Looking for easy Valentine’s Day recipes? We got you covered. Chef Stefano Faita shares his shrimp linguine recipe. “It’s spicy!”

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In the kitchen with uh Stephano because I started smelling the onions and the garlic and I just found my way over here we’re doing dat night dinners they’re super easy so we did the Crone we did the CR Christini it was beautiful I went back there and finished off what I was

Started eating during the second there that’s what I like to hear now we’re going to make a shrimp Linguini yes we’re making shrimp Linguini frola the devil yes yes but the devil is the heat it’s spicy yes just like you hope your date’s going to be

Yes because if it’s not food there’s a problem no but this food should help it should help people so listen so basically uh shrimp Linguini frola so in a pan here I’m going to start we have uh some onions and some garlic okay in this

Pan I heated some olive oil as well and I have some panco or breadcrumbs I’m just going to pop them in there and I just want to toast them a little bit I’m going to toast them while we’re building the sauce so this is going do that do

This is just going to go over the top it’s a garnish does it give it flavor Ro it’s going to bring some texture you know to the dish so we’re just going to toast it out yeah toast those up a little bit in olive oil you can have put

Them in butter too as well if you want no problem so let’s get that going so this is going really well so here now we’re going to add some shrimp so we got like mediumsized shrimps you can have like little scallops if you want that can work too you can even have muscles

And clams you know and and do that with muscles and clams the sauce it could work right so what I like to do is I just like to slice the shrimp in half yeah okay we can’t see them hold on we’re going to I’m just going to hold

These up for you there you go what is isn’t there a proper term for this is it called butterflying the shrimp butterflying the shrimp I knew something in the kitchen look at that it only took years shrimp in there that’s amazing I’m so proud of myself your hands so I’m

Going to put the shrimp in here and shrimp doesn’t take very long no shrimp doesn’t take very long again we’re making recipes that you you’ll be able to make on a date night you don’t have to worry about it it doesn’t take time you can even you know look look we can

Even like you know have a glass of wine okay while we’re cooking while we’re dating yeah it’s going to be a good date there you go cheers so this is cheers this is the sort of meal like would you cook this in front of your date absolutely okay you’re going to flex in

Front of the DAT show the skills in the kitchen oh yeah so we sauteed the shrimp a a little bit we’re going to just s we’re going to season sorry with some salt and pepper and we’re going to deglaze with the wine okay so this is

Going to go in here that’s delicious by the way good e do you have so you want to stick with the white wine because it’s just it’s shrimp it’s Linguini it makes sense yes exactly cuz it’s Seafood so you just want to stay with a white

Wine so here we’re just going to let this reduce slightly okay while that’s going on here we’re just going to the panle is almost already done we got a little bit of color mhm and now we need a sauce so we’re using the Stefano arabat sauce yes which is right here I

Want to talk about this sauce yes this sauce is an award-winning sauce Stephano is an award-winning brand and shadan magazine has called Stephano’s sauce the best in Canada the best in Canada after six years of hard work we’re there I’m very impressed so many of us on St go

Buy your sauce yeah anywhere now pretty much anywhere the the country so it’s fun so we’re using Arata because it’s spicy and the other thing is I brought a little Gadget that I really love it’s called a jar okay so for people that have trouble I get all kinds of messages

From uh you know people saying oh we have arthritis I can’t open the jar so basically this goes right over here like this and you just it pops the jar and then Bingo jar opens we like this right like this right so we add a little bit of

Arabiata right in here we let the wine reduce a little bit just like that nice and this is going to come to a quick simmer which is not going to take too long we add the pasta and we’re done Cass we have like a couple of minutes we

Have a minute two minutes so let it let it sit there for a little bit and do its thing so this is good are you adding anything to the panco we’re going to add a little bit of parsley at the end oh at the end okay yeah but even like this

Sauce it’s already you know it just got to heat up a little bit it just needs a little bit of time so everything in this recipe is uh it’s it’s fairly quick you put the pasta on yeah and I mean pasta you read the instructions absolutely you

Have everything at home like you should have some pasta you probably have olive oil a little bit of breadcrumbs some parsley usually they’re Staples you know a jar of spicy sauce you need some shrimp you need some shrimp garlic and onions we have at home totally so you

Know you don’t have a long grocery list you don’t have to like worry about thing I mean it’s yeah if you don’t have the shrimp you’ve got suggestions for other yeah little scallops you know you can put like I said you can add the muscles

To there yeah so you want to add a little bit of pasta we pre-cooked our pasta guys nice okay I don’t usually do that hold on just this is for TV right so you just want to mix this up we even going to hit it with just a touch of lemon juice nice

Going to give it a touch of acidity yeah and we’re done pretty much pretty much done hold that all in and someone’s getting pretty impressed who’s been watching watching you cook EXA and it’s getting spicy and it’s getting spicy it’s getting hot in the kitchen so I’m

Going to get you to Plate it up and then we’ll we’ll come back to it after we plate it up but first I want to tell you all um Stephano told you about some really great products that he has on his line you’re all going to take home a jar

Of the Stephano arabiata sauce you’re going to take home one pack of the Stephano Linguini and you’re going to take home the jar key so this I have been hearing from so many people that they can’t do the jars and I’m so happy you found a solution for that if

You are in any way compromised with your mobility and your strength and your joints you need this got that works so look at the final dish I’m in love thereo I’m in love gorgeous cityline.tv for the recipe


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