Hey guys welcome back to the channel today I am starving to death and I’m going to make some Rini and sausage pasta I’m so hungry all right let’s get started first thing you’re going to want to do is get a big old pot of water and a big old heaping pinch of

Salt and just like really salt the pasta water so so pasta water I find needs quite a bit of salt and it’s important because the noodles just by themselves are like Super Bland they need salt it’s just a thing just salt the pasta water salted a lot this is Rini right here or broccoli Rob but it’s delicious I actually like it better than broccoli all right so I’m just going to stick it on the pan just Char it

Up that charred flavor really does something for me oh I love I love Rini get some Rini Grill it up on a grill with a steak yes so good so good this is all going to fit on my pan so my the Rini I got came in like not very big

Bunches so I had to buy two of them and this is a half portion recipe like this is basically a portion just for myself and maybe if my baby will eat it I doubt he will because there’s green stuff in it hey hey hey hey hey watch what you’re doing over there don’t

Fall this is a size Bowl it was in so like this much you’re painting and then I’m going to put some pepper and some salt and I’m just going to oh let that cook it’s going to get nice and charred up here and with Rini you don’t cut it off that close

To like the fette part it’s like a longer stem so let Just sh for a little bit oh I need this bowl still so it’s already starting to smell like it’s getting charred up here so I’m just going to spin these around do a little flippity

Flip all right so I’m going to start taking some of these out and I actually am going to cut them a little bit cuz they’re not as small as I’d like them to be because I’m thinking about like the bites of pasta I’m going to take

And you know you want like a nice bite like you don’t want this long piece of Rini just in your mouth this giant piece so so I got Catelli they’re so cute I love them I love the Celli and I do think it’s nice I mean if you don’t want to by

All means don’t do it but I think it’s nice to buy like a nicer pasta that comes from Italy with like nice flour they use to make it flour here for most of the pastas are no boy so I’m just going to do a quarter of the

Bag because it’s just for me basically but oh I’m going to spin it got to stir the pasta so it doesn’t get all messed up and stuck together all right get all get all that Rini off okay now I’m going to turn the heat down a little bit because I’m

Using fake sausage today new year new resolution and I’m trying to eat more plant paste completely dairy free because I got high cholesterol I have a baby I’m not trying to die you do you at home if you want real sausage no judgment here I’m just doing this for my health

So cuz I’m just going to say this just going to say this one thing there’s only cholesterol in animal products so if I have high cholesterol and I don’t add any cholesterol to my body cuz we all make cholesterol ourselves I’m not and you know I’m not going to keep

High cholesterol it just makes sense to me so that’s what I’m doing and I just I know if you don’t eat animal fract your cholesterol will go down I just know that for a fact because I’ve tried it for a short period of time and my cholesterol

Actually did go down and there’s also lots of studies I’m just rambling on about cholesterol don’t mind me no judgment if you want to eat real sausage go ahead seriously no judgment here I am not calling myself a vegan because I know I will have steak probably in the near

Future and for the sausage I um I’m using two sausage links spicy Italian sausage for this dish and I’m just going to you know cook it up a little bit if this was real sausage I would get a little brown color on there but it’s fake sausage so I’m not

Going to try to burn it so I’m not going to cook it as long or get that dark color on the sausage but and I’m using if you’re interested I’m using Beyond and meat spicy Italian sausage and I feel like theirs is really good like some fake sausage is just my

Theirs is actually pretty good I’m so happy I like cut mine sausage up you know in little slices but they also sell they don’t sell it in fake sausage I don’t think I haven’t seen it but in real sausage they sell like Italian sausage like ground up

Like ground beef if you find that I would use that instead cuz then you could just do like the little pinches of sausage which looks more rustic I feel like rustic makes it look more Italian maybe that’s just me I don’t know let me taste the

Pasta I like it El Dente with like a little bite l still need a little bit but it also needs more salt more salt all right these can go off put them off to the side in a bowl and I’m going to get all up Juices get the olive oily juices ow carpal tunnel it’s not my friend hey what are you doing buddy what are you doing no baby cakes wolf kids these days all right now I’m going to get this pan for the garlic portion of this evening put some olive oil drizzle this is three sliced

Up thinly sliced see how thin that is thinly sliced guess it doesn’t matter if you want to do minced you can do minced but I’m doing thinly sliced garlic three cloves got to switch up to the plastic Tong so I don’t scratch my pan here and put that in

There and I’m also going to get red pepper flakes red pepper flakes go really good with Rini all right now so getting a little bowl and where are you getting a little Ladle and the pasta is almost done so I’m going to scoop a little bit of the pasta water to put in

To the dish at the end trust me it does something to it cuz the pasta water is all starchy and stuff it kind of makes it creamy especially if you’re not adding any dairy it helps make it like creamy all right now we just got to cook

The garlic you don’t want to burn the garlic do not burn garlic in Italian cooking please don’t do it don’t do it it does not tastes good so if your Pan’s a little bit too hot for like mine and it’s starting to like you think it’s going to burn your

Garlic add some more olive oil add a little bit more olive oil and it cools the pan down and enough so you save your garlic from ring okay so the garlic is nice and cooked that’s what it looks like and I’m going to add back in the

Rini and I’m going to add in the sausage and I’m going to add in the pasta and the pasta water and now I’m going to add in some oregano just like a pinch and some pepper and a little bit of salt and I’m going to Stir It Up Now if

I was going to eat parm with this I would put the parm in now a little bit on the pasta before you Stir It Up like you dump the pasta in last and then you grate the parm on it and the hot pasta like melts the parm

Onto the pasta noodle before you stir in the sauce and everything so you got the cheese like stuck to the pasta it’s so good but just going to stir it around like so oh this looks so good this looks good I hope it tastes

Good I I don’t even know why I said that I know it’s going to taste good look at this delicious all right I’m so excited to eat let me try a little bit you guys there some good pasta I’m excited I’m going eat this would be amazing with

Parm or Romano it’d be good with either so that is it my you see how quick and easy that was quick easy beautiful delicious all right right well I will see you guys next time don’t forget to hit that subscribe can’t even talk don’t forget to hit that subscribe button so

You don’t miss any of my upcoming videos thanks

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