Let us make this very tasty and delicious vegetable fried rice you’re going to want to try this in my pot I’m going to add a bit of butter and some oil I’ll layer it up for a bit before adding my onions I’ll saute for a few

Minutes now I’m going to add some ginger and garlic a bit of carrots I’m also going to add a bit of runner beans now I’m going to stir this to combine I love to cook for a few minutes before adding my green peas and my sweet corn look at

All this color you guys I’m just going to stir that before adding my spices and Seasonings on screen I’ll give that another stir now I’m going to add my chicken seasoning and my bell pepper now I’m going to stir and combine thoroughly before adding my chili sauce and my rice

I’m using basmati rice for this recipe and I recommend you do the same it’s just perfect after that I’m going to add some dark soy sauce and some light soy sauce you can use any of them or both of them that’s fine I’m also going to add a

Bit of spring onions give that a quick stir add my shrimp and our vegetable fried rice is ready


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