Oggi affrontimo un #classico della #cucinafrancese proviamo a mettere insieme tutti gli #ingredienti per realizzare la mitica zuppa di cipolle francese, un #piatto che davvero rispecchia la #tradizione.
affrontiamo insieme la #scelta degli ingredienti più corretti e i #passaggi #fondamentali per arrivare ad un #risultato soddisfacente.
l’esecuzione è #semplice ma i tempi per realizzarla vanno rispettati se si vuole ottenere un #risultato #cremoso e #saporito.
-1750 gr di #cipolla
-250 gr d #burros
-2 cipolle #bionde
-3 #carotene
-1 #sedano
– #chiodi di garofano
– #salvia
– #rosmarino
– #alloro
– #pepe
– #sale
– 30 gr di #farina
– 1/2 #pollo (per il brodo )
– 150 gr di #gruvyer ( #formaggio francese )
– 3 lt di #acqua #naturale
Buona visione

The legendary baguette Good morning to all of you and welcome back to the channel Today, more than a simple recipe, I will try to write the story, I will try to execute in the most faithful way possible the legendary soupe a’ognion, the traditional French onion soup,

Let’s see the list of ingredients that we need So let’s see these ingredients one by one I tried to remain as faithful as possible to tradition Obviously as the first ingredient I would start with the onions So the

Onion It’s obviously a French onion This one is from chevez and you can also use Italian blond onions Let’s say that for to remain as faithful as possible I have searched for all these elements, a particular thing is the weight of the onions. So here I have approximately, approximately

1,745 g of onion. Obviously then we will see the skin and peel removed. But let’s say that in general the weight will be around at 1.7 kg for a successful onion soup

You need to have a lot of onions so for two or three people Let’s say that you never go below 1.7 KG.. I’m also going to use two other onions these are the classic blonde ones they are not French

These here will serve us for the broth another ingredient which in fact is not marginal as in other preparations But then it absolutely becomes a protagonist of the recipe is the butter as much as

We need So according to the French school of the Cordon blu Let’s say that on 450 g of onion you need 75 g of butter another fundamental element is the broth the broth that will cook our soup I

Mainly use chicken, chicken and vegetables which we are now going to see you can also use beef tradition also includes beef I prefer chicken in some cases there are also those who use vegetable broth I will also use three carrots for the broth a stick of

Celery and an aromatic bunch I use a few bay leaves I also add rosemary and the inevitable sage I use around 30 g of 00 flour another fundamental ingredient is the cloves, these here will be used mainly for making the broth, we need the cheese for gratinating before serving the soup to our

Guests, I have the French Gruvyer here. You can also use Emmental if you can’t find it around . the grovyer if you want you can use any other type of cheese which actually has a similar consistency clearly trying to remain as faithful as possible to the

French soup I went around looking for the grovyer I’m going to use a little salt a little pepper and finally the inevitable baguette, this one here if you find it good otherwise if you find a Sfilatino or any other type of bread even rustic it’s fine the same I found it

And I use it ingredients there are no more let’s go straight to the procedures but first initial the first one What I’m going to do is put all the pieces of chicken in a saucepan. So we have the wings, the breast, the thigh and here too another quarter of the breast.

I’m going to cover the chicken completely with cold water and bring everything to the boil. I turn it off. on the heat I remove the meat which is blanched And in any case it is still tender

So it will release the best in the next cooking together with the vegetables I’m going to remove the impurities with a slotted spoon and I’m going to eliminate this first part of the broth I’m going to reinsert the blanched meat inside the pan and cover it again with

Clean cold water. Meanwhile, I’m going to prepare the vegetables, so I’ll peel the onion, not the French one, let’s say. The one for the broth, I’ll cut it in half and I’ll insert the cloves in this way. So this one is the fundamental element

For any type of broth eh clove It’s [Music] extraordinary Here it is I’m going to peel the carrots I cut the end of the celery and if you want you can also weaken it now I’m going to get the other onion too I clean it well, cut it in half and

I’m going to insert it like this without adding fat in a very hot pan, it will take about a couple of minutes on each side, let’s see, that’s it, that’s fine, let’s do the other part too, a couple more

Minutes and we’ll we are and on this side too they have caramelized we put them aside now let’s put the pan with the cold water and the chicken back on the heat and insert the onion that we have caramelized inside, let’s put the onion with the cloves

All cold, the sedona ribs inside and the carrot, I will insert a couple inside of bay leaves which for me is essential in the broth I also add the rosemary The sprig of

Sage over very low heat I put the lid on and let it go like this for at least two and a half hours a trick to degrease it quickly is to use a paper napkin like

I do and when the broth is still hot go and dip it in Ok this here what does it do it will recover all the fat part Ok it removes all the fat from the broth so we shouldn’t let it cool and then remove the gelatinous film let’s adjust it with the

Salt Here is our result, perfect and filtered chicken broth, let’s take care of the onion, then I’ve already cut some of them here while cooking the broth. But I’ll show you how to cut one, take the end I’m going to remove the peel of the [Music] onion

We can decide Either to make thin slices like this all whole or otherwise we can cut it in half let’s go and put it this way and make the half slices like this Bear in mind

That cutting 1.8 of onions sooner or later some tears will come down I’m going to separate them and insert them into the Bull, onions ready and cut now let’s light the stove with the smallest flame add a flame spreader like this one here and let’s put our

Saucepan on top I use this one saucepan with the edges quite high but very wide so as to dissipate the heat as much as possible, always on a very low heat, let the butter melt as the butter melts, let’s start adding our

Onion. I put the lid on and let them go like this so as not to less than 30 minutes in any case until they reach the consistency you prefer from time to time let’s go around and see how little by little it is releasing its water it is sweating correctly without burning

The onions have been sweating for 20 minutes it is not enough yet there there’s still a lot of water, I ‘ll let them go a little longer, let’s see for another 10-15 minutes and the situation after 40

Minutes while the onion is sweating. Look at the beautiful mush that has come out splendid. Now let’s give it just a color. Plus a few more minutes and then we add the sifted flour, I insert the flour and I go to sift it directly into the saucepan,

The choice of flour as starch is actually the most correct one not only because it fully reflects tradition but also because We keep in mind that the gelling temperature of the starch in the flour it is over 90° so it is ideal for this type of cooking.

However, if we wanted to use corn or rice starches which have a gelling temperature of around 60 65 68°, I add the broth inside and cover it. I’m going to completely cover the onion cream let’s see how [Music] spectacular spectacular creamy now let’s let it dry a little more I’ll add a little

Pepper while the soup cools down We’re going to cut the baguette we’ll cut pieces of 1 cm 1 cm and half, even 2, let’s toast them in the oven, put them at 160° for about ten minutes. Meanwhile, while the bread is toasting, let’s go and grate our

Gruyere. So let’s take the grater here, put it on this side here and let’s go and grate, let’s go now to compose the dish. So let’s put a little bit of cheese on the bottom and add the soup. Look at the cream that has come out. Now I’ll show you well

. Look at how creamy it is, really compact. Then let’s put on the slices of bread. Here we go, let’s close it well. all the spaces and we’re going to cover it completely with the cheese [Music] we’re going to the oven 180 200° Grill function for 10-12 minutes or in

Any case until everything is gratinated also in this case spoon we’ve arrived at the tasting test I’m going Let’s see inside with the spoon. I’m going to get a piece of bread with all of it. Look at the creaminess this soup has. Look at how beautiful it is. Attention.

Before we cause some disaster Look at the whole part here the cheese the creaminess of the spectacular onion let’s now see if it’s good or very good I’ll put myself here in favor of the room and let’s go mm it’s very good M Oh my goodness Look at the onion Look how

It’s still hot but look at how spectacularly creamy this is, it should be eaten with bread and the gruyere, everything is steaming but I eat it MM Mamma mia. The only negative note here which ends immediately is nothing but a story. So

Let’s try to give an objective description. So the soup is very good. onion transforms completely, it becomes this incredible creaminess, then accompanied with the flavor of the Gruyère and the baguette which, however, of the bread that takes it also reabsorbs the flavors and excess liquids of the onion, it truly becomes an

Incredible dish. However, there is say that the time I took to sauté the onion with the butter and it took more than 20 minutes eh We reached 40 minutes so you have to count 40 minutes to sauté about 1,750 minutes of onion. After that it took another 35/40 minutes

Cooking time with chicken broth. Let’s say that in the end it is a dish that with cooking times is around 75-80 minutes, so it’s not very quick. But the result is something extraordinary and then obviously you can keep it. So it’s not that you

Have to get it all out if you can, it’s really a recipe that warms our hearts in these cold days, I invite you to try it, make it like this and make some variations. Of course, with French products it has a particular flavour, but honestly, if we go to put another

Type of cheese or another type of bread or another type of onion the result will certainly not be the same in terms of sweetness But it will certainly be extraordinary what is clear is that if

We go and put the Giarratana onion or the bread from Altamura Oh ok At the end of the French there is nothing left here I hope you really liked this recipe and you wanted to try it and have it tasted If so As always I invite you to subscribe to my

Channel which is very important to me and leave a like which is equally fundamental, all you really have to do is decide which playlist to include it in if that among the classic 6 according to the side dishes,

I’m honestly confused. In fact, if you have any ideas, let me know and write them in the comments. As always, I greet you. Thank you. I’ll meet you at next video recipe and Hello everyone From the crapapelada Hello beautiful joys [Music] Hello my goodness, it’s just

Not knowing which playlist to put it in, I’ll put this one directly in my belly

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