There is nothing on a grapefruit, or any fruit, that needs to be wasted. I found over 20 uses for grapefruit peels. From cleaning supplies, salad dressings, beauty products, pot pourri and more.
Candy the peels, zest them, feed them to livestock and the list goes on.

Well I just got through cutting up a couple of the biggest prettiest Red Grapefruit you’d ever want to see and boy were they good so now I have all these great pills and I’m not going to waste them and just throw them away so I’ve looked up about 20 different things

That I can do with Citrus pills come join me hi I’m aici I’m glad you stopped by according to the USDA in the US 40 or 30 to 40% % of all good usable food goes to waste it’s thrown away it goes into the trash cans into the landfills or

Disposed of in some way which is really really sad so I’ve really been on a little personal campaign to use as much of a product as I can and I want to share this with you okay so what can we do with grapefruit pills or any Citrus

Pills well make candy pills out of them of course you just cook them down a little simple sugar sprinkle with a little sugar and they make fantastic candies you can Infuse vinegar for salads for cooking for cleaning you can Infuse oils for salads and cooking like olive oil or if you use sunflower

Oil or any good oil you can Infuse it with the grapefruit peelings you can Infuse alcohol and have grapefruit flavored vodka you can use it in beauty products it makes fantastic exfoliating materials hair rinses toners for your skin you can zest it when you get your citrus

Fruit home you want to wash it really really well what I do is I make a little paste out of baking soda and water and then I just scrub the little piece of fruit rinse it very well let it dry that removes any excess soil any excess pesticides herbicides it may have picked

Up I do it even if I have organic produce and then you can zest it just get a little zester a little greater and you zest the pills that zest can be frozen it can be dried dehydrated and stored and then you have zest to last you quite

A while especially if you are doing something where you have a good supply of citrus pills if you don’t feel like zesting it all right then you can cut it in little chunks or slices and freeze that whole piece then later when you want some zest

You just take out a piece and zest it now you don’t want to zest it down to the white part to that pith because the pith is a little bitter but it’s also extremely nutritious and people are now using it in a lots of dishes so exist all right make herbal

Teas out of the pill and the pith use it as aromatic seasoning for meat and vegetable dishes like when you bake them you know take a a chicken and put a big pile of onions all over it and a pile of citrus pills some garlic and

Then slow bake it oh my goodness making myself hungry homemade organic cleaner that will be children safe that you know exactly what is in that cleaner and the essential oils in Citrus have antibacterial and anti antimicrobial properties you can make salt scrubs with it you can repair Garden pest now I’ve

Read that it will repel dogs and cats and rats the rats I don’t believe in because when I was a child we had sisters trees all over our landscape and we would watch the Great Big Field rats sit out underneath the citrus trees and Chom away on the

Oranges that aromatic oils in the skin didn’t bother them a bit now if you’re just putting the pills out with the little aromatic oils that might deter them a little bit m we’ll see I’ve also read that you can put the peels on Ant beds I’m in Central Florida we are fire ant

Central and I have tried it in the past it didn’t work perhaps I didn’t put enough on so what I wanted to try to do next time I had a large amount of pills was simmer them for a little while and then take the pot and pour the whole pot

With the hot water and the pills and that way that infused water will soak down into the ant bed that might work all right use it in compost use it in Earth composting where you just dig a hole and you bury it it’s going to break down it’s going to

Release all the nutrients can help feed all the beneficial microbes and enrich your soil you can make essential oils out of it if if you know how to do that you can use the dried pieces and popar little sachet bags to tuck in your linen closet and if you really like the

Smell you can tuck that little dried piece of Peel and in nice little handkerchiefs or something and stick them in your drawers why not using poery used for sachet great just make sure they’re really good and dry you don’t want flesh left on them if you’re going to use them for something

Like that make marmalades out of them add them to jellies of course the definition of marmalade is it does have the peel in it you can take the pills and dry them and burn a few in your fireplace to add a little citrusy smell to the air you

Can add them to your grills to smoke your meat with now per the USDA the cows like citrus pills and it’s good for them cuz it’s good roughage loaded with vitamins but also the antimicrobial benefit in the essential oils and the pills helps the cows so that’s kind of

Interesting many years ago in the little town next to us there was a large Citrus processing plant they made frozen concentrate the little cans of Frozen juices orange juice grapefruit juice and so they had a lots of byproduct of pills and they would take those pills

And every so often I guess when they accumulated a huge batch they would cook those pills down somehow but the day they did that you could always tell because not only did that town smell like citrus pills all the way over into the edge of our little

Town you could say okay the Citrus plant is cooking pills today but then they dried it and they used it for cattle feed sold it for cattle feed so it was a great way to utilize this byproduct so really neat one other thing I want to try to do

I’ve been doing a lot of what I call Green biomass fertilizer teas you know you do a banana pills you do it with you can actually do it with practically everything so I’m going to save some of these or if I don’t use this batch when

I get some red grapefruit again I’ll try try it then and make some biomass Citrus pill tea and see how the plants like it I’ll let you know so here’s a whole list over 20 things that you can do with Citrus pills doesn’t have to be grapefruit you can

Use any Citrus of course if you got little bitty kumquats it might take you a while to get enough pills to do any of this but hey do it anyway kumquats not to get off the subject but kumquats have very sweet pills if you’ve never eaten a com quat and if you can

Get your hands on them try one now they come in different varieties so they all aren’t created equal the kumquats we grew up with were little oblong kumquats the pill is sweet the flesh is sour so what you would do is you would take a bite so that you would have the

Sweetness of the concat pill with the sourness of the Flesh and that’s why you also see kumquat marmalade and kumquat preserves things like that because that pill is so sweet I haven’t been able to find any kumquats in quite a while in our location which is the ship

Okay I hope you’ve enjoyed learning a little bit about all the benefits I hope this is something that you can incorporate into some of your lifestyle saving a little bit of material from going to the trash and going to our landfills and using it in a lots of great

Ways till we speak again have a fantastic day

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