When you are craving something fancy to eat. This dish with spaghetti, tomato sauce and garlic is the perfect dish to make.
It is so simple and easy and in a matter of minutes you would be enjoying a great meal.

-tomato sauce
-garlic cloves
-bay leave
-olive oil

Kalis today we have one of my favorite dishes spaghetti tomato sauce with garlic very simple and easy dish to make now you’ll need spaghetti pepper water salt olive oil a bay leaf garlic and tomato sauce add a pot of water on the stove and when it starts to boil add two good

Pinches of salt the spaghetti package usually when I cook for two I use around 70% of the Spaghetti now put the spaghetti in the pot with the boiling water and start pushing it down slowly until all the spaghetti is covered in the water now every couple of minutes give it a good stir on the package it says 10 to 11 minutes of boiling time I usually

Leave it 14 to 15 minutes don’t forget to stir every couple of minutes or they will get stuck Together after you’re finished boiling the spaghetti strain them and put them to the side so we can start making the sauce now now you’ll need four garlic cloves crush them and chop them up into little pieces as small as you could get Them medium to high heat and add 4 to 5 tablespo of olive oil now add the chopped garlic as soon as you add the chopped garlic start stirring for around 30 seconds Non-Stop now it’s time for the tomato sauce 250 g of tomato sauce give it a little stir so the garlic and the tomato sauce blend Together half a cup of water water give it a little Stir one bay leaf two really good pinches of salt and two really good pinches of pepper give it a nice stir and let the sauce simmer for about 15 Minutes every minute or so give it a little Stir he if you see the sauce that it may need a bit more water Don’t Be Afraid add Some after 15 minutes of simmering the sauce it’s time to add the Spaghetti Start folding and mixing until the spaghetti is well coated keep mixing and folding until the spaghetti absorbs most of the Sauce and now it’s ready to serve And the grated Parmesan cheese goes great with this dish and as always kisas Ori

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