Hi every one welcome to visit my channel is talk Yummy cooking Oyster recipe.

Wish you good luck for your life bye bye..


  1. Ha ..so lucky you got such big oysters, lovely recipe and njoyed the video….I miss oysters so much here…we get it in a specific season locally.. n I m waiting for them 😋

  2. I wonder where the silent sister is…she's not in the recent videos. She's better than that Jin Su girl.

  3. Big oysters, very nice catch.
    In southern US they harvest these shellsfish an then throw the shell back in the water.
    Oysters babies will find the old shells and grow in them. Most here are in big clusters an very small animals inside but alot of them.


  5. The wealth of a person is measured in quality of life. Food preparation skills as well as access to these wonderful natural seafood and other local ingredients defines to great extent the health and quality of a persons life. Greetings from Cologne, Germany where I envy you for your quality of life! – I certainly want to learn all your cooking skill secrets you share on your youtube channel. Well Done, and Thank You very much for sharing!

  6. Если б не книжки про приключения мореплавателей вроде Робинзона вряд ли мы могли знать про все эти бяки-мяки,которые нам предстоит попробовать на вкус …

  7. Ah lin i am bactracking all of your old cooking vlogs, your really beautiful more than ever , since then i am addicted watching you, watching your very pretty white and smooth flawlessly angelic face, I am Engr. May macs fr: philippines.

  8. I would really love that they actually post a recipe as some of their ingredients I would have no idea what they are 🧐 we’re not in Kansas anymore Toto

  9. Noooooooooo you never wash oysters 🦪 you’re losing a it’s brininess 🫣🫣🫣 FIRE 🔥 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Willson we have FIRE 🔥

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