An instant classic known for its rich, smooth, and velvety texture, this Creme Caramel is truly one of my favourite recipes to make💁🏻‍♂️🫶🏻 Made with a few kitchen staples, this custard recipe is a fool-proof way to satisfy your dessert cravings 🥰

✨1/2 cup sugar
✨2 tbsp water
✨2 eggs
✨1/3 cup milk
✨1/2 cup cream
✨1/3 cup condensed milk
✨1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1. Add sugar and water in a pan and heat on medium-low without stirring till a nice amber coloured caramel is achieved.
2. ⁠Carefully pour the caramel into a 700ml oval dish. Swirl it around to cover all the corners.
3. ⁠While the caramel cools, combine eggs, milk, cream, condensed milk and vanilla extract in a bowl and whisk well to combine everything.
4. Strain this mixture over the cooled caramel using a sieve. This will ensure that there are no air bubbles in the custard and it is smooth all around.
5. ⁠To steam the creme caramel, place a large pan/ cooker on medium-low heat and place a small stand in the centre. Cover the dish with foil paper and carefully place on top of the stand.
6. Add water upto 1 inch in the cooker and close the lid. Make sure there is space for steam to pass out.
7. ⁠Cook this on medium low heat for 30-35 min or till it sets.
8. Once cooked, carefully take it out and place a serving dish over it. Invert the dish to demould and chill before serving.

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This has to be one of my most favorite desserts super delicious and creamy let’s make creme caramel add sugar into a pan along with some water and cook this until the sugar melts and caramelizes like this transfer this into a heat proof dish and set this aside for

The filling combined two eggs along with some milk half a cup of fresh cream some condensed milk and vanilla extract give this a good mix and now SE and transfer this filling onto the caramel Le this looks good I’m now going to add some water into a cooker place a stand in and

Then steam this for about 30 to 35 minutes and demold it while it’s still warm this is so good


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