Wir kochen heute zusammen FALSCHES RISOTTO ✅
Wer das nicht kennt darf sich freuen, denn es schmeckt fantastisch und wird mit Nudeln zubereitet. Wir kochen heute unter anderem auch mit dem THERMOMiX, wer keinen zur Hand hat nutzt eben einen Topf und Küchenmaschine oder Mixer … je nachdem 😊

Info zur Herkunft der Orzo Nudeln
(Quelle Wikipedia)
Orzo oder auch Kritharaki sind in der italienischen Küche unter den Pasta-Namen Risi, Risoni oder eben Orzo bekannt. In den deutschsprachigen Ländern werden sie oft einfach als Griechische Nudeln oder Nudelreis bezeichnet. Die oft gehörte Bezeichnung dieser griechischen Nudelspezialität als „Reisnudeln“ ist missverständlich.

Das Rezept hab ich für euch hier 👇mit THERMOMiX Nutzung

Zutaten für 2 Erwachsene Personen
180g Orzo-Nudeln
1x Zwiebel
1x Knoblauchzehe
2x rote Spitzpaprika
1EL Gemüsebrühe
200g Portobello-Pilze
1x Karotte
1 Stück ( geriebener ) Hartkäse
etwas Basilikum
Packung Frischkäse ( etwa 100g )
1x Bio Zitrone Schale verzehrbar

Pfeffer schwarz
Zitronen Pfeffer
Paprika Pulver edelsüß
und nach eurem eigenen Geschmack 😊

Rezept mit THERMOMiX
Heize den Backofen auf 200 °C Ober-/Unterhitze (180 °C Umluft) vor. Erhitze 360 ml [480 ml | 720 ml] Wasser im Wasserkocher. Knoblauch abziehen. Spitzpaprika halbieren, entkernen und Paprikahälften in je 3 Stücke teilen. Spitzpaprika in eine Auflaufform geben, Knoblauch dazu pressen und mit 1 EL [1,5 EL | 2 EL] Olivenöl*, Salz* und Pfeffer* vermengen. Für 10 – 12 Min. im Ofen backen, bis die Paprika weich ist.

Zwiebel halbieren und fein hacken. Karotte schälen und grob reiben. Portobellos ebenfalls grob reiben. Aus dem Gemüsebrühpulver und 360 ml [480 ml | 720 ml] heißem Wasser* eine Gemüsebrühe vorbereiten. In einer großen Pfanne 1 EL [1,5 EL | 2 EL] Öl* erhitzen. Zwiebel darin ca. 2 Min. farblos anschwitzen.

Geriebenes Gemüse hinzufügen und weitere 3 – 4 Min. anschwitzen. Pfanneninhalt mit Orzo und vorbereiteter Gemüsebrühe ablöschen. Abgedeckt für 12 – 15 Min. auf mittlerer Stufe köcheln lassen, bis die Orzo-Nudeln gar sind. Zitrone in 6 Spalten schneiden.

Wenn die Spitzpaprikas gar sind, die Auflaufform aus dem Ofen nehmen. Die Hälfte des Hartkäses auf einem mit Backpapier belegten Backblech in 2 [3 | 4] flachen Häufchen aufteilen und im Ofen für ca. 5 – 7 Min. backen, bis die Chips goldbraun sind. Herausnehmen und auf dem Blech abkühlen lassen. Währenddessen Basilikumblätter von Stiel abzupfen.

Paprikastücke, Gewürzmischung „Hello Paprika”, die Hälfte der Basilikumblätter, restlichen Hartkäse und Saft aus 1 [1 | 2] Zitronenspalten in ein hohes Rührgefäß geben und glatt pürieren. Calabrese-Pesto mit Salz*, Pfeffer* und nach Belieben noch etwas Zitronensaft abschmecken. Sobald die Orzo-Nudeln gar sind, das Calabrese-Pesto und die Hälfte der Frischecreme untermengen. Orzo mit Salz* und Pfeffer* abschmecken.

Restliche Basilikumblätter in feine Streifen schneiden. Orzo-Nudeln auf Teller verteilen und nach Belieben mit je einem Esslöffel Frischecreme und Basilikum toppen. Mit Käse-Chips garnieren und genießen.

Viel Freude beim nachkochen und guten Appetit 👉euer Robbie


👇 Hier der Link zum Vegeta Gewürz
⭐ https://amzn.to/3sOap9k

👇 Hier der Link zum Zitronen Pfeffer
⭐ https://amzn.to/3ufReFX

👇 Hier der Link zum Knoblauch Öl
⭐ https://amzn.to/47gnY0r

👇 Hier der Link zu den Orzo Nudeln
⭐ https://amzn.to/3sFY2w5

👇 Das Spar Paket Orzo Nudeln
⭐ https://amzn.to/49IIlVs

👇 Hier der Link zum roten Teigschaber
⭐ https://amzn.to/46jZEJM

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👇Die Quelle der Rezept Anleitung ist von der Seite “Hello Fresh”

Hello friends and welcome to this new video today we are making something very tasty but also something very funny I call the whole thing fake risotto we do the whole thing with orson noodles which are known by many names in Greece I

Think they are called kritaraki in Italy risoni or Risi and in Germany they often say ice cream noodles so let’s start the ingredients you have just seen so among other things we need the orson noodles portobelloilze red pointed peppers onion garlic clove

Basil organic lemon fresh cream grated hard cheese a spice mixture you can put together yourself I’ll show you in a moment everything belongs in and a little vegetable broth so first of all we cut the pointed peppers and the onions then grab the garlic and chop it finely

Then we continue with the portobello if you don’t like it or can’t get it then you just use brown mushrooms or white ones Mushrooms then we continue with the basil, we pluck the stems, you can choose whether you want to use them or not and chop the whole thing [music]

Into small pieces. Here we now have our cream cheese and we have already chopped up the grated Parmesan and made it small So far, as I said, the red pointed peppers, we have taken two pieces for two people, an onion, a clove of garlic,

About a handful or 10 g of basil, the fresh cream is 100 g, the hard cheese, the parmesan is 40 g and the orson noodles are 180 g for two people That’s exactly what we’re going to start with now. I’m using the Thermomix today. If you don’t have a Thermomix,

Use a pan and pot and then use a food processor to cook everything, or use your hand in the good old fashioned way. So now we’re going to do it a little faster here We season our cooking water for the pasta with salt, of course, then add the pasta. At

The same time, we will cook the orson pasta. We will put the pointed peppers in the steamer basket at the top. If you don’t have a Thermomix, do the whole thing later in the pan or in a steaming pot

And then cook them wild ride now we turn on a large hotplate, put a full pan on it, then we take some baking paper that has already been cut to size and put it in the pan and we put our parmesan cheese in there and make parmesan chips, two pieces.

After all, we are cooking for two people So make two nice heaps and then melt the whole thing. It doesn’t take that long. Take a look. Of course, there’s also the option of doing the whole thing in the oven. Some of you

Probably know this version. I think this variant is great and look how Nice and golden brown the whole thing will be in a wonderful small bowl and then we’ll put the pointed peppers separately in this bowl. We’ll do the same thing with the noodles

And then we’ll put the pointed peppers and the noodles to the side and add the mushrooms, onions and the garlic in our Thermomix or you put a little oil in the pan, a little of our beloved lemon pepper and, as always, a little salt, you

Know you take the amount that is right for you, it doesn’t help if I tell you a teaspoon a tablespoon I like a little more salt, the other a little less, so it will be as

You are used to or will then be a little more after the whole thing we sweat D to 4 in the Thermomix on in the pan you have to see for yourself how long the mushrooms need is

That The whole thing looks like this at first and put the entire contents into the pan. We have the pan on medium level 6 to 7 and fry the whole thing again. After about 3 minutes we pull the pan down and put our basil and pointed peppers in the

Thermomix Now we add our paprika mix, which contains salt, pepper, paprika, tomato, onion. I’ll link the whole thing again below. Of course, you can also use any other spice mix you want. Now the vegetable broth goes into the Thermomix and one and a half to two tablespoons of parmesan

Cheese A squeeze of half a lemon. As you know, I always cut it up and things go better As usual, a little pepper, a little salt and I like to use, as always, a little bit of our Croatian Vegeta, you can get it everywhere at the discounters at

Edicaa at Lidl at Penny and so on just take a look I’ll link you again below now there’s a little more Add oil, we now use garlic flavor oil, one to two tablespoons depending on your taste, put the lid on and then we’re off on the wild ride again, for exactly

8 seconds on level 8, we puree the pan, we pull it back down to the stove and add our pasta to the whole thing Loosen it up a bit and spread it out and then we put the contents of our thermomix sauce into the

Pan. We’ll now cook the whole thing again so that the Parmesan in our sauce thickens the whole thing really nicely and gives it a nice, as they say, mushy consistency and if so If we like the whole result and the sauce fits, we add some more

Of our cream cheese because it makes the whole thing a little softer, lighter, tastier, it just rounds the whole thing off a bit. Now, as I said, we cook the whole thing together and watch it whole and if we like the consistency as

It is here, we’re done, we prepare it and so that the whole thing looks nice, we use a self-made kitchen ring. I don’t have one now, which is why I simply cut off the bottom of the Chinese soup en size as needed,

We now arrange our fake risotto rice in it. This gives the whole thing a bit of shape. We can then remove the ring and everything doesn’t clap together, it just looks a little nicer. Now we take our previously

Prepared parmesan chip and put it in Put the one in at the top, it looks nice and this half of a lemon that we cut to size looks just as nice. We’ll put the sticks here next door so everyone can

Sprinkle a little bit of lemon acid over them as they like, well then I’ll do it let’s say let it taste friends let it taste the cooking that was the way it was served in a serving bowl simply because we still

Have a bit of time and feel like it, let’s show the whole thing again on the serving plate. The principle is of course the same as I said all the links and in the Video description Ingredients Recipes Feel free to write to me in the comments how you liked and

Liked the whole thing. We thought the pasta was great. For example, I didn’t even know it before. Of course, it was fun for me to say that fake risotto has nothing to do with risotto, I think It’s just so funny because it looks exactly like a risotto, but pasta in that sense,

As I said, please let me know how you liked it. Have fun cooking everything and leave your thumbs in the video description. Subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss anything again Thanks, I say goodbye to your Robby until next time, ciao ciao

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