Banana Peanut Butter Smoothie Recipe

Banana Peanut Butter Smoothie Recipe

Okay yeah okay okay we’re live on Facebook live yeah the way we should be that’s why it’s called live and we’re live on Instagram so we’re covering the globe today but it’s Labor Day here in the United States and probably elsewhere as well I think it’s Labor Day in Canada as

Well is it but it’s spelled l a b o u r r yeah yeah we here in the states couldn’t afford that extra letter so here it’s l a b o r and here is Suzanne sumers hello hi Al hi hi Caroline okay hello hello so um labor dates usually you know

A lot of work for you women who are at home not that this is all women in the audience but women usually take the brunt of it and the men have to do the grilling and all that well we have made the whole Labor Day not only

And I used to go out there every morning and I’d look for the perfect fig on the tree and then I would bite it right off the tree that was Las Vegas that’s right so there was no interim between picking it and bringing into the kitchen and right off the tree incredible so

Actually I just planted two fake trees this year and they’re already it look like they’re going to start proding figging pardon they already figging figging right m this is so good I’m sorry and Alan if you get a chance Alan if you can just bring the camera closer to the food so

That we can see all that deliciousness that you’re eating that would be awesome well uh I can but I’m going to have to move some things around here well I just mean like you know pick up the tripod go in for a closeup and then put it back I can’t do that cuz

This is like hanging by a thread oh I got you if I move some of the balsamics and the oils away you’ll be able to see all the food I happy to do that okay yeah or you can like take one of the trays and just bring it closer to

Camera if you if you get a sec at some point cuz it looks like it’s you two are super cute do it eating I do it all I’m the camera guy I’m the lighting guy I’m the props guy I’m the guy on camera NE okay I don’t think look I think I think

Michael was the props guy today except if I start moving stuff around okay I’m the fill-in props guy okay that’s true and I’m okay I I’m happy to do that and you do it with a smile and you do it so well I do okay let me move some of this

Aside well I gave him the assignment of putting on my neckflix and he failed I know that’s the only thing that you seem to criticize him about otherwise he gets perfect marks he does get perfect Marks here we are show that so Caroline what is this excuse me I’m in

Charge okay pardon me green olives salami and Puro okay oh yeah that’s just a little that’s a side plate and what is this uh your video is a little behind me so I’m just waiting for it to catch up okay it’s just you know when you put out

All your Sherie all your meats and cheeses and olives that infusio just brings everything to life Suzanne discovered these products and the woman’s got a sniffer she knows she knows good food I do you really do great you just you know all of suzan’s oils are they’re all infused

Used with amazing flavors we have fire lemon and blood orange we have basil we have herb to prant um and tusin in the olive oils and they’re spectacular but we found new ways to use these olive oils that are so what do we have here Caroline crackers okay

So is it are you bringing the cheese platter is that what we’re talking about I’m can you see it I’m holding it up yeah I’m I’m about 15 seconds behind you so beautiful selection of cheeses she’s got her rain crisp crackers and some everything crackers there you’ve got a

Really nice selection of cheeses and you can use a little bit of like the Cherry balsamic on the cheese it’s really good or the pomegranate or the vanilla fig which one do you like suzan on your cheese I like the Cherry I like so good I like that you got the

Um um Cher the the torn fig and Cherry balsamic on the floor no just a knife and the knife that dropped in my crotch no it didn’t Mr crotch it dropped on my toe oh how’s your toe my toe’s fine how’s your crutch well how is

It okay I I just and then those two little dips that are right in front of Suzanne right those are the first two dips and like Suzanne said at the top of the show the first one is blood orange olive oil the herb of prant sea salt R

And the black cherry Bal and you just dip your little veggies in there or dip some bread in there and it’s so good great do by the way it’s 25% off the entire site today and the here here here here and it has a little glass in it

Okay all right okay and the promo code is labor 25 now for the edification of those who are who may live in a commonwealth country l a b o r is what the way it’s spelled in the United States and I do I respect the fact that it’s respelled

Elsewhere having been born in a commonwealth country the one right next to the United States called Canada I’m used to spelling it l b o Ur even though I’ve been been away for decades and decades but my auto correct says uh-uh it’s l a b o r so if you’re going to

Take advantage of the big sale today 25% off the entire site did you have something you wanted to say oh can me pleas no you shouldn’t talk with a full mouth you know that right can you believe how our computers have taught us grammar Yeah but they’re often wrong mine is it’s like the GPS GPS is amazing we watched a special about it last night but we watched 15 minutes of the special thought it was awful and then I turned the life the life off I turned the lights off and then the next thing we

Knew it was morning I love cheese this lur cheese is amazing what is it lure lure wow you know where they make great cheese in Quebec and also that lure is delicious if you’re looking for it um it comes in like a little small ramkin kind of container it’s Italian and it’s gooey

And it’s delicious it sure is it’s like having french Bree only better by the way I make what the most incredible ribs I’m not kidding on the planet and I just don’t go to the store and buy ribs my ribs come from a farmer in Quebec and it’s called du Breton and it’s

Organic it’s hard to find organic rib so what happened the other night the other night the ribs that I did the other night which were in my case a disaster they were they were in the freezer for too long wow they probably shouldn’t even been in the freezer but I wanted to kind

Of sort of to top it off our friends were over and he said tonight we’re having owl’s World Famous Ribs world famous did you hear me world famous and so we’re all set up and they are good his his ribs are amazing but they had been I took a

Bite and you don’t want to say but I looked at my bite and I thought yuck know it wasn’t yuck it was and actually our guests really enjoyed them until we told them they they shouldn’t enjoy them no until I told them that next time around I

Apologize I said these you owe them a next time that’s right yeah these little crackers are are amazing with this lur cheese so do you have any Labor Day stories no no h like what well I’ve always wondered why they call it Labor Day cuz no one’s labor everyone’s off it’s an

Appreciation of Labor it’s an award that’s why you get the day off yeah excuse me did you touch my shirt before you wipe your fingers I notice you were doing all this and you your head like that did you touch my shirt you did didn’t you you

Wipe your fingers off on my shirt didn’t you you dropped a knife in my crush no wasn’t your crush I I’ve got two jokes ready ready to go but no well if I try that cheese over there this yeah look how great that is if I did drop it on your

Crotch after this all po it yeah you realize here we go it’s my crotch again we’re off till Tuesday yeah we don’t have to do anything till Tuesday what eat that it’s in the details with um appetizers that good it’s the little bit of green you

Put on there it’s the little drop of balsamic that you put on by the way and it’s a by great crackers by the way I’m drinking Suzanne is not for the edification of those who wonder why she’s not drinking yesterday if you were with us I was talking about

The fact that she’s got this from the neck surgery when she broke her neck she had this nerve pain so she takes this really powerful medicine to get rid of the nerve pain it almost gets rid of it but it takes to a place where she can handle

It okay but she gets a little Dopey and everyone thought she was drunk she’s not drunk and she actually ever since she started taking it in Big Red Letters it said no alcohol so I’m drinking for both of us tonight okay that’s a good boy yeah the wonderful American wine

Okay there it is they don’t need the advertising cus 2012 cuz we were there like a month ago if you recall is that the same one oh yeah that was great and they kept giving us taste and when they gave us enough taste we were going that’s really good

You said I’ll take how many cases the guy came going to take the order yeah I think they done that before I think they’ve got this down to a science well if you recall yeah when you were doing thre’s company yeah and you would shoot it on Friday

Night on Friday afternoon around 5:00 there was this place in La where I used to store my wine oh right okay and I’d go there and Freddy I think his name was after everyone that left all the employees that left and all the customers had gone and it was just

Freddy Freddy would open the door and I’d go in there with a buddy and he’d say okay what do you want to taste and he would open anything and we drank the most wonderful wine and then I stumbled into three company well I out there going hey everybody Jack by the

Way there’s a what is that salami isn’t salami a belly dancer oh that’s Salam yeah Salam yeah here’s a great one I had a belly dancer girlfriend a long time ago you did in the F yeah I was a teenager yeah this is a fig cracker if you see them at your store

Buy put this great soft cheese on it and then there a little wow little honey big honey white white truffle honey so good okay if you missed the show yesterday we introduced are you ready chocolate gut renew oh yeah you hear me chocolate gut renew and it was sweetened

With pure Dutch chocolate and cacao and the cacao were these little tiny things that was mixed in with in your mouth with the powder and they were a little sort of gently chewing it was wonderful it was wonderful and it was amazing I do we have any more inventory

Caroline yeah we still have inventory um and I mean we sold a lot in that first day you guys ate it up just wait till you taste it suzan’s right you have a sip and you go wow yeah it took me by surprise we have the smaller bags on the

Way so hopefully next week for the the regular size bag I think we have bars on the RO too right bars are going to be a little bit longer the um the gut renew we had to revise the formula a little bit a little bit that goes in the

Bar and it’s sitting at a p trying to make its way to manufacturer well how did you like Alan’s dance yesterday A friend of mine Sandy wrote me and she said we love the AL at the piano dance oh that was funny last she said last night she said what were you doing

Oh Al Al the doing the blender dance you were really quite funny I made my first smoothie last night yeah on a blender in a blender in a blender for gut the chocolate gut chocolate gut renew okay who doesn’t like chocolate it’s so incredible I’m sure there’s somebody somebody doesn’t like chocolate

Okay I was not expecting to love it like I love if you don’t like chocolate you hate kids okay comes to that it’s incredible I’m not kidding and what I’ve done I’ve ordered from a famous place where they saw cooking utensils I’ve ordered a kit to make popsicles and I’m

GNA make popsicles with chocolate gut renew that’s a great idea you beta you could actually sell them Frozen I could wow yeah they’re so good you make like make the chocolate peanut butter banana and freeze it oh they’re so good that was incredible it was frozen bananas it was uh almond butter

Butter crunchy crunchy crunchy almond butter crunchy almond butter it was ice cubes it was 8 oz of organic uh almond milk what else we thought at the end of that that maybe he used the whole box I put in too much almond milk he used the

Whole box of almond milk and I was thinking about it after cuz I recook things in my mind I think half a box cuz it got a little almond milky you know we used to have really sexy pillow talk okay now we talk about my failed smoothie and your

Failed ribs and my failed ribs oh god I’ve never known you to fail in ribs don’t forget the necklace and then the necklace you never can you can never the necklace you know I don’t understand the mo the more expensive a piece of woman’s jewelry is the more difficult it is to

Find the snap to put it on how about the earrings and the earrings are impossible and I tell you you’ve got those holes in your ear but I think they’ve grown over because every time I triy to put earrings on for you he said Don’t wear

Earrings no no notice them and I said women will notice them cuz your hair I’m afraid to push the thing through the what looks like the hole in case it’s not a hole and then you’ll start bleeding from your ear Lo be an interesting um experiment yeah does it

Hurt when you push through whether it wants to or not oh there’s something tribal about that okay we need DRS women we wear jewelry we wear makeup it’s all tribal but why do you why do you why do you wear makeup and jewelry cuz it looks pretty for

Who mainly to please ourselves like I was my sister was watching the other day and I hadn’t put my makeup on and she and I said said I don’t want to go out today I don’t have any makeup on at all I look like crap and she said don’t go

Out like that you know an older sister scold you do your sisters do they scold you no but I disagree with you gred you know because I see you without makeup every day okay mhm and you without makeup you look like a little girl a little tired little girl well maybe but

You look like a little girl and there’s something about that that I really likewe well it’s true it’s true oh you’re so sweet I’m sorry I didn’t shave today no you didn’t no I didn’t shave today I’m not I’m not into the habit of Shaving yet you know I haven’t shaved

For a long time I know for a lot of years I just had that little razor they just go like that yeah then you then you then you shake it in the bed and then you get whiskers no I don’t shake it no I lay in bed I noticed on your T-shirt

Okay on my t-shirt I land where do you think that goes no no doesn’t go anywhere because it it’s on my t-shirt and I get up and take off the t-shirt and I throw in the in the wash you have never seen my whiskers in bed I have well I’ve been sleeping with

You for a lot of years I’ve seen things of yours in bed okay okay okay all right if you want to talk about all right all right okay yeah anyway it’s Labor Day okay and it’s 25% off the entire site promo code is labor l l a b o r

25 and it’s going to run all weekend I think till Monday night so you have time to cogitate and think about citate you know what we have a really interesting Susans is a really interesting site and if you’ve never been there or if you’ve been there and

You haven’t scrolled through the whole site say since this is a holiday weekend and you have nothing else to do that might be something you want to do I mean for example when you when we sell uh lipsticks we have a whole bunch of great organic lipsticks and organic lipsticks because

Most lipsticks you see commercial lipsticks they put the worst chemicals in there I’m not naming any Brands I’m generalizing but if they’re commercial lipsticks they’re not not organic and if they’re not organic they’re putting really bad toxins in there and whenever we’re out for dinner and I what is that it’s a

P but hold you just talking can’t tast okay when we’re out for dinner and at the end of dinner I see women all around me what they do is they take out stick thing the lipstick thing and put like that then they go I feel like going over to them and

Saying you know first of all you’re putting lead in your body and Lead gets into the bloodstream and you know where it goes goes into your bones and if you break a bone you know where the lead in your bones goes goes to your brain and then what okay and

There’s more they put perel they terrible stuff goes into commercial lipsticks and if you’re still going to use commercial lipstick after this from me there’s nothing I can do about it but I feel badly for you okay so I’ve never I’ve never gone over to a woman in the

Restaurant because she’ll probably tell me to mind my own business right I like this shade of you know what it is and I’ve seen you do it you will sacrifice everything if you find the right product color color taste whatever it isy I try to like with our team

Manipulate the right color out of them yeah well you know what I love in our lipstick is caramelized Peach yeah I like the what got it on right now I like poppy what is it called the poppy no not poppy those your former toes Coral poppy is that one what is it Coral

Poy I can’t remember I mean sorry cor we have a we have a nail polish called Coral poppy that you love and by the way our nail polishes we unfortunately there are 10 unbelievably bad poisons that they put in pretty much every commercial every commercial nail polish we have removed

Nine of the 10 we can’t remove the 10 yet but we’re working on it let me see your to well it’s actually 10 to at three but you were very close yeah let me see your toes I don’t know how I can do that yeah you can put one foot in my

Lap my foot’s going to look great with all this wonderful food isn’t it you have beautiful feet do you see his toe color jackar Randa so pretty on him he has gorgeous feet this is can color on out yeah it’s a really good color on

You yeah I really like it I had what did I have cool M and that looked really good but I think this tops it don’t you you know someone who doesn’t know us Tuning In For the First Time Fe feeding the cheese it’s about the color okay oh man I could just eat

Cheese all day I guess I am I know you well actually you ate half of it already yeah yeah maybe you leave a little bit for ow by the way no I’m just kidding you know our cat Gloria we love Gloria if you’re a cat you know what I remember

One of Suzanne’s Publishers years ago said if you put a picture of a cat on the cover of a book it automatically sells 50,000 copies okay how about the special inside the L of the cat oh yeah that’s on Netflix God that was good you

Know it’s so hard it’s so hard to find something to watch that’s not violent that isn’t crazy and bloody and shooting people being blown up and airplanes and now they have um so we’ve watched a cat one three times now now they have I can give you so many

Recommendations of what to watch that doesn’t have the kind of stuff that you guys normally watch things you might really like I’d like to we don’t mind nudity okay you guys just watch Naros over again pardon me yeah we did watch that you guys just watch Naros over again no

This is a new Narco this Narco is about this is about the real narcos not about the guys Canada and uh they got off the boat I guess in monreal and uh there were vendors on the dock selling you know food and things and uh so my mother bought some

Peanuts a bag of peanuts and two bananas and she had never seen nor heard of peanuts or bananas so they ate the peanuts with the shells and they ate the bananas with the peels what do they think I don’t know um I know that in retrospect they they

Laughed about it years later but if you don’t know you eat the whole thing well we don’t waste bananas you know how you throw bananas out all the time we don’t waste them because I look at them as a treasure Trove in the morning when I make my gut renew banana peanut butter

Smoothie I take I take yesterday’s bananas that are kind of not ready for prime time they’re you know when you got little black spots in them they just don’t taste so good cut them in bit-sized pieces put them in the freezer and use those as your ice cubes

I throw about 10 of those in the blender and then I put um everything Alan was putting in the um the gut r chocolate smoothie yesterday but we we use um peanut butter and almond milk almond milk but not as much not as much as you used and um what

Else I can’t remember aren’t these crackers great by the way Caroline hello Blue Fox the red leer okay so if someone buys the value pack of uh chocolate gut renew today do they get the theut renewed guide with it no the the value size super food protein formula is

Already marked down so that’s the only thing that’s not included in the sale because those are marked down more than 25% so you can’t use a promo code on top of something that’s already discounted um and then the the program guide comes with any of the kits that you buy for

The 30-day challenge or you can pick it up separately if you otherwise it wouldn’t be fair to the people who came in on on Showtime you know the right time when did you start being a fair when did that begin huh I’ve never heard the word fair oh

Yes I have when it comes to food you’re fair I’m very fair okay you share you you here you know how when you’re serving dinner but I don’t you don’t no when I have you get the biggest portion here and divide it when there’s that much soup left that

You’d like it I always divide it up I I never take more than my fair share what’s this here’s Allan’s little boy food you bet you want to hear a pier yeah I just painted my nails so that they look cute for my little food demo and I just Shi my

Thumb oh that’s a bummer okay yeah I was I was I was trying to get the metal part off of the infusio oh that’s yeah okay this is one you know I really should have waited another hour okay she should have I agree with you and it’s a piss

This what I’m having for dinner tonight okay and they’re perfect right now they’re perfect and what I do is I take a little bit of salt is really important and I put we need salt in our diet not the not the table salt because they remove all the minerals from the table

Salt get the Himalayan or even the sea salt although the sea is kind of messed up these days okay but if you haven’t tasted a watermelon at peak season with a little salt on it C like this like you could chill your face with this man what

A great segue Alan cuz that’s what I’m making pardon me in the after show that’s what I’m making in the after show thank you for that segue what are you making I’m making a watermelon Napoleon who knew come on with that mouth you could eat half this watermelon at one

Time I love your watermelon Napoleon it’s beautiful too that was so great I was going to make it for you today but then you guys decided to stay in Palm Springs so I’m going to make it on camera okay but I’ll make it for you guys next time I see you if the

Watermelon is still you promise promise okay what are you making tonight she’s such a good cook I’m making I’m going to make the watermelon Napoleon on Facebook I might make the same thing on Instagram or I might switch and make a little I have a little petite fet Manan that I was going

To use the tuskin sea salt rub and peppercorns on both sides and then panry it in olive oil and then finish it with just a little bit of the I think the pomegranate balsamic can you get the two the the sea salt kind good I can’t um

Without these These are so great sea sea salt rub okay I don’t know how many we have we only have two on display tonight here’s the other everything is in stock for anesia we are fully in stock on everything provance provance okay use a little bit of this I’m not kidding smell that

Okay you will be applauded with whatever you cook y then this is the uh herb de provance olive oil so beautiful it’s beautiful olive oil we don’t cook with it we only finish with it okay this is the uh blood orange olive oil we don’t cook with that we only finish with

It this is the uh basil olive oil I love we don’t cook with it we just finish with it it’s kind of expensive but if you’re only using for finishing it’s no big deal and then you get the full flavor right this is the black cherry balsamic I Chugalug

This you do okay you know when they have bottle when they have balsamic in restaurants I never go near it because it has a vinegary it’s a bad taste I don’t like it ours has been sitting around for what 12 years I don’t know 12 years this is the peach peach

Balsamic that is amazing okay and then we have this one which is the oh vanilla fig balsamic I also Chugalug that you can take that and reduce it and mix in amazing sauce these all make amazing sauces this is how you turn your meal into a gourmet meal and

This is how you have a feast on Labor Day without doing any of the labor so we have to go now it’s bedtime here in the desert and Gloria the cat is waiting for us and uh we wish you a wonderful three days weekend enjoy it you you worked all

Year Well there’ll be people working all weekend like in restaurants and you know service jobs and uh they’ll be you know working to make a living and also because they’re going to be people who want to go out for dinner you know Etc so those of you who have the three days off

There’s a book I’m just I finished I finished reading and by saying this I’ll probably make it a bestseller but it’s a wonderful little book you can read the whole book in one evening it’s called The Art of Stillness and we started practicing this last weekend we’re going to do it again

This weekend yeah we took an internet sabatical we uh at 6 o’ on Friday night we turned off our our laptops our computers our iPhones uh we turned off the news and all weekend we didn’t see any of that the only thing we did I really don’t know what happened in the

World last we we watched a couple of M movies that was about it other than that we read listened to music and just hung out okay and it was wonderful and if you think back not too many years before there was an internet okay before there was cell

Phones it took days to get messages back and forth now soon as your your cell phone rings it’s like oh my God someone’s calling me or texting me I have to answer it right away no you don’t so try it it’s an internet sabatical and most most of the engineers

Who work for Google do this and all they do is think they might dream up great ideas or they might just sit and think or meditate but I really enjoyed it Suzanne had a little trouble with it I understand that and I have to take her phone away from her

Every well you know I mean in the middle of the night she’s falling asleep clutching her you are exaggerated yeah I am okay anyway have a great weekend now as Mr cameraman and Mr lighting I have to go and turn that off right you’re a handy

Fellow I love you I love your you guys have you guys have a nice weekend I’m gonna do an after show I’m gonna start on Facebook you guys and then I’ll switch over to Instagram and her show is wonderful


  1. Caroline you’re a amazing 🥲 always posting videos of tow of my favorite people 🥰🤗😘🤍much love to you guys 🤍

  2. Love to watch these videos I find myself always watching them..Makes me feel sad ..but I enjoy them .Caroline would be great if you would talk more about cheeses and what you recommend..I see many in my stores but I am never sure so I enjoyed when you and Suzanne spoke about the Latour cheese ..sorry I probably spelled it wrong. Thank you these videos I enjoy them all and love the cooking shows they were fun.😊

  3. I'm thankful that I get to spend precious time with all of you in the 'kitchen'. This is where my favorite memories from my childhood happened and it's nothing but warmth and comfort for me…Thank you all and God bless you all 💚💌

  4. The sound cut out but I just felt to share that my grandfather was Irish and my grandmother was British. Apparently their parents weren't too happy about their union 😂 Given the history between the rf and the Irish people. Regardless of that my grandparents were the best of friends and focused on 'family' through thick and thin. I'm 61 do in my youth it was the men in the family who were expected as well as honored to cut the roast once served. Remember the electric knives as well as carving knives specifically for cutting the roast in those days? Literally carving knives with deer handles? It was a tradition in many cultures from around the world. I remember that my grandfather would take me shopping with him to choose the roast at the local butcher…and everyone knew him. He provided everything for my grandmother to make a beautiful meal for our huge family. But we would all bring homemade goodies. My grandparents had a small post war house…and yet we all managed to fit in. No matter what anyone of us were going through there was laughter and and the many card games. Connection and understanding. We all so need to get back to that divine simplicity. I often wonder what Suzanne would like to share with all of us at this time. Given everything she provided and went through? What would she share with us? What would she say? Pretty sure it would be all about the LOVE…Just share the 💚

  5. I couldn’t stop laughing at a couple funny moments between big Al and Suzanne.
    Al dropping something on her crotch and Suzanne wiping her dirty hand on the back of Alan‘s shirt. 😂😂😅
    Oh, and Al’s world’s famous ribs, that turned out to be yuck! 😂

  6. What I love about these two, they are so real! Caroline, when I watch you and your girls cooking, it feels like Suzanne is there and I mean every video. I believe she is still watching over her family like she always did. Love you guys!

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