Here are my TOP 4 FAVORITE RAW VEGAN PASTAS! These are just as or more satisfying as traditional pastas and they make you feel GREAT after! You feel nourished and energized! Not lethargic and weighed down! ENJOY!

Nama C2

Get my FAVORITE JUICER for 10% off today CODE: GILLIAN10
(I have the J2 & the C2)


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Welcome back to this amazing Channel I am Jillian Barry and today’s video is going to be super special I am showing you guys four raw vegan pastas these are all my favorites they’re very unique very different very easy to make and absolutely delicious nothing has truly changed my life more than going raw

Vegan people think that this lifestyle is a lot of work and I’m here to show you that it absolutely isn’t and this lifestyle hasn’t only changed my life and drastic ways it’s changed so many lives of the people I’ve interviewed on this channel for one Lou Corona look at

Him guys he can do a 7 minute plank he is 72 years old been living this lifestyle for 51 year 51 years and he is literally the healthiest person I know look at Chef Babette I interviewed her last year in Los Angeles and she is just

A wow factor when I saw her I couldn’t believe it and she’s in her 70s been living a mostly raw vegan lifestyle for so long as well and look at Karen cra’s rocking it in Chicago inner 7s raw vegan as well and just looks incredible it’s

So inspiring and I’m here to show you this life change my life so much as well you guys and I’m really excited to show you guys these four recipes they’re all delicious fast easy they taste so good and they taste so satisfying what’s great about this is when you blend your

Sauces long enough in your high quality blender I love the namyu juicer and blender in one when you do it long enough on high it has a way of warming up the sauce and then if you leave your zucchinis out of the fridge for a while

Before you prepare the dish it’s not a freezing cold dish like people think it’s actually a very satisfying warm raw vegan dish and it leaves you feeling amazing after energized not tired and bogged down when I used to eat the standard American diet and eat traditional pastas and things like that

Yeah they taste good mind you these to me taste better now but I felt like crap after you guys and there’s a huge connection between our gut and our brain we want to be happy let’s make this our best year ever so subscribe to the channel right now that will help make

This your best year ever I have so many amazing videos on this and I can’t wait to show you guys these recipes so let’s hop into it for each portion so I use zucchinis for each portion of pasta I would recommend one to three zucchinis depending how much you like to eat at

Once and I just use this little handheld spiralizer I’ll show you in a second if you’re not familiar with it it’s in my Amazon Amazon store I will link it below and it’s an amazing tool it is so cheap and preparing these pastas are so fast so you don’t have boiling water involved

In all these all these risky things it’s amazing so I’ll show you what we do in case you’re not sure so we just spiralize it like so you guys it’s so easy and you know what I typically don’t like zucchini when it’s just chopped up like in squares raw so don’t like it

Scare you if you don’t like it like that but spiralized like this with a sauce it’s absolutely delicious so I’m all ready to make the first pasta the first the first pasta is a raw vegan alfredo one of my favorites it is so delicious and to me better than any traditional

Alfredo I’ve ever had so I spiralized all our zucchinis I used two for each sauce we’re going to make so you can see it makes loads of pasta which is zucchini so it’s actually a pretty cheap meal to put together as well and in this

One we’re going to want to use 1 and 1/2 to two cups of soaked cashews and I feel like the cashews it just makes them so much easier to digest easier to blend when you soak them like that so we’re going to put those in there we’re going

To use one tblspoon of nutritional yeast and I just want to tell you guys too somebody else I just thought of or if you guys I’m sure most of you guys know them Tera brotman and Marcus rothr I just went to Las Vegas to interview her they look amazing too living this

Lifestyle it’s absolutely Next Level and her food that I tried too was just Next Level amazing they’re just great so this I’m also going to put in an Italian seasoning mix so some different dried herbs like Sage Rosemary oregano basil that type of thing so I’m going to

Sprinkle some of that in there we’re going to do some sea salt and pepper and people always ask me what salt I use I like this one I get it off Amazon it’s just a natural sea salt from Greece and it’s iodized cuz I think iodine is

Important on a vegan diet to get so that’s how I get my iodine and a little bit of pepper we’re going to use two to three cloves of garlic and the juice of one lemon this is so delicious you guys and then wait till you see what I do

With the top and I’m saving the best pasta for last my go go-to that I make every single week so stay tuned for that and I’m going to put water to blend as well and okay depending how thick or thin you like your sauces dips dressing

All the things you make in your blender so if you like them thinner like thinner consistency then use more water obviously and if you like them thicker then use less water so just play around with the water to get the right consistency okay here we go the perfect

Alfredo sauce you guys I’m just in love with this lifestyle and then I’m actually just going to mix with my hands I personally found that’s the best way just to get the noodles and everything my hands are clean but if you pref for to use spoons and stuff then just do

That so here we have our Alfredo look at that you guys it’s yummy and what I like to do to the top to this which really makes it is I chop up some parsley really fine and put a lot of it on top because I love it with the flavor with

This and then salt and pepper as well so just show you guys okay there we go that one is complete look at that so delicious I’m just going to clean this up and get ready for the second one I can’t wait to show you guys okay number

Two is a avocado basil pesto pasta truly delicious truly a staple in your raw vegan kitchen it is in mine so let’s see if this avocado is ready ripe hopefully it is sometimes you just can’t tell if they are or they’re not let’s see yep it’s definitely good enough to use and

You know what else is good enough to use I’ll show you in a second the how I’m going to use the leftover zucchini stem so in this recipe we’re going to use one whole avocado so I’ll just scoop that into here and again I can’t remember if

I said to you guys but if you want this blender it does blending juicing to me it’s just as good as my Vitamix I gave my Vitamix away I use it for all my blending needs I’ll put a code down below so you guys can save 80 bucks so

In this recipe I use the one avocado and I like to use one zc and then the leftover parts from spiralizing and I have quite a few cuz I didn’t really spiralize these properly so I’m just going to use all of these in here so we don’t waste it so we’ll put

Those we’re going to use the juice of one lemon we’re going to use one to two cloves of garlic you can use a little more a little less depending on how much you like your garlic and we’re going to use a handful of spinach or a cup of

Spinach and then we’re going to use about 3/4 of a cup of fresh basil so make sure you use fresh for this for this part of the ingredient ingredents and we’re going to use a little bit of sea salt and we’re going to use a little

Bit of water to blend so just play around with the water and these ratios with these dishes and then let’s blend that up and just a tip I kind of screwed up when I blended this this time what you guys might already know this but when you’re layer layering in any

Blender you use always try layer the stuff as softest and easiest to blend first like your greens and then work your way up to the heavier stuff so some of the long-term raw vegans I interview on this channel like Fred bishy he’s 94 he eats an avocado a day I think there’s

Just so many nutrients in them I know they’re so good for our eyes our skin our hair here’s our avocado basil pesto and I like to add a little bit of additional basil to the top look at that delicious professional looking dishes you guys I never created such beautiful

Dishes when I ate the standard American diet so this di just makes you proud of the beautiful dishes and next we’re going to make one of my favorites as well everybody loves this who I make this for and same with all the other ones even if they don’t eat this

Lifestyle so this is a creamy cashew corn sauce and it just hits so in this one we’re going to use about 1 cup of soaked cashews we’re going to use about one cup of raw corn many people don’t realize you can consume it raw so now

And then I like to have corn in this dish and in a Mexican taco salad I make and all my recipes you guys are in my amazing pretty new ebook easy raw vegan recipes it’s over 100 pages of recipes just like these smoothies juices solid dressings amazing dinners desserts plant

Milks everything and they’re all easy I like things easy so I will link that down below okay so in goes our corn and you I only I don’t know if I have to say this but I only eat raw corn like cut up and put into recipes like this or cut up

On my salad I I don’t just start munching on like that maybe you can maybe you guys do it’s just not my thing with the raw corn I used to do that with the you know the corn sticks and the standard corn we’re going to use one

Clove of garlic we’re going to use the juice of one beautiful lemon in here and we’re going to use some sea salt and some pepper and then something that would go in this that’s optional cuz I know some people like nutritional yeast and some people don’t so it’s optional

If you wanted to add that it would add add nice flavor to this dish so I’m going to sprinkle just a little bit of that in and then I am going to add some little bit of water to blend as well and this one is just they are these are all

My favorites so these are the top four I had a hard time picking because with raw pastas you can make so many so again there’s way more even in my ebook but let’s blend this this is perfect it smells so good I wish I could give it to

You guys through through the camera look at that oh my goodness so good so I’ll pour some on there and I’m going to mix it up and I will show you guys the final salt in one second okay so here’s our creamy cashew corn dish look at that

Delicious you guys and next up we have my favorite I probably made this pasta more than any other pasta and this is a tomato it’s like a marinara it is delicious and I can’t remember if I said to you guys but in your high quality blender like this Nama C2 blender if you

Blend it I think I told you in the beginning but I can’t remember if you blend it long enough on the high setting and when you’re blending it’s always best to start with the lowest setting with anything whether you’re making a smoothie anything start on low work your

Way up to high so do that but then leave it on high for a bit and it’ll warm up the sauces um take these out of the fridge ahead of time too so the room temperature and then your Dish Dish is essentially like a warm dish and it’s

Really nice and really satisfying and so with this one we’re going to do three to four Vine Tomatoes we’re going to do a cup of cherry tomatoes or grape tomatoes I actually just used two I think it’s enough a cup of the tomatoes and then we’re going to use some sun dried

Tomatoes this is a different brand than I usually get I’m staying in airb be and I forgot mine and this is just one I ordered on instacart but it is from Italy so it’s should be decent but usually I like the one that has I think

This is soaked in a little bit of olive oil but I like when they’re soaked in a little bit of olive oil it gives a nice consistency and flavor in the sauce and if it didn’t have that then I would add a little bit of olive oil to it but if

You don’t like oils then obviously just exclude that I didn’t really measure exactly with these I think I said in my recipe book about a third of a cup I put all measurements in my recipe book if you just mix the tomatoes without the sundried tomatoes and just did cherry

Tomatoes grape tomatoes and tried to mix up a sauce it’s a disaster so this gives it the nice consistency and I used a little bit of dried oregano oops brand new hold on and a little bit of dried basil as well so we’re going to use a

Little bit of dried oregano and a little bit of dried basil I just threw this together one day and I was like wow this is delicious and I shared the recipe with a few friends and they tried it and they were like Jill I’m addicted it’s so

Easy to make I throw this together like I’m so busy with my kids and everything I just throw this together in no time so some salt and some pepper and what’s great with this one is you don’t need water to blend with this one so you can just blend the tomatoes everything give

It a nice consistency so let’s get blending so I just want to show you guys too I don’t know if you’ll be able to see it on there but look there’s steam coming up that’s nice because it Heats it up without cooking it so to me when I

Went raw vegan it literally reversed all my health problems for years and years I was on this like rat race of trying to figure out what was wrong going to all these doctors and nothing completely reversed until I went all raw and I was like how does this happen this is crazy

I feel like my best self I’ve never felt this good and I was reading some studies back then and some I forget if it was The hypocrates Institute or Gerson or somewhere I don’t know remember where but it said that cooked food increases your white blood cells and it’s almost

Like a foreign Invader into your body so then I thought oh maybe that’s part of the reason and the food I was eating all these years that I got these health problems so they say technically not to eat anything above 118 degrees so this is great this is within that range it

Doesn’t cook it it Heats it up and you still get to enjoy like those dishes and they make me feel great and if I eat cooked food now after not having it for so long I can feel the inflammation I can feel the difference and I’m not

Against cooked food I’m all for like do what’s right for you but I’m just saying that’s what I’ve realized for me look at that freaking sauce so good homemade just like Italy oh my goodness you guys you got to try these pastas if you don’t already get one of the little zucchini

Things it’s so cheap buy some zucchini which is so cheap and put together some of these dishes so I’m going to pour this on my noodles and then I will mix that up okay so here we have our four passes my top four my Goos we have our

Alfredo so delicious we have our avocado basil pesto we have our creamy cashew corn and our classic tomato which I’m going to add some uh basil to the top as well make it look extra pretty I’m going to enjoy these they’re amazing my friend is actually popping by too Helia I’m

Surprising her with a brand new Nama juicer so I’m so stoked so she can help me eat these and if you guys want to grab a Nama what I used in this video the C2 is what I used and it does all the blending plus it’s a juicer which is

Pretty awesome or if you want just the juicer I’ll put the code down below and I’ll put the link for my recipe book as well and just at the end of the day I hope you guys start eating more raw foods make this your best year ever feel

Amazing and I will see you guys in the next video Bye


  1. Gillian, you are glowing and soooo in your element! I’ve been so overjoyed to see your journey and growth on your channel! You are such an inspiration! 🎉❤

  2. Love these pasta recipes!!! So much that I've already shared them with few of my family members. I saw an earlier comment about nutritional yeast & cashews, someone's always being silly, nevermind, keep up your excellent videos 😘💖

  3. Yummy 😋 ❤ I gotta try the cashew corn combo, sounds interesting! I used to eat raw corn right of the cob back in Russia years ago, it was so sweet and juicy, I absolutely loved it. If we eat corn though, we gotta make sure it’s organic because it’s scary what they do to corn. 🌽. Loved your video, Gillian! ❤😊

  4. Thank you for these amazing recipes Gillian! Love your channel! If anyone is wondering, you can swap the cashews for sunflower seeds too with bit of sesame in there as well if you like. Also Cara Brotman tip: if you add salt to the spiralised zucchini and let it sit for say 15 mins the water will come out and it softens up to exactly like the texture of spagghetti.

  5. why don't you interview me? i went to jail for 9 months for threatening to shootup woodstock. why dont you interview steph tissone? she was raw 801010 for 10 years. Now she's dead from cancer.

  6. Thank you for these recipes. ❤
    ???? Did you notice a difference in your hair growth and skin condition when you went totally raw? And if so how long did it take before you noticed?

  7. Cannot wait to try these (day 4 of a 14 day juice feast). Maybe i shouldn't watch such great food right now!

  8. Thank you so much!! Because honestly I HAVE been struggling with figuring out how to stay warm while transitioning to raw vegan. Thank you for the tips! I appreciate you! Keep up the good work! You inspire me!

  9. Yum, I'm so inspired to try these! Unfortunately raw zucchini gives me a stomach ache so I use cucumber, but it's lacking some pasta vibes ha :/

  10. started doin your sauces and looking at the stiks wi the grapes taken off ( then looking like lungs i do cold water every day outside and mostly eat coconut apples and mangoes lot green too the live with the cold diet gillian your a absolute whizz a raw food wonder woman 🌬️🌼🌼🌼

  11. I cant find the spiralizer on your amazon link. I love it as it is small and I can travel with this to make my zuke noodles. Thank u so much. Love the sauces. I only eat raw 2 days a week other I am plant based SOS free but would like to at least go to 4 days a week and then eventually 7. This is very helpful. Love your energy.

  12. 0:00: 🌱 Raw vegan lifestyle success stories and easy pasta recipes.
    2:59: 🍝 Delicious and affordable raw vegan zucchini pasta recipe with soaked cashews and Italian seasoning.
    5:07: 🥑 Raw vegan pasta recipe with avocado, zucchini, lemon, garlic, spinach, and basil.
    7:43: 🍝 Demonstration of making a raw vegan pasta dish with corn, garlic, lemon juice, sea salt, pepper, and optional nutritional yeast.
    10:16: 🍲 Delicious raw vegan pasta recipe without cooking, easy to make and beneficial for health.
    Recapped using Tammy AI

  13. I don’t like zucchini normally, but I decided to try it spiralized, and it was delicious. I’m so surprised! Gonna make it again this week.

  14. Not one sauce I can actually eat, because I'm still histamine intolerant. I was hoping for at least one. Damn! Looks and sounds delicious, but it's probably going to be months if not longer until I can try one of these.

  15. Thank you for sharing. I made the tomato sauce with spiralled courgettes and it is soooo delicious. I will make the other sauces for sure. ❤

  16. Thank you so much for sharing Gillian!! What a useful video!! Saving these recipes so I can try them all. I’m excited!! 😊

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