Hey y’all this is my meal of the day that I just got through cooking some turkey legs some ham Hawks and we also cooked some okra and uh sauteed and some onions and some garlic some cornbread Miss charene also baked some sweet potatoes y’all but we forgot to eat them

And by the way the juice that you see on my plate y’all I did not cook any rice usually if you cook okra you could cook some rice with it and then that way it will absorb the juice but we are laying off of stches over here so we did not

Cook any rice but I like all the juice on my plate you guys because I like to just sop it up with my cornbread or whatever so that’s what I did cuz I like all that marinated juice girl you could just drink that in the end and uh that’s

What we have for dinner today y’all let me know how y’all cook y’all okra sometimes you can cook it with some shrimp and some sausage and some corn in it let me know how you cook it thanks for watching bye


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