Tuscan Crostata with Roasted Tomatoes & Olives

Unleash your inner chef and elevate your cooking skills with our hands-on classes. Get ready to impress your friends and family with delicious homemade meals!
Tuscan Crostata with Roasted Tomatoes & Olives
• 1 can (28-oz.) whole peeled San Marzano tomatoes
• Extra-Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)
• Kosher salt and fresh ground black pepper

The full recipe on our website:

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Um so thank you for being here my name is Kelly owner and founder of Gus Italian Kitchen and I am part of the events calendar for the Maran Library so I do this uh once a month it’s either like the first or second Thursday of each month and uh it’s all Italian

Themed uh my my Heritage is Italian my family is from around the Florence area which is um kind of the middle of the country um and I’m really excited to be part of the the programming so uh tonight we’re going to make uh a very classic um two little appetizers that

You would often find like in a coffee shop where they make these in the morning and they stick them in the in the glass case and they’re usually served room temperature um you know with your your coffee or your beer or your glass of wine but these are um really

Delicious little appetizers so in front of you you have your class packets um the recipes are in there so you can take those home feel free to scribble on those those are yours to keep and hopefully you will feel comfortable making these again when you get home and

Being able to recreate these so um my classes are interactive this is not a food demo this is a cooking experience so I do uh love for you to come up and help me uh cut stuff up and feel yourself doing the thing so that you will feel more successful when you get

Home because you’ll you’ll remember how to do it so um two at a time we’ll have um have folks come up and help if you want to help if you don’t that’s okay um but let’s get started so I do we need two people so who would like to

Start okay come on now and we have aprons if you want an apron if not that’s okay too let’s see you brought your own apron only because people in the picture had a I’m like and here’s the hand washing s so if you can do that first and then you can grab an

Apron go put that there okay so I’m going to turn both of these ovens on at 400 to get these Preheated so I’m actually putting these if you’re if you can um see that far I’m actually doing them at 410 so um you kind of gauge your own oven right we’re going to be baking these uh pastry sheets for part of the crusta so I just know that these ovens are a little

Slower so you know you’re mindful of whatever your oven does at home if it’s on par then it’s 400 okay so the first thing we’re going to do is roast tomatoes for the crusta so we’ve got some San marzanos and I have some fun facts about the San Marano tomatoes in

Your packets um that you can check out these are very classic Italian Tomatoes they come from the Pompei region which is kind of like Southwest of Rome where the soil is very volcanic and so they’re a very unique tomato but they’re very classic and if you think of um what you

Would make a tomato sauce for or with okay so what we’re going to do is try to strain these cuz we don’t want the juices and then we’re going to cut them into strips and just lay them on the cookie sheet well you know what we can we got

We got two stations we’re going to do the tomatoes first so we’re going to have both of you do tomatoes oh okay so that we can get these in the oven then we will shift to the onions which one this one work better you know what it’s really

Whichever one you want probably the serrated yeah for this can I move things or oh you want this left here don’t you okay yeah and I Ed this one CU it has a little Ridge um so that you don’t run all over the place with the sauce and then

I don’t exactly cut into the strips but I get you get now you could use fresh tomatoes um you certainly don’t have to use canned it’s just a little easier if you really want to use San marzanos to find it in a can um versus in the

Grocery store here in Cedar ID so uh if you can find them awesome um or you could just use beef steaks or Romas this is the San Marana was a type of Romas you could just use Romas from the grocery store and slice them up

Um that would work just as well um so I had a question about the Rosemary so I’ll tell you about that while they’re cutting up um this is the Rosemary I cut a few sprigs off of my plant so I have this huge plant that’s like the size of

My just like bigger than my dog um that I’ve been transplanting in and out in and out for like four or five years and it just got so big I was like you know what I’m going to just leave it outside and see if it makes it through the

Winter but I’m hedging my bets that it’s probably not going to make it um so I cut off a bunch of sprigs and I’ve been keeping it alive in this big base of water throughout the winter and then um actually this weekend I’m going to put

It in a big pot um so that it can be in soil and then I’ll transplant it uh in the spring like in May when we’re safe from the freeze but you can do this with a lot of your herbs that don’t stay alive um in Iowa so um if you think of

All the herbs that you might grow there are a lot that will make it through in Iowa winter um I have Sage thyme oregano mint all of those they they may look like death but they they will come back in the spring so I kind of have those in

A separate herb garden and then I’ve got the ones like my basil the Rosemary’s there but we’ll see what happens in a separate Garden that I know I have to replant every year so um if you are a fresh herb person those are some some ones that you can always have fresh

Stuff and it’ll keep coming back so um okay then we’re going to put them yeah put them on here spr out sorry I had a tickle on my throat that wouldn’t leave that’s okay they can overlap cuz we’re going to put these we can grab a second Pand I just

Know how yeah let me do that cuz we don’t want them overlapping too much but they can cut you know that’s probably let’s just load that pan up cuz I think it’ll be fine I’m going to get this going um so I’ve got a big sauce

Pan so I’m going to use something deep because we’re going to cut all slice all these onions and sauté so I’ve got this on kind of a low medium back here and if you want we do need one person so they’re going to cut the onions when they’re done with that but

Then we do need one person to stand at the stove and stir so if you want to do that without cutting an onion come on up or did you have a question no I’m going to you want to come come on up awesome you’ve been here before so you

Know the drill so hand washing station and there’s a um an apron if you want all set okay I’m going to take this and then let me get in front of you to get another knife okay so there’s a clean board that for the perfect yep okay

Um are there any more in here feels like there a lot of sauce this is a lot of sauce we’re going to save this of course of course you know what again well cuz we’re only going to put like one or two on each crada um so that’s actually probably

Fine she doesn’t if you don’t want bits and pieces we there plenty of bits and pieces I think actually I think that’s enough yeah yeah okay so I’ll take this and then if you want to wash it up and then we’ll start with the Onions okay so we’re going to do all three of those onions we’re going to slice them up um so we can take those out and then this can be your garbage bowl and we’re going to just slice them thin and do kind of like half moov okay

So slice um but not dice um and then as soon as they get some we’ll come back to you so what we’re going to put in our pan we’re going to just do um some olive oil salt and pepper and uh garlic powder on the Tomato so I’m going to do that

And get that get these in the oven so another thing that I love to do with either fresh tomatoes and it’s a really good thing and you guys can see are those on yeah so you can see see what we’re doing um you know when you get to the end of the

Season and you’ve got like a ton of tomatoes this is a wonderful thing to do with those Tomatoes you can either just put them in ziplocks and throw them in the freezer but if you just put them like if you’ve got cherries or grapes um

Or even little Romas um to just put them directly on the cookie sheet olive oil salt pepper garlic powder and roast them and then throw that in the freezer that’s the base for your sauce it’s the base you mean you could throw it in chili you could even put this in the

Quin art and make homemade tomato soup so these are it’s such a wonderful way to preserve those Tomatoes that’s perfect yeah and then just cut them well no that’s you just use that’s a great question so the question is did I just use a regular olive oil no ma’am great question

So there’s so many kinds of olive oils right in the world when you think of the grocery store there’s an awful lot um what really if you want to be authentic you need to find extra version olive oil so it’s not let me get this in

The oven it’s not the the brand so much or the name okay we’ll give those I think about what we do yeah like 20 Minutes okay there we go so it’s not so much about the brand it’s about the type um you can use whatever but you want but you want it to taste like an olive not a crayon right so if you’re using an oil that is not 100 it should say 100% extra

Virgin olive oil the other thing that it really in my opinion needs to say first cold pressed that means it’s never been heated that means it’s been crushed within 72 hours of being picked off the tree um and usually it’s going to be real it’s going to be from Italy so um

You know it’ll say product of Italy not packed in Italy or cuz that’s that doesn’t mean that it’s the origin so those are really the things that you want to look for in is it a good oil the other trick if you forget all of that

It’s usually in glass or or a tin so I buy mine um in a in a three qu tin that’s like the big rectangle but it’s a tin or it’s glass that’s in general I’m sure there’s exceptions but the plastic is usually not the real deal again I’m

Sure there’s exceptions but you said fresh press what first cold press first cold press okay yeah that is your that is your Fey okay let me take from you guys excuse me take actually I just touched them um could you do me a favor could you grab

The alive oil let’s put a couple tablespoons of olive oil down in the pan this one yeah either one yep yeah don’t cut my finger off Demo’s over do you want me to no just don’t we’re going to just turn it upside down and and count kind

Of so we’re putting little more little more so we just want to barely coat the bottom of the pan perfect okay and then we’re going to throw these in there cuz the p is already warming up you want the you know what this is a um well I mean

Yeah you can yeah yeah they need to be they do not need to be shapely okay you can start stirring although that’s a lot of onions smells great just sauté of for they’ll be leftover so if you guys want like some of the tomato sauce some of the sauteed

Onions there’ll be there’ll be stuff left um so when you get done with that why don’t you just just you can go back and just dump that into her saucepan wash again you know what if you want to just um well you know what we could use that again it’s going in the

Same pot um coming your way with more so we’re going to let those sweat down a little bit then we’re going to add some garlic and the Rosemary so for you guys if you want to do the Rosemary next we’ll have that done so I’m going to cut a few sprigs off

Here and this is really easy there’s like tools out there you know to to strip like kale and stuff you do not need a tool to strip the Rosemary it goes like this and you go and there it is but it’s so easy to get it off of there so we’ll do

That yep and let me cut two sprs for you and we’ll probably do like two for each of you and then if you can chop those up sure that’s kind of a little long let me give me another one then we’ll chop those up and put those in with the

Onions and if you don’t have the fresh Rosemary you can use dried that’s that’s fine too you could even change it up and do um you know you could do dried basil or dried Italian seasoning which has um basil rosemary um sometimes roasted red pepper or dried red pepper which is

Awesome um oregano so it’s whatever you feel like throwing in there this the fresh Rosemary is just like you’ll taste it it’s so delicious um yeah really just as Tiny as you can get cuz if you think about um turn it down um if you think about eating it

Right you want do you want a bigger knife okay let me grab it please we got this big huge knife kit knife kit in here oh boy that’s a big one there you go perfect yes okay that will work better um it’s a good reason you don’t want to

Get one of those stuck in your teeth so like as Tiny as you can get them would be would be awesome they kind of Ricochet yeah you kind of need to go slow on that make me get me another spring you want more I don’t know they feel like

They’re flying everywhere including the floor I think some of yours were a little dry they were one branch was dry the other dry really those are probably harder to I don’t know maybe they all add type of St I mean you you’re the one that knows well these are a little Browner

And these are a little Greener so let’s get one more for each of you for the green and that should be um softer and easier to cut but try to catch them we want all those all those yummies what is that is that an onion little tiny piece of

Onion it’s going in the same there you go yep that makes difference not to self that’s okay you don’t mind chasing around the kitchen no problem um then we’re going to put some garlic in there so this is is my secret garlic this is not purchased from a store and I will tell

You why um in my opinion like you don’t buy this from the store if it’s in the jar cuz it’s got like citric acid and it’s got other crap in it that it doesn’t taste like raw garlic so what this is I buy the big bag of raw garlic

That is peeled from hive has it Costco Sam’s has it and I put it in the quers the the food processor if you don’t have one of these that’s my absolute favorite Appliance in the entire kitchen I made my pesto my pasta dough my hummus the garlic but I put all

Of the raw garlic in there then put it in these little freezer safe Bell jars just fill it up with olive oil stick it in the freezer for months it’s fine and then you pull these out one at a time you know whether you’re doing a stir fry or

You’re making a crusta you’ve got instant fresh garlic with no crappy crap in it so that’s what this is so we’re going to put this in the onions and we have a lot of onions so I’m going to just dump this whole thing in there which is probably about the equivalent probably

The didn’t probably about the equivalent oh yeah of I’m going to say eight or 10 cloves is what’s going in here so I probably have eight or 10 of these still in my freezer that I just circulate and they’re awesome do you think think they cook better faster

I’m sorry do they cook faster than buying a I think so right cuz the freezer breaks it down a little bit it might um I’m I’m really just looking for the freshness and I’m looking for um only having to do that um once every so often and not every single time I cook

Yeah oh my gosh can see this I can’t quite get there you’re good I’m guessing me holy cow that’s amazing love it no that’s perfect so we’re going to wait just a little bit longer until that Down if all else F there’s a future in top that was awesome I didn’t even I should have Watched okay okay so let’s consolidate and then we’re going to wait just a few minutes before we put this in there and then we’ll start kind of getting our assembly l so let me get these the way B those are not the little cup you mean we’re doing the yeah so we’re going

To make the cras but we’re making it in oh you do have Runway Runway Rosemary we’re going to make that in individual servings so we’re going to take the P sheet and we’re gonna cut the pastry sheet so that they bake individual okay um me to open those let me in just a

Second I have the um cookie sheets all prepped in bag almost there almost There my little coffee uh blender does a great job of taking Raw the fresh herbs and oh yeah chocolate the the bean grinder yes totally yes cinnamon cinnamon powder I have two I have two little coffee grinders like that one for coffee one for herbs although when I’ve done the

Cinnamon stick I broke it the blade like totally it didn’t like that at all I’m sorry perally the inside of my yeah got a lot of wheels on there okay let’s do this next okay can I come on your right and let’s put this in there

Here can you push that yes I put that on the bottom and that a good stir to the onions is that did you question sorry yeah I was asking if you were putting the Rosemary in the onions yes the Rosemary went in with the onions yes and the garlic and

We’ll add just a little bit of salt and pepper and these are getting close okay you doing okay mhm thank you for Sing okay so let’s prepare our so you can get these um I know Trader Joe’s has great ones um this is these are just from high ve they’re in

Your freezer section where you would find like kind of where the high crusts are um and I’m using a piece of parchment paper for two reasons I I don’t really like tin foil if I don’t needan to use it but it also stuff sticks to tin foil

More than the parchment the parchment is really awesome for uh the nonstick okay so we’re going to start actually I’m going to wait to open that we might have enough yeah which is perfect cuz we’re going to do Nine and Nine thank you for coming let me SCB okay so these come in a trifold you can keep it as one piece but what I have found is that these don’t cook as evenly and the stuff that’s in the center is usually raw the dough anyway so usually I cut this into six pieces at least or four depending on um

How many people you have you know for your appetizer if you’re doing this as a dinner or dessert um we’re going to cut this into nine so that it’s going to cook a little faster um and each person is going to get their own personalized little that’s

Sorry oh there they go yeah okay so let’s we’re done so let’s let those cool just a tiny bit and then we’ll bring them over here just you’re getting very precise well you know see not even but yeah better than it would have been freehanded try not just try not to cut

The um parchment parchment so on my website um I have well I’ve got two cookbooks I’ve got one digital cookbook that you can purchase but there’s one on there that’s free that has several re recipes um and then also on there is the digital uh menu for all of my recipes for classes

Um I do private group classes so that I can um do them virtually you know if your sisters in Florida and your brothers in California whatever we can do virtual dinner party um and and create a custom menu or we do employer team building events

Um we’re sorry we’re good I want to make sure that we did the same those are perfect um employer team building events part of your culture program uh we can do as a cooking experience and if you don’t have your own kitchen we can do them right here um so there’s a full

Menu on my website that has all of the stuff that you can uh choose for for either of those um but a couple couple things that I love to do with these um in addition to what we’re doing now is kind of like a gallette but not folding

Them over where you could do pears and blue cheese and walnuts um or to do not a sweet one to do um a asparagus and goat cheese so it they’re it’s it I love these they’re very versal okay we’re Almost almost there on those okay let’s take our onions I’m going to put these in the middle of you guys hot and we’re going to just start layering the pastry sheets so I have tongs for each of you and we’re going to just coat not thickly coat because one

Thing that you need to um be mindful of with these pastry sheets is if you put too much stuff on them they’re not going to be able to rise cuz it’s too heavy so you want to coat cover okay but not single layer in yeah well

Maybe maybe double but but we still have the tomatoes um so we don’t want it to be too heavy and we’re going to and then we’ll do like one or two tomatoes and then we’re going to hit the olives and then we’ll sprinkle olives in here is is

There anyone who doesn’t want olives in theirs I can do some with no olives there’s everyone one okay Cool okay so you guys head there then when the tomatoes come out we’ll grab that can you smell it can you guys smell smell okay so the olives we’re using are Italian green olives um my other favorite Olive is an uh Italian cured black olive that you can’t even get in

The store here so um but these you can and they’re just they’re so delicious so what I’m going to do is take the juices out and instead of which I’m sure you guys will all be very thankful we’re going to put these in my quaz art instead of doing these my hand

And give them a rough chop and then the top of our stop I’m going to do one jar at a time I don’t know that we’re going to need the third one so we’ll see you guys probably can’t even see this so this is the baby food processor

There is a big one that’s like an 8 cup to do um like a pesto or hummus or a pasta dough piz aough um but having one or a little one and or a big one or something you should put on your Christmas list or your birthday list if

You don’t have cuz they’re awesome what’s the cup size on it this I think is just three cups mhm um and then the big one yeah usually I don’t know I think they’re like six to 8 to 10 I’m going to do one more okay one more minute on let

So how did you guys hear about this did you stumble on this on the website a lot of you are new faces how did you guys find this Library website Library website okay awesome good good good did anyone just I think you guys just saw it on the digital board right that’s awesome

So it doesn’t really matter the order that you put this stuff on so I think why don’t we go ahead and do the olives next so that the tomatoes can cool for just couple minutes so let me put this in between you guys I get

You you know what I can get yeah this One least one without olive got it one without olive okay so here’s our roasted tomatoes you guys there can’t really tell on the video there but you can see over here they smell really good they they look beautiful so they’ve browned up a little bit now if

You wanted to do like a sundri tomato you would do this like at a lower temperature and I put notes in the recipe for like an hour and a half or two hours so you could do that too if you wanted more of that really sweet flavor

Um but we don’t want to do that too late okay and then after the olive you can put lot of oliv I didn’t know you know what it’s all good they’re delicious I did I gave you a lot of Olives well I will red there look at

That there’s only like one two large ol each one I make pasta with just garlic and olives like load it on it’s all good all good well so this is part of making it too heavy right yeah the olive shouldn’t um make a difference make it too heavy but yes we

Want to be mindful of that so for the tomatoes yeah like one or two Perfect and then we’ll get those the and then to top it we’re going to put some cheese on there is there anyone who doesn’t want the dairy doesn’t want the cheese everyone good with that okay um and then we’ll get our other appetizer so this other appetizer we’re

Going to make is super easy it doesn’t even you don’t even have to bake it but it’s so delicious so a lot of Italian cooking they use figs so this is figs with goat cheese we’re going to kind of stuff it like open it stuff it and then

A drizzle of honey and a drizzle of balsamic glaze and that’s it and it’s going to be it’s such a bite you you’re going to love it I hope you love it it’s amazing you’re not convinced your face is like I don’t know how that sounds no I’m thinking putting all the flavors

Together it’s a lot of flavors when it’s like some crazy it’s a lot of flavor and then cheese no the chees is going to go at the end when it comes Out oh okay just I didn’t I don’t care as long as you T right on I think we see it I think see yeah good call good call okay in the Oven love you have double these are beautiful I do if you don’t have a double oven you could definitely do this um 1800 in one oven um what I would recommend is that you um halfway through you take them out and like switch and rotate um because even if you have a

Convection when you have two pans in there stuff just is not it doesn’t come the same so um or you could do it one at a time so while those are baking we’re going to do our fake just you guys have done a lot thank you so

Much welome to stay up someone else wants to come up couple more people want to come up and help sorry Rin them off a little bit clean awesome okay so there’s hand washing and if you want to do a okay we have one more one more

Volunteer is he going to the restroom or is he coming up no he’s he’s you can come back up yeah come on back up okay let me get clean boards and clean knives so you can get fresh figs which are delicious but in Iowa probably not going to find them right now

Um Trader Joe’s has amazing fresh figs when they’re in season which is not now so we have dried figs now I’ve done an experiment of doing this appetizer with dried figs and fresh figs the dried ones are delicious so you’re not settling on the dried they are so delicious I was

There for that experiment and I thought the dried ones were better oh did you yeah so these are they’re they’re so good okay what we’re going to do we’ve got goat cheese we’re going to take one of these figs and they all have little stems on them right cuz they’re

Fruits off a tree so if you kind of pull it apart you can see the Woody part of the stem like kind of like an apple cor so we’re just going to cut that off then lengthwise we’re going to cut cut this you want to help or you just no I I

Can’t see that far back never seen before and then look on the inside just like the picture it’s like they’re so delicious so we’re going to open these up kind of like a butterfly then we’re going to stuff with the goat chees and then close them back up and toothpick

Them okay so if you wanted however you want to do your assembly line of like I’m G to get all the stems off yeah I have no clue what to do with this okay so some like this one it’s almost like a belly butt you have to find the stem they all

Have little Woody stems that you don’t of course you can eat it like you can eat an apple core but it’s not going to be very delicious and it’s going to Crunch exactly so just pull it out and then you’re buying fresh fig figs what

Would you look for in a good fresh fig I’ve never seen a fig I was picturing dates I’m sorry the yeah they’re not I mean these are pruny looking right and they’re just they just don’t look like this close to the same size yeah okay yeah they’re about the

Same maybe a little bigger but they’re about the same size I mean grape to raisin there’s there’s a big difference the fresh fakes aren’t that they’re a little B little bigger not not all right so where do you get your F these these dried figs came from hi ve yeah they

Carry those year round um in the section um so then we’re cutting them like this lengthwise like that okay so you’re kind of butterflying your your figs so I’ll give you that and again you can kind of do your your assembly however you want and

I’m still kind of lost yeah okay let me help you okay I’m finding the stem it off okay yeah you’ve got three stems you’re good okay so I just like yeah just keep doing yeah so maybe do um I I don’t know I mean if you want to

Do all of these we can cuz you guys can have more than one you want fun yeah it’s just kind of they hide I want see that one no there it is but they sometimes they’re tucked in the center okay yeah so just take off the stem right yeah you’re just yeah

Literally cutting it off and that’s it and then doing the butterfly thing how do I do the butterfly thing yeah so this one you just want to turn it on its side so that you get the long ways and then you’re just cutting it in half got and

You can cut it all the way through if that’s easier or you can keep it attached at the bottom um that doesn’t so much matter cuz we’re going to secure it with um the toothpast oh okay yeah Is Gia your relative oh good question yeah so my name is Kelly I’m half Italian half Irish and Kelly’s Italian Kitchen sounds terrible so uh my daughter is giovana named after my great-grandfather Giovani so I named my company G like short Gia so my daughter and my great grandpa yeah yeah

Usually I remember to say that I forgot to say that um so I didn’t go to the store to buy some olive oil MH but the recommendation was like if you buy like olive oil that’s like used for cooking but the one that you said with the extra

Virgin and the cold press that one was only recommended for like salads or like not so much for like cooking cooking so is that true or can we use it that’s a good question it’s about the temperature so like what we did tonight we did the um onions on a low medium low

Heat that’s fine you don’t ever want to use olive oil on the high heat because it’s going to burn and it’s going to taste gry and you’re going to strip away a lot of the nutrients as to why you’re eating um or using extra virgin olive

Oil so um I always use it to start my sauce or soups because I’m doing it on super low heat um so I think that’s really your guideline is don’t ever use it on high heat and then you’re you’re still preserving why you’re using while you’re using the

Olive oil yeah think it’s also the cost of olive oil if it’s real it’s a lot more expensive so you will um see that in uh in the price tag but if it’s yeah you’re not going to find like a bottle like that for 10 bucks cuz it’s if it’s real

Extra verion olive oil from Italy first full pressed you know you’re going to pay a little more for it but when like I said when you taste it it’s going to taste like an olive I mean it’s going to smell like an olive it’s not going to

Smell um I don’t know the crayon is the best the best description I can give you as as to what what I smell or taste when I um and tasting other olive oils Okay so after you butterflied them we can start we’ll just do two CU I think we’re

Going to have a lot here and we’ll put these on place and then we can do the go chees we got by with the easy stuff so fun fact actually this is a really fun fact this is kind of a gross fact about um olive oils or oils in general um if

You think back to um um who was the guy that rode on the horse um with the lantern Paul rer right like a long time ago Jack hi Jack I haven’t seen you in a while are you going to stay are you just coming to eat don’t leave don’t leave

Jack’s one of my regulars I haven’t seen you in a while um so back in the day you used oil lanterns right to for light um that is actually not banned like it’s not illegal in the US to add like crappy unregulated oil so if it doesn’t say 100% extra virgin olive

Oil you are not guaranteed that there are not other not even vegetable oils in your bottle of oil just a heads up are you going to die no is it going to taste yucky yes and you’re in are you authentic no but does it matter at the end of the day

Not you know again but you want you like like when you cook with wine what is the recommendation cook with wine that you would drink right don’t cook with crappy wine cuz you’re not drinking it cook with wine you would dring because drink you maybe but that impacts your recipe right so

Same with the out the good stuff makes a difference in the last recipe if you used frush Tomatoes did you change the roast thing no um no what I still did about I think 18 to 20 minutes for the for the fresh tomatoes really sticky with yeah this is

A little messy so thanks for thanks for doing that portion okay so I am taking so the goat cheese has been out of the fridge for you know since we started class so it’s a little softer and a little easier to work with so I’m going to put a nice little

Dollop of the goat cheese in inside of each of these and then I’m going to close them up awesome and then when you guys get done you can do the same and then you guys get to eat who’s hungry you guys hungry yep yeah okay how much

Time oh we only have about four minutes left on that so I put those in I think only at 15 or 16 minutes cuz I wanted to check them cuz since we did cut them into 9 pieces um I’m anticipating them not taking the full 20 18 to 20 minutes and you’ll know

When so when we look at it I’ll show you it they’ll poof up the edges will be brown um and it it will have risen uh quite a bit they’re they’re beautiful so if you are a pastry maker just because you like making pies what would be different between the

Puff pastry and what a standard pie crust would provide the puffiness you know to be honest with you I’m going to defer that question I am not a baker I I am a chef um I I I do bake I do have some desserts that that I love to make but I don’t

Really have an expertise in the baking so I honest I don’t want to tell you the wrong answer I don’t really know what can I help you find there sorry um so does anyone else do you want to ask your question again uh if you were using regular homemade pie crust which

Is considered a pastry but not a puff pastry what might be the difference in layers that’s true yeah that’s a good point okay can I take yeah cuz this the puff pastry sheet it’s almost like um is it Pho or felo whatever um yeah where you’ve got the layers and and um

For a a croissant or something not more butter in it butter that’s why I mean it it’s a lot more butter less flour than the P like fold it and fold it and Fold It fold it and fold it and Fold It DT and more butter and and and F up more

Air so layers of pastry instead of P CR which can have layers too so she asked me what is one of my desserts so my probably one of my favorites is um a soup it’s a Twist it’s a Twist yes um so it’s and it’s actually ironically

Layered it’s a an Italian cream puff that’s layered that does bake up like a beautiful croissant without having to do all the cant stuff um here let me share with you and I’ll open up the other pack um and then the inside of my cream puff

My mom’s cream puff is um the lemon shell my homemade lemon cello moscar pone that I put in my lemon cello tias sou it’s ridiculous have you had it what the my cream no I havn’t yeah so I make my homemade lemon cello then I make the

Custard um with the mcar pone and the lemon chello inside of the baked cream C and they’re they’re amazing they’re amazing ridiculous my my favorite dessert of yours is the the lemon apple cake oh you’re so sweet amazing absolutely amazing so you must have been

Here in August cuz we made that for the grand opening okay when the library did the Grand Opening yes so that that recipe is actually in my cookbook in the digital cookbook ums on the website yeah so it’s an apple lemon uh it’s almost like a pound cake

But it’s not a poundcake but it’s kind of almost like a pound cake and I don’t I don’t even like apple particularly and it’s amazing thank you it is delicious thank you so much you to know if they sell send Marano tomato plants they do

Cuz I have them in my garden okay yeah yes yes excellent do you hear the T I do I’m got Sticky Fingers and then I’m going to go over there okay so let’s take a look thank You and see how these look okay let me show you so they’re lightly brown I’m going to come between you guys they’re lightly brown they’ve puffed up I’m going to give them maybe just two more minutes because on the inside they’re still not lightly brown

And I want to make sure that the the centers are cooked so let’s do a couple more minutes do you have a lot of recipes with lemon cello I do um are they in your cookbook so they’re not in my the so I’ve got two digital cookbooks um one is a is a

Larger one and then the little free one has um just you know fewer recipes but um the lemon cello is something that I make during like a private class well I own lemon cello they bought the whole bottle of it before I don’t actually like to do taste

Of it but I’d love to cook with it yeah um yeah I mean making tiasu with um with the lemon cello is is one of my favorites the uh the cream puffs making um like what is it to I’m sorry what do you use it in place of or you just add

It in so normally the tiu is like coffee and chocolate and and so it’s replacing but it’s a it’s kind of a different it’s a different custard at least mine is um you could do a spritzer I love doing um you can either do a mocktail or a

Cocktail of a h prco lemon cello prco spritzer that’s delicious too with the the lemon cello sounds good yeah let’s see okay we yeah so I mean there’s some stuff that aren’t in those cookbooks because they’re you know they’re meant to be done either you know with me in a

Smaller setting you know in a private class um but uh they’re they’re on the menu so check those out how you doing good we’re almost there then we can kind of do the the drizzles I didn’t do anything withth things I you know what after we kind of

Wash up here we can stab these yeah it’s really just to keep them together but help so you can pick them up and eat them that oven is Not the same I’m going to turn up my bottom oven and go like two more Minutes without burning them okay actually you did you wash yes sweet do you want to grab toothpick and the ones that do have the um goat cheese you can just stab those and then yeah just stab right in the middle up the top top yeah yeah just like that

Perfect really I mean it doesn’t matter just so you’re closing them you know two on the same or yeah so one toothpick per um fig Gra something like this okay let me yeah well no no no one on each sorry yeah one two one fake okay so let me

Give you a few of those and you can do that and then so fun fact about the lemon cello there’s no lemon juice in lemon cello what what’ you say there’s no lemon juice in lemon jell what’s in it lemon peel least in mind there’s all there’s

No lemon juice which I think is pretty typical and what what alcohol do you what’s the base is it Al or um so you could use a really any white um oops I turn wrong sorry hang on I can’t talk and two gum at the same time okay um any white alcohol um

Usually a v cut um mine is actually with ever CLE oh so it’s a little low potent but what that does is um the higher alcohol content draws out more of the lemon flavor from the peels so you get a more delicious less actually less alcohol

Flavor of your lemon cello with the Ever Clear than you do with a vka in my opinion and then when you cook do you bake it I mean do you do you bake it once in the recipe or is it added on later like could you serve it to

Children or is it really alcohol oh no it’s alcohol it’s Al yeah no it’s not getting cooked off good question not getting cooked up so what is that so this is balsamic glaze so I’m going to drizzle a little bit on each one after you’ve spewed

Them behind you here and just some local honey so another um note about balsamic is that this is It’s a balsamic reduction glaze that you could you could make at home um this has added sugar in it if you have you know like a true extra virgin olive oil if you have a

Really really good balsamic vinegar that’s been aged in Oak barrels there is no sugar in it and it’s actually thicker than this so um just an FYI these glazes do have added sugar where a really really good balsamic um that’s been aged that’s from Italy um has no sugar in it

And you’ll taste the difference the it the real uh balsamic that’s aged in a barrel I mean it just it’s it’s undescribable I should I should describe it I mean it’s so it’s sweet but it’s so rich and so deep and it’s just delicious we were last summer when we were visiting

Um set the Tim we want to you know like you would do a uh a visit a Vineyard and do a wine tasting um you can do a balsamic vinegar tasting and um they have some of their you know those family-owned uh Vineyards that have been around for hundreds of

Years they’re they’ve got barrels of just balsamic vinegar for like 10 50 100 years before they’ve bottled any of it so we got to taste like I think we got to taste 10 15 think we us taste the 50 we did but they didn’t let us taste the 100 cuz

They only had like one or two uh one or two barrels of it so um but even the 50 was like you want to faint it was crazy okay so do you want to come behind um and if there’s balsamic add a little honey okay then we’ll know where we are

And of course there’s no rhyme reason to which goes first it’s just I don’t want to double up so quick question yeah did you think of putting like a half a walnut in each one of them you absolutely could that would be delicious um my son’s allergic to nuts so that’s

Probably why I don’t use nuts as much as I would like to he’s not here so we could have but um just when I whip this up as a quick appetizer um I just don’t do the nuts but you could that’d be delicious yeah but like usually the three ingredients kind of

Mhm compliment compliment each that’s a good it’s a good point awesome okay well if you guys want to come up and grab a fork and we’ll plate these and and come grab some Food on the and there could you drop the yeah just sure no here you go grab for wow all right All what about the chees what happened to the cheese oh thank you the cheese come on back up let you grab the pl do you wna thank you I’m so excited to eat I forgot um here let me get a scissors I got get I know is to close

So so note about the cheese so this is um Parmesan shreded Parmesan usually I would usually I would use um fresh gred peino the difference is that peino is from a sheep and Parmesan is from a cow they and well the the it’s easier I that’s adorable did you make that

Upstairs a thank you that’s so cute you have a enough of course yes sure you sure sure you’re welcome right I’m sorry that’s the last one chop it in half chop it in Half so power first spikes figs I’ll never I mean that goat cheese thing is like before I go to bed is that is it healthy what FS healthy yeah there just it’s just a fruit there’s nothing added to it um I don’t know the particular profiles of um a fig versus

You know a blueberry but yes they’re definitely I would saying better than dates I like dates are really sweet yeah dates are much sweeter uh blue cheese stuff dates wrapped in bacon Bry M oh those are those are good but they’re very rich you can’t eat I can

Eat several of those there’s a few more up here I’m good come off yourself thank you well that is our class for tonight um thank you so much for coming take your time and eat um if you could take those packets with you and do me the

Favor of going on to my socials I’m on all the socials Facebook Instagram Tik Tok I’ve got a YouTube channel with over a 100 videos um you know do the social thing like comment subscribe uh to Help Me Grow that would be awesome um and my email’s on there if you have any

Questions about um you know what it looks like more for a private group party or an employeer team building event um please just shoot me an email and I would love to just chat more about it or we could chat after class if you have questions so thank you so much for

Coming thank you and it’s game time the record only four minutes pass the record just happened like 10 seconds ago seriously serious I knew it was going to be the first half

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