You have to make this creamy and delicious Buffalo Dip! This Buffalo Chicken Dip is a perfect dish for your upcoming Super Bowl parties!! Don’t settle for lousy, store-bought dips; make this delicious Buffalo Chicken Dip instead. The recipe is super easy and you can make it all in one pan!

Chefs Temp Meat Thermometers:

Chicken Breast
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Kosher Salt
Black Pepper
Garlic Powder
Chili Powder
Hot/Buffalo Sauce
Cream Cheese
Sour Cream
Shredded Cheese

#superbowl #superbowl2023 #chicken

Let’s make buffalo chicken dip this is an amazing  dish and it’s perfect for your upcoming Super Bowl   parties first we have to start off by shredding  our chicken so get out your cheese grater and I’m   just kidding guys we’re not doing that for real  we’re gonna season our chicken first and we are  

Going to cook it then shred it so get yourself a  few chicken breasts rub them down with some extra   virgin olive oil as a binder and then we’re gonna  cover it all in our seasoning we are using garlic  

Powder kosher salt black pepper and a touch of  chili powder this just adds a bit of color once   you’ve added all your seasoning start rubbing it  all down massage it into the meat then get a cast  

Iron pan on medium-high heat add in a touch of  vegetable oil or a high smoke point oil and try   not to spill like me make sure it’s coated all  over the pan and then you are ready to add your  

Chicken breasts in lay them down since these are  boneless and skinless it doesn’t really matter   which side you put them on just make sure that  they’re laying flat on the cooking surface and you   should be good after about two to three minutes  you’re ready to flip over your chicken breasts  

And don’t worry if they don’t have great color  on them we are going to continuously flip them   throughout the cooking process so this is just  the first of many flips that we’re going to do   again make sure that they’re laying flat that’s  the most important part and after a few more  

Minutes you’re going to flip them over again and  as you see here they are getting some really nice   golden brown color that’s what you’re looking  for this is a one pan or one skillet recipe so  

All of that fond that is forming at the bottom of  the pan is going to add some incredible flavor to   the dip so make sure you let this crisp up and  get some nice color now we are going to deglaze  

The pan with a little bit of water this is just  to remove that fond like I said and speed up   the cooking process of the chicken breasts you  want to make sure that the internal temperature  

Is between 165 and 170 before you shred it the  perfect tool to take that temperature is a meat   thermometer this is the chef’s temp pocket Pro  a fantastic meat thermometer I swear by their   brand you guys should too I will link them down  in the comments and the description so you can  

Buy one for yourself once they reach 165 to 170  you can pull them out of the pan and turn the   heat off and set these decide to rest for about  15 minutes in the meantime we are going to peel  

And mince some garlic this is my absolute favorite  task in the kitchen and I know you guys all know   that if you’ve been following the channel there  is no sarcasm in this comment I promise you but  

All joking aside it’s a necessary evil you have to  do it and by the way guys if you aren’t subscribed   make sure to hit that subscribe button and don’t  forget to like and comment as well I appreciate  

Every single one of you with that said we are  going to go back to our pan get it on medium low   heat and throw in a nice sized knob of butter and  make sure you scrape all that fond off the bottom  

Of the pan like I said before that is all of our  flavor so scrape all that down once you’re done   with that you’re ready to add your garlic in and  remember keep it on medium low heat you don’t want  

To burn your garlic mix that around get it all  well incorporated then we’re gonna let it cook   for about one to two minutes or until the garlic  is nice and fragrant while you’re letting your   garlic cook this is the perfect opportunity to  shred your chicken so I tried to do it here with  

Two forks and I’m gonna be completely honest  it was a total failure just use your hands it   should be cool enough now to where it won’t burn  you but if you have to wait a few minutes longer  

To use your hands that’s totally fine this took  a lot longer than it should have but now that   it’s all shredded up we are good and ready to  add it back into the pan along with our garlic  

And our butter once you’ve added that in give it  a quick mix just to combine everything and keep it   on medium low heat throughout then you are ready  to add in your hot sauce I am using Red Rooster  

Today but use whatever you’d like just make sure  that it’s either a vinegar-based hot sauce or a   buffalo sauce that’s the most important part so  mix up your chicken and hot sauce mixture and  

You’re going to add hot sauce in as you need it  as you see here I did end up adding a little bit   more in because it was looking a bit dry so just  make sure to mess around with the ratio as you go  

And see what works best for you once you are done  adding in your hot sauce give it one last mix and   then we are ready to add in our next ingredient  which is cream cheese an entire block of cream  

Cheese add that in turn the heat up to medium and  then we’re gonna break it down and incorporate it   into our dip once you are done mixing up your  cream cheese you are ready to add in some sour  

Cream now you can add as much or as little sour  cream as you want but just make sure that it   doesn’t thicken up too much you want this to be a  nice light and creamy sauce you don’t want it to  

Be too gloopy with that said we are going to mix  up our sour cream into our dip and make sure it’s   all well incorporated then we’re going to move  on to our next step which is adding the cheese  

Now today I’m just using a regular Mexican cheese  blend but you could use whatever cheese you’d like   I’m sure cheddar would be great or monterey  jack do what you want just make sure that the  

Cheese is nice and evenly spread all over the dip  once you are done with this we are actually going   to move it into our oven we’re setting it to 375  degrees Fahrenheit then you’re going to place it  

In there for about 10 to 15 minutes while that’s  baking we are going to chop up some scallions or   chives whatever you like better this is for a bit  of brightness and pungency now we are ready to  

Remove our dip from the oven and just look how  good this looks guys look at all those bubbles   look at that crispy cheese on top let’s top it  off with our scallions looks so good contrasting  

Against that yellow cheese and then just check out  how stringy this is that is a cheese pool that was   what we’re waiting for we’re gonna serve it with  some tortilla chips and I cannot wait to dig in   this came out absolutely fantastic now it’s  time to try it out serve it with tortilla  

Chips carrots celery whatever you’d like but I’m  being unhealthy for doing chips let’s try it out cheers that’s amazing it’s so creamy so  flavorful you guys have to try   it out don’t forget to like comment and subscribe


  1. Anyone coming from the garlic oil video – DO NOT KEEP IT FOR MORE THAN A WEEK. You can possibly get botulism if you aren't careful with garlic, and it will likely not taste any different. ALSO DO NOT FEED GARLIC TO YOUR DOG.

  2. can you make a video with just your husky?? I know it’s the wrong kind of channel but I think it’s cute lol

  3. Why does it have to be those types of hot sauces? Will it not cook right? Or just for the flavor. I don’t like typical flavored hot sauce is my reason for asking

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