Original italienische Bruschetta mit Tomate & Basilikum

Tatsächlich besteht die einfachste Bruschetta nur aus Weißbrot, Knoblauch und Olivenöl. Üblicherweise bekommt ihr im Restaurant aber diese Variante mit Tomaten und Basilikum serviert. Bruschetta ist ein einfacher und leckerer italienischer “Appetizer” der als Vorspeise gereicht wird und in vielfältigen Variationen existiert. Ich zeige dir meine leckere Variante 🙂
Auch super geeignet für’s Party Buffet, z.B. zu Silvester 🙂

Rezept zum Nachkochen:
3-4 Rispen Tomaten
1 Hand voll Basilikum
1 Zwiebel (rot)
1 Knoblauchzehe
Salz, Pfeffer

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Aaron Kenny – Seaside Piazza
Brian Bolger – Floating Home

#einfachgutkochenmitmichael #bruschetta #easyrecipe #appetizer #party #rezept #recipe #asmrsounds

Hello friends, today we are preparing this Italian delicacy. Here we go 😊 First we cut the baguette into small pieces. You can also use another bread. Take what you like! 😊 Halve the garlic clove and rub the baguette pieces with it.

Drizzle the baguette with a little olive oil and then roast it in the oven at 200°C for a few minutes until it is crispy. Cut the tomato into small boats and remove the green parts.

Remove the seeds from the tomato. We don’t need these. They would just water everything down. Remove the seeds, for example with a fillet cut. Now cut the tomato pieces into fine cubes.

The onion is also cut into cubes. If you can’t tolerate raw onions or just don’t like them, you can of course leave them out 😉 Pluck a few leaves from the basil and set them aside to garnish for later. Chop the basil finely.

If you like extra garlic like I do, cut the garlic into fine cubes. Otherwise you can leave it out. 😉 Put all the ingredients in a bowl… tomatoes, onions, garlic, basil. Add some olive oil and season with a little salt and pepper. Now mix everything well.

Now you can top your baguettes. Looks good, right? 😊 Of course the best comes last…try it 🙂 Enjoy your meal


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