes, I just came because it’s not like that for me it was already a holiday when people were

Relaxing, I danced there with them, in short, they charged there with good energy and for me it was still chic, yes. And when I got acquainted with the skating rink, Katenka quickly closed up this shop Yes, she said either me

Or work Oh well no no Well, in fact, it didn’t become different, of course, I didn’t get used to it right away, but my legs stretched like you know, like going to a restaurant, and then I realized that there

’s nothing better in the world than Throw it to your friends Well, you can say so And I wanted to come up with a rhyme Maratik Look these are the pieces I make Yes, I understand, the ridge is here exactly as I

Wanted Yes, you’ve done me well And this Don’t throw this away too for those who are dear to us We are not afraid of any kind of anxiety Roads are dear to us Roads are dear That’s why I love you For this understanding from

A half glance Yes, in short, we are preparing the fish guys Today it will be Elementary and just a glitch The cauldron missed us, what do you say that you and I agreed on how this is an understanding

Half a glance Serezhenka Yeah Yeah How did you look Yes, you fell in love with her silently, not silently I thought that this was happening silently, it turns out that’s just what I thought, you

Said something about the casserole I say the casserole Yes, he took a break from us for a couple of days And again, as it happens, we return to our native I think you will do it in a frying pan Katya and we have a surprise for for you and for

All our TV viewers, phone viewer, tablet viewer, viewers who is there from what is watching us from what but Rodney fork Maratik Wait, rushed there to the glove where it is of course Put on the chain mail Christmas tree-sticks these are

Special Israeli designs my size is different the truth right left nothing Marat nothing this is manum small, or rather big, not small That’s for sure So this is a manum so where should I leave all this stuff like this and you prepared this sausage Yes Katyunya sausage is not a simple one

You look, the Jewish guys will be at the delivery, be sure to take this Madame and this is actually a masterpiece what is this girl’s name Do you remember She introduced herself to you as an albino girl, I’m Albina and I’m Albina

Yes, she’s so interesting Interesting with her lips too Well, of course, she has a damn sausage Magnificent in this stocking that’s what’s inside it’s absolutely incomparable and what they put on it is impossible to eat So

It’s very spicy, well they don’t praise sausage like that they don’t praise sausage Well, wait there, you have a carrot there. I made it thick. Well, you have Christmas trees for yourself Katyusha, look what this

Grater does, and there is also sausage and vegetables Maratik, come on, let’s take a slice of our native one, I look Look, it’s spicy, ah-ah-ah, it’s called spicy no, don’t you take your time, you haven’t understood yet Ma, you’re

Eating her face, you’re chewing a special sausage itself Yes, it’s not a sausage, it’s a solid piece of meat I don’t know what they put in here But it’s some kind of thing there’s no other way to say happiness; the only

Misfortune is its price. Well, yes, you understand, it doesn’t hurt you. Listen, because I love it, because Marat loves pepper, it doesn’t hurt him, but on the contrary, the sausage is delicious for him for tea. I fell in love with her right away, there on the import that And you don’t sell pironi

They sell it, isn’t it that it’s not as spicy, it’s the same? In our pizzerias they sell them right on the pizza already. Listen, you can quickly run after the panels like la-la-la-la-la, but you don’t have to bang or on the other hand,

I’ve been missing this chic hatchet for so long he does the same thing, only even better, look Kat is like this today The food will be like Christmas tree-stick food Well, pure health I don’t know, something again, some kind of rejuvenating potion, you and I are preparing and it will be delicious Very

Tasty, it turns out, in principle, you can take any fish guys Even sea fish and this recipe will be delicious to make, even Kasia Listen, you wanted it Well, okay, we just have carp so we had to make fish in Chinese style from crucian carp

Understand you will fry it, whoever the fish Take a shit on this miracle frying pan Of course you well, well, all the time there are trees and sticks because I have more couplets in my head than words, uh, I

Forgot to finish the casserole will be today and the casserole will participate and frying pans and my here is this aluminum baking sheet Yes yes yes we will make such a sauce then we will lay out this fish carefully pour the sauce

Over the rin, stick it out, stick it out better, oh my God Yes, by the evening Yes, by the evening I say, let God feed Katenka No, everything will be fine, but you’ll have fun So thinly cut the guys a carrot a little thicker than a carrot to subdue

This one, we need to go to the drive urgently why go to Seryoga for a new grater for the one behind the one that makes it That’s right, we have one left in the restaurant There it’s

Convenient to eat a smack of smack and right away the fries fall out It’s very convenient to make pilaf for all these moments Well, nothing like this here we haven’t poured yet Well thanks to Seryoga and here

We’ll squeeze everything fine Look what good slices the song is what the doctor prescribed the order chpun I actually Mara thought that you and I are like you say to friends after the New Year friends love yushka dadada And we’ve already gathered there, we’ve already gathered there, oh, how

We banged, well, it so happened that we Called our friends And the Milanese woman tells us guys, Wait for me, I have a sore throat, I’ll get better, then you’ll call me again So we’ll see Zheka Nadenka Albert Well, a little later, now the Milanese woman

Will recover and Let’s gather again in an honest company And then we’ll cook the fish soup correctly Yes, that’s it And we’ll prepare that dish or we’ll cook it without uh What oh Marat has such a dish there Roma Roma receptor

Said with the lamb the hedgehog you’re a cat Well, that’s a masterpiece for it We need to prepare like this everything is especially hungry Well, I wash it as usual Yes, then we sing the songs Yes Maratik I already have a fly here, corn and ordinary and pepper, and what do you say,

You must add turmeric in this recipe Yes, well, for this amount of flour, maybe two teaspoons no more now to the eye naturally to the eye how I’ll give it like this, well, overdo the bitterness

I know, but it will give such a golden color and the taste will also give of course There’s already a dining room That’s enough, so one dining room is two small And and the oil is already starting sing Yes, what are you,

What are you doing, you see yellower, yeah, well, don’t forget that there’s also a corn mix here, you’re a hedgehog, you’re a cat, why would you bake pies out of such flour, ah-ah-ah Ali, some kind of kulebyak with fish, as they wrote you there, yakhontovy you are my biscuit – this is not

Yours guys great biscuit It turned out delicious Marat excellent and it turned out delicious when you left And yes I made a second shortbread out of that I set the temperature lower I brought it to hot we just dried it out a little Yes they twisted it wrong and

Twisted it wrong I should have twisted it and left it in this paper, you understand Oh, Aunt Valechka, I’m coming to you again Valya, by the way, said that the student exceeded my expectations, she praised you Thank you very much, you are my dear beloved And you, you read that how

Gros Vental is translated, of course there is no Valley of Love I have a big valley The Valley of love is big and the Valley is a valley Well, this is what people wrote, not even the only person you are And you see

What’s in my head and I have a favorite Valley like this, a small favorite will be Favorite why not but because you have to love like an operator then the place where you live So it’s still

A bit early Give me a little bit of napkins that you have so much more than carrots today I think I might try It’s on these rings Marat you ’re high

What’s wrong with you so thin stop the bones Give them there But even there there are so few of them I have them Now I’ve emptied out of here with such a beautiful, neat look. It’s amazing that Seryoga is doing something. What are you talking about?

Seryoga has all the graters on fire, all the peppers will go, yes. Well, once again, Bah, I really like it, just take care of your hands, and Well, wait, he’s not subtle, no, that’s great. like it’s supposed to be a mask on your eyes

You hear wow your eyes they’ll think you’re a Cobra spectacled tree-sticks Are you guys so it’s only in one eye she’s a blunder So okay it already seems to me that Hey is singing, come on Ay is singing, flour is singing here my favorite I would fry and fry Katyusha I also

Know fish Seryozha I know Seryozha I know Come on, just wait What if you fried Maratik fry pure slegontsa in order to give the shape correctly dada yes yes crust let’s not overcook Do you hear I have this childish question, well, this is from

The series that before the chicken or the egg, who settled here before Odessa or Lipovani in these parts And on the one hand, Judging by everything from Lipovan, on the other hand,

I wanted to say What difference does it make if they they love fish correctly Yes, so what do you mean And I’m so glad that I continue these traditions of trees, centuries-old shelves associated with delicious fish, pure Odessa lipovan, God called to sent the name sons of time Why

Katya is a pleasure for the soul, you’ll go download it again I’ll go So little by little I almost need that Uta old heim cheerfully sings jokes along with beer sells a tune, do you want

There is still a verse here on the dog they play sharpies all onlookers are seduced by the game sleight of hand you don’t need a lot of words here they breed branded suckers In the noisy city of Odessa there is no Tararam But I I remember this

Time, I was little. We came here to visit and at the station there was such a stupid piece of cardboard and this is a blunder blunder blunder blunder blunder blunder a queue of people still want it quickly, this is it. Eh, you can increase your earnings a lot Yes,

And then you lost and You also have a bus leaving and you’re like, Oh, Odessa, I’ll remember you forever and I went back to earn money, you also played, God, I was a little kid, you

Understand, it was everywhere in those days, yes, yes, yes, I would remember too, I told you somewhere in the video I’ll tell you again Yes, but in Izmail at the station I was probably small, I don’t know Well, smaller than

Ulyanka, maybe a little more than Milanka and stood shorter and sang songs they knocked me out they knocked me out bird of happiness of tomorrow somewhere guitar sings And I’m slowly setting off somewhere Oh, yes,

I’m already little, little by little I’ve already smeared my skis on the sly With lard I was moving to Odessa, you know, I asked you to be healthy Ay Katyusha Marak, wait, what does turmeric do in general,

And makes everything golden, the fucking bastard is getting more and more golden I don’t fry it like this and that’s enough I understand Yolkin Palkin how is it gon fish I don’t know how to say it in Chinese yes Well the Shaulin guys are crying for me to

Feed them a little bit and we get it because we will cook it in sauce, poured everything with ryu of course of course Mara don’t be distracted Kilkis is fine I you were working on pepper Maratik those were not in the past You were grating pepper there We didn’t distract you

You haven’t lit the stove for a long time Sergei As for the fish I’m not worried You don’t even have to worry about it so tell everyone in Israel to drive calmly and be happy that you’re talking about

The stove. I haven’t turned it on for a long time, so Morozov doesn’t have sprat, oh Marat, he smoked us out of the house yesterday and the situation was. In short, he’s thinking about how I can get rid of her, but it didn’t work out, he sent her somewhere- then Yes,

We don’t have a life in the astro, I understood, uh Yesterday we filmed a video, just say hello, the Milanese woman cried and I waited for 2 hours for her, barely slaughtering Kali Well, it’s a sore throat Yoshkin, you’re a cat and that’s it, I open the window right there,

Neatly understood Katya brings back the joy under beer, in short, I start frying fish for her there, I take it, I throw it here to give it some smoke, everything is beautiful here in the smoke, but we later found out when

We went to eat, we go in, and there it will be even shorter, we have only two floors, calm down there in the attic And this is yes In short, we smoked like that, but in the morning I got up with the feeling that I was ready to feel at

Home inside, you dreamed that we would have a house and that I would stop frying crucian carp there in the apartment in the kitchen because it stinks, you know, yeah, you’re going nowhere, Katenka, you can’t get away from this. with me

Forever and ever this is with me forever and ever Well or so what didn’t I say that one more verse of fish and that’s it and the cauldron Maratik comes out to people yes yes let’s bang today in short on all the dishes that we have

There is so that there is something to do later yes yes Listen to me what to fry the fish what to wash the cauldrons and this and that I like how long it will be stewed in there marad not long 20 minutes cleanly so as to saturate

The fish with all the delights that we want to lock it in there, you can’t say it any other way that it’s so delicious it’ll be so delicious it won’t be a waste of anything Alina called for as many hours as two o’clock in the sun And I ca

N’t see well, in short, without glasses Well, another hour You have Yes, somewhere like that, we don’t need flour anymore or no we don’t need it No, no need, let’s go there, in Comoros

There is a city that I see in a dream. Oh, if you knew how dear it was. By the Black Sea, a city that appeared to me in flowering locations, a city blooming in acacias. By the Black Sea, By the Black Rye. Well, maybe I can have a little bit

With the Jewish one. let me give you some on this plate and you’re already on the table right Katyushka My you’re good, run away dear Yes, you take the cheese there too, ugh I don’t know what they added there

But this is uh Well, probably number one in short from these good ones, very nice ones good very tasty very Listen, so why am I going to dirty the knife smack smack smack right Come on, I’ll adjust it, come on, Lyubimka,

Enough of the sausages, please Listen, well, I’m like that, I won’t even poke at her, she’s lower ugh Agri Marat Oh, what a beauty this is Lebanese gold gold , have you ever tried pike perch cutlets with a quail egg, this was back in the distant times

Of some Philip, either Romanian or Bulgarian, I understood they were riding along the Danube, maybe even Karl, they had nothing to do before, they got on a kayak and drove off against the current, in short

, there is Romania, that’s the sun, that’s all of Europe Yeah, and they brought it, in short, to this there in our region with Vilkovo lime and they fed it with cutlets. Yes, and they collected everything there. By the way, we made

Fish cutlets with you, no, except for those that Phil def like Okay it doesn’t matter who is interested in googling that I’m just a marad we can make fish every day every day every other day we can make fish cutlets

Even according to the same recipe and it’s unlikely that we will succeed uh once I interrupted him, repeat it Don’t listen, everything’s fine I in general, here I have, look how beautiful Katyusha is, look at the striptease with the sausage Marat, you need a bag I thought you would say the lower part

Is yours, the upper part, you hear, I was always interested in whether this is after the procedure or less, I throw it away already Oh, what kind of procedure are you going to do, Seryozh? Yeah, Katya

Does circumcision in In all traditions, using a knife is probably better according to No, it’s very subtle, come on a little, maybe come on, maybe you’d better use a knife But I wanted to Well,

You’ve already done it with a knife Listen, this is a tender sausage Well, you understand According to Let’s use a knife now Yes, I’ll do it I’ll try a couple of times, why are you so naughty? Well, because I

Want to look, look, look, it’s still better with a knife Katyusha Well, let it be better Well, look how beautiful it is and I don’t even understand why you asked so subtly in the first place. Today mom will be visiting and what Well, for mom, that mom, I have a horse or something.

I’m for something else, I don’t like it so much, and then you’ll sort it out. No, please do it right away as it’s supposed to be, this Marat, take away this board from him. Let him play around, enjoy the process. Listen, how do you love it? fir-trees-sticks te govo

Koku sausages You have this already better ready Yes ready Yes Listen to me Stop, I know what you can do I know like this, yes, I just know how you can Seryozhenka, look how beautiful you are, you can just silently shoot it into the beams How

Can I not? Then I will praise you too, if not my mouth Marat, calm down your godfather or whatever they say that such an idea arose, continue, you know that I will support it in the recipe, no, will they add

A little bit of chips to us, at least half where is the sauce Well, it will give it sweetness and redness, so burkova and colorful And what is not, add it I’m telling you, he always supports the marad Well, leave it with mom Where do you cut it,

We’ll give you chopped sausage because it’s so nice that I can’t stop Listen, if the sausage that I cooked in exactly the same way on the grill, you dry this sausage until it looks like bacon and add it to the butter, it will be a purely Jewish

Breakfast, you’ll get these little ones. Get Marata Katyusha and Serezhenka Well, you’re a hedgehog cat Well It’s just that they’re in the way of your picture, you didn’t put it in very carefully, you know, look how good it is, let’s continue the fuck-up, feast my eyes. I love it when it’s beautiful, I’d

Offer it to you, this is so easy, you stuck the filmoscope in my hands. Well, since It’s you who’s not degrading, I need to grow Yeah, hold it with one hand with the other You know this as his famous one who did five things at the same time what’s his name Archimedes no

Macedonian and Alexander what and what Macedonian And who Yes I’m not talking about shooting so I’m talking about the fact that at the same time to do several things so that’s what Macedonian was Yes, I thought that he was

Shooting there in Macedonian there is no one Guy Yuli Guy Yuli Macedonian for sure yes Guy Lyuli is Caesar Guy Guy Julius Let’s Mara scold Nene I need a piece of paper But yours now Free me I want Look

At this, this is already you, this is what she put in your mouth so exquisitely. It’s so thin that it fits right on your tongue, this is some kind of marble. And this is that on Scuba, such a piece of

Mana Yes, it’s hard, I agree, the year started out somehow hard Yes Listen it continued well I beg you As they say Okay, let me embroider pom What what as they say As they say balls oche What did I take And then I probably sang very strongly

With my eyes closed, I’ll tell you what you did then you didn’t sing then you jumped you weren’t in the mood songs Katyusha Katya is fine Yes, calm down already Tatyana Mikhailovna and mom is with us today, don’t worry Of course he said

We’ll give it chopped Well, yes Listen, this is actually something very tasty you make nerves Let’s do it differently, mine is good and not very big Yes In short, let’s do it this is what I’ll throw you for mine this with your own hands When you’re free from

The filmoscope and lay it out like this As you wish, finish your sausage, come on, where’s your piece of cake? Katya said That’s all that’s smaller, that ’s yours, and Well, wait, dear, for now I don’t need you anymore, I didn’t continue to study further that

I’m Thea, I’m just saying that it’s done like this sideways Seryoga taught me Yes, I’ll try everything, everything, everything, everything, we have a lot of fish and the cauldron, too, thank God, I understood everything and the hat remained

And oh Moro, do you hear, too, the mask is thinner than this sausage, oh, it’s obvious because the beet takes a little longer to cook than carrots and onions, so we’ll morati so thinly, but no, how is it not, not

With such a cut thickness, it’s a millimeter something like that, it will be gorgeous Listen I have a bunch of salads where the beetroot comes as if it’s not boiled raw at all. Absolutely. Yes, grate it, it’s delicious, sprinkle it with just different sauces with storchak lipovani,

Lipovan borscht, this one is also with beetroot. Well, boil the beetroot so that it’s not visible like that it’s the sweetness that remains on the open lid on the Big fire, ugh and it’s not red,

But with sturgeon Yeah, we cooked it for storchak Well, he’s so red, yes yes yes, my golden mochik, my favorite Katyunya is treating you, look, he’s already getting better, yes Bene Bene boy, my beautiful

Lyubchik what is the wind there and a smells where it smells like fish Benya This is from us Katya close it don’t ventilate it the next actor comes out into the arena So where is it here this is Marat a little bit of oil and here and there Yes let me

Clean it up neatly like this just a little bit because today we have a dish like this, well, they presented it as generally low-fat, there will be no fat. Onions, carrots and beet, then pepper and poured it all out, set it on fire, waited, ate it,

And let’s say goodbye, Ali, what else can you do while you’re at it, by the way, lay out the fish nicely, lay it out already, that’s mine my favorite thing is kint and the caviar is left in Chinese, we’ll make it under

Frost, we’ll make it, yes, with the Chinese version. Why not, it’s good, I tore off an irreplaceable thing at a flea market, of course I can’t stop rejoicing Oh, I already have to go Serezhenka for a new

Thing No, just take a walk Look what it’s like tender it’s just some kind of holiday and not fish and it’s crunchy and juicy let’s make the whole thing and let’s I adored Katenka you didn’t even call Mara You’ve been chilling me since that year the tree-sticks

Have been terrorizing a kilogram and she didn’t have anything else to order at all and this is because Igor is smoked, he makes retile like that, this piece of the tail of a stuffed fish was also very tasty. Dash, the soul of the sprat, you called. You know why I

Was without a phone, I went to the delivery without a phone, and Sveta made a list for me, well, I’m there, well, Igor no, he doesn’t come out of the smokehouse, his wife sells correctly and Igor was even Yoshkin, you cat

Shook his hand from me Yes, of course, hello Huge said thank God Benya is on fire You’re going lipovan I’ll give you now this fish, uh, smoked cold and hot I say I ‘ll eat the video myself, I’m not frostbitten in the food Do you hear, everything is fine here already Let’s send

What you wanted there awesome fish of course he’s in good health Maratik e venerable board Wow, you sticks of trees and in the New Year fried onions smell even nicer And this also its white

Aroma is a little different, so sweet, what are you doing? Why are you guys catching it by the aroma Katyunya And why are you shooting against the Sun with a flash normally, you have everything Return to where you need to go Yes, I’m

Just shooting and the steam was beautifully visible, it was good come on uh, make the best shots better than last year, although we found so many videos last year that we could squeeze the guys a little bit. No need to

Fry the onions too much. Just a little bit, the color will appear and shove the carrots. Yes, I understand, I understand, in short, similar to the fish of pure snowflakes a little bit from the hot state, we extract as much aromatics as possible

And that’s it, let me play here and you can use the blender, we need tomatoes already Yeah, doo-doo-doo, here are all three jars Yes, okay, you made me do everything with your products Marat, where is that bowl just now And this

It wasn’t in the bowl, look, it was clean, it was somewhere, it was over. You just send the carrots, I’ll immediately send you for it. And I’m in the meantime. And I’ll quickly get ready before I open it, so we’re not working. You’re

Great, you know, with just your ass in the kitchen, it’s worth a lot or rather, two asses in one kitchen You were right when you said one ass, we’re just two buns, you know, yeah, I agree. He’s left-handed, I’m right-handed. That’s

Probably the only reason why you worked together right now. And what about Marat, did you work with someone in the same kitchen together, well, only at work, only at work? Yes, well, he’s never worked as a

Cook. Did you have a period when I worked in a canteen in a huge enterprise? Yeah, I fed people cleanly, I stood there every day, did It’s the same thing, or is there 300 pieces of fish? Fry it, or in short, a bread cutter, well,

There was no creative approach It’s clean there You stood there, you don’t like it Well, you don’t like it You also know some experience Hey Maestro Give me back what you wanted the bowl Yes, we’re sending Morco, everything’s

Fine We’re early then we’ll finish it in our Gris in the oven sugar don’t forget the spice e Vadik Marat as it is called in Hebrew Well that’s right Yes guys here don’t be surprised there is Zera If you mix something there separately some spices paprika something there the fish surprisingly

Really like zru Mara Everything is here here is all the joy of the Jewish people, my God, what a smell. So let’s quickly chew them, we have them peeled but whole, now we make a lot of

Ketchup out of them, I have fresh tomatoes there to give you for now, you don’t need anything, we still have a little tomato paste. What Marat Aty I forgot which side I thought it didn’t burn, it didn’t burn, but little by little I sprayed the kamarata Yes, he

’ll suit you perfectly well in this state at work, I didn’t even see it But Excellent Excellent Excellent I saw before that he felt Seryozha the feeling exactly by the amount How many times have you LiveJournal zero, got me please, but you didn’t

Want to add beet here so that I could make a pate out of it, what can I get the tomato paste, how delicious there is cheese, I forgot to say And if I also add salted tomatoes and

Add it in. And this will generally be a mis. You want sweet and sour and not sweet and sour tomatoes are also sweet tomato paste where to go and a little later wait a little more Now okay, let’s make a couple of spoons

Beautifully so that it’s just Red and a lot of gravy So that the bread is already over, just like that, eat it and the gravy remains I understand But I was against this baking sheet when we they bought it Well,

You know, Katya didn’t even have to think for that kind of money, and you don’t even have to think about it. And do you remember how a man jumped out, this is what you need, this is our dear Subscriber. He was

Great and thank you very much. What did you give that I never cease to rejoice here is everything you want Here I have a couple of beds Katyunya, look, this is a very important moment for Marat, I know even I know it

Must be fried, it must be fried, so that there is no heartburn a little Yes, we don’t dirty it, thank God, but probably Marat Because you are her fried all the time Well, of course, the tomato paste must be of good quality, we have good

Don’t worry Grandma’s garden bed everything that Grandma’s is also golden I agree to indulge in everything Let me add sugar spices come on what else turmeric here and there sugar sugar Well here are a couple of good ones Men Yes and from lipovan Add some good ones like this

And a little bit from lipovan opach Let’s season for I give fish to Marat, he gave me Zakarayev’s apples for the duck, it turned out so delicious You can’t imagine the duck, Tarat imagines And we didn’t make carp with apples No, no honey yet

Here’s another one for you, so in short it should be written down like this I need another carp Yes women Katya Hello woman Katya Yeah how do you know and you watched our video Oh you wanted to tell a secret and the woman Katya says What are you saying What secrets if you

Just told the whole TV Yes we need one carp namely the good Lipovan carp Marat just had – it was born with honey Uh-huh kiss Katya Many people think that I am this so

I ask you to write a direct link with the import so that people know that I’m not just a rambling but good Oh how delicious it smells to me here guys already with spices come on our beetroot is beautiful and so-so demigod and the dressing is the

Same Oh how beautiful Well then it will be necessary for you to lick something for yourself and well and say that something needs to be added here we didn’t salt anything When it’s already sauce when we add everything everything everything everything

Then it turns out like guys uh, carp in a vegetable stew with tomatoes. I suggest pouring out the whole thing. Make sure you don’t overcook it over low heat. Guys, I turned the heat up to low

So as not to evaporate. Well, the gravy is the most delicious Katya. Now we’ll add more water here. The arch will definitely be artesian. And I even know where it is. Well, wait, a masterpiece is flowing from our tap. And

I have this. Tree-stick water, this is the water on which Bustard brews beer. Now I’ll show you the real Kherson sweet one, take off your shoes. Where is it? You put it there in the refrigerator Svetochka

, and for me, let me plant this eggplant when that’s all. Thank you very much so that your hands don’t hurt, ah-ah-ah for you. Two pieces of Fish today, in short, the guys have their own well, besides the fact that the beer is a masterpiece,

The water is also Well, it’s very tasty, here’s Marat and where’s a liter Yes, I would be like that, and maybe one and a half, or maybe two, and we’ll put it out. Listen, we have bread, but if only we had a bread machine, We would have already baked it. Oh listen,

Well, I wanted you for the New Year, everything is everything like you I also wanted to leave a stove for the children. Seryozha wanted to give me a bread machine for the New Year, yes, it would be better if you gave me a tsutsenya tsunya two

Guys who wanted us Zinin hunda Zinin munda, as I say correctly, Burns knows that puppy that year we wanted this puppy guys from Latvia, Lithuania, where they said they’ll even bring you, you can leave already, which is what we refused because well, in the apartment He

Was supposed to go for a walk and we still didn’t know when we would put things in order with this construction site. And now we already have a vegetable garden, you can run and jump there and pee and poop I clean up for a walk I know there you know what kind of

Garden near the cemetery is someone else’s field called drive I don’t want Yes, I’m going to rock Milan in the morning and he’s there for kilometers of Nagaev we wanted this Border Koli zn Nda What kind of Male

Balon did you have Bologna Malta Yes, we want milk in pain Well, there are still a couple of them, so that there are five, you say

Two, you say two and at the same time, so that they are fools with each other. And what about a goose, a rabbit, a rooster and a hen ? Well, I’m not involved in this, get whoever you want, feed the ear, the most important thing is that those Dat no one will need

A tree-stick, just calm down, but if you want it there badly, I’ll get you a goat, that this Ulyanochka really wants a goat, you need it. Here’s the goat, dereza, and as Vasya says, the main name is not to give it to her, otherwise he says

You’ll live with it until the end of your days. the shelves are bursting right now and I’ll try and you try, I think I need to add sugar Marat, maybe ka Yes, I do this so that after me it’s not necessary, but maybe I

Should have come here just like that, here’s the onion, it’s a sweetness, don’t rush, please We ’ll do it, maybe cat chuka salad And chuka doesn’t go there no chuka will come to me very well

You know how delicious he is Marat yes You’ll go nuts Yes I’ll show you yes nce for dear we already wanted you last night Chinese call so that chopsticks are for me yes for Treat yourself at home for you I don’t

Feel sorry for it, I really do when the night lanterns swing, oh my, and you guys don’t forget to pepper it, Seryozha, so that the Children can eat. Let there be a Dark Street and dangerously go out Mara ta

What are you saying if he showed it to the store? Stunned Yes, we bought it together. Very tasty. Very tasty. Very tasty. I can leave now. Katya, no one needs this information except us, take it off as

If you were here, my favorite spoon, listen so beautifully, how beautiful it is. Seryozhenka, yours is very beautiful it turned out not to be a blunder on me Katyusha, but when you go into a frenzy, nothing will stop you. If

I hadn’t made a blunder on you, then we wouldn’t have had children. Well, damn it, this is love, yes, what is it? love, it should be juicy That’s how ours is, this Marat sauce, leave a little for mom,

Don’t need sugar, I You guys have been filming with me for so long and you still have doubts Leave me alone, if I do it, I do it Well, it’s just perfect I don’t praise myself Just I

Already ate something on this that you ate there I wonder what we’re using on this If I were a Korean dog But it turns out that we introduce Garlic pepper and literally after a minute Turn off the chicardos you hear such a quick recipe that ah-ay in short here

So this year we will make short, easy, quick recipes correctly so that people don’t get bored Give yourself something to eat with these tongs You’ll also break your glasses with the Christmas tree sticks I joked

Rivali earlier and I know these are the times when the Aelites were still doing laundry Seryozha that You should try but it seems to me that there is no need for sugar Marat I added I won’t try everything let the guests say

Yes for me And grandma when she washed it with the elite In short, uh, and then we took this empty jar on a stick, put it on fire, I understood, and it was dripping, in short, yes, that’s it Such toys were our childhood, and not that

There is now Nurova, everything is there, but Grandma VS had woks here for a while Yes, it corroded the Christmas tree-sticks, why didn’t anyone wear gloves? Well, actually, they washed everything, then it was wrung out on a hoop, dried

In the yard, what a pond under the tap just like that And we carried it into the pond, drove it in a wheelbarrow You set it on fire, what are you talking about, offense is already arson You hear, today we won’t fry anything on the grill, but

Smell it, I’ll smell it, although this is an amazing thing, I can’t stop enjoying the Christmas trees, what are you doing ? in rare cases or when you just have a huge desire to completely take out

All the grates and clean it like this. It’s normal, it’s normal. How am I already on the collective farm this thing that it was all a masterpiece, fill it correctly and what will you use as a ladle already Mara jan already

And turn it off Yes, my God, there is a ladle, yes Leave it alone and look with your hands that in the oven with a lid on the lowest heat for 20 minutes and don’t spoil the hedgehog kitty, I have such gloves, come here You’re not taking it off, look how

Fain and there’s no smell at all needed no They gave it like that they gave it chpun Oh you didn’t get burned Katya I’m putting putty on with gloves dear only carefully back and forth back and forth everywhere like this slowly chat tin just crazy Well they came up with

A thing that’s harmless to your hands it turned out beautifully it turned out very beautifully it will be very tasty I came up with the recipe Well done Ay, how delicious I said it I said what

I wanted and you executed it like in a fairy tale you know it right Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked, everything became clear to me now I was freezing where I swam overseas, I know it was not in vain ok

Smoothly Time it timed So tell me I should leave them at maximum, leave them at maximum for now, yes How will it cook, we’ll make it smaller, you don’t have to worry, we’ll peek and the light will be backlit

To make it even better Well, this is the grill of one of your favorite Christmas tree sticks and the sausage is all there business What And now you can go pick up your mom Yeah, come and get some delicious bread Yeah, that’s it

Pet Alinochka Yeah, we’ll sit down at the table and there we’ll try it beautifully, let’s start celebrating Yes, and today we’ll be happy with fish, we’ll be happy that I’m dirty And what’s in beer, I guess in Kazan

He got some beer for himself Marad drinks everything Niko there Number That’s still not possible Let him drink for his health even on New Year’s Day Give him Katya drinks it a lot somehow rudely You said even with your beautiful Tender

Lips Christmas trees You took a sip a little and that’s all Well, this is happiness if only I got from him It’s getting better and better you know how old I am, it’s only by law that you can

Drink alcohol I’ve just lost my stomach I’m 21 years old that you’re really dirty Serge Alda don’t tear this mustache maybe now they’re no longer as beautiful as Marat’s ku Maybe I’ve started to grow and make their way The fluff is very tasty, just like the water is right, you know

That well-known saying, water is the head of the bread. Well, in beer, they also pour water over it. So, in beer , it’s very important; no matter what it would be if the water is a shmurdyak, then your drink is filthy Christmas trees and sticks

And here you even want to Katenka, everything actually you can drive perfectly, kiss you, we are finishing the sausage here , you Open the table Seryozha, set the table, do everything beautifully, we are waiting for guests

Yes, it floats from the freezer -my It’s just the cold from Yoshkin that came back and my mother brought it Uh-huh, it didn’t show up Seryozhenka how you love you cat Yoshkin you’re a cat Katenka shut up sweat now by the time it

’s supposed to be like that Yoshkin Let’s stick your tongue out but I haven’t seen these famous advertisements And we’re like those kind of famous ones Yes, leave it alone Who needs it, so as not to leak ka This is for the beauty of

The pictures Let life not go anywhere e-mine While you were away Marat made his favorite movements and prepared a wonderful unique puree Oh my God, cover it Oh how I love this Katya then further there will be more Okay, your health Uh-huh Guys, we’re already ready Ara just thank you, we’re turning off

The tan not If you think that I’ll start opening them right now no then Calm down, you’ll bring it here yeah Well, we’re waiting for guests Yes, we’ll wait for nothing Alinochka is delayed, you know why why that

Again 42 Furi is fingering, here’s a restless person, you know Well, it’s always like this, if it doesn’t mean she’s sewing a cassette Yes, she called, she said the client is now quick and well, Alina, do Furi

In full and the fish will wait for you, oh my Marat oh Marat not so oh oh Marat You look at what kind of Slush And how much of it is here Serge, close it quickly why suddenly, well, now you’ll just try it and

That’s it Well, it’s so beautiful guys, it fits absolutely now I’ll say absolutely any any fish that you have in the freezer in the refrigerator sea River Lake any fish for This dish is suitable.

The main thing is to fry it correctly, like Seryozha, fry such a sauce as I did and you will be happy. In short, do it like we do and you will be happy, right, as Marat said about Marat. I saw it,

But it’s shorter. Assorted a little bit will go on the table Katyunya How are these these ballerinas are making Well, why are you opening cucumbers? We have cucumber tomatoes. Okay, what kind? Well, any but tomatoes. Why do

You have to open everything for guests today and in full, calm down, you’re a Christmas tree, you’re winding Well, what are you doing, especially since I’ve been wanting this for a long time? Don’t ride the boat guys Thank you very much I don’t remember

Who sent it or Galkin Galkin dear You are my good one You look at what a multi-faceted thing you can open like that You can open like that You can open like that You also remember this song So it’s him Well preserved Marat I’m you told me

How old you are, you know how old you hear Well, how is it, in America they generally do twists, or they only open beer, here they twist, don’t break the knife That’s a good thing, if something goes wrong,

Send another one Yoshkin, you’re a cat then the lid is wrong Oh this is our way You admit where did you get these tomatoes Katya look the champagne is gone What What What Don’t you take it off here Listen I beg you

Turn on the flash Show it natural carbonation Seryozha calls it Katya no it’s impossible Get it I sometimes think it’s better you didn’t come back Christmas trees such soulful content such wonderful splendor Oh what are you Marat I want you to taste this Seryogin’s mother-in-law makes it he

Said that you have never had such cucumbers anywhere at all and for no reason xg well I felt like it was in the back dot ru I hear it spinning So you can go deaf Mommy dear came Christmas trees you sticks go

Alinochka Hello just drove up to it My God Oleg Zdorovenki Hello dear Oh my oh my You say And why are there so many I have so many relatives Well, like Christmas trees and sticks they multiplied there And we Toto

Only just and we just opened it look what we have here It’s amazing everything as you like It’s amazing It’s amazing this is the smallest one for you And this is you look at this This is for the smallest

One I’ll give you a little more Yes sop and Happy New Year Are you God Kai you Yes, I have a gift What What oh-oh-oh What a beautiful ring So I have something to wash it with now In short,

Okay We won’t try it, we’ll be stunned Seryozha Yes, how can we not? Yoshkin, maybe we’ll try not there and there now the Children will come running and there will be such a guy Marat Alinochka Now you will

Eat all this first you will see it now Maratik Let’s uncover the towel like this, what’s on you that Ana give you a wide spoon What are you saying gifts or did you hear me A come on, uncover

This food for the bathhouse. What do you have enough, leave a little bit for mom? Yes, what are you, Katyusha, start with you, of course, with me Yes Katyusha, we will take you for a walk today, you know Santa Claus You made a

Wish for you very much I liked this one here Yes, the gray one, tell me that there is no other fabric like this, that gray one was cashmere and drunk, who knows, he knows In general, I was chasing this cashmere, I

Found it like this Katyunya drum trembling here is gray And you Posri posri devi devi devich aa girlish God Alina you are there you are there the mustache is not a rask Ali Come on I’ll hold the box I’ll try it on myself now Uh

-huh Oh well glasses I’ll do it I’ll hold everything Come on Aha Svetulya come here too Look at this here on Kolshevo yes it’s big Here such a Big [ __ ] cap This is the one you understood, you got

It Give Poma, talk for a while with a beret like this, you can wear it, you don’t have to matsat at all, and you could see from it When you howled a little under your eyes, it will be something at all – then with something like this,

My God, what, put a hat on Alina so that she’s not a deputy or you’ll measure it on yourself again to do what, no, but I decided I’m afraid to even imagine I don’t know who

We have here, oh my, I decided you should make a captain oh-oh-oh-oh Well, that’s it Listen Wait Well, what and what so that you feel completely up everyone, you also have a vest Thank you, you need to lay it down better than me so that you understand the trees and sticks What kind

Of Anchor are you? It’s you that we did Everything like that It’s just the real Sea Wolf You that everything is like that your korish bosman will envy you day and night it’s just like in Manskaya again it’s you Well, how could I not you this is the same Yoshkin

You’re a cat gray new beautiful Special Edition Katyunya God, the lining immediately hit my ears I need to buy these hooks urgently Give this hand your day from If the size is the same as the size I Yum

Promar didn’t give it yet Did you want to make a surprise the cameraman managed to do it ahead of time raki I liked it I wanted to video Well, it’s nice to make a person Oh, you’re wearing vests today, my God,

You look great, you look great, we really didn’t have enough of a captain. We have a real captain who’s also well-read, guys. It’s simple and you have to say. I’ll be in command of the parade, yes

That’s it. a unique edition of my favorite poet, the best poet in the world as In my opinion, Joseph Brodsky was given to me by Katenka Seryozhey you heard you heard this this sigh Katyunya hma just a phenomenal edition Guys, I haven’t seen anything like this It’s amazing it’s also unique and from

The bookmarks tweet chik-chik look up and due to sadness and upward habits you will see in thin rods nbe Oh no, I’m not Brodsky far damn Thank you so much a wonderful gift for me very very so touching Yes we have Thank you dear I also re-read books you when Dash read

Later this this this here damn this But but pay attention 50 shades of gray I allow him to try on Alina Alinochka is the same for me and can I let the litter be a different size She’s a big-headed woman with no hair

We have a virgin hair when I was like a boy Yun I remembered Odessa while chewing amara cabaret I heard this tango Oh this tango in it came from the lips and the sweetness of mango and something there and Porto Franco In short,

I need to learn the tanga, I’ve already started What are you guys With all our hearts, we’ll try for you yo-my Katenka, well, just make me never go on a boat, what are you doing? will you wear it I will wear it

Seryozhenka I’m almost like this Oh my God she’s like this so this is such a Kashmir yes this is what you said pinot Lola pianola pinot do you actually have it do you still have this fabric If suddenly

Someone wants a pair for one probably there is, but I know where to get it, I don’t take it a lot because don’t call a lot purely purely one will call It’s not weight and it’s very beautiful That’s the color it has,

Say it’s warm Yes, I’m looking at this line of the Christmas tree-stick, it’s all done by hand you have a full line of plastic, in general, everything like that, but I like the lining better, and the Chanel lining is

Weightless, it’s weightless, it doesn’t weigh anything, it doesn’t weigh anything, only the visor weighs here although she’s walking with a band, you see, what happiness has come that even the Captain says I don’t need

Your caps Let’s try Let’s suck it Marat won’t be numb, we’ll warm it up again Let’s take positions, go syu in general and lu How is she playing with these sumi Katya Yes, I’m the only one You put two talkas I want it

Neatly just like that a little bit just neatly on one side you put the fish on the other side the sauce oh my god this is Hello hi sol Open the door come on, who is this bride

Come on out here for a second oh my goodness, what’s all the main thing, just so that it doesn’t last long so that you don’t catch a cold, where are you looking at her shoes and sandals and on her feet And where is your photo, let

Her come in, don’t get cold, lost Oh, she was hanging there with a dress, now come in, my love, what’s up? Your sister, come on in. Come on in. Come on, let’s go, we’ll go home okay, Marat,

In short, I’m looking for another piece of fish. It’s just falling apart. I don’t even know what to give in a rich way, so that it would be even more beautiful, although there’s enough there. Why sauce? when there are

Tomatoes as quietly as you like, it’s normal I decorate Yes, it’s wonderful Yes, there’s no better way Alina creates fuliki, well, there’s a lot to learn from them Come on, these are Seryozha’s tomatoes What else And this is

The first time for me this Seryozha brought tomatoes Katyusha I don’t know here Both those and others And the third and the tenths And I bought some Magnificent bread Yes, I’ve already tried it guys Eat eat My God what kind of

Happiness is this So fuck off I’m very pleased Maratik You haven’t tried all this with bread yet Look at what Kat That’s where you found this, I know where this kind of bread is sold here in Gros Les Bental Yeah Gros Bental is what it sounds like

And every profession has its own beautiful names ay-ay-yay chpun Oh guys, so that your hands don’t hurt, make such beauty Damn, look at him, he’s fluffy so he was hot he’s not hot now he’s just fluffy And what did you like Serga I need this sauce now you’ll be stunned Listen, this is

The aldenta left yes yes just the way I wanted Yes, you remember there used to be this uncle Uncle Bens That’s what he had for me I think that uncle Sorry, it’s time for you to retire, we did something better in any case,

And the fish Katya Yes, she’s even livelier than before, look, it’s very tasty, let’s go, Yes, we tried it and well done, close it now, everything will cool down, it’s carp, there may be bones, so it’s neat Well, this very

Tasty Katya how do you want to kiss my fingers now we will kiss I will kiss my fingers that’s normal In short, friends, all souls are in a good mood for you today again smacked on fish Uh-huh Captain and Young Odessa dip bye-bye everyone Alinochka

Thank you everyone bye -bye ciao ciao Yoshkin you’re a cat Mara what’s the size I’m perfect, that’s perfect You just guessed boo I’m worried that here throw off the Bosma photo he’ll say I’m sorry Now you’re

A Bosman damn it I haven’t even gone to the mirror yet Katya I urgently need to get a mirror here all over the world I’ll let you know how to say everything, yes Well, this is aerobatics. I’m just asking you

To do something that you don’t already have. Yes, I definitely don’t have something like that, and I’ve never had it, never had it. guess once and then everything will go like clockwork I guessed right with my godfathers, never hunger Yes, ah-ah-ah, my heads will never freeze,

Guys, what do I wish for you? So that everything will be in harmony Yeah, in the New Year, that’s all anyway


  1. Ребята , смотрим и наслаждаемся вами . Всех с Наступившим 🎉

  2. Если выпало в империи родится, лучше жить, в провинции у моря, и от Цезаря далеко, и от вьюги, лебизить не нужно, трусить, торопиться,❤ Иосиф Бродский

  3. Отличные позитивные видео, но реклама пива постоянная немного всё портит…

  4. Перед тим як брати собаку,треба уважно все зважити. Собаку треба тренувати,вигулювати,годувати, а також не забувати що вона сама обирає хто в домі головний і підчиняється цій людині як вожаку,інші просто члени стаї. Читайте літературу по кінології. Навіщо вам собака,для охорони,полювання,розведення?

  5. HOLA DESDE ESPAÑA . PAZ Y AMOR . Слава героям слава Украине Слава Зеленский Слава ЗСУ

  6. Интересно ,ладно у этих свой бизнес а где работает Маратик или евреи не работают

  7. Для этих тёрок, есть специательные держатели. Насаживаешь продукт на держатель и безопасно трёшь.

  8. А почему не дома за столом а не стоя на улице покушать.

  9. Да уберите эту деревенщину. Все видео портит. Я так не люблю, я так не хочу. Марат заводи свой канал и готовь. Марат заводи свой канал, а серёга будет оператором. И будет всё хорошо.

  10. Бесконца все лапает руками.Бросаются в глаза ужимки официанта.

  11. Чтож вы такие люди жадные,дайте уже наконец Микрофон Марату ,его не слышно что он там бубнит себе под усы,с таким смехом опаратора вообще ниче не слышно,заклейте ей губы клеем чтоб не ржала как Лошадь,из за лошадиного смеха Марата не слышно.

  12. Спасибо Вам за хорошее настроения!
    Смотрю с удовольствием,!!!

  13. «Цезарь может делать три дела одновременно: И писать, и смотреть, и слушать», – император произнес эти слова во время гладиаторских боев, когда он сидел и писал письма, ему задали вопрос : как вы можете и смотреть, и писать?

  14. В переводе с немецкого Grossliebental (gross большой; die Liebe любовь; das Tal долина) – Долина большой любви/Большая долина Любви.

  15. одесситы-это как драгоценные камни…какие кепи шикарные и такая талантливая женщина, красавица Алина….хочу тоже такой кепи, как подарок для Кати

  16. Серёга знаешь ты не плохой парень, но слишком много поешь, а женушка много смеётся, Марату слово не даете. И когда готовите.дома, такими маленькими порциями, даже шашлык, мы узбекский шашлык делаем по пять палочек на человека, а у вас слишком мало еды для всей семьи , один все время поёт, другой смеётся, ну очень громко, подумайте, вы же хотите жить в Европе, Вас не поймут

  17. Липоване, будьте осторожнее с песнями, сказками, присказками, не хотелось бы вас потерять, а тут ещё ваша любовь к оливье, тцк и по кладбищам шастают.

  18. Марату нужно что -то другое. Фурик -хорошо, но он упоминал, что уши мерзнут …

  19. Липован,смотрю давно Вас. Классные видосы.Но жду когда приготовишь блюдо Азовских рыбаков,жаренная рыба,любая под абрикосом.

  20. Марат, Серьога, Катюня з Новим роком🎉🎉🎉, Сергій, чекаємо від вас українських пісень❤

  21. Як на мене думаю ,що з морською рибою буде смачніше,кісток меньше і легко буде їсти в гостях,а не доставати кістки з коропа в підливці при людях

  22. Алиночка,супер! Марату фуражка капитана просто бомба, очень идет.С новым годом вас всех,наша любимая команда! Спасибо вам за настроение!

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