I don’t buy Pizza Crust anymore! With no yeast, no rise time this Pizza Crust is so easy. This is why I don’t buy Pizza Crust anymore. Such a Quick recipe. Store bought pizza crust can be delicious, but something I eat a lot of I’d rather make it so I can avoid all the preservatives and extra ingredients. This pizza is done in 20 minutes!

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Chef Happy Mail:
Chef Pam
P.O. Box 561882
Charlotte, NC 28213

Easy Pizza Crust Ingredients
1 2/3 cups bread flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon Pam’s All-Purpose Prep Seasoning or seasoning of your choice
3 teaspoons Olive oil plus more for around the edge
3/4 cup cold water

Doesn’t this look amazing it’s my taste test delicious welcome back to cooking it Pam’s place we are getting ready to make the most amazing pizza with our own homemade pizza dough the pizza dough has no yeast none no rise time so this is going to cook quick and it’s going to be

Really easy first thing you need need to do is get your oven hot because we’re not using any yeast our Rising agent is going to be baking powder and you’re going to need to get it in the oven quick and in a hot oven I actually have my oven preheating at

480° F if your oven does not go that high take it as high as you can get it 450 425 even if that’s 350 take it as high as your oven will go but I am preheating my oven it’s been preheating for a while you want to get that oven

Good and hot so you don’t want to preheat it you don’t want to make your pizza pie and then preheat your oven preheat it let it sit let it get hot before we get started there are two ways you can do this but if you are new to the channel welcome welcome welcome

Thank you so much for coming and hanging out with me here in my kitchen today I really do appreciate each and every one of you for my returning subscribers thank thank you so much and for my channel members thank you so much for your loyal faithful support okay two

Ways you can do this if you have a food processor you can get this pizza dough made in the food processor if not you can do it by hand I’m going to grab my food processor but I’m going to also walk you through how to do it by hand as

I go along okay I have here some bread flour this is by far the best flour you could use for this pizza dough without yeast however if you don’t have bread flour you can use allpurpose flour we’re going to put about a cup and 2/3 into

Our food processor if you are not using a food processor take the same amount of flour and put it in a bowl we’re going to add all of our dry ingredients together pulse it in the food processor if you don’t have a food processor put all your dry ingredients in a bowl and

Whisk them together you pretty much want to measure it so I’m going to use a full one cup measuring cup and a two3 and a 1/3 measuring cup for the 2/3 so go ahead and get this in then if you are using your food processor you want to use your simple

Blade here this is the blade that you want to put in there so this is one cup going in now I’ll use my 1/3 measure for 1/3 and 2/3 now we’re going to add in our baking powder do this to your bowl if you’re using a bowl add your dry ingredients

This is 3 tpoon of baking powder we’re adding a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of sugar now this is not white sugar I am using organic cane juice so that’s what that is you can use sugar if you want I have not tried this

With honey and if you want to add any other flavorings in there this would be the time to do it I am going to use some of my allpurpose seasoning because it’s just going to give it just a nice little taste about a teaspoonful will do of whatever other other seasoning you may

Add in it you want to add this into your dry ingredients as well now we’re going to go ahead and pulse this two or three times just to make sure we incorporate all of our dry ingredients now we have 3/4 cup of water and I also have 3 tpoon of olive oil

We’re going to go ahead and pour that in here and let it pulse on low for maybe about 45 to to 45 seconds to a minute if you were doing this by hand make a whale in the center of your bowl pour your wet ingredients in and using a wooden spoon

Or a regular silicone spatula incorporate everything nice and gently and pour our water in here and you don’t have to take the top off you can pour it through the top I always take my top off though and the olive oil now we just want to pulse this until

It forms into a nice ball of dough on low okay so it’s pretty well Incorporated in here as you can see it all kind of gathered together into a dough I’m going to remove my food processor and I’ll be right back at this point sprinkle just a little bit of

Flour on your surface that you’re going to be working with we are going to knad this until it gets into a nice soft ball completely just pull this out of here get all oh my goodness it smells so amazing from those seasonings I added in

Here oh my goodness so you just want to incorporate this little extra flour a little bit and just knead it pull it you want it to come into a nice soft dough from here we’ll be rolling it out now the pan that I am using is a 16in

Pie pan um you can use various sizes just depends if you have a smaller one just don’t roll your dough out as much you want it to form into a nice ball on all sides so stretch it out pull it out so you can get that inside see

How that inside still looks crumbly you want the whole thing to be smooth so I’m going to go ahead and finish kneading this and we’ll be right back okay once you’re finished it should be nice and smooth like that it will not be as completely smooth as if you were

Using yeast well because we’re not using yeast so put a little bit more flour in there and I poured way too much so just scoot some of that to the side now you’re going to need to roll this out a little aggressively because it’s going to want to naturally bounce

Back and you’re going to have to keep it going outwards so just roll it in all directions you can flip it over and roll it again that way just keep rolling it until you get it into the size that you want shouldn’t take but a few minutes

But you want to keep working because you want to get this into the oven at worst case scenario about 20 minutes once you start after you have your dough you want to get it in the oven so that it can keep its Rising activation going on think I’m a jig

It yeah you want it to still be able to rise so I’m going to finish rolling this out and we’ll be back before I go as you can see it’s starting to stay it’s not bouncing back it’s starting to relax at this point okay so this is the

Pizza tray that I’m using if you can use one that has holes in it like this that will be best because what that helps is the air circulation going in it to help crisp it up okay so now we’re going to put it on here I’m just going to fold

This in half it is rested I let it sit for maybe about 2 minutes after I finished just so that it can relax a little bit let’s put it on here what you do not want to do is pinch your edges trying to make a nice big fluffy crust

On the edges of it don’t do that let it this dough rise up on itself don’t pinch the edges leave them alone and I actually roll this out pretty good because it’s fitting the entire pan which is a good thing all the way over just put it if it

Overlaps to the edges that’s fine also too because we are cooking this at a very very high heat make sure you leave your cheese in the refrigerator until the very last second before you put it on there because as it melts it’s going to turn brown a little

Bit faster than your normal Pizza would because of the high heat in the oven as far as toppings go everything is fair game use any toppings that you want I will go over mine but right now you want to take some more olive oil or whatever

Kind of oil you have and you want to take some and put it around the edges making a nice Rim this is the part that you’re going to leave uncovered no toppings on it and this will rise and form your crust putting this oil on it

Because it’s not a yeast dough is going to help it brown BR some and as you can probably see my dough is not completely white that’s because of one I’m using the bread flour but too because I added some of my seasoning my allpurpose seasoning in

Here and it smells amazing because of it as well so just go around your edges just like this not too much just nice little border make a nice little border around here okay also too when you’re making pizzas when it comes to the sauce more is not always the best actually less is

Better so we just want to put some in here and swirl it Around sometimes we think we need a ton of sauce all over the pizza no you Don’t take it to the Border but don’t put it on the Border from here add the toppings that you would like now I’m going to take a second here and I’m going to go and grab my cheese okay now that we have our pizza dough all made I actually had my cheese in the freezer after it was nice and

Shredded while I was actually making the dough I like to layer mine on the bottom and the top you can actually layer your pizza I know some people like the cheese on the top some people like to put it on first you can put your cheese on and

Your toppings however you would like to do it okay again more is not always best I also have then this is not pepperoni this is actually some beef sausage that I cut thin again use the toppings that you guys like want a pineapple pizza have at it make it your pizza from Here Hey I am baking this in a 480° oven for about 10 minutes and we’ll be back Oo we are all done take a look take a look oh my goodness woo this is hot but I want you all to see it up close and I’m going to bring you up even

Closer but oh my goodness doesn’t this look amazing oh my goodness woo and it smells so delicious M we’re going to have to do a taste test and I’m going to bring you all up closer but I want to say right quickly if you don’t have my all purpose

Seasoning go to shop cooking at pams.com this is amazing if you could smell the flavors you can put this on anything no sugar added to it and just a hint of salt and I promise you it is not salty Okay again if you are new to the Channel welcome welcome welcome thank you so much for coming and hanging out with me today here in my kitchen I really do appreciate each and every one of you all I hope this is cool enough for me to cut

If you are returning thank you and channel members thank you oh my goodness let me take it off of this should be cool enough I can sit it on my counter now oo I wish you guys could smell this oh my Goodness ooh delicious delicious and as most of you all know I cannot bite on the front of my teeth so I’m going to cut me a little piece off so I can do a taste test yes it’s my taste test m M M M de delicious the sauce the sausage the

Peppers the onions the flavor of the dough wasn’t that quick and easy you guys can have pizza on the table in under 30 minutes you know I got to go ahead and eat now and I will see you all next time the good Lord willing and the czy don’t rise bye-bye


  1. Maam, it's a nice looking pizza but if I can throw some input without insulting you. For one thing, get some sourdough starter. Pizza dough needs fermentation and adding starter can give it that without you needing to put it in the fridge for 12 hours. Pizza without fermentation is not great pizza. Second, you shouldn't roll it out. You should stretch it. You don't have a crust because you roll it flat, essentially turning your crust to cardboard. It should be fluffy but with a chew. Last, cook it for a bit longer or on higher heat which is better. 475 for around 10 minutes or until you see some of the peaks start to darken to black. You need the charring for good pizza. One more thing too, use molasses for your rising agent. It'll darken the dough a bit which will help with help with that pretty tasty charring.

  2. Hint from an old pizza 🍕 maker: Always put your ingredients to the outside of the pizza.🍕 Ingredients bake from outside to the center.
    If you've had a problem with all the yummy stuff falling off the tip of your pizza 🍕 when you pick it up to eat, it's because the pizza 🍕 maker failed to place ingredients to the outside of the pizza 🍕.

  3. "…want pineapple pizza, have at it" ❤
    You're so damned cute!! I love you 😘 I can't WAIT to make me some pizza

  4. I'm 70 years old but would like to discuss whether Pam might adopt me so I can eat at her house💛💚💙

  5. Looks yummy, ill try it this week….however it may end up rectangular since i dont currently own a round pan like that. God bless!

  6. My little one really enjoyed this and insisted that I make another. I never knew my oven could get to 545°. Thank you for such an economical and quick pizza recipe Miss Pam.

  7. I learned alot from your Collard Greens video. And I adapted my grandma's pie dough recipe to work with food processor. So I thought I would give your Pizza Dough a try. I tried twice, but Pam honey child I will be ordering from Domino's from now on…. But you are so great I can't thumbs down your video……….

  8. Pam thanks for sharing your recipe. I want to try this with my new Nutrimill Harvest grain mill and use freshly milled flour. I made whole wheat pizza crust once, using super finely milled flour. It was sooo tasty, light and amazing. I bought a little kitchen grain mill for Christmas and am having a ball using freshly ground grains in my cooking. Pam it's so fun and rewarding!

  9. I just don’t know what to say anymore …ma’am I need a room bed and a shower cause I’m never leaving Grandma house again if she cooking like this 😂😂😂😂

  10. Thank you for sharing! Can't wait to try your recipe for Pizza … the crust looks amazing! Beautiful pizza!!! All the best to you.

  11. Just tried this recipe. Easy to make. Used my kitchen aid to whisk dry ingredients to make sure it was well mixed then used dough hook to knead before dumping on my counter to knead further then roll out . Nice and crispy when done .

  12. Hi Pam. Well watching this it is time to make a pizza, I like the way you went about it great job. I also use King Arthur flour most all the time, I will try this Thank you !

  13. FANTASTIC, Pam!
    My sister sent me this as we watch your vids together over the phone 😅
    Love you, Pam ❤
    Thank you 🥰

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