I may not be a professional chef, but I make a mean meat sauce! Follow along as I make it for me and Becks — and the freezer. 🤣

🍝 You can easily make this vegetarian without the ground beef — all the finely chopped vegetables give it lots of texture. You can also swap out the beef with an alternative protein. Then just use a vegetarian broth instead of chicken broth!

🍄 I also sneak in a bonus segment on how I prepare sautéed mushrooms to pair with the meal.

I find cooking to be a chill, creative outlet. Plus, I hate wasting any food — and this is a great recipe to help clean out the fridge. Join me!

00:00 Intro
01:30 Prep and ingredients
03:30 Cooking the sauce
07:56 Bonus: sautéed mushrooms

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Welcome humans humans that like to eat maybe humans that don’t cook but want to learn up to you I am a home Chef only but I do cook almost every single night of the week I cook dinner for me and Beck I cook twice on the weekends because I do brunch as

Well so today I’m making a meat sauce I’ve always got a lot of vegetables and leftovers and little bits and Bops from cans here in there from cooking from the rest of the week and I don’t like to waste anything today I actually do have a new element completely new to me and

That is a Sofrito tomato base for cooking and and my battery died in the middle of that sentence so I recently used it in a stew that I made for dinner and I still had like 2/3 of the jar left so I’m going to go ahead toss that in my meat sauce now

I will say that I never really follow a strict recipe for any cooking that I do and that’s why you generally won’t see me baking because it’s very reliant on a recipe and really just its science and that’s not think so getting started here I have a whole Red Onion left over from

When I made pickled red onions which I made in my first blog and if you want a full recipe on the pickled red onions head over there now I show you step by step what I do to make my pickled red onions which uh yeah we pretty much eat

On everything I’ve got this random piece of red pepper left over for something else I made this week I got some fresh garlic I always use fresh garlic if I I have it and I’ve got some baby carrots that are left over in the fridge again from something else from earlier in the

Week so all these veg they are going into my sauce I love putting vegetables into my meat sauce I bulk it up we love vegetables in this family I really like to chop up my vegetables pretty small for my meat sauce it almost just kind of

Blends right in with the the texture of the meat itself here’s my sofrito I’ve got twoth thirds of this left so there’s a bunch in here I’m excited to use it I also grabbed a can of tomato paste I want to make a lot of this sauce I want there to

Be leftovers I like to use extra virgin olive oil for my tomato sauce I keep it in this cute little can that we got out of Winery you know I put in black pepper I put in a little bit of kosher salt as well as you know some other kind of just

General Italian seasonings more garlic always more garlic GC little bit of crushed red pepper will go in there I’m sure at some point I also found this random Campbell’s flavor up it’s caramelized onion and Burgundy wine I don’t know if it’s going to be good or

Not but I’ll toss a little in there and we’ll find out I also found some some chicken stock cubes in my freezer that I actually had made from scratch a while ago it’s really just whatever is in my heart when I’m making the sauce and whatever is in front of me

Okay so the first stuff that goes into the pan are all the fresh veg I probably let them simmer down for about 5 minutes uh just until they’re starting to soften remember they’re going to be in there for a while so they don’t need to be

Fully cooked at this point but once we get to kind of slightly softened a little bit translucent I’m going to add in the rest of the Sofrito that I had in this jar it’s less sweet than what you kind of get in a more traditional tomato sauce so I actually think that the

Caramelized onion kind of squeeze sauce stuff might actually be really nice as a combination with the Sofrito uh for a meat sauce so at this point I am going to start bulking it up I’m going to get the tomato paste in there nice rich tomato flavor you know

If you’re going to make a tomato sauce better make it tomatoey so I’m going to get this whole can in there I think that should be enough for the for what I’m making today is just the one can but I’m I’m want going to make sure to scrape

Out the can get everything out of there as well as use a little bit of a chicken broth that I have just in the fridge and open again from something else I made this week it is still on a medium to low heat I’m making sure to stir it probably

Every 5 minutes at this point or less now I’m going to transfer that to a back burner on really really really low heat so yeah I’m going to put all the beef in there that I have this is 1 lb I start breaking it up nice and

Small now I’m not going to overcook this this is going to go directly into the sauce and simmer for a couple of hours so I’m really just Browning it and some of it might still be a little bit pink but really just Brown I’m going to add a

Little bit of salt and pepper to the beef not much and that is actually one tip I have for you is don’t don’t put salt into your sauce or at least not too much of it until after it’s cooked down for a couple of hours I found that the

Flavors of the beef and everything else that you’re putting in there the salt really kind of comes through the more that it cooks and so if you put salt in it at this point when you’re cooking you might just end up with an overly salty meat sauce without realizing it uh so

Yeah just wait till the very end to Salt your sauce but I do like to make sure that there’s at Le at least a little bit of salt in this meat at this point um it just brings a little bit of flavor to it so then I’m going to use a slotted spoon

To get the ground beef that has been browned into the sauce so it drains the beef a little bit you know you’re getting a little bit of that fat left behind and your sauce isn’t going to be too greasy and that’s fine if a little bit of that liquid does get into the

Sauce as well it will add flavor I just don’t want all of it in there personally now is when you turn the heat down to as low as it possibly can go put the lid on it and step away every 20 minutes or so I’m going to come over

Here give it a stir check on it make sure it’s not getting too thick if it is I will actually add a little bit more of the broth that I have probably just like a quarter to a third of a cup at a time I don’t want to make the sauce too runny

It is looking and let me tell you it is smelling so good I can’t wait to eat this it’s going to be delicious but have patience I think that is one of the secrets to a good meat sauce is really just having patience and letting it

Simmer on the stove for about 2 hours I bet there are other people out there that let us simmer for a lot longer than that so after about an hour and a half I I get in there and give it a try I wanted to show it off to you here and

Boom it fell off the spoon I know I did everything I could so that wouldn’t happen and of course that’s exactly what happened I making this earlier in the day I’m going to put it in the fridge into a couple containers here let it sit in the fridge for about 5 hours before

Dinner time that way even more of that delicious kind of mixing of flavor that melting of taste really just happens in there patience my friend patience I bought some mushrooms for beex I’m not personally a fan of mushrooms but she loves them so much that every now and then I do make them

For her I put a small pan over the smallest burner that I have I put a little bit of butter a tiny bit of some of that broth again bunch of garlic and a bunch of pepper oh there’s a little bit of werer sauce in there too just a

Little bit like a couple shakes and I just let them simmer on that lowest setting for like 30 minutes just let them soak in that liquid just let them sit let them be I make sure to stir them every 5 to 10 minutes while I’m cooking

The rest of the meal yeah that’s going to be it it’s a really um straightforward type of meal I know I don’t want to say it was simple because look at everything I did earlier in the day to make this sauce you know it was

Time intensive and I put a lot of heart into this meal I have my own basil plant that I just started started to grow it’s not very big yet so I can’t really take too much from it but I did pull some like four of the largest basil leaves

Off of it that were ready to be picked so I used those I also had this really beautiful shaved Parmesan that I got from Costco and I’m just going to put that right on top future Deeds here I totally forgot to film an outro because you know eating I guess that was a

Really good meal highly recommend it give it a go if you’re thinking about it but in any case if you got value in this video please do hit that like button I hope you’re enjoying my videos as much as I’m enjoying creating them and I’ll will see you on the next One

1 Comment

  1. Great cook and love how you just use what you have at hand.
    One thing I do differently is I brown my meat in the pan on medium high to create some fond. Then, take out the meat and excess fat and then saute the veggies. The moisture released by the veggies will deglaze the pan.

    Saves you a pan to wash up for the sauce and adds even more flavor

    Cheers from Holland

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