Hello fellow Humans
This week we are cooking up a storm, We make my new fave lentil and chorizo soup, yummy tofu, With a couple of snacks and lunches thrown in.
Thank you so much for watching and I hope to see you again soon xxx

If you would like to email me, contact me on amysahuman@gmail.com

Hello fellow humans were you expecting to see me today no you weren’t we don’t tell porkys I know you weren’t I’m so happy to be here again we’ve got a cooking video it took me a while to find out bits for my camera I have to say they

Were scattered all over the house you get out of putting the camera on and talking to the camera and talking to you guys I mean you’re all absolutely lovely but you do get out of uh of doing it so we’ve got some fantastic Foods today I’m

Meal prepping it’s a Sunday so my idea for today is to get some vegan Teresa crumble going now how do you make vegan Teresa I tell you how you make it with this some lovely tofu and I’m going to have that in some peppers and I’m going

To have that with some pasta and I’ll show it you both ways so I’m going to stuff some peppers with that top it with a bit of cheese nice and spicy I’ve had it before I really like it also use a lot of mushrooms in in that so if you’re

A mushroom lover you’re probably going to like this and that tofu is flavored to Perfection I’m also going to make a red lentil and cheso soup and I’m going to make a pasta salad a cold pasta salad that I can take to work with me through

The week nice quick lunch so C pasta salad we got a soup going on in the background and then we’re going to have this tereso mix which we’re going to put with different things for the first few days of the week I actually filmed a video last weekend tell you that i’ I’ve

Done all this I’ve spoken to you before actually there was a problem with the memory card and it all got wiped full hour of footage got wiped I was very very sad I wasn’t even annoyed I was just very sad I was very dejected I said

To Paul this is very very sad I did all this work and it’s gone anyway after i’ had a bit of a boo about that I just got back on with my life and then we’re here today so hopefully the same thing won’t be happening this week

We are planning on moving in a few weeks so I will show you around that as soon as we are getting moved in we’re waiting for the sofa I mean I probably could take you in before the sofa arrived comment down below if you want to see it

If you’re interested I’ll show you if you’re not that bothered and you’re just here for the Watchers and the cooking that’s also fine I’ll wait until we move in and then I’ll I’ll give you a goose my breakfast and my lunch today cuz I’ve already had those I’ll put those in here

So for my breakfast this morning I did have nent Greek yogurt with some sunflower seeds and some raspberries and also I did mix into my yogurt this hunter gatherer collagen creamer I’ve been having this it’s the chocolate flavor the creamy cacao I was recommended this actually by a

Nutritionist and it does taste a little bit like chocolate mousse it’s very nice when it’s mixed in to your yogurt the stats for it are 68 calories 2 G of fat and 12 g of protein per 20 G serving I also had two potato waffles which were three points each smeared with some

Homemade Arch choke hummus at two points I got the hummus recipe off the Weight Watchers app the waffles with hummus was eight points and the berries and yogurt were two points 10 points overall I was going to have toast all graen toast and then the weekend little voice came in

And said yeah but you really do want potato waffles and it is the weekend so I’ve pointed them up to have the waffles you me and Paul went out Friday night and we went to go see Hamilton in Manchester so I’m going to put a little

Bit of footage of that of us on our date night in here Hamilton s fantastic the guy who’s playing Hamilton wowe all of them fantastic and it may when I’m watching it I think oh I’d love to be able to do that I’m very envious of those people who are up on that

Stage don’t know if I’ve told you this about me before but I do my tracker the night before so I try and plan in what I’m going to eat for the next day really helps me uh don’t have to think about it on the day then I still have that

Spontaneity cuz I can put whatever I want on that tracker the night before but I do do it the night before it just works much better for me I know what I’m having I know what I’m doing I know a lot of people track as they go along but

I like a little bit of a routine and it works for me I’ll just let my uh lunch settle I’m going to go and do a workout so at the moment I’m working out and I’m doing uh weight training I think weight training yes it tones you up and you

Build more muscle and muscle does burn more fat we know these things don’t we but I don’t think it shows much on the scale when you’re doing weight training I think cardio oh yes it does it tends to help your weight loss I don’t know about weight training it never really

Has um made much of an impact on my weight loss however I am turning 40 in a few weeks time and I am now thinking yeah I need to be building these muscles up I mean if not now when you middle-aged lady get a grip get on with

Some on weight training so that’s what I’ve started to do I’ve started to incorporate it and I have done weight training before and I do like it and I just do it at home I’ll go in the living room now do it half an hour job that’s

Enough for me so I’m going to go and do my weight training now and then I’ll come back to you and we will get on with this meal prep oh another quick thing before I go look how long my hair is getting now I’m sure last time I saw you

It was here it’s going longer I wonder if that’s that collagen my nail person uh she says that you should take biotin but then I heard of somebody else that biotin gave them very bad acne I think the collagen must do good things for your hair I mean I do

Feel like it’s getting a good length now I want to get it quite long I’m wanting to grow it and I think all the nuts and seeds that I’ve been incorporating uh into my diet since I came back from holiday really tried to up my healthy fats I think that’s

Definitely doing something for my skin and my hair I feel like my Skin’s a bit brighter my eyes are a bit brighter and my hair is growing a little bit better so that’s all good the collagen and the nuts and seeds yes we’re on to a

Winner after that workout I was in need of a snack it looks like I’ve not actually changed my clothes but I just took my shirt off to do my workout and then popped it back on again so I used this 72% cacao dark chocolate I just microwaved one square in the microwave I

Cut up an apple and then I used this peanut Delight granola and I weighed out 14 G of that granola that 14 G is 1 Point that’s as much as you can have for one point so I dipped my Apple into the dark chocolate the dark chocolate square

Is 2 points so this snack overall is a three point snack and it was delicious going to Great Lengths to get every last bit of chocolate and every last bit of granola and just that little bit on my finger there chocolatey granola finger okay so I’m back I’ve done that workout

Felt a little bit shaky afterwards actually I think weight training it puts my body under quite a lot of stress cuz it it’s obviously you’re trying to control those movements what I started to do is I started to have a coffee before my weight training maybe that’s

Not a good idea I think maybe the combination of the training and the caffeine maybe that’s not doing it for me I feel a little bit quivery so I had that snack so as you saw uh some granola some dark chocolate and some apple that was delicious about to get on with the

Tofu and the soup so I’m going to drain my tofu first of all get that drained and pressed and then I’ll crack on with the soup this brand of tofu called T fo I think tofu and it is organic and it is very firm which is what you want you

Don’t want too much moisture in this recipe so I wrap it up in paper towel and then I top it I push it down with the lid of my bread bin so anything anything heavy a pan a breadboard whatever you’ve got to weigh it down for

20 minutes while I made my soup so for this soup you will need a liter of water which I think is about equivalent to 4 cups 200 g of rinsed red lentil 120 g of tereso sausage mine has been in the freezer and I’ve brought it out so it’s

Defrosted but it that’s why it looks a little bit wet a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar one onion one large potato one teaspoon of garlic granules two teaspoons of paprika and onion if you have paprika and onion separate 1 teaspoon of paprika 1 teaspoon of onion granules to begin I chopped the onion I

Wanted it quite small as this soup is not a blended soup it is a Chunky Soup so you want to cook your onions quite fine and then your cheso into chunks s then we are going to fry this off so that the tereso releases all its juices

And the onions become nice and soft and brown this took around 12 minutes for the teso to get crispy I then diced my unpeeled potato all we’ve got to do now is wait for those onions to Brown and the teso to get nice and crispy and then

You just add all the other ingredients you leave it on the hob for 20 minutes with a lid on it Loose Loosely placed on top and then it should be ready and it’s one that you can freeze this as well so it’s great you can put it into

Individual containers pop it into your freezer uh it makes four makes four portions this soup and it smells really good so far I love that smell of tho that cheso is going to leech quite a bit of that um make it taste really salty and ous if you are plant-based you can

Just leave that treel out you don’t even need it really because you got your potatoes you got your lentils you got your spices this is a great one one it’s nice and filling they’re nice and caramelized to the point where they’re just about to turn so we’re going to put

The rest of our ingredients in in go the diced potato with the rinsed lentils and then I gave this a really good stir got all those crispy bits off the bottom of the pan got all that flavor distributed this is an absolutely cracking soup after I had eaten the

First portion of this soup I ranged my mom to tell her how good it was and that it probably taken the lead over my current favorite soup which is like a cabbage and bacon I added my teaspoon of garlic granules and my couple of teaspoons of paprika and onion and the tablespoon of

Balsamic followed by the liter of water now there’s no stock in this soup so you do get a little bit of salt from that cheso but I did add extra salt and pepper due to it just being made with water once the soup had come to the boil

I popped a lid Loosely on top and left it for 20 minutes and moved on to making My Tofu crumble even if you have had tofu before and not been very keen a lot of the flavor comes from outside sources with tofu it doesn’t have a very strong

Flavor at all in this because it’s heavily seasoned and it’s crumbled so small with lots of surface area even if you tried it before this might be good for you all in the seasoning so we have some apple cider vinegar some garlic granules paprika and onion Italian

Seasoning or you can just use oregano some kayenne pepper some ground coriander and some cinnamon also we’re going to use some soy sauce as well for that salty taste and a teaspoon of chili powder you can use mild or hot chili powder whichever you prefer so the mushrooms in this dish

Need to be cut up quite fine we’re after like a crumb style texture and quite a dry texture I diced my onion quite finely I mean that’s as fine as I’m going to get it to be honest I sprayed my frying pan with fry light and then I

Fried my onions off for 3 minutes just to soften them before adding a teaspoon of lazy garlic I then added my mushrooms to the pan and fried those for a good 10 minutes until they were dry this has to be super dry so all your moisture needs to have come out of your

Mushrooms and this has been on the hob now for about 10 minutes um on a medium heat and all that moisture is out of there now I’m going to crumble in the tofu and then you can leave that for about 25 minutes until your tofu is proper crispy once it’s crisped up

Uh then we’ll add the seasonings I have turned that pan down a little bit just because I don’t want it to burn but I do need it to crisp up and I’m making a pasta salad as well however I am just going to use a shopboat sauce

For this this is just for my lunches at work and I was making it anyway so I thought well I’ll just show you what I’m making so I’ve boiled 200 gram of whole wheat pasta which is cooked and then I’ve rinsed it in cold water I’ve chopped up some peppers out

Of a jar so roasted red peppers in brine some olives from Brine and a bit of cucumber as well I’m just going to Chu all that in there some chickpeas for the protein and I’m going to use this all natural miso tahini dressing Dr Wills so

It’s a tablespoon is one point so I’m probably going to put about three tablespoons in there along with a couple of tablespoons of light mayonnaise so it’s going to be five points on my dressing for the whole pan uh this is going to do me four portions and my

Whole wheek pasta which I’ll have to point up but that’s my pasta salad lunch my roasted red Preppers in brine are zero my olives are one and my cucumber is zero the chickpeas are also zero so we’ve got my pasta in go the chick fees

Super simple this it’ll fill me up at my desk my chopped roasted red peppers my olives if you don’t have a sauce like this you could easily just use miso and Tahini uh mix together it give it that nice salty momy taste so my sauces for

This Dr wills it was three points and then for my mayonnaise it was 2 points for my light mayonnaise so that’s five points on the sauce in addition to the pasta and the olives Al together this pan does four portions and it is six points per

Portion back to my favorite soup of all time now I know this probably doesn’t isn’t doing it justice but honestly very very good if you like lentils and you like cheito you like potato like I do you’re going to love this now we are going to start adding our spices to that

Cris up tofu so to begin I added a teaspoon of cinnamon a teaspoon of garlic granules a teaspoon of the chili powder 2 teaspoons of the paprika and onion seasoning teaspoon of the Italian herbs and like I say you could just use oregano a teaspoon of the ground

Coriander and a teaspoon of the cayenne pepper I gave that a stir and then cook those spices off just for a couple of minutes before adding my liquids my apple cider vinegar so I added a tablespoon of apple cido vinegar and a good ding of soy

Sauce so once I had this protein packed crumble made and it is zero points I popped it into the fridge I was stuffing peppers with it the day after and adding it to a pasta sauce can be used for many things anything that where you would use mince or sausage crumble great in

Tacos it is the morning after now I’m just going to work I’m just making up again my yogurt with my hunter gatherer collagen creamer that you saw yesterday I’m really enjoying it I think it’s great you’re supposed to put two tablespoons on of this now I probably

Put about a tablespoon into my yogurt and that’s enough for me it is not sweet so it doesn’t sweeten it up it just gives it that chocolatey taste so I’ll show you what I’m taking to lunch now today which is what we’ve made up yesterday and then when I come home

Tonight I’ll show you what I’m oving for my tea so here we’ve got my pasta salad six points and my yogurt which is just one point today as I’m just using the collagen creamer I have used it in coffee but wasn’t keen on it in coffee love it in my yogurt though

Hey guys back from work now I’m going to make up a pasta sauce with some of that tofu crumble I’m going to make a spicy pasta sauce lot of pasta isn’t there going on at the moment and I’m going to stuff those Peppers I’m certainly feeling this red pepper today is

Matching in with my outfit if you can make your tea match your outfit that’s pretty good going so I Haled and deeded my pepper my pepper does look like a love heart or if not a love heart a real heart it would have been great to have on Valentine’s pre-cooked some rice I

Could pre-cooked some for my boys so I took 2 tablespoons of their rice 2 tablespoons of cooked rice is four points I added some zero point jalapenos and then 15 G of half fat cheddar I get my half fat cheddar from Asda and I think that’s the best half fat cheddar

For the taste and the points that was one point so I mixed that all together and then stuffed my peppers and then I topped it for an extra cheesy boost with this sliced plastic cheese overall for these stuffed peppers they were seven points if you preferred

You could just have one of these and maybe put it with a protein sauce bre chickin breast or a piece of fish and it could go alongside on to my final use of the tofu crumble so I just made up a really basic veggie tomato pasta sauce lots of chunky

Vegg in there I’ve used 20 olives a full onion which I’ve sliced and half a jar of Ary chokes now the Ary chokes they do come in oil so I’ve had to give them a good pat down I then pop those into a pan to soften with half a teaspoon of

The lazy chili two points for my olives two points for my art choke and then I would just account for my pasta so that full pan of pasta sauce is four points looking at the sauce afterwards I would say it’s going to do was three to four

Portions once the chili had fried off and the veggies were soft I then added a full carton of Pata to the pan this is quite a thick pasta sauce when I am reheating it later I will probably add a little bit of water to it so then Goes My Tofu crumbled there and

Seasoning cooled this and popped it into the fridge for the next night so all I have to do is cook my pasta and mix in my sauce we’ll be having the pasta sauce tomorrow it’s quite spicy and fiery cuz lazy chili um and it has the seeds in

There as well so it’s pretty spicy if you don’t like olives you could easily leave olives out of there you could substitute them with um some dried tomatoes you get some dried tomatoes in brine you could sub it for that they’d be really good guys I’m so glad that you

Have joined me thank you so much honestly I can’t say it enough thank you so much I know uh we’ve been traveling and I haven’t been in here in my messy kitchen very often but I’ll be coming back in a couple of weeks and I’ll be

Showing you that Barn let me know if that’s something you’d like to see and I will see you next time thank you so much for watching bye guys


  1. Hey sweet friend ❤ I’m trying to like tofu I just haven’t found my groove with it yet😂

    Still prepping is the best. I love it when Shawn and I do it together.! Xoxo

  2. I can’t wait to see the barn! The food looks great! Do your boys like spicy food? I enjoyed Stella’s cameo appearance also. You’re a doll!

  3. everything looked yummy . I think I could eat at your place every day ! Love the tofu . Yes I can't wait to see the barn ! so excited

  4. Hello Love! You look beautiful! Your recipes look delish! I love to cook with tofu. Stella is too cute! 🥰 I'm looking forward to the barn tour. I am so happy for you and your family. ❤

  5. Hi sorry I haven't watched lately. Been trying to cut down on screen time. Especially YouTube.
    Enjoy your cooking. Thanks for sharing ❤ have a blessed week.

  6. Great flog! ,ive lost my way with my weight loss journey after a rather major operation. So these types of uploads certainly will help me get back in track ,thank you 🙂🙂xx

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