Bring a little piece of New England to your kitchen with Jacques Pépin’s delicious crab cakes with red sauce recipe. We think you’ll be surprised at how simple this is. The spicy pink sauce on the side perfectly compliments the crispy and sumptuous crab cakes. Jacques recommends as a first course, but this dish could definitely become the star of the show.

What you’ll need:
2 slices of bread (or 3/4 cup bread crumbs), 8 oz of lump crab meat, 4 tbsp mayo, salt, 2 scallions, 2 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp butter. For the sauce: 1/3 cup mayo, 1 tsp horseradish, 2-3 tbsp V-8, hot sauce (to taste), lemon juice, chives

Jacques Pépin Cooking At Home: Crab Cakes with Red Sauce Recipe
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Jacques Pépin Cooking At Home features short recipe videos that transform readily-available ingredients into exciting new dishes, perfect for newly-anointed home cooks and seasoned chefs alike. Presented by the Jacques Pépin Foundation, an organization dedicated to enriching lives and strengthening communities through the power of culinary education.​​​

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– Hi! I’m Jacques Pepin, and I’m “Cooking at Home.” Crab cake. I wanna do crab cake, one of the glories of New England. I didn’t know crab cake when I came to this country. And I want to show you how to do it very simply. I have two little slices of bread here, and this is thin bread. We’ll do fresh breadcrumbs.

Fresh breadcrumbs is always better than the dry ones. That is, it’s not really better. It is only that With one little slice of bread like that, you do half a cup, three-quarters of a cup of breadcrumbs. If I were to do croutons with that and put the croutons in there, I would have two or three tablespoons of breadcrumbs. There, slice of bread.

As you can see here, my two slices of bread, I have over a cup of breadcrumbs, you know? Yeah, so I may not use all of it, but… So here I have eight ounces of lump crab, and those are very expensive lump crab, those large pieces like that, but it is the best.

They’re very, very good. With that, we’re gonna put one, two, three, four tablespoons of mayonnaise, a little dash of salt, and some scallions, Fine, thin. You can put another type of herb if you want. So here I have two large scallions, which is probably at least a quarter of a cup. So I am going to mix this in there with breadcrumbs. And that should do for crab cake. Well, so I put a little more breadcrumbs,

So that would be about three-quarters of a cup here. Okay, and then, of course, you can do that ahead, mold them and have ready whenever you’re ready to saute them. I will add a couple tablespoons of, just right there, olive oil, one at least, maybe a tablespoon of butter to go with it,

And I can start molding those. Let me see, one, two, three, three, four, okay. Of course, you can do larger ones. Or the first course, that would be more of a first course, yeah. And here, I’m gonna saute them like this. I could even put more breadcrumbs here, and I have some left.

You know, when you mold it like this, you could mold it and dip it in there. Okay. Remember that everything is basically cooked in there, so you just want to get them hot, nice, and crusty. Yes! I would lower the heat a little more. Of course, there is many variations.

You can put eggs in it, you can put all kinds of stuff. Then we’ll do a sauce with that. I would add about, eh, I would say a third of a cup of mayonnaise, a good teaspoon of horseradish in there. Two or or three tablespoons of V8,

Gives it color and a bit of spice. If I want it more spicy, I can even put a little bit of the hot sauce, a thimble, half a teaspoon, maybe. This will be cooked enough. I will stop it. Mix that in there. Good.

I think I’ll add a little bit of lemon juice to that, too, for acidity. A couple of tablespoons of chives, and that’s it. So I would probably, how would I say, serve that as a first course. When you spread out a sauce like that,

It’s always better to put it right in the center and spread it from the center out instead of often trying to come to do it on the side like this. Here we are. We’ve got this beautifully brown on both sides, as we can see. One, two, three, and four.

That piece is for the chef. Mmm! In the center of that, the sage is just coming out, so a bit of sage for decoration. And here it is, the crab cakes with a hot sauce as a first course. Bon appetit, and happy cooking!


  1. I look forward to every one of these, no matter what Jaques makes. Except anything with coconut. Which is vile.

  2. Thanks! I see chef is feeling free with calories today… Such amount of Mayonnaise for just the first course… I think egg-whites could serve as good binging agent for the cakes. Also – don't you usually chop the crabs at least coarsely, so to let this be more like a "cake" ?

    Anyway, it looks really really tasty.

  3. I'm from the Chesapeake Bay area , and we are very particular about our crabs and crab cakes…It's not Jack's fault that he's not from our area so I will give him a pass, but I still will give a critique…First of all that crabmeat is not American and I have doubts that it is even Blue Crab, more likely it's Asian mud crab…Second would be the overuse of filler..Third would be the sauce he had them swimming in…Otherwise they looked good.

  4. It is Friday afternoon and i am watching chef Pepin making crab cakes while enjoying eggs in poblano peppers made according to his recipe. I think i will make crepes later on.😂
    Thank you Mr Pepin and KQED. ❤

  5. Big fan, but was this episode sponsored by Hellman's? Any time I do a mayonnaise salad, I use 1/2 mayonnaise and half sour cream. There are also crab cake recipes that use Greek yogurt instead. For that sauce, my personal taste would be to skip the Sambal (which I do love) and use horseradish instead.

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