Dieses Rezept für Hühnerbeine hat sich in meiner Familie zu einem Favoriten entwickelt. Es ist sehr einfach, braucht nur wenige Zutaten und ist sehr lecker. Wenn Sie schnell Hähnchenkeulen zubereiten wollen, sollten Sie dieses Rezept ausprobieren. Mit Liebe kochen! Kochen Sie mit Vergnügen!

Zutaten und Zubereitung:
4 Hühnerbeine
3 Esslöffel Sojasauce
4 Knoblauchzehen
Schwarzer Pfeffer
½ Teelöffel brauner Zucker (optional)
Schwarzer Pfeffer
Schale ½ Zitrone
3-4 Esslöffel Zitronensaft
20 Minuten marinieren lassen
20 g Butter

350 g Champignons
1-2 Esslöffel Speiseöl
1 Knoblauchzehe
Rote Zwiebel
150 g eingelegte Gurken
3 Eier
4 Esslöffel gekochte Bohnen
3 Esslöffel Olivenöl
2 Esslöffel Mayonnaise
2 Teelöffel Apfelessig
½ Teelöffel getrocknete Petersilie
Schwarzer Pfeffer

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4 chicken legs. It is necessary to cut out the bone. It’s not very difficult, just follow me. Separate the bone from the meat and then cut the skin off the bone. Turn it over and cut off the backbone. This is how you get a piece of boneless chicken. 3 tablespoons soy sauce.

4 cloves of garlic. Black pepper. ½ teaspoon brown sugar (optional). Zest ½ lemon. 3-4 tablespoons lemon juice. Mix the marinade well with the meat. Let marinate for 20 minutes. When the meat is marinated, it’s time to fry it. Heat a pan with 2 tablespoons of cooking oil.

Fry the chicken over high heat for about 2 minutes. Do not fry the chicken legs all at once. This way they will be well browned. Transfer to a plate. Fry two more chicken legs. 20g butter. Place the meat in the pan and pour the pan juices over it.

Add the rest of the marinade. Make sure there is liquid between the chicken and the pan. Cover with a lid and cook until the sauce has thickened, about 20 minutes. 350g mushrooms. Heat a pan with 1-2 tablespoons of cooking oil. Fry the mushrooms over high heat. Salt. Thyme. 1 clove of garlic.

Fry for another 10 seconds and turn off. Allow to cool slightly. Red onion. 150g pickled cucumbers. 3 eggs. 4 tablespoons cooked beans. 3 tablespoons olive oil. 2 tablespoons mayonnaise. 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar. ½ teaspoon dried parsley. Black pepper. Salt. Dress the salad with this sauce. Back to the chicken legs.

Remove the lid and turn the chicken legs over. Cook the sauce until desired consistency. Delicious chicken legs are ready! Thanks for watching and have a nice day!


  1. А кап ремонт убрали из графы теперь опять появился 30 тыс ремонта нет содержание жилого дома улицы идвары не убираются сами метем и везде пени Кисловодск

  2. This is a better way to prepare chicken fillet at home: deboned by a person who is preparing food for their loved ones and spiced to the homey flavor loved by those who will be served with the food. This dish, though different than how we usually prepare filleted chicken, is a welcome one with the new spices – well, new to most of our family members – is a great way to venture into new culinary delights. Best bit of it, the chicken is not dry and the remnant juices in the pan can be used as gravy if needed or topped on rice. The mushrooms will be a beloved addition to our food repertoire, especially for my youngest sister who loves mushroom and grows her own.

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