В этом РЕСТОРАНЕ готовят лучший ПЛОВ в Одессе!!! Рецепт от Марата
Лучший плов Марата. Экзамен. Чёрный пояс по плову. Липован Одесса сегодня. Плов — блюдо восточной кухни
Как Приготовить Настоящий Ферганский Плов!! Рецепт Стейка в Пиве. Одесса Липован. Ресторан Архимус
Мечта любого мужчины!!!👇👇👇
ЛУЧШИЕ Казаны👇👇👇

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#Recipe #rezepte #rezepter #village #одесскийлипован #плов

I declare in advance, but also to be sad If you don’t come to the date Oh, you’re stunned and that’s enough guys If you want to listen to a full concert like this, then

You are welcome to come here and there in short 88 dressed know those who are going to Odessa to visit you already too you know friends Hello everyone Hello my good ones Oh you friends Opa

Usually scolds us Mara turned them off they are calling they are making reservations for pilaf take a break everything is as many as five portions Oh well How long after Yes that’s how long Yes that’s how much that’s how much you need so much and that’s

All you need guys Sorry I bet on silent so that we can film something faster In short, it’s not like in Odessa and all over the world And I said hello to you Yes, friends Hello everyone

There is Kirin with you Hello my dears, you didn’t cry in pain to everyone Shalom you must say to everyone Shalom from me glitch in the program, I’m already out of the habit of pulling the bell here Oh, mom, the road is too late And here the bell

Is here, I don’t even know the sea bell, in short, what I wanted to say, I want to introduce you to this man whose handjob brings Yes, I don’t know even any vegetarian to orgasm Despite the fact that he

Works with meat in short Marna today performs pilaf gorgeous wonderful delicious pilaf we have almost every weekend something delicious happens in this Kazan I won’t talk for a long time rice just a fairy tale laza laza oh your beloved Mara A couple of pieces of sarn Kat, look how beautiful he is today

Well yes Listen, he’s so elongated Well, for pilaf this is what we need, yezhkin tacos No, look at the fact that he had such a shortage on the import today in general with meat Well, this is a

Serious collapse Yes, something today is exactly this part that I didn’t need there was no one who took the entrecote neck, the neck that is closer, don’t complain. Well, even though you’re a Jew, complain,

Complain. Yes, I found it, and thank God, in short, I can set something on fire, we’ll do breasts. Well, Darn, where would a carrot be without it, a whole bunch of 5 ki all the same Where did they send you from Kazakhstan? Look,

The cat is like a grain of rice. The size is true to size. Well, let’s go, let’s go, and there’s a fat tail No today, without the EU RD, we’ll have We have a bunch of wonderful things, without which it’s unlikely that the Siger won’t succeed. Yes, of course

It will. No, I don’t I doubt that it will turn out to be a digger; there is good rice ; don’t forget Oh you ser Oh me and the frosts How good they were standing so Marat I’m setting fire uh

Look how many people weren’t here it’s all working What are you And what were you doubting I can’t understand He’s probably the poor cauldron waiting for you not Well I see how Yolka Palka’s boyfriend, I don’t remember what

We cooked here, either bograch or fish soup or something else we cooked. Well, I called him that, just don’t envy me, but I’m jealous because I only have such love with a cauldron, maybe what else?

Oh, be sure to saba, these are the stickers that are left here, grillex. Thank you for such masterpieces, listen, it freezes, it curls differently, so you bring it there, let it bask in the field. All my love, you have a smart woman. Thank you, please, let it lie there for anyone nowhere

This is my unsaid hero Civilian Makhnovets Partisan feeds the cats Seryozha Well, of course, you didn’t put things in order here, I just don’t know Katya, or is this everything you need? You have this mess and it’s called order. I’m just used to such abundance you know when

The shelves are like this yes my love Here is everything you need for happiness Christmas tree sticks especially this bottle I won’t show for too long it’s such a thermonuclear in my hands the whole of

Mexico will fall short and that’s it Those who love spicy These are the guys If you’re going come to us , tell Vanchik yes, let me lick a small toothpick from this bottle. So I wet you the sun and

Many say it’s better that you didn’t stick the sun. Yes, what kind of kiragaz is this exactly this extract from a serf I don’t even know some kind of habanera Well, very nuclear nuclear pepper That’s it, everything is there, what

Else do you need? Well, well, all the mixers, the shovels, the scoops, he pulled the jerk, everything is on the base, but hit Quito at the edges of the ice with fish oil to provide the children with Vasilisa, and she’s put on weight. Look at you. What’s the back of Rover,

The trees and sticks, ah-ah- yay Look, do you hear Where is this thing from Instagram and Marat just watched an omelette yesterday Agats ran away and you know how many people wrote in the comments so that everyone would come running to them Guys this

Such the right sound was pressed by the three of them in the world and I was sitting in the other room and watching the omelette, they came running just like wild ones, I’m not afraid to turn it on here They’re all coming running now Odessa

Fir-trees, listen, well Yes, as much as possible already Oh, yes, let’s cook calm down you trees you sticks for a long time Get yezhkin you ko Seryozh we also know that on the Stara Konka you need to buy what bird What bird

What bird Well, the bird that sings a canary like ours Era So you and I are going to do this And what Well, at the new market, remember where we bought Yes, and we didn’t do it already trained right away, we’ll buy

Christmas trees and sticks, you hear before we bought a bird, I’ll sing for you, the nightingale, you’re mine, come on, we’ve been sailing for a long time, we’ve been walking here for a long time, trouble has been chatting us, the water has rocked us, but all the foreign harbors are foreign

Cities in the heart didn’t leave a trace Let me be alone with Odessa I need to tell her so much again I’m going to Spey and leaving the escalator aside and the whole boulevard with them in a big bouquet Dear Odessa hands me her gait is

So reliably light and her smile is clear to everyone it’s not in vain that the sea Morka Odessa taught Bravo to me, such listeners are good, why am I a singer of the tree-palka I’m performing somewhere there is

The voice of the country there is a star of the talent of the tree-palka it I need to eat such a program you understand, oh my, why are you judging me, you were invited Seryozha Well, I’m not went didn’t go because we weren’t a singer we

Were at sea for a long time we walked here for a long time trouble chatted us the water rocked us and all the strangers The strangers’ harbors left no trace people are already applauding me And you’re worth me Fuka eat Mara Let me be

Alone with Odessa Me I need to tell her so much again, I walk up the stairs, sung, I leave the escalator aside and the whole boulevard is one big bouquet And the dear girl holds out to me, her gait is so

Reliable and light, her smile is clear to everyone, it’s not in vain that you learn the sea Morka Odessa will surely be waiting, brother, thank you, dear e- my Handsome I still have an audience And I

Don’t need you Katya More Less silently remove the Christmas trees and sticks Are you fake Mora Mara Well that’s enough don’t go and you saw yesterday how he sang at home with the girls when Mila dressed up as the Black Swan

And Ulyana in white on Instagram If you didn’t see him there, he sang so well that I told him, listening, I began to rewatch, And I’ll ask everyone now, it just skipped a beat in my soul, and so he sang, yes, these dear Love,

Our kind subscribers, you are kindly invited to Instagram, subscribe to fake and you will be happy and you can unsubscribe because you are not looking But I’m there for you I try not to [music] I don’t want to yell too much because the cats will start running away, you understand, you think Well,

Someone must like it mine this screaming opasha will think spring spring has come Yes, eggs on a diamond or in short and Let’s walk here it’s boiling Marat What are you hiding in your pocket again That you are not now it will become warmer everything will be fine Christmas trees-sticks

Oh you, what are you, well Weather good, true, good, good, so it’s not in vain that I brought you out into the people, brought you out, ah-ah-ah, too, they’re sitting there in the village in the village, a dog on the vodar, I realized they’ve settled there and they’re sitting there, they

Don’t move either to the right or to the left, or with a pen, no, you won’t kick them out, but the omelettes are good there and the ducks are fried there like homemade oh glad we ate this duck yesterday when we ate it we remembered you delicious very tasty It’s not the word

So it’s Seryoga marinated No, damn there are Christmas trees in beer No, I know what I read But we’ll use another recipe guys commentators Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart for writing, I should have

Brewed it in this beer, I understood that it was the tsimes to brew it in. Why are you a hedgehog, you cat, no one has ever done this in their life, and they also wrote to you that you need to save beer, you should have taken this sleeve and

Fill it there, I once again say thank you very much for everything you write, we read everything there and I understand you correctly, so how can I thank you at least two more recipes were born Yes, show me what you have

There in Kazan And that Tsibulya swims and look how Katyunya Christmas tree-sticks Oh, you can not bloodworms her chatted us, trouble rocked us, water and all the strangers, not strangers, cities left no trace on my heart

Yes, Let me be alone with the cat, I need to tell her so much again, I walk up the stairs, sung, and leave the escalator to the side and the whole boulevard from one big bouquet, dear Katyunya

Holds out to me her gait is so reliable and light, her smile is clear to everyone, although it’s not a smile, but a neighing. This neighing is so recognizable that she’s already very pleasantly indignant. I understand, I’m not indignant.

I’m just saying that those people recognize it well by their laughter, and I have Milova’s ties to Denmark and lust, she has her own trick. I agree, she agrees with me for this trick and there people write laugh Katya laugh dear laugh

Our beloved they write everything correctly so what else will garlic come in handy here for raisins Let them lie down And you’re the best peppers today took e-mo slaka nano what are you and I damn chicardos on such that dear mother

How much do you say in four parts everything is fine So the beetle everything sar panja is ready and what is sar panja Gafur calls it that Khlebsol channel these are the parts that are there M that

They sell potatoes or they already buy milk there I don’t know the refrigerators the batteries there are old microfibers they sharpen to walk Yes, by the way, with a wheel like that oh oh oh oh it came down that those break

I’m showing you it didn’t make it up it didn’t break this Oh, how well you did it Well, just one more time, let’s do it as if Mara behind the glass is normal Come on, what are you, he’s talented in everything, you see

I even understood that Hey Mara Well, beautiful, pleasant-smelling Tsybulya, you already or pour a zinger Or let me her catch is just some kind of holiday, that’s all But you know, we introduced Livyy, that’s all this again, she’s not trolling you, she’s not she’s not

Trolling, she’s she’s pushing her own worth, like you’re what I’m A jeweler, in short, from such a granchak it was glasses that minted Christmas trees, sticks, and you that’s not what I meant, it’s true, you know when

You take out the pebbles, they’re not so shiny But you can see in these pebbles, well, I said the same thing only in slightly different words about you And why didn’t you choose me Yoshkin’s words Do you hear us today we’re filming pilaf or the pedigree of our origin,

Trees and sticks, like we are with each other, come on Mara, do you Okay, I want you, you’re not a little, everything’s fine, yes, and you’ve already poured out half of the zgek. Yes, but no, it’s a 250 milliliter bottle and now they’ve got half the meat in there, let’s

Give it to me now the meat will be brown, so beautiful, it heats up, let it heat up, look how it starts, and the fir-trees and sticks puff well, some kind of armor-piercing firewood, they take a very

Long time to start up, but they hold the temperature well, I don’t know what kind of breed Well, it was lying there Well, that’s all We’re ready e- mine Mara Jan Let me throw these, that’s what you

Called them, they’re gorgeous Mara Jan no, these little pieces of meat Yes no, but oh sapanja oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, look, I’m not interfering with the marad, half of this, come on, dear And call Murki Murka and she’s lying there near the stove, she’s not interested in you [applause] I’m disturbing

Mara, there’s something peeking out there as if you’ve decided everything. Oh, you’re crazy about some of my songs today, you’ve been dragging your feet, yes, that’s the way it should be, just don’t disturb

Already the cauldron has started up at all, I don’t even bother you, don’t interfere, it’s very cool. It’s very cool that you’re fighting with carrots. It’s overloaded. No, it’s not so that it’s comfortable already, just put on one cap, aul. And in what daughter

Of a teacher are you already sticks and Katya? Yes, because I have sailor couplets in the morning in head were here I was so that the ratio was you know he was in a similar one only like this Summer he had in Turkey a little warmer Sorry

For interrupting and we will be together in such captains let him through everywhere and again he calls and beckons The Ninth Wave yes And when We are in this Mazda With this clearance We were looking for Switzerland in the mountains, so these are the guides in jeeps

That are kzi Captain Says kzi captain in such a car You can’t go there, but we finally got there, we finally found it was amazing Foreign Tell us what you can see that we filmed this guys

There is a playlist I have already told this to many how it’s just purely soulful videos there are 33 or how many videos in this playlist it’s called Romania Georgia Turkey So come in IT mki

Happiness is warm and good and there are even a few such beauties there the Turks know that they have this in Turkey, the fact that we are there along the Nazca Valley, this is Turkish Switzerland, I just don’t know at all,

You leave in shorts and you arrive and such beauty, snow caps, mountains, goats so waist-high with beards, they even run in the fog neka sunset ut koche it’s very beautiful there Why is only this

Mru Dak the mountain on which these sphinxes stand Yes, what kind of sphinxes are there statues Well, the statues are shorter than the sphinxes sphinxes Well there is Aphrodite Arma in short there everything is getting better Look there and next to the sphinxes

That Beat a little I need some coriander with a hatchet so that it just bursts right here in in the bag so I love it now for him it’s Yeah I’ll make a vacuum today it’s snow they promised Yes there’s some oats lying around for me it’s probably not oats it’s a

Coriander shell Well okay I’m already daydreaming I’m daydreaming at home eat it Don’t tear your lip Listen Maratik how it turns out Oh that’s amazing Yeah super Are you just like that Mortar Alexander Galushka who needs what is calling Yes, there is nowhere to stay in Mykulychyn

Please contact me I will answer well Seryozhenka and of course I’m telling you that you’re already running answer Answer, well, someone answer, answer Mara, you answer, well, hello Marat Vasil nyky Hello No, we’re not here, you just got on the live broadcast during the shooting So you can wave

Hello through the phone Vasilich Lenochka, are you good? We’ll hug you. Yes, let’s call you back when we’re free, we’ll call you back right away, I love you. This is my phone, Maratik. Let’s be cool. I haven’t heard such a voice for a long time, pleasant, listen Well,

When I’m interfering, of course, show me what you’re going to interfere with, no, you just interfere, show people, I’ve already seen it, Katya, yes, become normal, take the Christmas tree-stick pose, Mara, do you remember how with this spatula? you need to carefully stir a little chaga And

Look for something there, pick it up beautifully Let Katya at least pass on this charm to people so that people will salivate a little from this video, otherwise they will say that you are preparing fog there

Alone My God, how beautiful, juicy delicious Oh, how I’m out of the habit this is a Nightmare Why does it sting my eyes Oh yes, Serge’s tears just started flowing that I’m used to at home in the kitchen This is standing and shooting dolby and I

Liked it, it’s just gorgeous, I want everything to go down to one bottle, this is the spice you want, it’s not there yet oh Marat, I’m telling you exactly the oil that is lightning fast my favorite spice my favorite in everything

Yes yes the omelette was prepared in the light in the morning there is no light left before me without eggs Oh you marad oh you yes And what are you going to add onion there now Tsibulya and then carrots yes then Reese is all ready and the pilaf

Is ready That’s how everything is quickly prepared, I’m kidding, I’m kidding, I have to tinker around here, they have to smooth it out, since Zira went straight to the onion, I don’t see the pepper, Earring, pepper, Maratik not CR ly will be even better on Put your palm up

So you can tell me How much because come on and we were looking for white pepper. It’s very tasty. It seems to me that it’s stronger than black. We’ve cooked fish five times. We’ve been looking for white pepper there at our house. Yes,

I was sure that I had transported it, but it ended up here, ah-ah-ah. Okay, now I’ll definitely know coriander. Come on. fill it up with spices little by little yummy starch I have it Do you want Let

‘s add what’s left here I don’t There’s still a lot of useful stuff here to cook and cook It’s like you’re not How is it you’re not going anywhere you’re not going anywhere Mr. I can

[music] oh I’ve grown I at home, in short, a small establishment like this for those who haven’t seen what’s inside about Nika Well, you greet guests Yes, with a poker and well done, yes you gave it to

Him on Primorsky Boulevard Oh again, the teapot is buying Christmas trees and sticks Yes, calm down, it’s not a teapot anymore, a good guy, let’s go there something ra is probably calling your boyfriend that you are standing there

Doing nothing Oh how beautiful Mara is far away Amazing oh my masterpiece come on what’s left We fried a little with meat literally 700 grams of carrots and 4 kg we are now letting them into our zirvak What are you doing? so Oh this is beautiful This is beautiful Marat Move away with

Your beautiful Jewish hands Don’t interfere oh-oh-oh We won’t interfere with the pilaf any more Red Kazan until ready a little bit of cumin right on the carrot Come on, don’t worry Yeah Where are you going without cumin ? in detail how he rubs how he

Rubs ah-ah-ah how it smells Marat how it squeaks pleasantly And a little more just some kind of orchestra keep pouring Well all this is almost the final stage onlooker now fill it with water

And wait Yes and then in 20 minutes yes, before cooking, pour the rice in. Yes, add some warm water to this masterpiece and it will be crumbly for us. Just like now, only with the taste of meat, guys, rare shots of a Jew working there

, don’t be sorry for the water. If you need anything else, we’ll find Butlerova Rozinskaya Oh, damn, we don’t need it anymore Okay it won’t be good. Think about it, exactly the ideal chicardos. Yes, what about you? And the flames are breaking through, let’s

Do it, I think we’ll see how it goes. I think even after the laying of Rome there is no water. let’s add this, we will have rchk, that’s how the maestra works, you see, I didn’t cheat

About your handjob because it’s the whole recipe in these fingers, we’re still waiting for the boil and we’re removing the Fire That’s it, I’m seis average, I’m covering it, and that’s what the future looks like masterpiece

Chicardos Well, let’s go 50 to 60 to 70 to 75 Let’s go at 75 the cameraman left now We can bang again at 12 Guys, good health and bon appetit Mara Jano Well, take a gorgeous shot Aha Opana Wow Oh my goodness, are you Opana And you before this is not

Not a val and Pugacheva was working when he emerges from the fog this is the song there uh there were the guys the server sang Aha Chim let’s put the garlic in there let’s hati like the sky I can see it by eye because

You can see Few things But you can do everything by touch there Oh, how I like it, yes I love two of our handsome peppers ayyy Everything now I need a spoon so that I can try it, so that I can

Try it But at the top there is a broken one Ber Well, it’s broken, not full of holes, just a short handle for salt and spices Yeah, how great the zirvak is, that’s exactly what I guessed right it’s just that I had no doubt, not everything

I cover with a lid Come on Let’s do everything as you love, in short, this is important information melts everyone else listen to beautiful red barberry and black barberry You need to add it immediately before adding black rice and only then to

Red rice How about Mara said that I have a good memory, everything is fine, right So raisins, then we’ll bang some dried apricots in there. Look what a color it is, it’s dazzling, my God. Well, nature,

Of course, gives me such flowers. Can I be instead of Katya today? What can you do? You’re not Katya yummy minutes for us, it’s about 40 minutes no more than again about 40 minutes What kind of pilaf is this?

We started about 40 minutes, I finish about 40 minutes because we’re preparing a masterpiece, yes And he, like this, has no time, and the price is simply priceless, I can smell it, it’s time to open it, yeah What are you doing, Katenka Yes, here I’m here Seryozha, here you are

Here You’re a Christmas tree, look how beautiful And you’re just like Magic Man, my warm Atmosphere and Marat, you can’t see anything, but I hear what’s there I feel complete order Yes, what are these, these are

The raisins and this and that both this and that Look what a good big one he took today, a chic one Yes, a bomb Hey, it will open up like grapes Yes, I just wanted to say that we have this today It’s not just pilaf, it’s also

Some kind of classic clinic we have with you Well, people come in there when already there you understand the Pomeranian and they will be made from them again Normal so now we will also make normal

Lips out of this, ah-ah-ah, guys, so that everyone’s lips shine like this and the swellings are like my Katya’s and like my earrings usually Yes, damn it You can’t even make a tambourine, you can’t make the bells right away, so and

This too, and that’s all there, tell me that it’s not time for me to wet this rice there, yes, it’s time, it’s time Yes, neatly That we close the lid again Not yet It’s clear Oh, quietly, put it in the bathhouse so that it’s juiced I

Haven’t trimmed your eyebrows now, let’s soak the rice, the sticker has already warmed up. Look, I’m already sticking the door on the polishing table, let’s look at me. What a heavy door.

So guys, this is a laser, soak it in warm water with salt for 20 minutes. Tit That’s it, I ran away closer to the warm place . -there’s Nika next to the stove. What should I do? Stand with cold Marat. Warm Nika Nika

Marat. Sometimes it seems to me that he loves these pieces of iron more than me. Well, at least he doesn’t rub me like that because he’s silent and you’re not silent. Well, I I’ll try to be silent, let

‘s see then I’m just sorry, in the end I’ll just get ready to turn when you start talking and I have everything at once. The desire disappears and he shits him for as long as it’s time, he’s still

Silent that Murka Oh hello mother-in-law Hello or what do you think of the star She’s not you like meat, of course, at least she likes fish, she likes fish Yes, now there’s a smell of crucian carp there, you see the guys ordered you and

Don’t you know, she doesn’t like meat Do you hear this, we retrained the cat to eat Christmas trees You’re the one who says eat it By the way, her son eats me too he’s not into meat Yes, but he only smells fish, everything’s fine, what are

You already there? Yes, I kept the sticker warm. Come on. Who will help you? Nope, now Katya, hold the Christmas trees, I don’t need exactly Katyusha, come on, I can turn it off Bye, yes, yes yes Turn it off come on

Joke chicardos the doors opened the doors closed Yeah it’s holding on Well, you and I Look how handy he is Maraz see everything I’m throwing crucian carp into tuning I’ll go in vain running for cards Oh well it cost dollar

Euros without a card but we do it for free Christmas trees you sticks that 6 minutes and we’ll fill up the rice you can already go according to my watch I should bring it in 3 minutes So I’m going to wash it, I can

Come in and warm up for 2 minutes, come in and warm up. Thank you, the mission howled, it’s full, it’s sitting, look, you see, look at her fur, beauty, look how beautiful she is, winter, good cat, nanny, they don’t eat, come here, don’t turn off the

Light, come here, it’s warm and musical. What are you doing? oh people, everyone goes to pilaf for crucian carp and to banquets, guys. And you still have a camera here, you remember those videos there, he’s desperate for a lot of money to Kostik, that Kharkov air conditioner Yeah Kostik, we

Don’t eat that in Odessa, they eat pilaf and they all eat the crucian carp that I’m after the rice Yes, who’s the last one? Yes It’s gone, washed it I’ll show you this now, you’ll be stunned Yes, I’ve already

Seen everything Seryozha, you’re not everything to me Look, not everything, that’s not everything Hello Hello, hello, oh my Marat, the vinyls are not as white Oh, the vinyls are like that what is it called in the mouth Now dadada vinyls

Yes veneers veneers are not as white as This rice is beautiful Listen yes Magnificent Get everything out little by little Rub I’m crazy and it’s just fantastic Oh how I miss him that’s why Laza Maratik today two servings are yours Yeah what are you saying get the peppers get it Let’s

Get some garlic, what a handsome man, so Garlic, how many six there were, it looked like peppers, two peppers, I remember, so garlic, three four, so here’s the second pepper, handsome, five and here’s the sixth Hurray All in this in the fog, I found the way to Pepper,

Uh, Your Majesty, can you do it yourself or I myself Hello Hello Salute Maran Yeah it was great today it will be in an hour it will definitely be less even less than even in an hour Yeah What did you want to say is the only thing

You are the only one May no it’s not that Go make me some chips just so small That the fire will now turn up a lot Ay handsome Ay beautiful it’s like he’s chopping meat with this, yes yes Oh, what I

Wanted was Nikolayevich’s ax Ezhkin you’re a cat so Katyunya stove not only in my home I also have Christmas trees in my soul I grew up with a stove so I have firewood God what a good sticker

I have for you I’m already saying that it’s necessary that they start quietly, yes, and start up And there are nuances on these firewood Katyunya Do you know what the red barberry should not do And so that the pilaf

Turns out beautiful Look how beautiful you see Seryozhenka that’s all Katyusha Get away from your place, let’s go to sleep, I’ll be here stand And you, okay, you Ezhkin You cat drove, let’s drive Oh, you understand

And that in groups you need mighty kami Listen, you are the person who filmed at least on our channel 48 p almost Seryozha I don’t have this because I have something to think about Listen Will I really think about your bunches

Okay, don’t think, that’s exactly why I fell in love with you, because you don’t think, okay, I’m kidding, she’s still the same. I said that at the beginning of the video, here’s a smart woman in our country. family Everyone thinks for his own Marat Yeah and everything is fine then a full-fledged

Family Yes, dacha oh-oh oh-oh right with some water it will be fine, don’t be shy Well, I thought you wouldn’t go there in this hole You’re wrong, you don’t know me well Katyusha and I’ll be there too,

Trees, you sticks, ah-ah-ah Oh, it’s so warm and good here you put me here right away. Well, why are you standing there as if on the outskirts, this How is it like an Ash tree or a baluster, what do you have there Zira For the third time already Uh

-huh, that’s the name of the chickens or whatever it is Zira left red barberry red barberry And today you have both black and red today is a holiday and don’t overdo it with barberry Guys it can give a strong sourness Come on Sergey go stir it

Now I Wait Mast I have a special cook I I want to smooth it out for you And then you will dance because it’s like this for this action, I’m also a dance of one actor Yes, I

Haven’t earned San yet, but you need some kind of green belt in pilaf to have all your relatives and take your way out and dance with him guys, the fire is the strongest that you have, what are you cooking on there ? the video hit

Yes seriously Well, you remember Well, so what and what people wrote Then Then most of all people wrote comments to you that you are a tractor driver No, I just remember that when I came to you I told you that you

Don’t cook pilaf anymore Seryozha, you made the pilaf wrong And you asked me Do you know how to make pilaf I said yes and since then we started cooking together, here’s the first video after delivery It was pilaf, and by the way, people

Recently asked what was the first video that you prepared with Marat pilaf Yes, pilaf of course guys, you can find a playlist on the channel How to cook pilaf Yes, and come in Oh, there’s a lot of pilaf,

How is it pom Hello, according to the number by date and you start from the first video, you watch the week of fishing, you imagine that And there are those who can watch it all in a day that you xl No, he’s

Because he slaps so dryly, we’ll add a little bit of water here, let’s add a little bit, literally just a little bit Although maybe let him get enough now, yes literally just a little bit [music] doba see this whole right yes this is this this is exactly this there is a whole

Science of carefully playing with rice literally on this cauldron for 4 kg of rice guys a liter and a half of water add everything now Marat When he’s already playing there and it’s vulgar and he can tell by this sound and by the sound

It’s by the sound Yes, so that it’s not dry and and it’s a little vulgar, you know the beautiful fire I like it, otherwise you know how this one hits the butt after a bath this here Uh-huh spanks I don’t know

How we’ll leave it for about three minutes I’ll tell you to kick Kat and then play again and now there should be butches everywhere like that everywhere about getting through Yes, how can such pokuk ryka markets be like that

Listen, well, I want to watch this in silence, it’s really just lovely The only marash we still don’t have is this small spatula like the Uzbeks, I realized they’re like this, like a spar, so comfortable because it’s with a big handle, and the rest I’ve already taken

There to the house, everything’s fine, comfortable Well, of course you can handle it with a shovel and a snowplow But it’s convenient And by the way, our Uzbeks don’t have enough shovels for this, they have all that stuff,

And the Maratik boys have played enough, how they’ve played enough Katya Well, show the important point, the indicator is a hole Oh, you see that all this liquid is almost no guys You see, there’s only one zirvak left,

There’s just a little bit literally, Seryoga, all the carcasses are already Bychkova, already a bull, come on, this is now going to be the most beautiful moment and you won’t close the lid We’ll close it now, first I forgot to light it, then

The zabkuk is beautiful, beautiful And I’m all over the bottle everything is still a little bit so that we have it opacha like this, we return the garlic to the oven, close the pepper carefully on the foreheads so that it doesn’t burst the foreheads so badly, I really want to, I miss you

So much. he Where we have here and the beauty is all where ours is magical so a towel on the base Aha So this is there, take the lid, turn it over, I’m there where you

Are there, I’m covering it, let’s Otto move how many minutes he’s been there for 25, let it all go I’ll go cover it now 25 with the heat off Yes, I’ve packed everything with my dear, quietly, quietly, don’t swear,

There’s residual heat by the cauldron. Do you hear, this one’s still working for half a day? Let’s go there and take it, block off what was going on. So, as usual, I’ll go now for a little while, yes, and I’ll warm it up. And you

Go warm up. that’s it guys, this is how the pilaf is prepared once or twice a song and it’s ready please operator look happiness happened Christmas trees guys remind me This is from Natasha with Chernok Yes you are with handmade cherries so we’ll make dumplings Awesome Aunt Nele from Odessa look

At you Wonderful children when I was looking for this, I say that you will be. I think you will be a collector of these spoons. What else – no, but it will come in handy the day no one responded, this is

It No no, we still have it there in the big valley Yes, what else is there? we’ll bring it, we ’ll ask whether you know what to do with it or not, understand well, as I say, we know either way. And if they don’t know, then our subscribers know.

That’s what it is. I’m talking at the flea market, there are none of them, I understood, but there are also ones you know, like this, they’re still intact And here and here there are these slots Maratik There are

Different ones, there’s one like noise, here’s one like that, just like that, lift it with a crane, there’s another one that came to the valley from Belgorod Dniester and another one is coming by mail, I’ll open it for you one secret is mine, we agreed, but I’ll choose. Damn, you have tomatoes, we

Didn’t take them with you, you didn’t take Christmas trees and sticks, damn it’s all for that pilaf, we’re going home to get tomatoes. So, you’re on her way to pilaf, but this is not about our establishment, I’m I’ll have this

Pilaf, we’ll scoop it up, what if you give one to the kitchen, they’ll be happy there too, no no, let him drink with his hands, take it out quietly, quietly, well, what’s the time when people already want another 10 minutes

15, I’ll say for sure the boys, I’ll go and ask what the guys can add to you the islands are not yes Come on , you’re saying that his eyes aren’t working anymore and he’s asking for everything, you understand, ah-ah-ah, I’m standing already, I

Forgot where, in short, where are the jars I tell Marat, well, let’s remember, take it, lie down, in short, I’m just saying I just drove it a little bit little finger he has been for how many minutes 10 minutes everything is fine everything is fine

Good What did you give to the boys but two of them can’t do it anymore Katyunya ay-ay-ay did you like it Yes yes bum You’re a song Don’t you still have Christmas trees left Are you good Christmas trees Yes you what

Is there in it, yes, it’s from the Galkins, not from Galkin, who else is shorter, but yes, those from Galkin, try it, no. Not me, I have a head And that’s it. And now I’ll bring it from Galkin, boys. The Bulgarians,

In short, brought it from our Bessarabian region, yes, yes, our guys yb good health Stay here, I’ll be right back what is this crucian carp again Lena now he wanted it there from Galkin where is she What a joy Volodya dear your

Way out te naka or here here here here give this here And what is this from Galkin and Well try a thermonuclear bomb from for American Bulgarians, not this will be better. Well, just make a little bit of

Crucian carp and until the end of the evening everything goes through. He Mara can’t come in at all because everything in there isn’t burning. That’s the taste. Well, let’s start with the fact that now in the cold she

Hid her action a little And when it opens up in the warmth, it’s also delicious, delicious, normal brother, come on, good health, dear, eat what should I add to you? Come on, Bulgarian or American Bulgarian, then I’ll come now Katya, come out without disturbing

People [music] Seryozha Bring two and Yoshkin, you’re the operator, as I say, drum tremble fraction Yes, okay, let it be Let the draw Well, Rennie is already ready, that can be Yes, you don’t need it if you want to whistle it, I’ll give you a neat Christmas tree like this, do it

Right guys Take two o Whistle everyone for pilaf You’re ready, it happened, it happened here What are you doing, come on, carefully ah-yay-yay and what Wow, it smelled right away. What are you

Doing right away with a spoon, you need to check the trees and sticks, this is Ruza among the pilafs, a crumbly yum-yum masterpiece Oh, wait, yes I I’ll do it Listen, the pepper is like Nabu benil Well, in fact, it’s

Even better than it was alive. It’s a gorgeous view. Oh, how delicious, guys. It’s been a long time since I’ve eaten this. Now we’ll make your dream come true. Well, let’s feed him pilaf, do you think that we’ll send him away hungry, even though we such that

We can Seryozha, this is the way out now, I want to blow them up Yes, yes, look, he’s still alive, you hear nothing, you can’t see anything, you, you don’t have to chase after personnel, let me do it now, without breaking

Tradition, we need to quickly saturate him ah-ah Marat oxygen, yes, yes, that’s all there is next now, and the meat will go and the carrots, that’s all we added there, everything on the base,

As it is there, they lean to the side Yes, they take out the meat, I already want it, I already want it, come on, I’m trying for you Well, better blow more intensely Seryozha, more intensely oh Yes stop telling me your jokes in Odessa, they are picking on them

Yes, what kind of jokes are these? Damn, I’m trying a little now I haven’t joked, not even one bit of intonation, that’s not a joke, she’s not joking, ah-ah, put it down for Marat already Let him eat No, not Marat,

Everything has already arrived there -after all, we don’t cook every day. Well, wait, Marat, stand a little to the side. I want to give Katya a try. No, how should I try? I’m not ashamed of you there. No,

Your eyes are shameless. Oh beauty. Well, I won’t try it from a spoon with such Ronya. I’ve never understood even more, even if you want to, yes, well, we cook for people like I had to try from this spoon Yes, I’m kidding Well, let’s take a gorgeous shot oh oh oh Wow,

Look at the little carrot, this undressing went, how did it go? this is either or exposed oh-oh-oh sdi This is meat Katya Marat on Try it You look You look in the hand And how hot it is Move away Katyusha marad

On For you I try Kiss your fingers with a cold tongue Come on aka Answer there they’re probably calling you on your reservation please pour it in and Katya says put it in, okay I’ll pour it in your way

Crazy meat soft song Uh-huh guys Deadly number not with your teeth thank God eat with your lips it’s hot so stop dragging around it’s getting cold it’s some kind of baby food I

’ll steal it for you finish it all Let’s go in short friends From With all my soul, in a good mood, Marat performed pilaf for you, as usual, and I sang something somewhere and danced to everyone, bye-bye, it’s very tasty, I’ll do everything


  1. Сарега,пой)Катя,смейся , а Марат будь таким )в этом и есть наверное фишка канала!)

  2. Не знаю,но пение Сергея берет за душу,после просмотра даже напеваю те куплеты❤🎉 Сергей,пой пожалуйста,не обращай внимания на кометы,у тебя явно талант не только к пению ,но и к танцам,ты КРАСАВЧИК..Спасибо за настроение,всегда смотрю вас 👍👍👍💥

  3. Марату респект и уважуха,а липован как приспособленец в этих роликах.А Катя колхозница не какого этикета .

  4. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌 молодцы! СУПЕР МУЖИКИ!!!

  5. Спасибо вам, ребята И причем Всем Троим! Столько позитива, Благодарочка, мкак говорит Сергей)❤
    А кому не нравится- смотрите новости

  6. Марат- Вы большой молодец, спокойный, интеллигентный, добрый❤ А ваша Троица хороша именно на контрасте! Так держать, Друзяки, как говорит Сережа и мирного неба всем !

  7. Если бы у МАРАТА была хоть капля самолюбия, не участвовал бы он больше в этой вульнарной клоунаде, а так, раз его всё устраивает, значит такой же

  8. В плейлисте про плов только 22 видео. И первое там год назад. А как найти видео самого первого плова Марата и Липована?

  9. А Марат видимо не знает, как носить капюшон на желетке🤭🤭🤭🤭

  10. Шо за разделение на Марата и Липована?Это смотрится тогда,когда все вместе и с Катюшей!По отдельности это будет не тот компот!😊😊😊

  11. Навострила лыжи в Одессу,Прайс ещё надо посмотреть, чтоб денег хватило,а то пешком обратно в Кишинёв пойду со своими аппетитами.думаю к концу апреля соберусь

  12. Привет, Липованчики и уважаемый Маратик!!!
    Какое счастье смотреть Вас –вкусно, няшно, сласло… Ой, прямо бальзам на душу!!! Спасибо Вам за добро и позитив! Дай Вам Бог здоровья, мира, любви и счастья!!!❤❤❤

  13. Очень хотелось бы посмотреть Серёжку зажигающего с "лебедяшками", но меня нет в инстограм… Так жаль, так жаль…

  14. Каждый раз, когда Сергей решит блеснуть вокалом пусть встанет на табуреточку и не мешает Марату свещенодействовать на кухне или у очага

  15. Нет – нет, нужен ещё один блог с другой темой и все что их будет соединять так это слово "липован". Например " Поющий (может быть – песенный) Липован". Как то так

  16. Есть плов обычный – есть Узбекский, есть Таджикский а сегодня Плов Праздничный…🤔

  17. Третьекласник воет и воет. Выучи хотя бы одну песню которую сможешь более или менее спеть. За все хватается и тольку ноль.

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