Almost Raw Salad

If I was told this was the only meal I could eat for the rest of my life
I would be

If you don’t have the Veet’s Cuisine Cook book you definitely need it – the recipes are super tasty

– will be on past posts on youtube

There is no point in eating food unless it tastes good!!!

The Almost Raw Salad is on page 56 of Veet’s Cuisine Cook book

I didn’t have radish so i used grated zucchini – you can put both if you want to
I added fermented veg or you can add sauerkraut
I added some fermented veg liquid to the dressing
I added some corn as I had it growing in the garden

Hope you enjoy.

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With gratitude,

Bachelor of Teaching and Post Grad in Human Nutrition

Veet’s Vegan Cooking School

0403 800 809


Hello wonderful cook the cook along series with me from V’s Cuisine cookbook page 56 it’s called The Raw salad but it’s an almost raw salad cuz we’re going to toast some uh sunflower seeds about 2 tablespoons so we’re just toasting those until they’re brown and I’ve cooked up

Some rice I’m just going to grab it um I cooked up some brown rice and just will I just I’m straining it just talk to you through the brown rice situation um I soaked the brown rice so that that we get rid of the ftic acid and then um

Because I only soaked half a cup of brown rice I uh couldn’t just cook it in one cup of water so I did it the immersion method which is lots of water and bring it and because it was soaked it only took 20 minutes to cook instead

Of 40 isn’t that unreal that’s fantastic and then um yeah so I don’t know what then but anyway that’s that and so going to put the rice in the middle of this beautiful bowl and because this salad reminds me of my childhood I grew up in Darwin if

Anyone’s watching from Darwin used to go to Simply foods and we had our um salads in a wooden Bowl so I’ve got this wooden bowl that my parents bought me at Christmas and so we’re putting the rice in the middle that’s what I wanted to say about the rice because we cooked at

The um immersion method with lots of water it actually has made more rice it’s wonderful so if you’re wanting volume then um more rice oh there’s a bit of water in there that’ll be fine it’s just a little bit turn off those sesame seeds now and I need to put those

Sesame seeds into something which I didn’t think about so I just got to go into my beautiful pantry and grab a bowl and put those sunflower I don’t sunflower seeds in here okay so now I’m always doing things fast on the film faster than I normally

Would so you may want to pause and we’re going to do some Tempe I’m not sure if you can see that there so let’s get that carrot out of the way I’m just going to do some Tempe slices um and because we want lot with whatever we eat we want to make sure

We’re having enough protein um and on a vegan diet you can definitely get enough protein if you um if you do it properly and if you haven’t got my complete protein chart um email me and I’ll send it to you okay so I’ve just put some oil

In there and avocado oil is the best oil to use for frying but it’s super expensive so you can use unrefined organic sunflower oil and I’ll be writing a Blog on on sunflower oil because people think it’s bad for you on a vegan diet if it’s organic you’re

Going to be totally fine um so we got the Tempe cooking and while that’s cooking we’ll get the rest of the salad going so so I washed the lettuce earlier just wipe my board down and I’ve got some lettuce here washed earlier and just bring the bowl

Back and we’ll put some lettuce we’ll just tear it um and just put the lettuce in four places that could be a song couldn’t it the lettuce in four places it’s a love lettuce lettuce is full of vitamin E and I need plenty of vitamin E um because I have cracked

Heels cuz I walk around without shoes a lot okay so just turning that tempate over it’s cooking beautifully and we’ll just have a couple of minutes on the other side and it will be done so now we’re going to grate the carrot pop the carrot the carrot this is one of my favorite

Salads and I first had something similar to this when I was working for hero in freem mantle I wonder if if you’re watching hero and she made me a beautiful lunch like this similar to this with lots of veggies in it so we’ll put the carrot there and I’ve got celery

You can turn that Tempe off now and I’m growing tiny celery bit you won’t be able to see with that there going Chinese celery which is smaller but it grows beautifully well and you can just pick off stalks as you need them but it’s smaller isn’t it beautifully small

So just giving that a nice fine chop chopping the celery yum yum yum I know not everyone loves celery so I like it better cooked but it does in summer give it a nice bit of freshness um and so we will I’ll I’ll chop the Cucumber now lovely Lebanese cucumber

Not going to have it all we don’t need it all oh it’s hard to chop and look up but not chop my little fingers off I don’t want to chop them off okay that should be enough there then we’re going to chop the tomatoes there’s a little bit of Rogue

Celery but it’s okay I’ll chop it up later and I’m going of take that oh these tomatoes are beautiful beautiful organic tomatoes and chop them up cherry tomatoes would be amazing in this and almost done and in the actual recipe it says um radish but I don’t have any radish at the

Moment in my fridge so I’m going to grate some zucchini in a minute and I got this lovely very little I picked it too early uh oh corn so we’re going to put that in as well so we put that see how I’m chopping the corn with it

Laying down like that then it doesn’t go flying all over the floor you don’t have a big mess when you do it like that it flies all over the floor like when you do that it can easily fly all over the floor I mean okay so we’ve got this

Deliciousness going into the bowl now bring the bowl back and we’ll put the Tomato here I love having it in sections like this and this is going to be our dinner Mac but aight super super yum and we’ll put the corn we’ll mix the corn and the celery up and pop that over

There just give my hands a little bit wipe and then wipe down the board always keep your board clean put in my srap bowl the worms will love that okay and then we’re going to do the the zucchini I love raw zucchini so give that a good gra a good gra

Me okay that’s plenty for two people we are having a feast a yummy Feast now this may look super healthy and some people might think super healthy means not delicious but I can guarantee this is delicious and I there’s for me there’s no point eating um something if

It’s not delicious now this is where the messy messy messy bit comes is the beetro cuz I’m going to have pink hands in a minute not going to do all the B okay beautiful and so we’ll put the beetro over there my hands they’re not pink anymore and I’ve got the

Tempe I’m just going to give that a little heart you can do whatever you want with it I’m just going to put that in here oh this is looking so good yum yum yum so lots of protein with the Tempe so we it’s unpasteurized Tempe so good vitamin B um 12 and

Probiotics and um it this one actually isn’t a complete protein because it’s not made of soy so that’s why we’ve got the rice with it and the and the sunflower seeds and so we I’ve also got some um fermented veggies not it’s not um cabbage but it’s my favorite at the

Moment and it’s cucumbers from my garden and radish um daon radish which dieon is a um it’s a Prebiotic and then this is a probiotic because of the um of it being fermented so it’s fabulous to ferment okay all right so that’s the the pickle and then we are going to put some

Of the seeds On Sprinkle them on like that and then making the dressing and the dressing is with lemon juice and U just adding I’m going to add some of the fermented uh liquid cuz that will make a nice flavor and then got more uh probiotics in the dressing and some olive oil

And the splash of tamari and then we pour that all over the salad um but I’m because I’m eating this tonight I’m not going to do that but I will do that before before serving and isn’t I love it that it’s all in compartment so that

When we go to you could toss it or when you go to eat it you can just take out what bits you want Bon te here’s the thing I slept on the end to get you to like comment and subscribe bye

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