Potatoes growing in small container, potato harvest. Growing in dishpan a vegetable garden.

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THIS IS THE Hummingbird feeders I use here, same as Walmart brand by First Nature:

SECRET on How to Attract Hummingbirds TIPS on Hummingbird Feeder, Water Fountain, LOVED DIY Recipe

A Real Potato Harvest Don’t Be Fooled, A $3 Vegetable Garden in Small Space Container Gardening


NOW You Will Know Which Food Products to Buy😉for Crafts, Container Gardening, House Plant, Birdbath

Cool so today I’m going to do a potato harvest in this video that’s what you’re going to see and I just finished it and they’re absolutely gorgeous but there’s a couple things I want to talk about about us as gardeners We’re No Nonsense we’re going to tell you like it is if

Something doesn’t make it it doesn’t make it if something has to be planted a certain way we’re going to tell you I’m going to try to make things so economical that anybody can garden and I love these dish pans this is going to be a big thing for you I’ve been using them

For years I found them I looked at them I analyzed them and let me tell you something a bucket is 5 gallons these dish pans are 4 and A2 so if you fill them almost to the top and plantin them it’s just as good as a bucket and these

Are easier to handle I’ve been harvesting lettuce I had in here potatoes and when I pulled the potatoes out I had some lettuce in there growing and then I didn’t keep up with the watering so they bolted that’s okay it’s going to be compost because it’s covered

So there’s no pollinators on there so there won’t be any seeds but this has been my Romain lettuce my bok choy and even some chamomile growing in there I want you to watch a potato video I’ll try to shorten it for you because again I want you to know no nonsense what is

Real in potato harvesting and what is not because there’s so much out there that is fake and then some of you come to me and say wait a minute I signed a potato and I only got a few of them well if you’re going to use Nature’s fertilizer which I do and you’re

Planting whatever potato you had that’s probably right you’ll see what is on these potatoes that are not on a lot of potatoes that you watch people harvest and that is the key Point watch this Harvest and look very good at this analyze what I’m doing look at the

Potatoes and I think you’re going to go oh my gosh I’ve been doing just fine everything else has been fake and I think you’ll now pat yourself on the back and say I’ve been doing great because I’ve been doing real let’s go look at the potatoes and then I have one

More thing to say about these wonderful dish pants all right let’s start pulling them out and see what we’ve got in here see oh there we go beautiful three nice small ones I had a container here just put them there look at that have you ever watched

A video where somebody dumps out all their potatoes and they’ve got like wow 30 potatoes but you do you ever notice that they’re not attached to anything thing and there’s no roots think about that um I’m actually going to going to break it off I’m going to leave them

Together because that’s how they grow and then I’ll decide later well not which ones I’m going to grow back I actually know what I’m going to grow back but I’ll see look at this potatoes that you are growing and this is a little dish pan and these were just a couple little

Potatoes real potatoes when somebody’s harvesting should look like that okay they should come out of the roots now not all of them are going to be on the roots that is true not not all of them but they will be now there’ll be a few probably around here where they died

Back but see the roots oh no see it’s still on the plant educate yourself on that so before you worry I want to get a container what you are doing wrong you may not be what may be wrong is who you’re watching so keep that in mind you saw the potatoes come out

Plants and all I just don’t want to keep throwing them in here because I’m going to lose the little ones and I’m going to have potatoes growing in here put that down here now I’m not sure if there were any more plants but I want to dump this anyways and start

Fresh that would be nice if I would have brought a shovel with me there’s probably a few more when you’re growing potatoes the potatoes are a plant and keep in mind they’re going to have roots or be attached to Roots because they were a plant when you see

Some of these I’m going to call them not all of them but some of them are faceless videos they call that’s what YouTube calls them I heard faceless videos that means you really don’t see who is doing it and they’re bringing out all these potatoes and you’re thinking oh my gosh

I never get that many what’s going on because neither do they it’s a myth it’s a video it’s fake it’s a magic show it’s not real is what it is no there’s no more but there’s a lot of earthworms in here so what I’m going to do I should have done it better

Than this is um I’m going to refresh this and I’ve got a few potatoes I’m checking the bottom I had loaded the bottom with a bunch of wooden stuff I’m just trying to see if it’s too wet but you know the potatoes did really good for a couple

Teeny potatoes I threw in here and I’ve got a meal this is still one meal for tonight yeah I’m going to get some leaves make sure it is draining good where’s the holes where is the holes okay the holes are on that side yeah it’s draining good I think I’ll change

This up a little bit and get some more potatoes growing in here right away cuz I have some more that have been sitting in the house but that’s what I really I didn’t even know it was going to be that way it was perfect to show you exactly

What potatoes look like when they grow but like I said if you wait too long yes I’m putting some leaves in here on the bottom absolutely they may not be attached sometimes it’s yellow and I’m going to get some tree colored leaves this will feed my earthworms and then I’m going to cover

The new potatoes I’m going to put in here and then I’m going to take the other ones in and later on tonight I’m going to wash these up and I’m going to make one meal out of them I should see if I’ve got an onion do fried potatoes I’m thinking a potato

Salad I don’t know these might be small cuz they’re growing back now I don’t see any decent ones if I see a decent onion I’ll grab an onion instead let me get some tree color he I’m back okay if you got enough stuff in here your earthworms are going to not

Nothing’s going to bother your potatoes the earthworms are going to just gravitate feet on this the potatoes are going to send their Roots down and then everybody’s going to be happy now this is a little Mucky but you know when I say look how wet it is and don’t worry

If it’s got you know powder mildew or anything that’s not going to matter powdering mildew needs nice fresh plants to grow on I’m moving things over they’re not going to be able to grow on this anymore what I think I’m going to do is add some more Leaf matter that I

Collected and that will help help it where it won’t be so water locked I don’t want it that water it’s a little too water loog because we’ve been having rain and stuff but this this is really good kind of throw some soil around as you do it this way it helps

The earthworms that are in there move around oh they’re going to be so happy tonight we get a meal the earthworms get a meal I don’t need I can leave sticks and twigs in here I’m going to go with more leaves all right so now what I’m planting back in

Here is this this is purple potatoes and I had them in the house look how they’re growing and I’m going to put two of them in here we’ll just put them in like this see I want to put this back in here so you know what I’ll put one

Here it’s going to be so happy oh we have water now we actually have soil compost water we’re not in a bucket sitting on the kitchen floor no you’re not not anymore and I’m going to label it we’re all labeling this year keep that in mind I

Don’t I I’m not telling you what to do but I’m telling you on that you label everything cuz you will forget matter matter how hard you want to remember you start planting a lot of stuff and you’re going to sit back and go what did I put

In there I don’t remember well now you’ll know you know what I had some salt from something else I actually put some of this in here this just came out as something else I was working with some more leaves on top I really need to do something with the other soil

It came out because it’s so full of earthworms look at that okay so you just saw the potato Harvest that’s a real potato Harvest with just a couple potatoes I put in there and that’s fantastic and is one meal now let me get back to this cuz

This is important these are Sterly dish pans and they are vantastic I’ve been using them for years you can go back and see how long I’ve been using them for and how I love them I have never had one crack or break or get weathered they’re a real good plastic they’re BPA free

They’re the best plastic you can get now I I’m not worried that much about Plastics on them as long as they’re I told you not a three they can be a one two four five they’re okay but these are really good and strong that’s what I really like about them and they weather

Good inside and out and they have a lot of uses you’re going to see a lot of uses this year the only catch with them is not all Walmarts carry them and you can probably find them in a lot of other places as well but Walmart’s got some

Deal going with sterlite and I have spoken to them on the phone before you may only be able to get them either as a pickup from Walmart or as a shipping so you can order them to ship now I have an account with Walmart a lot of people do

You pay like $110 a year and they deliver your groceries and I don’t have to go into the store and I can get anything I want at any time with that they’ll bring one one of these dish pans to me to the house now if you don’t have an account

I think the shipping could be different in some places I had somebody look it up for me and somebody said it was $9 if they bought two but it was $7 if they bought four but if you can bring your order up to $35 which is very similar to

Amazon I believe that for most people not all that’s why you’ll have to check it when it’s in your cart can get free shipping and believe you me all you need to buy is 13 of them and they stack we’re like I said we’ll get more as we

Go I don’t want to make this video too long these things stack so when it comes winter if you want to dump the soil somewhere and start over or put it somewhere else you could stack everything you can stack them a 100 high and we’ve got close to that many now

Because Gary want to make sure he’s not going to lose them you know go in they out of stock because he’s got all kinds of ideas in his garden now that he’s going with these I love my totes I grow in buckets you know that I grow in food

Containers but this thing is so uniform when you put them out like this and you’re going to see how I’m going to set set this up and they grow so much you can grow everything in here I have grown zucchini not just lettuce and bokchoy and not just garlic and different types

Of brasas and celery and all kinds of carrots they’re growing and radishes they grown and tomatoes I’ve grown like I said zucchini big zucchini in here you can grow anything and it’s just wonderful and you have to make holes but you make the holes where you want them you want them

To drain out this way make the holes that way you want to go that way make the holes that way you want to make a whole bunch of holes on the bottom you do it the way you want but the big thing is if you go into Walmart and they don’t

Have them or they’re more than $3 look online because I have found that they really like the ship I think they’ve got a deal going possibly with sterlite where sterlite may be doing the actual shipping that’s why you have to go to Walmart you look up this I’m

Actually going to put a link straight to Walmart these this is exactly what I buy from I go on there and I buy 10 I buy Six I buy four and this is the same exact link and the same exact price I pay so you’ll see the little box it

Won’t be underneath my description this time this time it’s going to be one of the links that YouTube put in but they’re allowing me to attach it and you’ll be able to look at that so I hope I’ve given you some ideas on a lot of small space gardeners you know they need

Something small and reliable this is it you can cover it with tool you can make different tops for it which you’ve seen and we’re going to get more into that or you can just leave it open and they’re easy to pick up and tip if you need to

Where a lot of these other things you cannot raise beds they’re out of control sometimes and they’re too hard to fill and a big raised bed can cost you no joke $2 $300 to fill this can cost you nothing because you go around well you watch the potato you saw the potato when

I collect leaves and stuff it works perfect have any questions ask me if I don’t answer you know right away what I usually do is put it in a video so I hope I and this is one of them cuz someone said hey hey I went down to

Walmart they wouldn’t let me buy it for the same price they were angry I had to go home and order it and then do a pickup okay for that price they’ve got some deal going and that’s Walmart’s deal so you order it and you go pick it

Up there as long as you get it for the good price of about $3 it’s actually $284 and it’s been that way for years and now that I’m talking about they’ll probably raise it but the point is these have been great so I hope I gave you

Some tips and tricks and why don’t you like And subscribe if you haven’t we would love to have you join our family so with that have a wonderful day and don’t forget to eat what you grow and I know it’s not much but you know what one meal

I wouldn’t waste my time if you have a tiny garden I would then go with lettuce and buck toy and whatever else you want to grow carrots and different things but I get a kick out of growing my own potatoes and then I put them right back

In a couple months I have more have a great day bye-bye


  1. Just ordered six from your link! What a bargain. They will be delivered in three days! Thank you, Robbie! Another great idea!!

  2. I think I’d like them more than the totes. I could grow enough for 2, use a lot less soil, plus easier to move around and less overwhelming… now to find out if they have them in Australia. We have Kmart here.. similar I’m thinking

  3. I have noticed some channels with huge potato harvests. They always seemed a bit too perfect to have just been harvested. Thank you for sharing the truth about this.

  4. I grow my sprouted store bought potatos in 5 gallon buckets. BUT… i start them in 3 inches of soil. When the plant breaks the surface, i bury it with just enough to cover it. This is called "hilling". I procede until the bucket is filled. Potatoes will shoot lateral roots up the stem. The bottom ones will be bigger, smaller ones towards the top. To harvest them, i just flip the bucket over in a cement mixing bin and use my hands to find them. That $6 cement bin is great for keeping your soil from going everywhere. Potatoes are sooooo forgiving. I found a couple of healthy plants pop up amongst my greenbean plants. I must have missed a couple of those tiny ones. Here in California…potatoes will grow all year too.

  5. There is some one who is copying u. I seen ur cup ideal on there page. U r the better person u did it first. Thk u

  6. Tons of thanks for being so truthful. I haven't grown potatoes yet, but was planning to and had been binging on how to videos just a couple of months ago. In all those videos, people were getting at least 2 pounds from 1 potato. What they deemed mediocre harvest was easily double to triple what you showed us. I would have been so disappointed with my first potatoes without your guidance.

  7. Silly ?..but those little fellas you harvest can go right from dirt to dinner? You don't have to " cure" em?. Is that true for sweet pototoes?. Is cureing just for long term storage and as far as sweet potoes..they get sweeter if cured? . I know multiple ????. Just don't have room or space and think it's pretty cool to try if you can eat right after plucking from those containers.
    Thank you abd always great info.

  8. You make me smile you’re digging around in the soil and you’re talking about the Earth worms and how they’re gonna be happy and they’re gonna be eating and you guys are gonna be eating you just make me happy to watch what you’re doing for the earth worms for the food for you guys it’s just really nice to watch your channel.

  9. On my recent order, I kept adding more to the order to get free delivery. The total never changed, so I just got 6. When they came, the next day, they did not charge shipping. So maybe because it was local? I don't know, but I sure am glad I finally found these. I got black but would love different colors. I love totes and do grow in them, but they are so heavy, and I wanted something table sized (smaller). Thanks again! Oh, and I had to laugh about the fake tater videos. 😀

  10. An employee told me sometimes the item is not in the store & they need to go to their local warehouse to bring the item back for pick-up. The warehouse is fairly close to the store, but they have to have enough things before making the trip.

  11. Robbie – can you grow ginger in these dishpans or are they not tall enough? I’ve noticed that your ginger still seems to be in buckets.

  12. Thanks for the tips sbout the bins amd buying through Walmart. Its such a different world these days.

    I was rather shocked by what you stated regarding other channels on YouTube though, and found your statement of there being "so much" out there that is fake rather careless. Its not that I dont agree in part mind you. As a long time gardener, who grew up harvesting large beautiful potato harvests like the ones you described and called fake it hit me sideways when you said thats a lie. We got lovely large harvests in Idaho and in NW Oregon. As a content creator whose main interest is gardening, I very often see gardeners on here who are getting similar harvests honestly! I have so enjoyed your. Intent, and gotten great tips, and have been following your channel because of the content you provide and your obvious desire to see others succeed in whicjevet situstion they are, but that was not the case today sadly. Case in point, potatoes often snap off and fall away from the rest when being dug, especially larger varieties, and if grown in heavier soil they can do it more frequently for instance. It would be far more helpful tp give several clear examples instead of like you did. I dont normally am not bothered by what people say, but this felt like the reasoning was weak at best. Its how you said what you said.
    Gardening is science and an art, not everyone can or will do it the same way, or have the same results. I am at this point more interested in who you found to be lying, and what evidence brought you to that conclusion. I only hope how you presented your judgement of others content wont discourage people from watching honest content creators.

  13. Love your videos and you! I always knew you were honest about everything. Never doubted anything you said or showed us. Thank you for twlling us about the potato harvest.

  14. Morning Robbie what is the size of your dish pan that you are growing in. I am still enjoying your videos. Anthony from South Africa Western Cape

  15. That amount of potatoes would be perfect for me. I have 3 more dishpans in my cart & yep it’s $2.84 each and free shipping since I have other items totaling a little over $35. Thanks for yet another great growing tip & thanks for keeping things budget friendly!

  16. Now I’m worried. NONE of my potatoes were attached to a root. They were all just single potatoes. Maybe because I left them in the ground so long after the leaves were gone? I don’t have a clue. No earthworms, either. 🤔

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