Kinder Stuffed Pancakes! Recipe tutorial #Shorts

How to make Kinder Stuffed Pancakes!

Hey guys, I’m Eloise! I make simple recipe tutorials across my social media

My main YouTube Channel is: @Fitwaffle

Check out this simple how to make Kinder Stuffed Pancakes! Super simple stuffed pancakes topped with a little Nutella! Great for fans of Kinder Chocolate!

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#shorts #tutorial #baking #pancakes #recipe

Here’s how to make mini kinder stuffed pancakes you can use an american shopboard pancake mix or follow the one on screen this one makes about 25 pancakes scoop a tablespoon of the batter onto a saucepan then press a chunk of kinder chocolate into the middle scoop a tiny bit of the

Batter on top to cover the chocolate then flip it over and cook until golden drizzle with nutella and icing sugar if you wish and serve these were absolutely delicious enjoy


  1. These look delicious but I don't think we have kinder chocolate in the U.S (maybe we do now though?) haven't been shopping in a while. If we do I'll totally make these tho

  2. Made them today in medium portions and my siblings loved it ! I put nutella spread on top just a little with sprinkles and it came out perfect

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