Servings: 2


1 bunch broccoli rabe (rapini)

3-4 cased sausage (combo of hot & sweet Italian sausage)

1 baguette or Italian loaf

Olive oil

4-5 garlic cloves; minced

Salt & pepper to taste

1/2 lemon

Crushed red pepper to taste

In a medium pot, bring water to a boil. Once water is boiling, salt vigorously. Add broccoli rabe to boiling water. Bring heat down to about medium, and cook B.R. for 2-3 minutes. You will continue to cook them in a skillet, so we just want to get them tender.

Coat a large skillet with olive oil and set heat to medium. Add garlic and cook until light golden brown. Using a spider or slotted spoon, add B.R. to skillet and cook for another 2 minutes. Stalks should be bite tender. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon over the broccoli rabe.

In a separate skillet/frying pan, add a small amount of olive oil (just a quarter size will do) and coat pan. Bring heat to medium. Add your cased sausage links whole (do not uncase them) and cook on every side until browned, about 2-3 minutes on each side. When the casing is browned, that side will be done.

Once your sausages are cooked, remove to a cutting board and slice your links length wise in half.

Remove your broccoli rabe to a cutting board and chop the greens into small, bite sized pieces. As the stalks and leaves are hearty, you want to be sure everything is bite sized in the sandwich.

Cut your bread in half length wise. Layer the bread first with your sliced sausage and then pile chopped broccoli rabe on top of that. Drizzle extra oil from your vegetable and sausage cooking pans on top of your broccoli and top half of bread if desired. Add your sandwich top.

Slice in half and serve!!!


Make sure you get yourself a nice loaf of Italian bread/French baguette from a bakery. Our favorite is semolina bread, which may or may not be available depending on your location in the world!

Welcome to another episode of good cooking and today I’m bringing you one of my favorite sandwiches and it’s going to be yours broccoli Rob and sausage so as you can see we got our pan of broccoli Rob you’re going to take your pan you’re going to throw a little olive

Oil in there and brown up some garlic when it starts to get a little bit Brown you’re going to put it off to the side while that’s happening you’re going to take your sausage and put it in another pan with a little olive oil and you’re

Going to cook it through you’re going to Brown it up nice on all sides once that pot of boiling water has come to a boil you’re then going to throw a little salt in there at which point you’re going to take your broccoli rub and you’re going

To put it in there for about 2 to 3 minutes and you’re going to put your pan with your oil and your garlic back on and you’re going to put your broccoli R back into that pan and sauté it for about another 2 to 3 minutes and once

That’s done we’re coming to the counter and I don’t know where to go from here but have a drink of this Savon Blanc is this a Becky Becky Mak broccoli r or a little broccolini I think so yeah yeah I feel like uh this is something right up

Becky’s alley and I’m going to ruin it by putting all this sausage and all this bread along with it tell people who don’t know what broccoli Rob is so we got our broccoli Rob which is basically the cousin of broccoli or broccolini this is a very common thing

That’s found on the East Coast it’s in a lot of dishes a lot of people don’t like it because it’s very bitter on the other hand I like it because it matches my personality bitter when you go and you look for this and you’re local grocery

Store or your Farm Stand you want to look at the heads of the broccoli and make sure that none of the broccoli heads are turning a little yellow that means it’s going to be very bitter and it’s probably almost past its day if you know what I’m saying let me tell you

Something Ben this sandwich is going to just blow your mind you got sweet and hot italian sausage and we’re going to slice that up let’s do that right now what do you think that Benny boy huh can’t wait let’s take it and let’s cut it right down the middle and I’m going

To cut it right in half like that look at that how nice is that all that fennel in there we want them just nice and easy to bite Ben would you like to try a little piece of sausage look brother up feed the crew feed the crew feed the old

Crew see what we got here like we haven’t had 600,000 pieces of sausage on this sh delicious I don’t know now a lot of people just take the broccoli R put it right on the bread and don’t chop it up and then you got it and you’re sitting

There or you’re walking around and you’re pulling out tree siiz limbs of broccoli Rob it’s a desert it’s all in your teeth I’m going to chop it up how do you feel about that Benny that sounds like a good idea let’s take it all let’s

Put it all in there Ben and then move this off to the side pardon me and then I’m just going to chop it up is this a sandwich you can order somewhere I mean if you go into the right place you know they may have it it might be like a

Little special sandwich but as you can see get in there Ben I’ve cut it up really nice you want to be able to just get nice bites of this sandwich without all of these little branches you know little little stems now now we got

Uh just you know the last time I made a sandwich like this I didn’t have my uh my little semolina bread now I got it and uh we’re going to just take our serrated knife cut this right down Broadway look at that great little Aira in there so nice

We’re just going to start doing this with our sausage would this dish usually be done as a sandwich uh no usually they’ll just serve it on a plate like an entree however it is fantastic if you got the right bread oh baby so look at this we’re going to load this up let’s

Make a hell of a sandwich here Ben absolute tank of cholesterol is going through the roof you ready for this here comes all the greens oh wow wow all that garlic red pepper that’s actually incredible I’ve amazed myself now let’s finish it the right way

What do you think I’m going to do here Ben I think you’re going to hit it with a little Four Seasons nope I’m not yet well I’m going to take all of that nice juice in this pan with all the garlic little that wow how about we take a little of

This a little juice right here look at this sandwich got a little hot oil from the sausage put that right on our bread look at that does it get any better does it get any [Applause] better now you want another piece of sausage yeah feed the Crill look at that

I gave you to you with the broccoli grab with the broccoli how you doing so now what we’re going to do next is we’re going to put the lid on this thing and we’re going to cut it and we’re going to serve it but I got to maneuver it right

Now like the Titanic cuz this thing is topheavy over here so before we put the top on this bad boy let’s get a little salt a little pinch of salt you know you got a lot in the sausage so not too heavy I mean you can do whatever you

Want a little pepper as always and then why not let’s get a little crushed red pepper look at that are we ready for this yeah okay holy moly bye Wow oh my God you know why I love this sandwich because it brings together two of my favorite ingredients and when well seasoned they are the absolute best and you put it on your favorite type of bread doesn’t matter what it is you want to put on a little faka bread you want

To put on a little Italian bread a roll I prefer semolina bread you do whatever you want I also love this sandwich because it’s so hard to find so when you do find it it is even better you got to go to a real Italian Market or you got

To find someone’s Nona who’s got a black dress on who’s been sitting in the basement for 7 years and hasn’t seen the daylight in probably 20 but this sandwich is extraordinary if you want the recipe as always it’s in the description below and from my house to

Yours bone aathy you know how I know you had a bite is it all over my face you’re wearing it let’s have another that’s so good man like a real go on God bless you look at you don’t even wipe it

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