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Hello sometimes it takes longer I think I’m live and then I’m not live so hi welcome thanks for being here if you’re watching the replay make sure to give this a like thank you for being here and I’m just going to be making some snacks for the kids lunches

Um yeah that’s about all I’m going to do we don’t really we’re kind of el broco right now so we can’t really go out and get supplies for the kids lunches but I got plenty on hand to make it so we’re going to be making popcorn we’re going

To make some granola bars with the oats I have and then I have some pudding we’re going to make some of that I’ll give it a try where’s their hold on I had it oh it’s right and then I have their little cups here that I’m going to

Like pour the puddings in and stuff um this is the only one I could find on Gideons I don’t know where the other two are it’s probably in his backpack but that’s okay so I figur we could just pour some pudding in here I need to get

Like some of those half cup or whole cup like just these by itself so I can make a bunch and have them stocked up but we’ll work on that right do what you can when you can for what you can can can can hey everybody look there’s people hi

Angela hello how are you yes Happy Valentine’s Day we call it hearts and love day Julian hello Aon hi Happy Valentine’s Day Ruffles hello hope everybody’s having a good day oh I’m also going to use powdered milk for the pudding because I’m running kind of low

On regular milk plus this is Best Buy 421 so we want to get this used up um and I powdered milk works really good for um like not drinking anything that like like that so I think the the pudding will be fine I also have a recipe here for homemade pudding mix

That I’m going to try I think I’m going to do like a snack video or something where try to work on snacks that’s what this look lives I’m going to do it this live but um it’s cooking one so you got to cook that pudding this one’s an

Instant one so that’ll be nice hey pink so thank you for being here um what shall we make first Let’s do let’s see I need a pan for the granola bars ouch pinched my fat ouch all right a pan I got too much too much is in the

In the way all right well let’s just do the pudding first we’ll get it out of the way hey Kelly oh two Kelly’s in the group hey Kelly see and Chloe and Sophie’s also at Kelly welcome all right so powdered milk instructions half of it’s in Spanish no ablo espanol no no Reed

Espanol but it should have Direction why does it not say this it should say it right in ingredients no instructions oh per half a cup so maybe I think it’s half a cup of powdered milk for a cup of of water does that sound correct hey Laura welcome Rosemary hello is this your

First live I don’t think I’ve seen you before welcome Happy Valentine’s Day it’s a day for us to love everybody I’m pretty sure it’s qu of a cup um for powdered milk even though it doesn’t say I’m pretty sure someone someone my first live with you well welcome I’m so

Glad you can make it I’m a little crazy right now but we’ll get there I’m just trying to find my beon making some milk oh this is a third cup where’s my4 cup where’s my R2D2 oh he’s got half a cup that’s all right we’ll do half a cup all

Right I’m not wearing pants so hopefully I won’t show you my bottom area y’all don’t want to see see that well maybe you do this ain’t the right channel for that you know what I’m saying I figured I would use my emolion blender to do that I think that’ll be nice and work

Out so let’s add three cups of Water we making three cups of milk cuz I think that’s how much it takes for this one pudding packet I’m feeling much better I was a little sick yesterday so I got lots of sleep so I’m faing filling interoptic this morning afternoon if you couldn’t tell all right let’s see if this Works look like it work to me release this thing’s so hard to get off sometimes there we go what was that just a couple of seconds want some milk smells like milk smells like milk the milk smells like milk oh Kathleen hello one cup of water

Per4 cup one cup of water per4 cup of powder milk thank you Kelly oh coffee time I have two cups today got my coffee cup I got my water cup this is water I know it could be vodka or it could be real you really

Don’t know you got to take my word on him I’m not making a face though hold it up so we can read it with the powdered milk you can read you can read Spanish and not person and then I also have my coffee H Lisa hello hello welcome I’m glad I’m feeling better

Too hello with Mora is that your name your personality so relatable I thoroughly enjoy watching your videos oh thank you so much I appreciate that I think I’m kind of weird so I’m glad I’m relatable to some some people don’t get me but I’ve been called weird my whole

Life so all right so we have instant pudding and pie gradul contents contents gradul stir contents into three cups of cold milk mix for 2 minutes with a wire whisk I don’t need to tell you you guys know how to make pudding like yeah we know Carolina teach us something we don’t

Know already like where my knives are or scissors anything the kitchen’s been a mess have you seen um I was thinking about doing a short they’re like I’m a content creator and then they do you like something that’s like ridiculous I was thinking about doing that but I was

Going to be like I’m a content creator where half my my Works Space looks clean and then switch it around but the rest of my kitchen’s a mess I thought that’d be funny oh boy you know something like that like I’m a content creator I say I

Eat this for breakfast but really I eat nothing but coffee or something I don’t know I don’t know I got to work on it you know I got to come up with some ideas I try and be creative it’s hard gig you guys hard gig all right thanks for listening to my

Rambl though I I learned a lot of Spanish Sesame Street hey good job Sesame Street I don’t I don’t feel like I feel like Str Sesame Street isn’t as popular nowadays look not in the bottom so that where that worked great oh this chocolate pudding smells

So good feel like I could just eat it without the milk spoonfuls of pudding is that like the cinnamon challenge spoonful of pudding challenge a spoonful of pudding helps the powdered milk go down the powdered milk go down powdered milk go down mix it with some

Pudding and you’ll get it to go down it still looks kind of clumpy see clumpy just keep whisking whisk power just keep whisking just keep whisking oh oh she getting thick baby you thick so weird crack myself up with my weirdness sometimes all right so whisked let’s pour it into our

Containers here hopefully Gideon will like the chocolate he’s usually a vanilla guy my one vanilla everybody else’s chocolate in so funny you got that one that’s always a little different you know I try and do what they like yeah yeah it’s one cup too much pudding nah it’ll be

Fine oh I got extra got extra extra pudding if do you like it then you should have put some pudding in it oh I saw a clump there there go I made roughly four cups of pudding got it was probably an old pudding mix you know all right let’s close these

Up how many kids will have fresh pudding for their lunches tomorrow this right lid is it right lid I don’t know boom boom shaka Waka what’s Bluey say that’s uh trif difficult that was difficult All all right pudding done so we can put up our powdered milk get these dirty bits bring my trash can over all right what you do next popcorn or granola bars hi ah me too internet person now learning more from where I live in my hubby I would love Spanish speaking

Hubby my almost two-year-old is obsessed with Sesame Street do the content create a bit that’d be hilarious okay I’ll do that I can just think of something ridiculous you know like cuz I usually do I have my my area clean here here and then not over there you’re like I’m a

Content creator I say my area is clean but it’s not oh hey Katie if anyone can pull off you can with the content creator well thank you oh is it still staticky hey Missy how are you Happy Valentine’s Day I’m Hispanic and can’t speak a word

Of Spanish let alone read it okay good H let’s see I lived in Tucson for a little bit but like I was I lived in Saudi Arabia till I was 11 and now I can’t speak I know a little bit of Arabic but I wish I would have

Learned it more while I was there you know I was young so it was like whatever but I wish I would have absorbed that a little more you know but cuz it’s nice to be able to um oh I could have done the immersion blender in there dang

It do an expectation versus reality one ooh that that’s good still staticky all right let me switch internet see if that helps all right do you still see me let me know uh let’s see are the kids excited for Valentine’s Day at school they are they don’t really know what to expect

Um but I think they’re going to have a good time they’re going to be decorating Valentine’s Day boxes there and then we got um Valentine’s Day for them Valentine’s to bring to class to give to everybody this is butterf Flavor coconut oil one of my subscribers sent this to

Me cuz they saw that we made popcorn for the kids and this is the best way to make it coconut butter or butter flavored coconut oil and then Flav coal he sent this too or better tast in popcorn apparently this makes the perfect theater popcorn and it’s pretty darn good so this is

Strictly our popcorn um coconut oil which is great because I use coconut oil for it too or sometimes I use bacon grease cuz why not all right that we got I almost put the see I almost put the chocolate chips in the popcorn maker Jen is the static any Better let’s pretend she froze you’re so mean no hope it’s the microphone oh I’m sorry guys is it super bad uh Tony says hello from me Indiana love your channel and your humor make my day I’m so glad thank you so much I appreciate that so sweet when they bring

Home mama Valentine stuff it is all right what do eyeball it there’s some Four Color kernels see how they pop put the L on there I even clean my popcorn maker for you guys I mean my perfectly always clean popcorn maker here I don’t know simple things like that I

Just love it sounds like the mic to you also oh no this is my phone my phone better not be damaged oh hey Crystal okay good thank you not too bad hey Denise hello you’re a great mom keep doing you and stay blessed oh thank you

So much is this your first live welcome love the first livers well and the repeat livers I mean hello welcome to Belinda hello does the coconut oil SL bacon grease leave a taste leave a taste to the popcorn of It Like It Coats the popcorn

So like as it pops it gets coated in that so you do get a bit of the taste of whatever oil you’re using to pop the corn in pop corn Rachel hello from Ontario Canada hi thanks for being here is this your first live too got a bunch of new lersy you guys

Like the afternoon ones this will be a I think I’m going to do two lives one on Saturday night and then one Wednesday afternoon-ish cuz there’s no Children it’s probably mmat sound settings between your phone and YouTube okay try cleaning out the mic part of the phone might have some lit in it oh that’s a good idea where is the mic part I don’t know you really don’t want to hear me blowing in my phone right now

Though so I’ll save that for later pink but thank you for that tip movie theaters use coconut oil I know that all right so I’m just following a recipe for this one I just look up sorry excuse my language I just look stuff up online and then uh go from there and

Give it a try I have a lot of this peanut butter I got from the food like it’s not Jiffy that’s for sure but I think it would be with things you know what I’m saying so smells smells like pan a but let me

Get a spoon oh I got to S spoon in here is not bad May pean butter it’s not like super creamy you know oh no but don’t tend to comment watch your videos watch your lives and videos all the time well thank you Rachel that’s that’s that’s helpful I

Appreciate you watching I do love it when you comment though I love talking to you guys my daughter would love the bacon on one she thinks bacon should be its own food group I like your daughter you should keep her I agree with that I like the midday during the week I work

From home and can have the live playing while while I’m walking oh good not as easy as night yeah night time gets a little busy with the children’s and everything well per I mean we got 60 people watching 68 now thank you so much guys you know I remember my very first

Live I had four people watching and I was so excited like ah there’s four people here I don’t know it’s just it’s crazy people take time out of their day to come see you you know hey Jamie at school pick a line for the first day picking up your

Kids nice I guess we got to pick the kids up every once in a while where’s my tee I have I don’t have anything all right I got one cup all right this says two cups of rolled o I had these sit on the counter so I’m

Glad to be using them you think I should double this see it’s it says it makes eight bars I should probably double this and you’re supposed to put it like in 8 by8 and I have a 9 by 13 woo it’s getting corny up in here no

No you like watching you and your family I appreciate that Kelly I appreciate that all right let’s double this I got a good life you know what I’m happy to share it you guys I’m glad that you guys like me well most of you like

Me some watch me to hate me which I don’t get who watches people to hate on them I don’t know who takes time out of their day to watch something they don’t like I don’t get it Wednesday’s are my day off great time for a live good Julian happy day

Off had to clock back in on the phone okay this is the second live I’ve been able to catch love your channel you and your family are wonderful Linda thank you so much bacon is the candy of meat said Jen that’s funny all right let’s see do I

Have a popcorn bowl ready no I’ll just flip the lid upside down fine I think it’s done though do the flip oh flip it real good all right let’s add our you got to add it as soon as it’s done when all that oil stillo liquidy give it a couple shakes

Can you guys shake like this I learned how to do this for fries at work put them in the bowl definitely best for me getting out of the line I no longer eat unlimited fries so it’s four different Cel they they come out little different colors I

Mean I really just see the two like you see pretty good all right so we’ll let this kind of come to room temperature cool down a bit and then we’ll put it in baggies puding done popcorn done wo it’s good let’s put our stuff up I’m trying to get in the habit of

Putting stuff away as I use it clean as you go all that nonsense and then I got coffee Jen thank you for the Cup by the way you’re so good to me Melissa hello hi Mama Bear love your videos I’m in the hospital so I really

Appreciate them now oh what are you in the hospital for right some people are just so odd they really are I don’t know would you have better things to do in your with your life I want some popcorn oh it’s so good I love this um this popcorn maker

Too I got it for like three bucks at Goodwill I haven’t been to Goodwill in a while Crystal you can’t have popcorn I’m sorry I like it but it just gets stuck to me it’s not worth eating because the kernels just get stuck in my teeth you

Know I’m stuffed from lunch now my food smells like it smells disgusting well what is it it does taste like it does taste a little bit I don’t know it’s nothing like that liquid butter just got to pour that butter he said that’s coconut oil

That they use on there like the pump my dad they would always be like if you want butter he’d be like too much please was funny I get a lot of hum humor from my dad he’s pretty funny oh my gosh Melissa I’m not going to try and say that word but hopefully

That’s not serious and that you’re you’re doing okay from that that popcorn makes a stir Daddy but good popcorn makers uh this is a stir crazy is the technically term but stir daddy that sounds intense people are crazy pay no mind to those time yeah that’s all you can do and just give

Them a show put on a show right but like I said you can’t handle the audience don’t put on a show so I’ve been booed before you know all right so this takes a third a cup of maple syrup is what it calls for but I have

Honey so I’m going to use honey when I first moved here we’re working on our fourth year here now there is somebody we are still living in in our hotel and they were selling local honey in a 5 gallon bucket it was like $200 and I’m like that is a steal I felt

Like that was a steel maybe it wasn’t that much maybe it was like $100 I don’t remember the exact price but I remember it being a steel and I still have like half of it left so I got lots of honey in my life and I’m not just talking about my

Husband no okay I think it’s fny I laugh at my own jokes all right so 2/3 of a cup oh I had my one cup here let’s spray this spray your your do hickey and then I’m just going to put it in there everybody watched my video about cross contamination Let’s cross contaminate

The honey I thought that was good I’ve been wanting to do that video a while um on like botulism and stuff I just I get lots of comments about people worried for me about catching botulism because of the things that I put in my mouth

Which I understand I am a bit more risky you know when it comes to the food all right so there’s 2/3 cup of what about peanut butter it says 3/4 of a cup of peanut butter um oh oh put on the side but there’s a lot of people you know who

Don’t know the difference and who think that you can c C anything just by having anything so I thought that was important to talk about it’s super important to talk about all right I’m not measuring the peanut butter now they want you to melt this and chef Mike we’ll just

Do what is this probably two cups here so almost a whole thing of peanut butter I’ll just plot some on top I want to think I might add some vanilla to this too you guys make call me granilla bars there’s the baked ones there’s the no

Bake these are supposed to be no bake so we’ll see how that goes so I need to leave about a half a cup of peanut butter well I did not get a big enough what a surprise I didn’t get a big enough Bowl but this is a good way you know if

You got lots of peanut butter to use up especially ones that aren’t the best for like peanut butter and jellies you know you think if I throw this in the microwave it’ll overflow when it melts I think it will I better teach it I don’t want to clean up my microwave mask

So let’s switch this out is this bowl any better I don’t thought I was going to do it didn’t you didn’t you didn’t you all right come on honey get don’t want out of there all right I’m going to throw this in Chef mik for a

Minute and then we’ll give it a check it also calls for a little bit of salt4 teaspoon so just do some sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle all right all right stir daddy will be its name now you should not be known as stir Daddy I’m fine with that you rock and awesome

A crystal you’re so good to me thank you I need an IV of coffee today I feel you it’s like half of I need water because I was sick yesterday and just you know you don’t do anything when you’re sick you don’t drink or anything so hydrate and

Caffeinate it was a great video lots of good information thank you pink I appreciate that oh my gosh you can get botula I’m eating raw carrots I mean I guess that’s true I guess that’s true but fism is just can you still hear me fism is just really rare like so

Rare like when I was researching it cuz people you know botulism when I first S mountain when it first started I was like oh man that sounds awful and then I’m like oh it just not even that big of a deal I know did you like the you could

Possibly get sick or Die game over editing Carolina I’m telling you yeah she was on her game so hopefully that does well it’s my first really informative kind of educational video but I just got tired of people telling me I’m going to die botulism you

Know be like you know how rare it really is O content all right stirring it that worked pretty good I’m glad I got the bigger be Bowl cuz then I can stir too that was a that was a close one all right I’m also going to add a little bit of vanilla in

This or a lot of bit of vanilla that’s okay little vanilla never hurt anybody but a lot can make you drunk o it kind of made a texture in the peanut butter there all right making granola bars all right Let’s Fold and fold and these were oldfashioned oats they wanted the

Old fashioned oats not the quick oats so that’s good A lot of people get those in their food bank calls I’m sure you could use like different types of sweetener too if you don’t have honey or you don’t want to use that much honey like gu called for maple

Syrup all right and then let’s add some chocolate chips in here such a mess I’m not the only person who’s a mess right right make me feel better guys okay we had a good day off yesterday though husband took the day off for his birthday he turned 34 years

Old feeling like an old man and then all the kids ended up staying home too because everybody was sick so like we had coughs we had fevers back and forth but everybody was nice and better today still a little bit of coughing but they say they have that everywhere in the

School so I really like the school system like they’re emailing me stuff we had an incident with Conrad the other day and the teacher emailed me and told me about it just like with Gideon emailed me and told me about well they called at that point with Gideon I get a

Phone call with Gideon but just an email with Conrad it’s funny okay here’s my pan I’m just going to spray it this on here hopefully this tastes good if not good thing it’s for the children you don’t got taste buds right and now we push it won’t break my spula

Go we’ll see how these taste I’ve tried the baked ones before too those are good as well there’s like the cofy cat crispy um what is it the on oh not onion wow um Nature Valley like the crispy ones you know oat and honey I think that’s what I’m thinking of

And then this should harden up my biggest concern is that when you cut it it stays in the shape of a granola bar you know hair out of cuz sometimes you do this and then it’s just like it crumbles it doesn’t stay that that shape you know and these are very versatile like

You could put raisins in there you could put coconut in this you could put chia seeds or flax seeds in here to make it a little extra protein you could do some kind of nut butter instead of peanut butter if you want there we go

Does it say to put it in the fridge oh I supposed to add cinnamon I did not add cinnamon store in the refrigerator okay let’s go put this in the fridge I’ll be back all right going to put that out in my garage fridge there all right well look at that we got

Three snacks made for the children got popcorn uh um what else did I make pudding and then grola bars I think that’ll be nice and then I still got some cheese it’s left when you try older things I think Steve 1989 he does old M videos oh that sounds

Fun PEB and honey on toast oh that’s so good oh you made cupcakes for the kids that’s awesome crystal says I recently made banana blueberry and raisin oatmeal breakfast cookies and they turned out perfect you definitely should try them Crystal send me the recipe that does sound good yes honey

Peanut butter on toast is good that is good the game over had me cracking up I wasn’t expecting that well I’m trying to up my editing game a little bit so that was kind of I was going through the sounds to get the um they have like free

Sounds that you can download so the typing and the popping is part of the soundtrack that that’s free that you can download so I was going through there looking for the typewriter one for when I put the information on the screen and then I heard the game over I’m like oh

That’s kind of fun and then when I was saying or you could die I was like oh that would be a good time to put the game over one I thought it was funny yeah I’ll Spruce it up a bit I’m glad you enjoyed it Aon I thought it was funny

Too can your kids bring that to school with the peanut butter yeah I haven’t heard any um any restrictions towards the peanut butter and even on the school lunch they have apples and peanut butter served it says peanut butter too it doesn’t say Nut Butter so I’m guessing

Peanut butter is okay it’s a smaller school so I don’t know if that has something to do with it oh you just got powdered sugar all over your kitchen oh no you would more likely you would more likely to get botulism from improperly canned raw carrots and the raw carrots

Himself oh good to know Melinda I noticed the different kinds of honey but I really like the ray honey it tastes better and doesn’t have the added sugar in it like why do you need to add sugar to honey that’s all that’s all honey is is sugar right

And I like doing some chi on Flax Seed instead of chocolate chips I put M&M’s oo that’s a good idea what are you making for dinner I don’t know I have some different Meats Tha I have a Flink steak it’s like a tiny one though I was thinking about

Maybe making like some beef and broccoli with that um I have some boneless pork ribs thawed I was going to add those to my flanked steak or no my flin spare ribs that I made the other day but then I realized those were pork ribs so I

Have those which probably need to be cooked like baked maybe at a low temperature and then broiled or something and then I have some thin pork chops I’ll probably do the pork chops tonight oh I also thought some beef fajita and Peppers mixed with it so I

Saw a chicken fajita soup that looked really good and I was like oh I could do that with the beef and make like a beef FJ soup but the family doesn’t really like soup that much I don’t know my family’s weird they do not do soup like

Yesterday when we were sick I made some threw together some chicken noodle soup and they’re just like I don’t want soup like why it’s so good I weird family they must have got that from husband so yeah maybe I’ll do the pork chops that sounds pretty good could bake them and

Do um baked tops I got some rice remember I told you guys tell me to make rice I could do rice or I could do like a sheep pan dinner maybe that sounds good I got potatoes veggies I got frozen broccoli frozen Brussels sprouts um I

Have oh I still have one of those um that’s what I’m going to do I have a thing I got from my friend that has like brussels sprouts sweet potatoes I think it’s like a mixture of veggies that you just put on a sheet pan and bake so I might do that

Too granulated sugar changes the consistency since it’s slightly different sugar and crystallizes easier oh that makes sense o crystal is making turkey burgers with cheesy broccoli oh that sounds good hey Jupiter cookies do sound good we still got some of the strawberry brownie left over y that went

Well oh I also printed out a bunch of recipes I’m going to be try to do a coffee episode oh I got it wet dang it um I’m going to try and do coffee episode so I got like a coffee rub that I was going to do on a pork Tender Loin

In the crock pot because after the rub after you give it a good rub and you got some barbecue sauce so coffee barbecue sauce with a coffee rubbed pork loine sounds pretty good and then Redeye gravy for breakfast I just got all these I got chewy espresso chocolate chip cookies coffee

Brownies that was on Pinterest uh whipped coffee has anybody tried the whipped coffee like that sounds good and I got some instant coffee o here’s a coffee smoothie I figured that would go well and then coffee jelly has any of you guys heard of that like you you turn it like the

You take coffee mix it with gelatin turn it into a jelly and then you cut it up like cubes and then you put it in a cup and then you pour your cream or your milk over it it says one can of table cream I’m not sure what table cream is

And then one can of condensed milk I figured instead of using table cream I could probably just use half and half or something but I think that sounds that sounds nice I mean how can I not be doing a coffee episode you know what I’m saying so print it off some coffee

Recipes oh pink says pork chops and applesauce that sounds good my family doesn’t eat too much soup either just chicken noodle and if you eat bean soup I love soup I love soup too I know Jessica at Three Rivers she does every Sunday she does a leftover soup where

Anything in the fridge that’s left over she just Chucks it into a soup and I’m so jealous that her family will eat that I’m like my husband he’s picky about the soups um he’s not really picky about anything else I cook but soup it has to

Be like a um a potato soup ham and potato you know something that’s not weird we it’s a bunch of random stuff it’s just got to be considering I make a bunch of random self with random ingredients he doesn’t like random soup so that’s interesting just thought about

That cuz I make some random stuff you see that pizza the other day I was like I don’t know how this is going to go over I didn’t know how it was going to taste I was like let’s just see what happens and it turned out really good

The kids ate it um Gideon had two pieces they love the salad my kids love salad I need to make it more for them I love that salad so it went over really well I was pleasantly surprised at that so plus I’ve never made a

Um a pesto sauce before like I was going to do the white white garlic and then I was like oo I can just do bacon and then add my pesto cuz it was really garlicky and it turned out fantastic I love honey but I feel honey is sweeten enough without the added

Sugar it’s hard to get and find around here the ra honey yes um I agree ra honey is really hard to find and if you pay like when you pay for it you pay for it it’s expensive so when I found that jug five like a 5 gallon bucket of honey

I was like so husband’s like we’re not even moved into our house yet I’m like I don’t care we need this and it was just a local farmer he had a bee farmer and he was selling his honey and because you bought it in bulk you got a better price for it

And I’m so glad that I did I don’t have to worry about honey um we eventually would like our own bees and do that probably whenever we get our own um our own Homestead you had me at coffee smoothie right you want me to read you what it says the coffee jelly looked

Really interesting I think I’m going to use that one for my thumbnail cuz it just you should look up coffee jelly on Pinterest we’ll see a picture of it let’s see coffee oh coffee rub uh here’s the Smoothie so 1/4 cup of milk 3/4 cups of coffee chilled one

Frozen banana cup of rolled oats tablespoon of cocoa powder coaco cacoa cocoa I’ll say cocoa powder a tablespoon of hemp seeds a teaspoon of vanilla and then ice that s pretty good if the Smoothie is too thick add more liquid milk or coffee yeah I mean

That’s perfect for me so we’ll do a coffee smoothie the only thing I’ve made with coffee is tasu and coffee cake a yeah you like I don’t I think it’s um underestimated how much coffee or how how much coffee what you can do with coffee what

I’m trying to say Kathleen says yes all thanks Coffee iced coffee drinks would be cool too mhm coffee gummies yeah creative ly they’re kind of that’s what they would kind of be like is like coffee Jello-O that’s weird right try serving the soup over mashed potatoes or rice see if

He’ll eat it like a meal oh that’s better that pizza look delicious oh I’m glad you think little dran I was like it was a very green Pizza cuz it had the artichokes on it but I got that pesto out of my fridge I got the artichoke out

Of my fridge I got that bacon out of my fridge so I think it worked out and it tasted good ooh chocolate covered coffee beans they’re so good homemade Salsberry steak mashed potatoes is that green beans and brown mushroom gravy Laura I want to come over to your house for

Dinner that sounds so good mushroom gravy with Salsbury steak I think about house very steak the other day yeah internet person what time’s dinner Laura we invited that’s what I’m saying no one in my house eats soup either except me right I don’t get it like soup’s so good

Like that’s why I had to eat that canned soup last time because nobody eats soup around here so I’m like fine I’ll eat it they’re like good I’m like good hey Melissa Happy Valentine’s Day Amara hello how are you just looked it up half and a half

Will work for table cream awesome thank you missy appreciate that definitely a c coffee episode would be great all right that’s that’s the next on my LS I have one dinner that I’m working on now that was a bunch of older dinners that before I even did my pantry

Challenge I just had them like editing is the worst part I can film all day long but the editing is takes the longest so I’m going to throw that in there and it’ll be like a couple of dinners that I have made throughout that time and then I have all the meals that

I’ve been cooking for like the last week and a half I have that coming in after that and then then I have this coffee which I don’t know I going do the coffee sooner so we’ll see I’m trying to do like some cooking cuz I only go to the

Food bank once a week so I got to do stuff in between that I would also like to go to some local stores and do like a tour of local stores in Montana because they have like Montana um Montana goods store where it’s all local artists sell their stuff

Locally and it’s um so it’s it’s like a gift shop I guess of Montana stuff I thought that would be fun to go look and see some of that oh hey Tammy welcome how are you I haven’t seen you in a bit oh no angelissa she got disconnect disconnected and missed

Everything I’m sorry we made some popcorn some pudding granola bars I almost made a big mess in my bowl pretty typical Denise what are you doing for Valentine’s Day nothing we don’t really celebrate Valentine’s Day I consider it more of like a Hallmark holiday they’re like it’s I feel like

It’s overrated I understand like yes love and stuff but it’s like people expect too much I feel and as being a former Aline cook Valentine’s Day Sucks Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day are the worst so I always had to work and it’s always crazy on Valentine’s Day so I don’t know we’ll

Just hang out here we’re not really doing anything particular I do have steaks and lobster to cook so we’re going to be doing that um yeah so that should be good oh I forgot I I got that video I got to edit too oh so much to

Edit but the kids are excited and they love love day oh you should do a huckleberry video that’s a great idea Aaron huckleberries are so expensive though oh my gosh it’s like for a gallon bag it’s like 50 or 60 bucks oh my go so

Much what I really want to do is go Forge for some and um find my own moral mushrooms too do you ever do that Aon I haven’t done that yet since being here oh you’re having a great day Tammy I’m so glad you should treat your loved

Ones specials every day you should pink you really never know we will be visiting Montana this summer I’ll be stocking up on huckleberries they’re so good it’s kind of like a blueberry but they’re just different and they got like purple I love Huckleberry too um one of the

Things I got to review as a snow cone maker and I’m like man I could totally have my own snow cone business there’s no snow cones around here could set up a stand at the farmers market we could be like Huckleberry queens or Mount Snow I

Don’t know I’m working on the name I like Huckleberry as a name because it’s a Montana thing but like Mount Snow I think that sounds fun hey do you think mount snow is going to be there oh I love Mount Snow but who’s got time for snow cone St you

Know first time making Salsbury steak his mother didn’t cook he was telling me about the frozen ones well I think he’ll appreciate the the homemade ones I agree with the hall mic holiday I believe you should just show love every day yeah and you know everything’s overpriced for Valentine’s

Day I don’t know if I don’t know if this is just an American thing where everything’s about consumerism right uh buying for the next holiday like Easter stuff’s probably already out now you know and it’s just candy and gifts and more crap that you need that you need

And that if you don’t get for your loved one then you don’t love them I don’t know I’ve just never really been into that um husband’s not into that either so that’s good it took him six years to remember my birthday and I’m okay with that he’s not good with numbers you know

So he’s not good with dates I’m okay with that he still doesn’t know the kids birthdays I had to tell them you know I don’t know some women get really upset about that stuff I don’t you know I just get upset about if you treat me wrong

Not if you don’t give me flowers on Valentine’s Day you know oh I already haven’t forged yet either oh it’s going to be so so good o Chinese food that sounds so good Mount Beed snow cones oh I like that Belinda hello you made it I had never had

Mushrooms that you hunt for but love mushrooms I stock up on canned mushrooms I stock up on canned mushrooms too when I got Wick when the kids were still young enough you could start getting canned veggies with it and I bought the mushrooms and I stopped up on canned

Mushrooms cuz those are my absolute favorite yeah I would love to go hunting here I actually got a mushroom oh I see it holy crap I was thinking of something and I actually could see where it was so this is one thing I got for myself for Christmas it’s mushroom of the Rocky

Mountains Colorado Idaho Montana New Mexico Utah and Wyoming and it has all the different mushrooms it tells you if they’re edible or not gives you information about them one on the back too so this was fun like cuz we have mushrooms that grow in our yard right here these Shaggy

Main these are definitely the ones that grow in our yard and I was like oh we could probably eat those but I was just nervous I don’t get nervous about much but mushrooms I’m a bit nervous about so I’m like oh so this made me a little

More comfortable being able to see what mushrooms you can eat which you can’t I thought it was fun so this would be um see sorry now I’m now I’m reading so that’s fun so that will probably help a lot with the um forging of the mushrooms you

Know Valentine’s Day in my opinion is a post Christmas retail boost yes it’s just it’s all about how much money can you spend how much you know stuff can you get for your loved ones I don’t know I don’t want to make it like that and I

Know my mom you know she she did a Valentine’s Day with us got us something got us a card got us a stuffed animal got us a treat I don’t know she made a big deal about it but I just remember it never being a big deal my mom was into

Holidays my dad wasn’t so I kind of got mixed reviews on both you know and I probably got more towards my dad’s side of the attitude towards the holidays of just H it’s no big deal like husband and I were talking we don’t even like Gideon was saying Dad we didn’t get anything

For your birthday like no gifts and he’s like that’s okay buddy and I love that because we don’t I don’t get him anything for his birthday he doesn’t give me anything for my birthday um we don’t get anything for our anniversary we don’t get each other gifts for that

Usually go out to dinner um and then we do Christmas and we’ll get each other two or three things each like I don’t know it’s that’s not the emphasis of our relationship is what can we give to each other like material wise you know it’s

What do we give to each other you know support love understanding compassion that’s what you want from somebody you know and yeah you should be getting that all year long from the people you love you should have that expectation of it you know but you got to give it as well

Well you know there’s times that it’s they need it more than you you know you can’t just both lose it at the same time is what they always say that would be a good video picking picking cuckle berries oh that would be a good video

Hey Debbie how are you you just hunt for morels M they’re so good I hear morels grow in like burnt parts so like where there was a fire the year before the next year is when the morels are going to grow so you’re kind of looking for um

Fires that happened before is where they tend to is what I’ve heard I don’t know for sure I didn’t look it up or anything Kelly says when of my kids were kids did all the holidays now decades later sometimes don’t even do any holidays anymore except for sending out gifts

Yeah I’m horrible about gifts I don’t even give I don’t know I don’t give gifts to people that mean I just like if it’s like a birthday or something you know but I’m just I’m not a big Gift Giver That’s Not My love language you

Know I it’s just not I like Words of Affirmation I love physical touch things like that you know maybe there’s a local mushroom honey group de year there probably is I bet I can join um they’re probably having the Facebook group they also have classes at the community college that adults can

Take that you can go out and they’ll like teach you about um the wildlife and stuff so that would be fun to do I don’t know what Mor El tastes like honestly Crystal I hear they’re the best but I actually haven’t had one before sorry things Tony says my son

Went to our they had Christmas Easter and Valentine’s candy out before Christmas see see now they’re just like just put every holiday up so anybody can get whatever they want when they want you know St Patrick’s Day is coming up next I don’t see much I see a few things for that

But that’s my birthday hey Nanny on St Patrick’s Day so that’s always fun always try and get some green beer if I can I hated it having a birthday on St Patrick’s Day when I was little cuz my mom you know she’s into all of the the home Mark stuff so it was

Always St Patrick’s Day themed green this green that I hated it I was like Mom I’m more than what a day I was born on you know so now I’m all about that green beer though I can say beer is probably my favorite worlds like to pop

Out after it rains and it’s warm out okay I agree with the gift giving yeah so I’m sure some people take offense that I don’t give gifts and stuff but I don’t know it’s just I like to do words I like to tell people how

They make me feel I like to make them feel appreciative that way you know cuz things are just things to me I don’t I guess I don’t see things with value you know I don’t know I guess that’s weird I’m weird all right guys well we got a

Couple more minutes and then I’m going to wrap this up so if you have last minute questions or requests let me bag up some of this popcorn I’m just going to do the blog bags Nanny says she was cooking and didn’t hear her phone Nanny how dare you not be

Aware of what I’m doing at all times I am offended how the kids doing in the new school oh they’re doing great they love it uh I would rather help when I can cook with home repair cook something oh yes I agreed Debbie like like you know

If I go over to my friends I’ll help them clean or something if they’re cleaning you know and do little things like that that it’s helpful and but not less of more junk in their house you know just so many people there’s just so much stuff I don’t

Know and then you feel obligated to keep all the gifts that people give you which I don’t always feel obligated to keep gifts I’m like if it’s clutter then you know I’ll be like thanks but I don’t know I guess that’s rude my dad always

Said um is that rude I don’t know my dad always said if you don’t want it just get rid of it if you don’t want it sell it so now if I have something and I don’t want it I get rid of it you know that’s just how I was raised and

Apparently that’s not the way you’re supposed to do it you’re supposed to give the gift back or keep it forever I’m just like why I don’t get that I don’t get I don’t get socialism socialize things I guess requirements to be proper social person I just feel like I’m different

And I love a different breed but you just find your people you know you put yourself out there and that opens the door for other people to be themselves and be the same they’ll be well I think they’ll go good little snack for the kiddos and then lunch they love popcorn

Too and now they get to be like oh the kids at school they brought this like they’re noticing what other kids bring in their lunches you know or they’ll be like oh I was the only one who had this let’s food is a love language so I just

Make my hubby favorite breakfast yes my food’s my love language too like if I’m coming over I bring food I’ll bring some kind of food like if I like you I’ll feed you if I don’t like you I don’t feed you the other day husband said kind

Some kind of joke and I usually make his lunch for him but it was like a crazy morning and I didn’t have his lunch maid so I was letting him know that he didn’t have a lunch maid but he told me a joke and I’m just like so you’re not getting

A lunch today he’s like was my joke that bad I just laugh so hard I was like oh no no that didn’t mean to say your joke wasn’t good oh my gosh it was funny I don’t give gifts all the time they clutter up the house I do give the

Gifts of homemade treats yes see homemade treats I would rather someone come help me instead of sending my kid more things to keep track of yes gifts are forgotten years later Your Love Is Never Forgotten well good I’m glad you guys agree your house your rules y have

You ever thought of meat rabbits yes Dolly that’s um something that we want to do when we have our Homestead we’re going to raise rabbits um but it’s just not something we can do quite yet but we tried having rabbits in Missouri but we

Were just too busy for it so we ended up getting rid of them but that is definitely something that um I want to get into eventually Debbie says did the kids make Valentine’s boxes what were they they’re making them today in school so we’ll see what they are when they get home

My mom tried to give me back a gift I got her last year whoops like is that I feel like that’s Rudder to give a gift back than then just to accept it and then on the sly get rid of it you know or regift it I don’t know though like I

Said I’m not raised in proper etiquet so I always pack my hubby lunch for him as well yeah like if I don’t then he’ll just spend money on buying food out so ultimately just saves US money for me to pack his lunch you know Kathleen says I

Was was a Working Poor mom and everyone at my daughter’s school thought she had the best lunches and all the kids tried to eat her food it’s not how much money you have but what you do with it thank you Kathleen that was beautifully said

And it’s so true like if I have home baked goods or homemade Goods that I’m sending them with you know sometimes that’s better than the school lunches you don’t know it’s you know kids I don’t know you do what’s best for you and anybody else they just deal with

It you know be like well either you like it or you don’t you can listen to me or you canot right well I’m going to out though guys thanks for spending some time with me this afternoon this was a fun live I got some snacks made for the

Kids popcorns is probably enough for two days I’ll get a couple more bags out of it so that’s nice uh we got those granola bars oh let me go bring those out real quick before I let you go here’s our granola bars for those who missed it we made granola bars and

Um popcorn and then I made some instant pudding for the kids lunches see I think the kids will be like oh you got pudding you know it’s look pretty good once they set the oats will absorb some of that M that’s pretty good I think it’ll go over well little sticky

Though I gave my daughter the steak I had in my deep freezer since her and a boyfriend since they said they haven’t had it in a while a see it’s things like that giving the gift of food school lunches are not what they used to be nope that’s for for

Sure oh good I’m glad you guys had fun I had fun too this was nice I like hanging out with you har right is having a vday sale use my link below I don’t have a link below oh my gosh all right guys you have a good day thank you for spending your

Valentine’s Day With Me Happy Valentine’s Day I love all of you thanks for all your love and support I really feel it I feel the love I appreciate it kids remember what we make with them I agree Jamie or like how many times you’re like oh my mom used to make this

And it was so good like those things stay with you you know and that matters more than what you give your gifts like gift wise you give them memories versus gifts you know and that’s that’s not easy for everybody so but yes bye everybody thanks for being here I hope

You have a fantastic day and hopefully I’ll catch you on the next live I’ll be here Saturday night so I’ll see you then you guys have a great day and I’ll catch you next time on Mama birs


  1. Dollar tree sells small snap lid containers. They are easy to open and stackable. I don't recommend putting veggies straws in them. Those are the only snack that became stale.

  2. To use the powder milk (Nido) it’s 8 teaspoons for 1 8oz glass.

    I use that milk in y coffee as a creamer, to make coco, for drinking (it’s really good cold) to go over cold cereal.

    At Walmart it runs between $12-$18 and it really goes a Looooong way for your $$$.

    Thanks for sharing your snack ideas.

    Glad to hear your Mom is doing better and she’s happy where she’s at. 😎

  3. My city celebrates the Fungus Festival every year! Up in the UP we live on a giant mushroom or something like that. lol Yes it is a real thing! I love morrels and I am looking forward to picking some this spring. They have them here!

  4. Hi mama How you doing today this is a great snack for the kids happy valtimes day to you mama i love grownola bars everyone should makes this right mama your awesome mama we love your videos too mama and keep up the good work and thanks for sharing this with us and you rock 🎸mama and stay safe and enjoy your evening and god bless you to your family 💕🌈🌈🌈❤❤❤💕💕💕💕❤❤❤🌈🌈💕💕❤❤💕💕

  5. I was watching for your afternoon live . I didn't get a notification. I assume you went live 1pm or 2pm nyc time . I noticed there is a 2 hour difference . So you went live 11am or noon montana time . Let me know

  6. Missed your lives recently, glad I have managed to watch this video!
    We have museli bars which seem to be the same as here in 🦘 you could cover the top with chocolate or yoghurt. Kellogg's used to do a crunchy apricot muesli bar now we mostly have chewy bars, crunchy is definitely my preference.
    sorry to hear that you have not been well and happy to hear that you are feeling better.
    Have you ever tried making Bounty bars or balls (I just changed the Bar into a ball, my daughter loves them. 3 ingredients and chocolate to cover.

  7. Do you ever consider making a dessert video?
    Funny, my Dad and my mate who passed away are both born on 13th March as well. Makes that easy for me to remember.

  8. Caught your live on replay, on Thursday. Love, love your channel. Thanks for sharing.
    Love 💕 and Hugs. 💙💙💙

  9. Picked up a script on valentine day. The number of folks going thru the picked over candy boxes and cards was ridiculously funny. We don’t do Hallmark holidays like that either. We worry more about a “special” meal. I make big dinners for just us for Easter, thanksgiving, Christmas, his bday. I wish (my bday is early august) he’d grill for me but he rarely does. When I do get him on the grill, I’m knee deep in the sides. He wants to take me out but I’m not overly fond of eating out. We’ve been sick it seems since Christmas, one thing after another. All not Covid positive, surprisingly. Latest is all head cold and sinus congestion. He works at the airport, it’s a cesspool.

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