Moroccan Soup with a Caribbean twist, has a flavorable taste. It can be serve as lunch or dinner alone. If you’ve never tried this soup do not miss out.

Hello thank you so much for joining me if you’re new to this channel welcome if you’ve been here before welcome back guys look who’s here it looks like I’m always here though I know it looks like he’s always here you guys have been writing in and saying you like Charles

Keep Charles on the video so it’s okay instead of telling him stay there hold the camera be quiet now he’s now he gets to talk okay but today he’s going to be holding the camera for me because I’m making you some soup today and this is a Moroccan soup with a

Little bit of Caribbean twist to it so I’ll be making this J is going to be on the other side if he has something to say breast yourself breast yourself guys you have the okay for me to do that so let’s get started we making some Caribbean some some Morocco Caribbean soup Moran

Moroccan Moroccan well Morocco Moroccan I guess some Moroccan Caribbean soup and I’m going to show you all the stuff that I will be putting inside of it so let’s get started okay guys so let’s get started I have a few simple ingredients here I want to show you what I have we’re

Starting out with some lentil peas this is one cup of lentils this is some garlic that we’re going to be adding to that I have here one whole onion a piece of Ginger I’m going to be adding to that you can add to that as well some chicken stock but

Instead of chicken stock I’m going to be adding one piece of chicken breast that I have here I’ll be adding that I have a Butner squash a sweet potato this is a rustic potato I will be adding one can of red kidney beans I have here a can of coconut

Milk and we have some tomato sauce so all of this is what’s going to go into our soup so I want to get started on this soup to show you how it is done are you ready Charles absolutely ready I this I uh we love Moroccan soup this

Soup is so good I made it for him before he had two bowls and he felt guilty of taking the third bow I don’t want to seem greedy so I’m not going to take a third Bowl but he took two bowls and actually it was pretty good right it’s

Very very I made it for the first time and I loved it so that’s why I wanted to make it for you guys cuz I thought it was good it have a lot of nutritious nutritional value because of the stuff that I put inside of it you have your

Protein you have your your carbs you have everything in there so guys before I get started I want to go ahead and peel my I’m not going to use this whole thing I’m just going to use a piece of this so I just want to go ahead and get

This peel I have my chicken here that’s clean I want to see season this up I’m going to chop the onions up and then once I come once I’ve done all of this I will come back I’ll be will get started on the soup okay guys so now over here

As you can see I went ahead and prepped everything I took a piece of the butternut squash I have my sweet potato my Idaho Potato right here of course I show you my lentils over here I went ahead and I um chopped up the onion I also grated a piece of the

Ginger and um I have here some garlic and I have my um my chicken breast I cut it up into small pieces chunks and I went ahead and I seasoned it and I set that aside I have over here some seasonings as well so as soon as I start

To use these I’ll tell you exactly what they are so let’s go over to the stove so we can get this started and I’ll show you how how it is done okay guys so I’m going to get started by putting in here about a couple tablespoons of olive

Oil let that heat for a second now to this olive oil I have here some onions that was chopped up so I’m going to add the onions to that so we add add one chopped of onion to that and I’m going to sauté this for a minute until it becomes translucent so

I’m going to let it stay here for a couple minutes get the flavors and everything out of the onions it become translucent before I add the other stuff to it okay guys so my onions are translucent here so I’m going to go ahead and add my garlic to

That try to stay close that it does not burn you don’t want it to burn anything smells onion smells good and to that I’m going to add some ginger and just mix that in and stir okay now once you’ve done that and you stir it for a few minutes

Okay I can smell the ginger and the garlic very nice smell I’m going to add some cumin and this is two teaspoon of cumin and I’m going to add that whole thing stir it in to that I have one teaspoon of our purple seasoning we’re going to flavor

It up a little bit we going to add that to that I have one teaspoon of parsley flakes that’s dry parsley flakes you add that in there to that I’m going to add half a teaspoon of black pepper and the reason I’m just using half a teaspoon the

Recipe called for pepper flakes but I have pepper in my seasoning That season my chicken so I don’t want to make it too too spicy so I use half a teaspoon of black pepper and this is one teaspoon of salt okay so we’re going to mix this in

Well next after mixing this for a few minutes mixing everything up I’m going to add my one can of um coconut milk and this is the coconut milk I use here but you can use any coconut Milk and we’re going to mix mix this in for a few minutes NE next I have one can of red kidney beans I just drain the water off of it and add those in there to that I have one small can of tomato paste not paste tomato

Sauce I’m going to add this in here I just mix it well I’m going to add to this four cups of water this is two cups of water here I’m going to add two more to that two cups of water all together four cups what

We’re going to do is let this come to a boil and once this come to a boil I’m going to add my length I’ll show you what I’ll do next guys so now what I’m going to do is add my lentil piece that’s one cup of lentil piece that I’m

Adding to this at this point now I’m going to lower the stove to medium and let us sck it stem and boil so I’m going to cook and that’s all I’m adding to that so this is going to stay here for about 40 minutes I’m going to set my

Timer for 40 minutes and then I’ll be back to check it and show you what I do next okay guys it has been 40 minutes let’s take our cover off this is our beans here so now I’m going to add my potatoes to that I’m going to add this is my butternut

Squash I’m going to add my sweet potatoes and I will add my chicken to that as well and guys I’m going to leave this in here now for maybe another 20 25 minutes for your potatoes and everything in here to cook and then we’re ready to have our

Soup okay guys so now it is time to check our soup it has been in here for another 40 minutes I wanted to make sure that the potatoes and everything was cook well and as you can see they soft they it’s been cooked I like my potatoes cook soft

So it’s nice everything is cooked the chicken is cooked and here is our soup now before I turn the stove off I just want to taste it really quickly I have child taste it just to see if I have enough salt enough spices in here I going need to add something before it

Turn the stove off so let me just give a little bit to my hubby here let get hey say hey you want to taste this soup of course I want taste this soup is a bit hot if it is as good as the last ones

That you make hey this is the best soup ever oh man that is so bad it’s good I don’t need to add any more salt more spices perfect nothing okay good let me rinse that spoon what my mouth was say roll my mouth no but that’s okay you still got

To wash the spoon before you put it back in there oh okay I clean the spoon so the soup is all so the soup is all done guys it is all done so before I have char tast this for you and I myself taste it cuz it looks good I’m going to

Let it sit for a few minutes and um cool because it’s very hot right now I don’t want to burn anybody mouth so we can let it sit for a few minutes just cool off a little bit and then you going have me taste it of

Course and then we’ll taste it and tell you what it taste like guys the soup is ready to be tasted it looks delicious I want to taste it for you CH is here with me and he’s going to taste it as well why you peeping around the corner I like

Peeping around things okay so I’ll go ahead and Tastee it and then I’m going to let him taste it and tell you what it tastes like it’s better that way okay so let’s get started um this is our Moroccan Caribbean soup let me taste it still a little bit

Hot just the right amount of spices you don’t know I need to add anything else to it it is good and for all you beans and you Jamaicans and so like K dumpling you don’t need to add no dumplings to this okay no dumpling people say oh soup

And no soup without dumpling yes it is no dumpling this is perfect make this exactly everything me put in you put in and tell me what you think write me and tell me what you think about it because this tastes good and it don’t need anything else it tastes perfect I’m

Going let y’all T in a minute cuz I know he’s over there um his mouth is watering that’s a good soup let me let him taste it for you you can go ahead and taste it spoon that you use just go ahead and tast it and stop

But I tell you to mix up my soup I just I just took some went and mix it up and St that’s how you eat you soup let me eat it I eat M well no I give you some of my soup that’s not your soup what I didn’t give you yours yet

Just take this out the out of the pot but I’m ask you to taste it you going mixing up stuff well let me mix it up if I mix it mix it up go ahead and taste it go ahead oh yeah iy tell you this is really good

It’s good right mhm when you made it before mhm I like it right away yeah caught that little bit of spice spiciness to yeah and it’s not overly powerful it is really really good it’s good all right got to watch cricket guys he Gone With The Whole Bowl

All I said was to taste the soup and tell me what it tastes like he gone with a Whole Bowl that’s EXA that’s Char for you guys you can’t give him anything to taste he takes everything guys this was fun you see it it took a little while to

Make but you know you prep everything you put it on it’s easy okay so go ahead and give it a try I had fun making it I hope you have fun making some as well don’t forget to share like subscribe and leave me a comment I love to read your comments until next

Time bye-bye


  1. It was like heard me, i was thinking some dumplings would taste great with that soup lol 😂. Thanks for another great recipe!

  2. Wow your soup 🍲 😋 look so so yummy my mouth was watering 😋 👌 Charles is so so funny and look sexy especially with his beard 😂😄

  3. ❤️Charles… she made him washed the spoon… so, he wanted to do the same… I will try looks delicious 😋

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