The Best Crispy Buffalo Cauliflower Wings | Meatless Monday Recipe

It’s Meatless Monday! Today we’re making crispy buffalo cauliflower wings! This is a great alternative to chicken. If you enjoy the video, please be sure to give it a thumbs up and share it with your family and friends.









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#rhondasredsauce #cookingvideo #meatlessmonday

What’s going on what’s up my good people welcome back to the channel happy monday hope you all are doing well if this is your first time here i want to welcome you pull up a seat hope you enjoy the content and before we get into this cooking video

I want to ask that you like comment share subscribe go ahead and tap that bell while you’re at it so you’re notified anytime i drop a brand new video go live or schedule a premiere all right y’all so it’s the top of the week i figure we’ll go ahead and kick

Things off with a meatless monday one of my favorite meatless dishes is buffalo cauliflower bites some people may also call them buffalo cauliflower wings but i love them they’re so satisfying to look y’all i am someone who loves loves loves chicken wings i’m trying to leave meat alone

You know chicken doesn’t really work well with my body like that but it’s hard that chicken be calling so this is a great way to actually get my fix so we’re going to go ahead and make some beautiful crunchy cauliflower bites beautiful thing about it too is that you can add sauce

Try different sauces you want to dip them toss them in sauce whatever you want to do make it your own so let’s go ahead and get the cooking let’s go ahead and get started with the cauliflower so for this recipe i’m going to use one head of cauliflower

Or you can use the packaged florets now when i am using the head of cauliflower what i usually do is cut it up in quarters for whatever reason this just makes it a lot easier when it comes time to cut the florets so now we’ve moved on to cutting the florets

And what i’m looking for is a medium size i don’t really want them too small that just makes it a lot easier when it’s time to fry it so as you can see i’m making the effort to really be as consistent as i can with the size

So you get quite a few florets out of one head of cauliflower this is more than enough to feed my family of three and will likely have leftovers so the next step in the process is going to be cleaning the cauliflower so i add the florets into a bowl

And then i top it with warm water so you want to make sure the warm water gets all over the florets perfect and there’s one extra step in this process next up i’m going to add in some sea salt so with the sea salt i’m just going to sprinkle it all over

As you can see there and then what i’m going to do is let this sit for 30 minutes this is going to remove dirt and also pesticides so while that sits let’s move on to our batter this is half a cup of flour along with some onion powder also some smoked paprika

I have some spike original seasoning i love that seasoning so much uh chili powder and then finally there’s my low sodium good as can be jalapeno garlic pepper i am restocked with a jalapeno and the cajun lemon pepper if you like that click the link in the description below

Next up let’s go ahead and add some water so we can get our batter in motion i added about 3 4 cups of water and you want to make sure you have this smooth consistency you don’t want any lumps or clumps inside of it so whisk it until you see it smooth just

Like this okay now we have allowed our cauliflower to sit for 30 minutes it’s nice and clean i rinsed it off and we have our cauliflower to the left and i have the batter to the right so what we’re going to do is just start off with just taking a

Couple of the florets and placing them inside of the batter so shout out to my mom or auntie nissi as you guys know her she helped me with this portion of the video so as you can see just putting a couple of the florets inside of the batter

Now you want to make sure that your cauliflower is nice and coated on both sides and this is what i’m referring to you want to make sure it looks like this okay because this is a very important step in giving you that crispy crunchiness giving you that golden brown

Color on the cauliflower when it comes time to fry it so i have my skillet off to the side with oil in it that is piping hot i dropped in a couple of the florets and it started browning immediately so of course i let this cook

Until it was nice and brown on one side then i flipped it over and this is what it looks like this is the cauliflower all fried up nice and seasoned crispy crunchy golden brown uh this is exactly what i was looking for perfect so now that that part is done next up

It’s time for us to go ahead and work on our buffalo sauce this is a very easy step so you can use whatever kind of hot sauce you want i’ve added the hot sauce into a saucepan along with some butter i decided to use trapeze louisiana hot sauce

But you can use frank’s or whatever your favorite hot sauce is let the butter melt down and that’s pretty much it so we have our cauliflower florets fried up ready to go then i have my sauce off to the side so all you’re going to do

Is add the florets into the sauce if you want to dip them if you want to toss them we decided to add in our florets into the bowl look at that this is beautiful like this was so good it really was i know i’m kind of getting ahead of

Myself because i taste test at the end but it was good so i went ahead and added in all of the florets and then just give it a nice mix give it a quick mix and then that’s pretty much it make sure they’re nice and coated all the way around

And then i went ahead and plated it so look at that crispy crunchy colorful and i like to top mine with fresh parsley that does give it another element of flavor as well and now it’s time for the taste test all right y’all it is time for the taste test

Y’all i’m excited about this that color the sauce did you see how golden brown these got and the crunch on them is insane wow like this is such a good this is a really good way to get your fix for wings for real and like i told you in the beginning

I am a huge fan of wings like i love me a good golden brown wing and this side this is satisfying you know my mom takes it earlier so i know that they taste good she you know she snuck and had a little bite mommy is it good

She told me earlier so i had to just say that but let’s go ahead and taste this though y’all see that got the sauce on it i got some blue cheese but you know i love ranch too but blue cheese is like my favorite right now in terms of like a creamy sauce

So i got the blue cheese Yes my god yo that is so satisfying that is good i’m definitely putting these back in the rotation i haven’t made them in a while so i’m excited to put these back in the rotation i’m gonna make some teriyaki ones next time and i’m gonna tell you

I love how much i was able to make out of one head of cauliflower this is a lot of cauliflower that i made it’s enough for me my mom my dad we probably even have some leftovers so this is on point this is really good i hope that you decide to try this

If you have any questions about the recipe let me know down in the comments i’ll meet you guys there as you saw as i was making this dish you saw my goodness can be low sodium seasoning you saw the jalapeno garlic pepper i also have a cajun lemon pepper and i am restocked

So if you want to get some seasoning i would love you to have it in your kitchen go ahead and click the link below i have the website in the description box and that’s it y’all so i hope you enjoyed the cooking video i will be back with more i promise you that

Um again i’ll meet you in the comments if you have any questions make the best of the day be good to yourself peace everywhere you go you know they know i’m hot


  1. You make those cauliflower buffalo wings look so good but I just can’t handle the taste of cauliflower 😩

  2. All I got too say is send me a variety of meals where do I send my location 🤤🤤🤤🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  3. We have a festival every summer called Three Rivers Festival. One of the foods sold is fried vegetables. In that order is Cauliflower, Broccoli, Mushrooms & Onions. Oh My…Sooo GOOD!!!

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