Quickly create a creamy leek sauce using only 7 ingredients in under 10 minutes that will have everyone saying WOW. In this step-by-step tutorial, I’ll unveil the secrets to crafting a mouthwatering creamy leek sauce that will take your dishes to a whole new level of deliciousness. Whether you’re looking to transform your chicken, pasta, or salmon recipes, this homemade leek sauce recipe has got you covered. You can even throw on toasts or puff pastry. Discover the art of creating this quick and delectable sauce – but keep ‘how easy it is to make’ a closely guarded secret! Join me as I demystify the process, ensuring that you can effortlessly impress your taste buds and those lucky enough to savor your creations. Keep this secret sauce recipe in your culinary arsenal and amaze your friends and family with your culinary prowess.

Create that wow factor with a creamy leek sauce. By the way, don’t let anybody know how easy it is to make. The prep work’s a snap. Grab one leek, slice it and wash it. Make sure to get rid of all of that dirt and sand between the leaves.

For this recipe, use the center section of the leek that’s light green and slightly white. Julienne the leek. Translation cut it into strips. That takes care of the prep work. Now the fun begins. Time to make that sauce. To a skillet or

A saute pan over a medium to low heat add butter. Melt it down. Drop in the leeks. Give them a 360. Coat them with butter. Cook until tender, roughly about two minutes. Add chicken stock, reduce by 3/4 then add the cream. Don’t be scared of the cream.

I don’t know why everybody’s scared of cream. Why you got to be so scared? Add some weeds, Chervil. Throw in some salt. Drop in some pepe. White pepe. But if you don’t have it, that’s okay. Use black. I won’t tell anybody. Mix it. And if you’d like to give this a shot and

Make it, I’ll put links to the full video recipe and the written recipe in the comments section. Reduce for a couple of minutes until it coats the back of the spoon. And BAM! You’re done. That’s fast!


  1. I saved the full written recipe to my "files" as I plan on using this lovely sauce during the holiday cooking sessions. Thanks for sharing 👍🏼

  2. You’re so funny! I love watching your videos….. and I am now only slightly afraid of cream after watching your recipes. 😊

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